Basic Categories of International Trade in Services Chapter Two Basic Categories of International Trade in Services Learning Objective • Grasp the definition and characteristics of international trade in services; • Understand the classifications and features of international trade in services; • Familiarize with the statistical methods of international trade in services. 1. Concept & Characteristics 1.1 Concept ▲Traditional definition: When a labor in one country supplies service to the service demander (natural person, legal person and other organization) of another country to obtain foreign currency income following a compensated and voluntary principle, which constitutes the service export. Trade in export service supply Labor Service demander gain forex income one country another country buy Labor pay fees Trade in import service Service demander On the contrary, the demanders of one country become the consumers of the services, supplied by the service producers of another country, thus service import has been formed. The definition involves service suppliers (labors), nationality, national border, residents and nonresidents. So, three fields should be clarified: (1) Connotation and extension of “Labor”: all the service suppliers, including individual suppliers and group suppliers. individual supplier group suppliers (2) Different nationalities of “labors” and “services demanders”: direct investment and local employees Direct local Investment labors Local suppliers & local demanders one country Ps: Local labors: service suppliers, e.g. foreign investors who represent the foreign affiliation to supply services. (3) Whether service crosses border and whether “national person” moves: Telecom: Tourism service needs to be crossed national person does not need to be moved national person needs to be moved & medical care service does not need to be crossed ▲ Definition in US-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Service is defined here as an “appointed service”, provided by a person representing other contracting parties in its own territory or into territory of another contracting party. Appointed services: ⑴ purchase activities: production, distribution, sales, etc. ⑵ restrictions of contracted countries: market permission & distribution systems ⑶ comprehensive process of forming commercial (business) presence, including distribution, sales transferring, etc. ⑷ investment or related activities: managing, organizing, maintaining or transferring, loaning, etc. ▲ Definition in BOP BOP :Balance of Payment (国际收支平衡表) Service in regular items in BOP refers to the trade in services between residents and nonresidents. BOP: currency balance of income and expense of one economic unity (one country or one region) to another economic unity within one year. *regular item: non-invested item *capital item: capital flow item *reserve assets: national reserves *errors and omissions: charge standard, currency translation, exchange rate ▲ Definition in GATS GATT 《关税与贸易总协定》 & GATS 《服务业贸易总协定》 (1) GATT : 《General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 》 ※ Definition: one multilateral international agreement on the relative regulations on tariff and trade among different governments. ※ Time: Signed on 30th Oct,1947 in Geneva (日内瓦), put in trial effect from 1st Jan,1948 ※. Goal: to eliminate the different treatment in the trade, promote the trade liberalization by reducing the trade tariff and barriers so that the world can make the best of recourses to enlarge the production and circulation of products. Uruguay Round Talk *Time: be hold in Sept.1986 by ministries of GATT; be the largest negotiation so far on trade, lasting for 7 years and half, with the end in April, 1994 in Morocco(摩洛哥). *Goal : be a new negotiation to reform the multilateral trade system; *Content: involve almost all the trade in the world, from toothbrush to yacht, from bank to telecom, from wild rice gene(野生水稻基因) to AIDS treatment *The number of participants were from 103 to 125. (2) GATS: 《General agreement on trade in services》 ﹟ Definition: the business activities of cross-border service trade, ﹟ a kind of transaction action by which service suppliers from one country offer the service to consumers in another country and gain the foreign currency income in the form of business or in the way of commercial presence of natural persons. ﹟ This definition has been accepted popularly by all the countries, which contains four ways of trade in services: ⑴ Cross-border supply(跨境交付): Suppliers in member country A supply service from the territory of its own to customers in the territory of member country B. supply service A by Service suppliers member country A telecom internet computer B Service demanders member country B Eg: audio, broadcasting, stock (share) finance, tele-message ⑵ Consumption abroad(境外消费): Suppliers in member country A supply service inside its own country border to the coming consumers of member country B. A B Service go to buy service Service demanders suppliers (reception) member country A member country B Eg: ① tour reception (supply tour service to foreign tourists) ② patient reception (supply medical service & facility to foreign patients ) ③ foreign students reception (supple educational service) ⑶ Business presence(商业存在): Suppliers in member country B move to set up constitutions in member country A to supply service with gaining in country A. A B Move to set up Service suppliers ★ Service demanders ★ member country A Eg: joint venture investment: cooperation: sole proprietorship: member country B ★ Service suppliers ( labors): (1) From homeland (2) from host country ★ Service demanders (buyers): (1) From host country (2) from other countries ⑷ Movement of personnel(自然人流动): Individuals in member country A move to member country B to supply service inside B country to the consumers, both of Country B and coming from member country C. Out Movement C into B A Service consumers A Individual service suppliers member country C member country B A member county A Individual service suppliers Move to A 1.2 Similar concept of international trade in services ★ International trade in services & International trade in goods ★ International trade in services & Service industry ★ International trade in services & International trade in invisible services ★ International trade in services & International service interflow ★ International trade in services & that in goods Trade ★Productive elements: Visible products ★ Productive elements: Personnel capital Technology Knowledge Additional service ★ Trade in services & that in invisible services • Invisible trade Direct investment(3/5) Trade in services Overseas Remittance (侨汇) indemnity (赔款) donation from the view of statistics ★ Trade in services & service industry service industry trade in services Distribution service Consumer service Consumer service Government service Productive service Productive service Distribution service ★ International trade in service & international service interflow Service interflow Government Job abroad interflow Consumption abroad Cross boarder service Income & expense Cross broader flow Service trade 1.3 characteristics of international trade in services ◆ intangibility(无形性): Target species of service trade is intangible. ◆ synchronism & internationalism (同步性和国际性): Productions and consumptions simultaneously happen ◆ flexibility& elusiveness (隐蔽性): ※ The approach of non-tariff barriers is the way to protect service trade, which can make different regulations for different products, such as technical standard, accreditation (资格认证) ※ The restriction to service trade means market permission and domestic legislation, which can not be negotiated among different countries. ◆ complexity: ※ wide range of trade ※ management of nature person movement ※ administrative regulation applying to trade development 2. Classifications of international trade in services 2.1 statistic classification use: an operatively applicative classification ▲ aim: record and measure the scale and structure of the trade ▲ from one country to other countries, in a certain period of time. ▲ approach: by the form of regulation and balance of payment account unified by IMF (International Monetary Fund国 际货币基金组织 ) ▲ types: trade in factor services trade in non-factor services (1) Trade in factor services: ※ related capital items in the balance of international payment account: a trade flow in services related to international flow of capital or financial assets. ※ an international transfer in the flow of capital earnings ※ approach: A. international investment B. international credit A. International investment ★ Direct investment: * international investment to obtain the control power in the direct management of capitals * two earning flows: --- flow of capital elements i.e. interests and dividends(利息和股息) --- flow of administrative elements i.e. profit (利润) ★ Indirect investment ( international portfolio investment国际证券投资): * international securities investment(国际证券投资) to gain the interests or dividend yield financial capitals (股息收益) *in international stock market: buy stocks or bonds launched by foreign enterprises buy government bonds (政府债券) launched by foreign government of B. International credit Three types of credit: * folk credit: commercial credit & bank credit * international financial institution credit: global & regional international financial institution credit, e.g. World Bank, IMF, Asia Development Bank, Latin-American Development Bank, etc. * inter-government credit: credit to foreign government with preferential interest rate (2) Trade in non-factor services: ● ● all the trade in services except the one in factor services Formula: Flow of non-factor service trade ﹦flow of international trade in service - flow of trade in factor service ﹦(flow of regular item - flow of trade in goods - unilateral transfer payment) - flow of trade in factor service Illustration and tables are coming: Balance of payment account (IMF format) 1. Current items (经常项目) 1)visible trade (商品/有形贸易) 2)trade in services (服务贸易) 3)unilateral transfer (单方面转让) 2. Capital items (资本项目) 1)long-term capital (长期资本项目) 2)short-term capital (短期资本项目) 3. Balance or settle accounts (平衡或结算项目) 1)errors and omissions (错误和遗漏) 2)official reserves (官方储备) illustration International trade in services International trade in services International trade in factor services: International direct investment & indirect investment international trade in non-factor services Statistic classification Transportation/communication 运输、通讯 Non-factor trade in services accounts 非要素服务 贸易项目 International trade in services 国际服务贸易 Tourism (hotels and restaurants) 旅游(旅馆和餐厅) Financial service 金融服务 Insurance service 保险服务 Professional services (intellectual property, consultation, management, technical services) 专业服务(知识产权、咨询、管理、技术服务) Privileged use items (license) 特许使用项目(许可证等) Other private services 其他私人服务 Factor trade in Services accounts 要素服务贸 易项目 Dividend (incl. profits) 股息(包括利润) Interests 利息 Foreign re-investment earnings 国外再投资收益 Other net capital earnings 其他资本净收益 (3) Features of statistic classification Merits: ★ Make the contents of service trade comprehensive; The willbe item will be classified either into factor or non-factor statistics. ★ Simplify the statistics of capital flow items (in the international balance of payment account ); ★ Make statistics of investment earnings relatively independent (without the interference of international flow of investment and credit ). Demerits: ★ The definition of “factor” is in narrow sense. It only refers to capital factor. The labor factor and land factor are not included. ★ Obscure the demarcation line(分 界线) between the im-export of service products & transnational investment ( flow) of productive elements in service industry. It is hard to tell the difference between trade and investment. Debate on two (for uttermost economic benefit ) : (1) Essence of “factor”: investment service or labor service ※ Developed countries: all the fields around international investment should be classified into international trade in services. ※ Developing countries: The flow of cross-border labors is the basic factor. This should be the core of trade in services. (2) Contents of negotiation: cross-border trade in services or investment trade in services ※ Developed countries: international trade in services should include not only cross-border service trade but also investment which can promote the trade between countries. ※ Developing countries: The above idea shows the developed countries want to get the national treatment so that they can permeate into developing countries. The negotiation should be only limited into cross-border trade. Statistic classification: ▲ practical classification ▲ more experienced ▲ in lack of theory Logistic classification: ▲ theoretical classification ▲ more rigorous(严密的) and reasonable ▲ easy to make the research 2.2 logistic classification (1) By the standard whether trade in services is accompanied by trade in tangible goods (以是否伴随有形货物 贸易为标准) (2) By the standard of service industry (以服务业为标准) (3) By the standard of factor intensity(以要素密集度为标准) (4) By the standard of production process(以生产过程为标准) (5) By the standard of goods(以货物为标准) (1) By the standard whether trade in services is accompanied by trade in tangible goods (以是否伴随有形货物贸易为标准) ★ international trade in additional services refers to international trade in productive services put into basic chain of productive management in the enterprises. E.g.: ① in upstream: feasibility study, risky capital formation, market research, product conception and design (产品构思与设 计) ② in midstream: quality control and inspection, equipment leasing and supplying, equipment maintaining and repairing employee engaging and training, software collection, law, real estate managing, insurance, security, logistics services ③ in downstream: advertisement, transportation, direction for use, after-sale services including compensation ★ International trade in core services refers to service trade irrelative directly to international trade in goods and investment. In the trade market, such trade itself is the core demands and supplies. ① long-distant services e.g.: international communication, internet, telegram, fax, audio-service, ② face-to-face services e.g.: international medical services, international tour services, third- country trade (2) By the standard of service industry (以服务业为标准) * bank and financial services * insurance services * tour services * air parcel and port traffic services * architecture and engineering services * professional services * information, computer and telecom services (3) By the standard of factor intensity (以要素密集度为标准) * capital intensive services e.g.: air parcel, telecom, architecture and engineering services * technical and knowledge intensive service e.g.: bank, finance, law, accountant, audit(审计),information services * labor intensive service e.g.: tour, construction, repairing, consumption services (4) By the standard of production process(以生产过程为标准) * service before the production process E.g.: feasibility study, risky capital formation, market research, product conception and design (产品构思与设计) * service in the production process E.g.: quality control and inspection, equipment leasing and supplying, equipment maintaining and repairing employee engaging and training, software collection, law, real estate managing, insurance, security, logistics services * service after the production process E.g.: advertisement, transportation, direction for use, after-sale services including compensation (5) By the standard of goods(以货物为标准) *services expressed by goods or materialization: e.g.: film, TV, books, computer, etc. * services to supplement goods: e.g.: storage and transportation, financial management, advertisement * services accompanying and replacing goods: e.g.: franchise management, equipment and finance leasing, equipment repairing *service with the function of goods but irrelated to goods: e.g.: telecom, tour, hotel and restaurant 3. Statistics of international trade in services 3.1 Development of statistics of international trade in service *1987: questionaire UNSO--United Nations Statistical Office(联合 国统计局) IMFSO—International monetary Fund Statistical Office(国际货币基金组织统计局) *1988-1989: taking advices and modification improving the statistics *1993: independently listed in Balance of Payments Manual 5 (BPM5) BOP statistics (cross-border trade) *1995: after the end of Uruguay Round, GAT signed to be effective (4 ways to supply services) *1996 《Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services》 drafted by experts from UN (United Nations联合国), EEC (European Economic Community欧洲共同体委员会) , IFM (International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织, OECD (Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与发展组织), UCTD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议),WTO (World Trade Organization世界贸易组织) *1999,deliberate and seek for opinions get reply from more than 70 countries *2002, be ratified ⊕ range: follow GATS, 4 mode to cross-border trade, consumption abroad, business presence and natural person movement ⊕ operation: based on BOP (Services Transactions between Residents & Non-residents) and FATS statistics (Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services) ⊕ aim: based on <Manual>, enhance the statistics data collection and publish ⊕ effectiveness: over 140 countries report the statistics and 25 countries start FATS statistics 3.2 Statistic System (1) BOP statistic : Balance of Payment (2) FATS statistic: Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services (3) Simplified statistics: Four modes in GATS (1) BOP statistics (Balance of Payment): services transactions between residents and nonresidents Residents refer to * natural person who lives in the country for over 1 year *enterprise legal person with business places to supply goods and business. i.e. Cross-border trade: cross-border supply, consumption abroad, movement of personnel BOP statistics ①Transportation/communication 运输、通讯 Non-factor trade in services accounts 非要素服务 贸易项目 International trade in services 国际服务贸易 ②Tourism (hotels and restaurants) 旅游(旅馆和餐厅) ③Financial service 金融服务 ④Insurance service 保险服务 ⑤Professional services (intellectual property, consultation, management, technical services) 专业服务(知识产权、咨询、管理、技术服务) ⑥Privileged use items (license) 特许使用项目(许可证等) ⑦Other private services 其他私人服务 Factor trade in Services accounts 要素服务贸 易项目 ①Dividend (incl. profits) 股息(包括利润) ②Interests 利息 ③Foreign re-investment income 国外再投资收益 ④Other net capital gains 其他资本净收益 (2) FATS statistics– Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services trade in services by investment in foreign countries: all the affiliates transactions (goods and services) in host countries i.e. transaction with home countries; transaction with other residents in host countries or from other countries Core: service trade within the border Illustration cross-border trade Home country in goods & services residents Host Country (Affiliate) residents cross-border trade in goods & services residents Core : Non-cross-border transaction Other countries Two ways of FATS: * Import-FAT(内向统计) : foreign investment inside home country *Export-FAT(外向统计): home investment in other countries (3) GATS statistics: * most authoritative definition * combined with BPM5 and FATS * only for the aim of statistics, not for legal interpretation * the 3rd mode: affiliate ( if it is similar to commercial presence) * all of the 1st and 2nd transaction between part of the 4th residents and non-residents ◆Four modes in GATS Modes(模式) Cross-border supply 跨境供应 Scope of statistics(统计范围) BPM5: transportation (large proportion), communication service, insurance service, financial service, components of fees for use of franchise and license 特许使用费和许可费组成部分, computer and information services, other commercial services, private, cultural and recreational service Consumption abroad 境外消费 BPM5: travel (not including goods purchased by travelers), repairs of ships (goods) at foreign ports, part of transportation (support and auxiliary service for ships at foreign ports) (在外国港口对船只进行支持和 辅助服务) Commercial presence商业存在 FATS: all categories in FATS and ICFA(FATS和 ICFA各类别) BPM5: part of building services Movement of natural Persons 自然人流动 BPM5: part of computer and information services; other commercial services; private, cultural and recreational services; building services FATS (supplementary information): employments expatriated to foreign affiliates 外派到国外附属机构的就业 BPM5(supplementary information): flows related to labor Other sources: statistics from immigration and employment offices 3.3 Statistics of China International Trade in Service ▲ Background: *started late *in-normative statistics: only BOP, no FATS *BOP statistics: not elaborate in data classification, needs to be consummated ▲ Status quo: * China BOP is institutionalized. →1982, worked out and published BOP data →1996, carried out gradually 《Procedures Governing the Declaration and Statistics on International Receipts and Payments》《国际收支统计申报办法》 →So far, set up a data collection system * mature import FATS and export FATS: Ministry of commerce has set up different statistics system for FATS. *financial institutions :cover parts of FATS 中国银行监督委员会: China Banking Regulatory Commission 中国保险监督委员会: China Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国证券监督委员会: China Securities Regulatory Commission *lay the foundation: financial FATS * 2008.01.01, put in effect 《Statistic System of International Trade in Services 》 * be subject to: ①Foreign Trade Law of The People’s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》 ②Statistics Law of The People’s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国统计法》 * be in accord with ①《General Agreement on Trade in Services》 《服务贸易总协定》 ②《Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services》 《国际服务业贸易统计手册》 Chapter Conclusion (1) International trade in services has different definitions: * traditional definition, * GATS definition, * <US-Canadian Free Trade Agreement> definition (2) GATS has four modes of definition: * Cross-border supply * Consumption abroad * Commercial presence * Natural personnel movement (3) Compared with trade in goods, international trade in services has the features such as: * intangibility of trade target; *synchronism & internationalism of production and consumption; * flexibility & elusiveness of trade protection; * complexity of management. (4) The classifications of international trade in services are theoretical and logical: * Theoretical classification (practical): ① trade in factor services and ② trade in non-factor services * Logical classification (theoretical): 5 types ① by the standard whether trade in services is trade in tangible goods ② by the standard of service industry ③ by the standard of factor intensity ④ by the standard of production process ⑤ by the standard of goods accompanied by (5) Statistics of international trade in services are the bases for theoretical research and information resources for management. *BOP statistics: transaction between residents and non-residents *FATS statistics: commercial presence of affiliates Chapter Quiz • Briefly review the GATS definition of trade in services. • What are the characteristics of international trade in services? • Describe the merits and demerits of statistically operating classification and theoretically logical classification. • What are the characteristics of BOP statistics and FATS statistics? • Give a picture of the status in quo and features of China’s statistics on international trade in services.