The CSR - CSO Bridge - A collaborative platform nd 2 National Conference 2011 By: Dr N Chatterjee Deputy Director General CAPART The Situation Analysis • India has had an impressive growth story with a vibrant Corporate Sector • Civil Society is emerging as a key player for enabling grass root level interventions for social and economic progress • Civil Society is also seeking a more professional approach in channeling passions for fulfillment of their productive cause • Corporates in India, with a desire to fulfill their corporate social responsibility (CSR) are on the look out for viable mechanisms for integration at grassroots, wherein they may deploy their resources more effectively • Hence the scope and background of partnerships between the Civil society and the Corporates Objectives of the Bridge • • • • • To create an Institutionalized platform to facilitate lasting links with the Industry so as to forge sustainable partnerships between the Industry and the Voluntary organizations through Discussions on to assist stakeholders to accomplish their respective missions Spreading the platform to smaller cities and townships Showcasing successful models and best practices Facilitating direct linkages between the Industry and the Voluntary sector Assisting NGOs to connect with sustainable models for inclusive growth Components of the Bridge Conference at the national and regional levels to discuss: • Convergence and co creation • Convergence possibilities of existing CSR programmes and development schemes • Region specific need and requirements • Guidelines to govern NGO Industry relations • Indicators for measuring development initiatives • Fund raising and resource mobilisation Components ( continued) • Exposition of development projects and showcasing of best practices by the Civil society • One to one interactions between the corporate and the Civil Societies in the national and regional platforms Involvement of CAPART An autonomous body and a registered society, the Council of Peoples’ action and Rural Technology(CAPART) has been working with NGOs since 1986 to promote Rural development in India. CAPART has supported 12000 CSOs in the area of peoples’ action, capacity building and rural technology with a project grant of Rs 1021 crores. It has a database of 26000 NGOs. Association of CII Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) is a non government, not for profit industry led and industry managed organization CII has been playing a pro active role in India’s development process CII works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of Industry in India, partnering industry and government alike through an advisory and consultative process. Progress so far The first National Conference was held in October 2009 at New Delhi. In 2010/11, four Regional Conferences have been held in the Northern (Chandigarh), Southern (Hyderabad), Eastern (Kolkata) & Western (Indore) parts of India The Takeaways from these Conferences are proposed to be discussed in this national forum where recommendations may be made for establishing linkages among the corporate, the public sector enterprises and the civil society World wide definition of CSR is that given by the World Business Council for Social Development—”Commitment of the Corporate, ethical behavior, contribution to development, improving the quality of life” Takeaways from Regional Conferences It has been widely recommended that Industry support may be useful for capacity building of the civil society in different areas of functioning. To bring about more transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in NGO functioning, Industry may assist NGOs so as to enable them in understanding legal compliances, financial management and governance structure. Accreditation of NGOs may be necessary to help the Corporate to select NGOs for partnering Takeaways from Regional conferences A Dashboard may be created to disseminate joint work done by the industry and NGOs. This has already been created in the form of a link to CAPART’s website, namely CSO-CSR rendezvous ISO 26000 guidelines may be promoted as it will provide for standardization and accreditation for the CSR in a convergent and structured manner Joint examination of ways of measuring outcomes of projects where tangible benefits may not be immediately apparent Takeaways from Regional Conferences Inclusive Growth is an important agenda It is important to reduce the urban rural gap Need to initiate partnership models Facilitate formation of a due diligence kit acceptable to NGOs of all scales Takeaways from Regional Conferences Need to identify partners in order to build mutual understanding and a platform for joint analysis Some FAQs are: • What kind of skills are required? • Do the partners have the relevant skills and experience? • Do they have the appropriate attitude? • Assess what internal and external resources are required and available? • Does it provide benefits to all involved? Takeaways from Regional Conferences Stages in partnerships: • Partnership exploration stage • Partnership building stage • Partnership maintenance stage • Building and learning from Existing partnerships Takeaways from Regional Conferences Evaluating partnerships through • Assessment of performance • Internal agreement on what is expected from each other • Processes to facilitate their tracking • Agreement between partners on the final deliverables Theme Specific Takeaways Education: • NGO, Industry partnership may be of vital importance - for eg, creches may be used as pre schools by NGOs • Under the Right To Education Act, a certain percentage of seats in reputed schools may be kept reserved for poor students and this identification may be facilitated by NGOs Renewable energy: • Industry may create awareness about the use of renewable energy and the importance of conservation of non renewable energy • In solar energy, Industry may partner NGOs for generation of solar energy and implement the same through their CSR activities • In bio energy, tie ups with the Renewable Energy authority of Government and the PCRA (Petroleum Consevation Research association) may be crucial for NGOs Theme Specific Takeaways In the area of employment generation, Industry NGO partnership will be crucial in providing training and in skill dev of youth In the area of women empowerment: • Industries may help in constructing toilets for girl students in schools • Train girls in skill development In the area of Special needs: • NGOs may sensitize Corporate about the needs of people with special needs • The Corporate may introduce technology innovations as these initiatives may cater to more than 10 ml people with special needs Initiatives taken in this regard The Ministry of Public enterprises has already made it mandatory for the PSUs to invest in CSR as follows: If Net profit is less than Rs 1000 ml, 3% to 5% of profit is to be invested If net profit is between, Rs 1000 ml to Rs 5000 ml, 2% to 3% is to be invested If net profit is Rs 5000 ml and above, 0.5% to 2% is to be invested Initiatives taken in this regard The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has brought out the National Voluntary guidelines on Social, Environmental and economic responsibilities of Business in July 2011. The Bridge has resulted in a data profile of over 100 projects from all parts of the country which showcase the possibilities of corporate and NGOs to work together on issues of education, health, livelihoods, human rights and special need And the challenge is to facilitate sustainable partnerships between Corporate and Civil Societies in mutual areas of interest---------- THANK YOU