Final defense presentation - KTH

Virtual machines image protection
in Cloud computing
Muhammad Kazim (2011-NUST-MSCCS-23)
Thesis Supervisor
Dr. Muhammad Awais Shibli
G.E.C Members
Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi
Dr. Hamid Mukhtar
Ms. Rahat Masood
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Research Methodology
Problem Statement
Research Contributions
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
In Cloud computing, Virtualization is the basis of providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
A single system can concurrently run multiple isolated virtual machines (VMs), operating
systems or multiple instances of a single operating system (OS).
Virtualization maximizes the jobs a single CPU can do.
Organizations are using virtualization to gain efficiency in platform and application hosting.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST – Islamabad
Virtualization in Cloud
Figure 1: Virtualization in Cloud
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Virtual Disk Image
A single file or directory representing the hard drive of a guest operating system.
Encapsulates all components of a guest OS, including the applications and virtual
resources used by guest OS.
Provides the ability to quickly launch and deploy virtual machines across various
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
According to different surveys , virtualization security is one of the most important security issues in Cloud.
Disk images in storage can be compromised through attacks such as unauthorized access, data leakage,
malware installation and snapshot access in storage.
Through attacks integrity, and confidentiality of images and sensitive customer data stored in them can be
Standard bodies (NIST, CSA and PCI DSS) have published security guidelines to emphasize the importance
of virtualization and disk images security.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Research Methodology
research area
Literature review
Testing and
Figure 2: Thesis research methodology
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Design framework
Related Work
Literature survey
IaaS Security
Security analysis of virtualization
Virtual machines security
Disk images security
Security guidelines on virtualization
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Industrial solutions
Storage Made Easy, Piston Cloud and Metacloud
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Problem Statement
Virtual machine images are vulnerable to infrastructure, hypervisor and
storage attacks in Cloud. Therefore, VM images must be secured in Cloud
storage through best security practices, both for protecting the sensitive
customer data and maintaining the integrity of disk images.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Research Contributions
• Theoretical (Two research publications)
• Practical (Development of disk image protection framework)
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Conference Papers
Muhammad Kazim, Rahat Masood, Muhammad Awais Shibli, Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi,
“Security aspects of virtualization in Cloud computing”, 12th International Conference on
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, CISIM, Springer,
Krakow-Poland 2013, September 25-27.
Muhammad Kazim, Rahat Masood, Muhammad Awais Shibli, “Securing the virtual machine
images in Cloud computing”, 6th International Conference on Security of Information and
Networks (SIN 2013), ACM-SIGSAC, Aksaray-Turkey 2013, November 26-28.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Analysis of virtualization security in Cloud
The security analysis of Cloud virtualization was done from three different
aspects including:
• General requirements for securing Cloud virtualization components
including hypervisor, virtual machines, disk images and service providers.
• Identification of possible attacks on virtualization components.
• Analysis of existing techniques for the security of virtualization components.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Virtual machines security analysis
Isolation between virtual
machines should be properly
Malicious programs use
covert channels to
communicate with other VMs
in unauthorized way
Vigilant can monitor faults in
guest OS of VM
Update the OS regularly and
use anti-virus software,
secure internet and restrict
remote access
Malicious programs can
monitor traffic, steal critical
data, and tampering the
functionality of VMs
Security features such as
firewall, HIPS, log monitoring
must be provided in guest OS
Securely boot the guest VMs
Attacker can tamper boot
process of guest VMs
Security protocol by J. Kong
can be to ensure secure boot
of guest VMs
There must be limit on VMs
resource usage
Using a malicious VM to
consume extra resources of
the system, resulting in DOS
Administrator must deploy a
software or application that
limits VMs to use authorized
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Disk images security analysis
Disk images must be secured
from storage attacks
Attacker can compromise the
stored images by installing
malware and accessing the
contents of images
Use encryption and hashing of
images before saving them
Snapshot access must be
prevented from authorized
VM checkpoint attacks
Apply updates and patches to
maintain images secure
Old images are vulnerable to
zero day attacks
Nuwa is a tool designed to apply
efficient patching to VM images
in Cloud
Backup of the virtual machines
images must be
Unauthorized access to the
backup data can result in
leakage of sensitive
Backup of VM images must be
encrypted. J. Wei proposed
an image management system
to manage Cloud VM images
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Checkpoint attacks can be
prevented by encrypting the
checkpoints using SPARC
Implementation Perspective
• Implement a framework that that ensures confidentiality of images through
• Images are decrypted when required by the VM.
• Hashing techniques are used to ensure integrity of images.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Encrypted Virtual Disk Images in Cloud
• To secure the virtual machine images from storage attacks in Cloud,
EVDIC is proposed.
• EVDIC protects the virtual machine images in Cloud by encrypting
them before storage. The images are decrypted only when required by
the virtual machine.
• EVDIC proposes the security of key management and key exchange
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Disk Image Storage in Cloud
Figure 4: Image Encryption in Cloud
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Disk Image Retrieval in Cloud
Figure 5: Image Decryption in Cloud
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
• OpenStack is a highly scalable and elastic cloud computing platform for
both large and small public private Clouds.
• There are currently seven core components of OpenStack: Compute, Object
Storage, Identity, Dashboard, Block Storage, Network and Image Service.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST - Islamabad
Deployment of OpenStack for development
A documented shell script to build complete OpenStack development environments
Deployment of Devstack
Setup a fresh supported Linux installation
Clone devstack
Deploy your OpenStack Cloud
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Debugging of source code
• Debugging of Swift through command line
 Pdb (Python debugger)
Figure 6: Command line debugging using pdb
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Virtual machines in OpenStack
Figure 7: Virtual machines cycle in OpenStack
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Integration of Image encryption and
decryption with Swift
OpenStack Swift API is implemented as a set of ReSTful web services.
The proxy server initiates an internal Swift PUT request to the object servers.
Object servers processes images chunk by chunk so each chunk gets encrypted and
gets stored as part of encrypted file.
For decryption object server decrypts each chunk before it sends the image to the
proxy server.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Image Encryption Module in Swift
Figure 8: Image Encryption in OpenStack
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Image Decryption Module in Swift
Figure 9: Image Decryption in OpenStack
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Virtual machines cycle in OpenStack
Figure 10: IEM and IDM in OpenStack
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
• After VM termination, image is stored into Swift encrypted storage.
• AES is block sized encryption, that adds extra padding to images.
• Encryption of images maintains their confidentiality in Cloud storage.
• Hash of image is taken before encryption. During decryption hash of image
is calculated again, and compared with the original hash to ensure integrity
of image.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
• Various tools can be used to explore and modify the images including CDmage,
Daemon tools and Archive Manager.
• The content of encrypted images cannot be displayed by these tools.
• Our system provides protection to images from data leakage, data alteration
and image modification.
• Performance evaluation of the system shows ~15% overhead caused on image
processing time due to increase of image size after encryption, retrieval of
encryption keys during encryption, decryption and applying the cryptographic
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
n 10
Normal Image
n 10
Normal Image
Encrypted Image
Encrypted Image
9 10 11 12
Image Number
Figure 11: Image upload in Swift
9 10 11 12
Image Number
Figure 12: Image download in Swift
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
• Image encryption module encrypts all virtual disk images before storage in
OpenStack. They are decrypted when required by the virtual machine.
• Integrity and confidentiality of virtual machine images in storage is ensured.
They are secure from all possible storage attacks such as data theft,
malware installation and hypervisor issues.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Future Directions
• Encryption of accounts to protect users and images lists in Swift.
• Integration of Key Management protocol with Swift image encryption.
• Encryption of persistent storage used by virtual machines during execution.
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
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Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
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Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad
Department of Computing, School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, NUST Islamabad