Monica Ibido - EARTO
• CIP policy background and objectives
• CIP structure : 3 operational programmes
• The Entrepreneuship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
• The ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP)
• The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE)
Policy background
• Lisbon European Council (2000): making the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world
• Gothenburg European Council (2001): the Union
Strategy for Sustainable Development
• Spring European Council 2005 : working together for growth and jobs- a re-launch of the Lisbon Strategy
• The EU Strategic Framework i2010 – A European
Information Society for growth and employment
• Support to innovation activities (including eco-innovation)
• Provide better access to finance for SMEs and deliver business support services in the regions (enterprise competitiveness and innovation capacity)
• Favour a better take-up and use of the information and communications technologies (ICT) and help to develop the information society
• Promote an increased use of renewable energies and energy efficiency in all sectors, including transport
Main target : European enterprises, especially SMEs
Basic infos
• A comprehensive framework for innovation
• Duration: 1.01.2007 – 31.12.2013
• Sector : Enterprise competitiveness and innovation
• Competence : European Commission-DG Enterprise
• Financial contribution : € 3.621 million
• Legal Basis : Decision 1639/2006/CE of 24.10.2006
• Website :
Separate Annual Work-Programme (WPs)
- managed by the EC
- assisted by a separate Management Committee
(representatives from the Member States)
Annual Support Measures
• SMEs as main target and a wide range of business organisations from :
-EU Member States
-Non EU Member States
-EFTA countries members of the EEA
Accession Countries and Candidate countries
Western Balkans
Other third countries
How to apply ?
• Grants for projects and other intervention mechanisms
– Through calls for proposals launched by the Commission
• Contracts for studies and other services
– Covered by calls for tenders launched by the Commission
• Community financial instruments for SMEs
– implemented by the EIF through financial intermediaries (e.g. banks) or specialised funds
Entrepreneurship &
Programme (EIP)
€ 2.170 million incl.
€ 430 for ecoinnovation
Support Programme
€ 730 million
SMEs, Eco-innovation
€ 730 million
1st pillar: the EIP
Access to finance for start-up and SMEs
SMEs’ cross-border cooperation and technology transfer (business innovation and support services)
Support to all form of innovation and eco-innovation
Support for policy development (entrepreneurship and innovation related reforms)
CIP Financial instruments (equity and loan guarantees)
Business and innovation support services
Pilot and market replication projects
Support to improve innovation policy (benchmarking and exchange of best practices)
1st pillar: EIP- Access to finance
– facilitate access to finance for SMEs in different phases of their life cycle
(Seed, Start- up, expansion and business transfer)
Instruments :
–The High Growth and Innovative SME Facility (
–The SME Guarantee Facility ( SMEG )
– The Capacity Building Scheme (
1st pillar: EIP (1)- Access to finance
It provides risk capital for SMEs in their early stages (GIF1) and in their expansion phase (GIF2);
- SMEs innovative with high growth potential (also undertaking RTD)
It provides loans guarantees to encourage banks to make more debt finance available to
SMEs, including microcredit, by reducing the banks’ exposure to risk;
- SMEs carrying out high risk investments in technology development, innovation and technology transfer or SMEs whose financial structure is weak
It helps to reinforce the capacity of financial intermediaries to invest in and lend to SMEs
- SMEs innovative and /or with growth potential, including those in traditional economy
1st pillar: the EIP (1) Community Financial instruments for SMEs
EU budget
Provides funds
Guarantee Society
Venture capital
1st pillar: EIP (1)- Access to finance
The EIF- European Investment Fund
Set up in 1994,it’s the EU specialised financial institution for SMEs
It provides venture capital for SMEs technology-oriented businesses. their loans to SMEs.
other financial intermediaries.
, particularly new firms and
It provides guarantees to financial institutions (such as banks) to cover
It is not a lending institution!! (no grant loans or subsidies to businesses, not direct investment in any firms). Instead, it works through banks and
It uses either its own funds or those entrusted to it by the EIB or the
European Union.
EIF shareholders : EIB, EU (through the EC), European banks
It is active in EU MS and Croatia, Turkey, plus 3 EFTA countries (Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Norway)
1st pillar: EIP (2)- Business and Innovation Support services for SMEs
Financial support to the members of European Business Support
Networks which provides these services:
• Information, Advice, Feedback, Business Cooperation,
Internationalisation Services
• Services for Innovation and the transfer of technology and knowledge
• Services encouraging participation in FP7 (raising awareness among SMEs on FP7; helping SMEs to identify their R&T needs; assisting SMEs in the preparation and coordination of project prop)
“no wrong door – simplify SMEs’ access to these services
1st pillar: EIP (2)- Business and innovation Support services for SMEs
• 600 partner organizations in more than 44 countries
• Proximity, full geographical coverage, extension beyond EU
• Free-of-charge services:
• on EU legislation and policies
• on EU funding opportunities
• to find a business partner for cooperation or technology transfer
• to achieve internationalization
• to foster innovation
Feedback to the Commission (listening to SMEs)
1st pillar: EIP (3) :Innovation and Eco-innovation
Pilot and market replication projects
ICT-PSP programme
Intelligent Energy Europe programme
To partially cover the eligible project costs
First applications or market replications of innovative and eco-innovative techniques, products or practices which have been technically demonstrated with success, but owing to residual risk, they have not yet significantly penetrated the market and support to interoperability (for ICT based services).
1st pillar: EIP (3)- Eco-innovation
Objective : Reducing pollution and optimising resource use
– New production processes or business methods lowering costs and environmental impacts
– Environmentally-friendly products and services addressing new needs, new markets
– Voluntary approaches to environmental management, eco-innovation clusters and networks
1st pillar: EIP (4)- Support to innovation
• Networking and cluster schemes
• Mutual learning for excellence
• Benchmarking
• Best practice exchange
• Meetings of experts
• Data collection and surveys
• Analysis and monitoring performance
• Publications, studies
1st pillar: EIP – Who can apply ?
• A wide range of businesses, organisations and SMEs
• All EU Member states
• Certain third countries
• Check the WP2009
• Eligibility criteria differ from one funding scheme to the other; it might also differ between two different calls within the same funding scheme
EACI – Executive Agency for Competitiveness and
The EACI is one of the new Executive Agencies created by the EC to put policies into action more efficiently and to help managing
Located in Brussels, it is operational since 2005 till 2015 ( previously IEEA)
Aim : to implement the IEE Programme, the SMEs support network and eco-innovation initiatives, and Marco Polo Programme
It reports to DG TREN, DG ENTR and ENV
2nd pillar: the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP)
• Stimulating the wider deployment and best use of innovative ICT-based solutions
• Facilitating the coordination and implementation of actions for developing the information society across the Member States
• Support the EU Policy on Information Society
2nd pillar: the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP)
Support mainly to:
– Pilot actions for wide scale testing of innovative services with a pan
European dimension
– Thematic networks for policy coordination and consensus building, preparing for future actions
– Studies and events including policy analysis, benchmarking, and promotion activities
Focus is on areas of public interest :
• Where ICT-based solutions can bring substantial improvements to quality and efficiency of services
• To open up and facilitate the development of EU-wide markets for innovative ICT
2nd pillar: the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP)
-Technology and non-technology innovation beyond final research demonstration phase
- does not support research activities (exc. technical adaptation and integration work)
-Support to the development of digital content fully integrated in ICT PSP from 2009
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – Structure
Work Programme is yearly based and focused on a set of themes
– For each theme, an ultimate socio-economic goal is defined
Themes are addressed through a set of objectives
– To be achieved through community contribution
An objective is supported with a) Pilot (s) A or B
+ Best Practice Networks (only for the theme of Digital Libraries) b) Thematic Network (s)
Through Calls for proposals
–c) Awareness, benchmarking, conferences, Studies,
Through Calls for Tenders or Grants
ICT-PSP WP 2010 and Themes of Call 4
Theme 1- ICT for energy efficiency and smart mobility (19M €)
Theme 2- Digital Libraries (30M €)
Theme 3- ICT for Health and inclusion (14M €)
Theme 4- Open Innovation for future Internet enabled services in smart cities (15M €)
Theme 5- ICT for improved public services (13M €)
Theme 6- Multilingual Web (16M €)
Total indicative budget: 107 M €
Closure date of the 4th Call: 1 June 2010, 17h00
Funding Instruments
1. Pilot (Type A) - building on initiatives in EU MS or AC with interoperability of services as central theme
2. Pilot (Type B)stimulating the innovative use of the
ICT in public and private sector (under realist conditions)
3. Thematic Networks – mobilisation and exchange between practicionners and policy makers
1. Best practice network (BPN): Combining consensus building/ awareness raising/ large scale implementation
– only for Digital libraries
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 1 . Pilot (Type A)
Goal : ensure the EU-wide interoperability of ICT- based solutions
(being launched or already in operation in EU MS)
Outcome : to implement an open, common interoperable service solution based on common specifications (cross border access and avoid market fragmentation of innovative services and products
Duration : up to 36 months (operational phase of 12 months)
Scale : implementation in at least 6 MS/AC (wider deployment)
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 1 . Pilot (Type A)
Participants : national administrations,service providers, industrial stakeholders & users
Funding : support up to 50% of cost of work for achieving interoperability (direct and indirect calculated as a flat rate of 30% of personnel costs)
Community contribution : 5-10M € / pilot
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 2 . Pilot (Type B)
Goal : first implementation of an ICT based innovative service addressing the needs of citizens, governments and businesses
Outcome : operational pilot service demonstrating significant impact potential and the engagement of a complete value-chain of stakeholders
Duration : typically 24- 36 months (operational phase of 12 months)
Focus : fostering innovation in services, take-up completed R&D work, extension of service prototype and networking activities with other pilots projects in the same areas
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 2 . Pilot (Type B)
Scale : implemented in at least 4 different MS / AC and with potential to scale to all
Participants : relevant public authorities (sustaining partners), service providers, industrial stakeholders and users
Funding : supports (up to 50%) of the total eligible costs of implementing the pilot service (direct and indirect calculated as a flat rate of 30% of personnel costs)
Community contribution available: 2- 3M € / pilot
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 3. Thematic Networks
Goal : bringing together relevant stakeholders, expertise and facilities with the objective of exploring new ways of implementing
ICT-based solutions
Outcome : exchange good practices and to develop new policy implementation schemes, to facilitate replication and codeployment of innovative solutions, to prepare future pilot.
Clear objectives and measurable outcomes (not a generic exploratory activity)
Dissemination : the outcomes of the work should be available in public domain and widely disseminated
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 3. Thematic Networks
Duration : typically 18-36 months (sustainability)
Participants : all the necessary key stakeholders (minimum 7- a
Network coordinator)
Funding : a lump sum covering additional costs of work directly related to the network objective (Grant to network) or use of actual costs reimbursement
Community contribution available: 300-500K € / network
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – 4. Best Practice Network
Only for the digital libraries theme, only for a transition period up to 2011.
Promote the adoption of respective standards and specifications by combining the "consensus building and awareness raising" function of a network with large-scale implementation on a sufficient mass of content.
Participants : Legal minimum of 7 legal entities from 7 different
Member States or associated countries.
Funding : 80% of the direct costs and No funding of indirect costs
Community contribution: 3-5 M € per BPN
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – Who can apply?
The programme is open to all legal entities established in the EU Member States
Legal entities established outside the EU may participate on equal terms with Member States on the basis of and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements (associated countries*)
Other third countries may participate on a case-by-case basis but will not receive any funding
• Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Turkey, and starting from 2010 Serbia
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – Who can apply?
• National authorities
– Ministries, local and regional authorities
– Public organisations e.g. hospitals, schools, libraries,..
– Drivers in Pilot As, key users in pilot Bs and TNs
• Private companies including SMEs
– As suppliers of innovations
– Mainly in Pilot Bs and TNs as main actors
• Academia and public research
– –As experts and possible suppliers of innovations
2nd pillar: ICT-PSP – How to apply ?
Reading the Annual WP
Call fiche
Funding instrument
Read carefully the eligibility and exclusion criteria
Guide for Applicant
Check regularly :
The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme
• Promote the EU renewable energy and energy efficiency policies ( a new Energy Efficiency Action Plan published early 2011)
• Promote the EU 20-20-20 Targets
• 730 M€ for the period 2007-2013
• A program helping to convert policy into actions by:
creating and spreading the know-how and skills needed
encouraging the wider uptake of proven technologies and effective methods and best practices
acting as a catalyst for innovation
informing and feeding back into policy making
• IEE does not support the research and development of the technologies (FP7 domain).
• IEE funding not available for « hardware » type investments and infrastructures (EU Structural
Funds may support)
2010 Calls for Proposals expected publication date: mid March 2010
Deadline: mid June 2010
How this year budget be spent ? (figures to be confirmed)
- 56M € to support "promotion and dissemination projects"
- Up to 75% of the eligible project costs
- 15M € for the "Elena" facility of the EIB to support market replication projects
- 17M € to purchase services (Tenders)
- 16M € for concertated actions
Expected projects with high impacts
Who can apply?
• Any public or private organisation established in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and
(check IEE website)
• International organisations
• Natural persons cannot apply
Funding areas 2010
• SAVEEnergy efficiency & rational use of resources (20M €)
2 key actions: energy efficiency in buildings consumers’ behaviours actions
• ALTENERNew & renewable energy sources and energy diversification (20M €)
RES electricity
RES in buildings
Bio-energy and bio-resources
• STEEREnergy efficiency and new and renewable energy sources in transport (10M €)
2 key actions: energy efficient transport
: capacity building on clean transport and learning
• Instruments:
– Promotion and dissemination projects
– Pilot Market Replication Projects
It excludes research and technological development activities
It is complementary to Seventh Framework RTD Programme 2007-2013
It deals with non-technological as well as technological innovation that has moved beyond the final demonstration phase and is ready for market replication
It feels the financial gap between research development and innovation, by funding the transfer of research results to commercialisation, in coordination with FP7
It covers the market replication of existing technologies that are to be used in a new and innovative way
It complement the Structural Funds and other EU Programmes
1- Community financial instruments for SMEs
2- Pilot and Market replication projects
Policy analysis, development, coordination, twinning, best practices exchange, thematic networks
For 2 an 3 the basic principle of funding is co-financing (EC grants to projects in certain percentage to cover the overall costs)
Complementary and mutually reinforcing actions
Designed to operate side by side in support of Lisbon objectives
Close coordination
FP7: Dissemination of knowledge and innovation-related activities (within projects)
CIP: Innovation support networks and take-up of proven technologies
Funding of projects
Research, technological development and demonstration
(collaborative research projects)
SMEs’ participation in Research
•Specific schemes for SMEs
•Transnational cooperation in RTD also between SMEs and public organisations, universities
Access to finance “Risk Sharing Finance Facility” for large European RTD projects and infrastructures (with EIB)
Take-up of existing technologies: environmental, ICT and energyefficiency
Actions promoting SMEs’ participation in FP7
Dissemination of knowledge
•Within projects
•In thematic areas (CSA/SA)
•Mobility of researchers
Research-driven clusters
•Risk capital (start-up and expansion)
•SMEs guarantee facility
•SMEs loan securitisation
Networks providing innovation support services (IRC, IPR helpdesk)
Innovation clusters