Performing an Internal Payroll Audit for Continuous

Auditing for Continuous
Process Improvements
By Raeann Hofkin, CPP
PA Statewide Conference
September 2013
Raeann Hofkin, CPP
American Payroll Association
2012 Special Recognition Award Recipient
Current Vice President Cordova First National Chapter
Online Study Group Facilitator, since 2001
Contributing Author Workforce Asset Management Book of
Knowledge, Wiley Publisher 2013
Contributing Author Controller’s Report Monthly Newsletter
Authored the Quick Reference to Payroll Compliance, 2010 and
2011 editions
Pennsylvania Payroll Professional Award Winner - 2010
Southeastern PA Chapter President 2005-2008
Meritorious Service Award Winner 2008
Donald W. Sharper Education Grant Winner – 2006 & 2013
Certified Payroll Professional since 1999
27+ years payroll/HR experience
Payroll management concentrated in pharmaceuticals, healthcare,
manufacturing, customer service call centers, and the academia
industries both domestic and international.
Don’t believe everything you hear
Not hearing anything, doesn’t mean there is
nothing wrong.
Just because its always been done that way,
doesn’t mean it’s being done correctly.
Don’t assume anything.
The quality of your answers are directly
dependent on the quality of your questions.
Interactive – I don’t all have the answers to
everything, we all have different experiences,
and we can all learn something from everyone.
Primary Purpose
Ensure compliance with company policies and
Ensure enforcement of company policies.
Ensure compliance with Federal, State, and
Local laws.
Review procedures for areas of
General Observations
The overall pay structures are complex which
contributes to inefficiencies
In calculating payroll and,
Errors in employee’s pay.
The payroll process is affected by several
departments, locations, and functions within
the company including the HR, Benefits,
Payroll and Time and Attendance, etc.
Discussion Points
Significant inefficiencies
Multiple errors require much labor to
Delay in relevant information
Non integration
Complex Payroll Structure
Types of employees
Payment Schedules
Amount of Earnings Codes, Deduction
Codes, Memo Codes, Codes in general
Union Contracts
Special Calculations (some manual)
Attendance/PTO policies
Bonus Pays
Compliance constantly changing
Benefits of Reducing
Reduction in errors
Decrease in time spent calculating
retroactive pays or collecting
Saves payroll labor dollars
Reduction of special calculations
Increase accuracy
Eliminate manual processes
Technological Limitations
System limitations
Lack of technology
Old technology
Misuse of technology
Not using all features
Not aware of all features
Lack of formal training
Not in the budget to upgrade
Not available
Not in the budget
Technical manual
Self inflicted limitations
Lack of integration between two systems
Manual workarounds/input
Lack of Payroll Process
Staff limitations
Missing information
Convoluted pay structure
Lack of formal training
Self taught
Not available
Not in the budget
Manual to technical
Not supported by vendor
“Always been done this way”
“Things will never change”
Potential Roadblocks
Requires human and financial resources
Time and effort investment
Past history to measure future success
Lack of strategic direction
Environmental and/or economical considerations
“That’s the way it was always done”
If no one knows why something is done a certain way, then
figure out what is done and work backwards.
Take good notes
Communication – Banana Theory Exercise
Perception is reality
Pull out handout – Exercise time
Upper Management
Lack of Budget
Human capital
Lack of resources
Technology (or lack of it)
Employee push back
Lack of motivated employees
Ongoing Training
Ongoing maintenance
Prepare a list general goals for each
What do you do well?
What needs improvement?
Start here
Sample Goals
High Level – each company will need to create a customized list….
General Goals
Analyze activities, processes, and procedures
Analyze the interpretation of company policies
Analyze the enforcement of company policies
May involve discussions with various employees/depts.
Improve productivity
Improve efficiency
Ensure compliance
Increase accuracy
Specific Goals
Ensure accuracy of paychecks
Eliminate off cycle checks, adjustments,
overpayments, etc.
Ensure calculations & deductions are working
Payroll transactions accurately reflected in GL
Comprehensive Review
All payroll processes
Goal is to simplifying the process
Ensure they add value
Maintain a strong commitment to quality
and customer service
Eliminate what doesn’t work
Process for input
Audit input
Garbage in, garbage out, catch errors
before processing payroll
Rejected errors – find out why
Get to the root of the problem
Error rates
Multiple sources
Corrections may involve many people in
various departments
Get to the root of the problem
Ultimately payroll/HR is responsible to fix errors
Investigate adjustments/exceptions
Reports Provided
Addressing Root Cause
Hold employees accountable for deadlines and lack of
Exceptions quickly turn into standard process
Payroll constantly in ‘reactive’ mode rather than proactive
Provide guidance/setting policy
Create off cycle/Adjustment policy
Training repeat offenders
Determine underlying mission of Payroll.
Reduce the complexity of the pay structure.
May need to negotiate with unions
Improve processes to
Core and non-core activities
Reduces error rate, which
Reduces number of employee inquiries
Automate where possible
Formal Training on current systems
Eliminate what’s not necessary
Specific Recommendations
Communicate any new or updated company policies.
Standardization of guidelines and policies for all
departments, locations, divisions, regions.
Website, emails, newsletters, and training
New hires, terms, adjustments, deadlines, timesheets, etc.
Develop/Enhance training
New hires, approvers, managers, policy enforcers
Summary of
Should be customized to your company
Action Items
Enhance workflow between departments
Hold employees accountable
Reduce duplicate entries
Time and attendance entries
Create better documentation for key
Identify most troublesome error/issue for
YOUR payroll.
Action Items – Cont’d
Communicate project purpose and value
throughout the department.
Ensure buy in
Develop/Determine your budget
Zero? – low lying fruit
Unlimited – possible outside consultant
Direct reports
Senior Management
Develop request for proposal
Gather all forms used in payroll processes
Action Items – Cont’d
Develop Strategy to integrate payroll,
benefits, HR, and time and attendance.
Information technology plan
Educate Senior Management of benefits
Define scope and objectives
Consider Employee Self Services and/or
outsourcing selected payroll activities.
Improve Error rate
Develop method of tracking number of exceptions,
adjustments, and errors
Set realistic improvement goals
Establish grading scale to determine performance by
Friendly competition
Establish consequences for bad performers
Carry through with consequences
Implement procedures to instill proactive initiative
Get employees involved
Improve Error Rate – Cont’d
Create proactive troubleshooting
communication that documents the
causes for common errors.
Allow employees to determine cause and
resolution of errors
Document Current Procedures
Take stock of current processes
You need to know where you are
Visualize what you want the processes
to look like
Map a plan to get there
Current Process
Payroll Process
New Hire/Term/changes
Monitoring time and attendance
Calculating gross to net
Distributing net pay
Calculating and reporting retirement
Collecting overpayments
Vacation, sick, PTO accruals
Disbursing withholdings
Current Processes – Cont’d
General Ledger
Month End
Quarter End
Year End
Mapping Process
Determine the scope
Identify current processes
Visualize success
Beware of scope creep
Task plan
What does it look like to you?
What does it look like to your boss?
Start asking probing question….
Break it down into categories, tasks, procedures
Analyze Off Cycle Checks
Labor intensive & Time consuming
Research & Analyze
Calculate & review
Processing correction
Track down check signer
What is the root cause?
Delays in paperwork – Why?
New hires not input into system timely – Why?
Timesheets not approved – Why?
Data entry errors – Audit?
Special Request – Bonus, late paperwork, etc.
Addressing Root Cause –
of Off Cycle Checks
Payroll and HR work to address delays
Processing terminations
Missed deadlines
New hire process
Holding employees accountable
Realistic deadlines
Can paperwork be completed prior to start date?
Does the current processes conflict with payroll
processing policies or compliance?
Probing Questions Overpayments
What is the procedure to process overpayments?
How is this policy interpreted by direct reports?
How is this policy enforced?
Is the perception and enforcement correct?
Is there a policy or guidance to collect overpayments?
Is there a process in place to identify the root cause in order to address any holes in the
current policy?
Do you address who is to notify payroll of the overpayment?
Most adjustments are not due to payroll errors
When termed employee does make a repayment, do you have a process in
place to adjust the taxable earnings?
Is the perception and enforcement correct?
Does the repayment cross over years?
What is the process to adjust W2?
Is there a process in place if overpayment can not be repaid?
Is there a process to send the employee to collections?
What is the process for overpayment notifications that go unanswered?
Probing Questions
Payroll Processes
Independent Contractors
Don’t assume there aren’t any
Correctly categorized?
Think state and local tax nightmare
How is their OT computed?
Exempt Employees
Any home agents?
Do you have hourly employees with more than one
Are all exception payments authorized?
Employees claiming exempt?
Pay frequencies
Probing Questions
Payroll Audit Process
What are your audit procedures?
Who performs the audits?
Does everyone interpret and perform the same
Does the employee understand why the audit is
performed “this way”?
Is there a better way to perform the audits?
Are the particular audits performed at the correct time?
What good does it do if the payroll is already processed?
Do you check taxable wages before finalizing
Probing Questions –
Audit Processes Cont’d
Do you compare the final payroll to a
previous payroll (sanity check).
Are the numbers way off or pretty close?
Bonus pay would differ
PTO sell back would differ
3rd pay of the month?
First pay of the year? (tax changes, unemployment
Who reviews audit trails?
Ensuring person making change has the
authority to make the changes.
Are the changes correct?
Probing Questions
Payroll Reconciliations
What are your reconciliations procedures?
Who performs the reconciliations?
Does everyone interpret and perform the same
Does the employee understand why the
reconciliation is performed “this way”?
Is there a better way to do it?
What is the timing of the reconciliations?
Per pay, monthly, quarterly, yearly, some other
Probing Questions - PTO
What is the process to request time off?
Does everyone interpret and perform the
same process?
Does the employee understand the
Is there a better way to do it?
Probing Questions - Reports
What reports are you providing to
Who gets these reports?
Why are you providing these reports?
Are you providing paper copies or
electronic files?
How often are you providing the reports?
Probing Questions
Data Privacy
What is your process for ensuring data
privacy of personal information?
Is the payroll system adequately protected
from misuse or unauthorized access?
Do you have a data privacy policy?
How do you process employee verifications?
Do you have a clean desk policy?
Probing Questions - Benefits
How are benefits deductions set up?
Do they roll over or reset every year?
Are all the locations receiving standard benefits?
What is the FMLA process and how is FMLA tracked?
Pretax deductions correctly calculated?
Are Holiday and PTO payments valid within company
policy and legislative requirements?
What’s in the summary plan document?
What are the eligible wages?
What is excluded from matching funds?
Are retirement deductions accurately calculated, deducted,
and paid to the third party vendor correctly? Timely?
Probing Questions
Time and Attendance
Do you allow rounding?
When does the pay period start? End?
Day of the week
Time of day
What is the payroll frequency?
Does the punch in or punch out determine
what day the hours from that shift are
Do you have a procedure for daylight
Probing Questions
Time and Attendance – cont’d
What are the standard shifts?
What are the exceptions?
Do you have a seniority system?
Do you have an attendance points system?
Do you allow shift swapping?
Do you have a mill turn?
Do you have shift differential?
Probing Questions – Physical
What is your process for physical payouts?
Who performs the physical payouts?
Does everyone interpret and perform the same
Does the employee understand why the physical
payout is performed “this way”?
Is there a better way to do it?
What is the process if a ghost employee is
What is the timing for the physical payouts?
Direct Deposit audit?
Probing Questions - Unions
What is in the contract?
Who is in the union?
What is the contract period?
Does everyone interpret the contract the same?
What is the employees interpretation?
What is the administration interpretation?
How does payroll handle the unique requirements?
How does the time and attendance handle the unique
Manual or automated? Any outliers?
Breaks in service?
Point system?
Probing Questions
Year End
What is your process for recording the cost of
healthcare on W2’s?
What is your process for identifying
Auto Allowance
Imputed Income – GTL
Stock Options
Probing Questions
First Pay of the Year
How are deductions set up?
Do you have a process to notify employees
claiming exempt on their W4?
Roll over or reset?
New form every Feb 15th
Process for updating tax requirements?
Updating IRS tax levy amounts
Probing Questions Miscellaneous
What other jobs/positions influence your
What policies are posted on the intranet?
Are they up to date?
Are they compliant?
What is the percentage of direct deposit
What makes up ‘regular’ wages?
Do you have accruals?
How SHOULD they work?
Are they working correctly?
Probing Questions Miscellaneous
What earnings go into overtime?
Just the premium portion?
What are the other special earnings codes?
What is the procedure for rate increases?
Mass change once a year
Anniversary dates
Beginning of pay period for retros or exact date?
Uploaded or manual entry?
Is there a payroll check list?
Check List – see handouts
Payroll Processing Check List
Payroll Audit Check List
Before Finalizing Payroll
Check List
Employee receiving OT is eligible
Employees do not exceed their PTO balances
Within company policy
Are all employees receiving a pay?
Based on pay grade level
If not, why?
Is anyone receiving more than one check?
If so, why?
Before Finalizing Payroll
Check List – Cont’d
Check retirement plan limits.
Compare standard deductions to what was
All union employees have union dues
Anyone not having any taxes withheld?
Compare number of employees with number
of checks.
Before Finalizing Payroll
Check List – Cont’d
Compare hours paid with hours pull
from time and attendance.
Review any deductions being refunded.
Compare W2 management report each
Ongoing Maintenance
Determine if the implemented improvements
were successful.
New reports needed?
Different workflows
Process changes
Keep Payroll Check List up to date
Add any new audits
Keep a log of unusual issues and what was
done to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Any Questions?
What stories do you have to share?
What did you learn the hard way?
What issues did you uncover?
What process did you put in place to
prevent the issue?
What questions do you have for me?