International bank club «Analytics unlimited

International bank club
«Analytics unlimited»
International bank club «Analytics unlimited»
Club’s mission:
Forming common information sources
and conceptions for banking in Russia
and abroad
Banking business support by seminars
and conferences
Concentration on prospective banking
business products
Providing business co-operation and
experience consolidation
Association of Russian Banks
Russian Union of Industrialists
and entrepreneurs
Association of Regional Banks
of Russia (Association
International Bank Council
International bank club «Analytics unlimited»
Arrangements in the following fields: retail; international business; trade
finance; business financing, etc. with support from competent experts.
Publications «On an edge of bank thought» in 2006, 2007, 2008 (issues are
from 1000 to 3000 copies).
Russia-Uzbekistan and Russia-Kazakhstan Interstate commissions
Supporting site «Analytics unlimited»
The main club’s projects: «Banking systems in different countries», «Summary
rankings of the CIS countries», «Prospective banking products», "Library", etc.
EVENTS 2006 - 2007
Pannell discussion «The main issues of anti-money laundering procedures
and terrorism fighting», March, 2006
Pannell discussion «Credit bureaus: problems and perspectives», March,
Pannell discussion «Joining World Trade Organization (WTO): impact for the
Russian market », June, 2006
Conference-seminar «Pledges in successful financing», October 2006
Conference «Country and bank risks and bank products in Central and the
Eastern Europe», Budapest, partner ВАСЕЕ, November, 2006
Conference «Money laundering. The role of banks for solving the problem»,
partner National Foreign Exchange Association, December, 2006
Conference referring to retail business «BLIZKO in anti-money laundering»,
partner "BPS-BANK", Minsk, December, 2006
Conference «Prospective bank products: IPO and the syndicated loans»,
partner National Foreign Exchange Association, March, 2007
– Pannell discussion «Forfeiting in the Russian Federation: Experience and
outlook», June, 2007
– Conference «Bank retail: current sources and possibilities?», June, 2007
– Pannell discussion «Factoring. World practice and Russian experience»,
September 2007
– Annual conference-seminar «Pledges for successful financing - 2», partner
IFBSM, October, 2007
– Pannell discussion «Crisis in the world financial markets: impact on the Russian
banks», partner National Foreign Exchange Association, November, 2007
– Conference-seminar «Banks expansion into regions», partner IFBSM, November,
– Pannell discussion «Arrangement of securitization. Legal aspects», December,
EVENTS 2008 - 2009
Pannell discussion «Trade finance: directions, possibilities, perspectives», 30.01.2008
Pannell discussion «Basel 2 worth. Impact on reputation and business development»,
Pannell discussion «Islamic banking: principals and possibilities in the Russian financial
market», partner National Foreign Exchange Association, 23.04.2008
Pannell discussion «Unallocated bullion accounts as an effective financial tool in crisis. The
world precious metals market», 19.02.2009
Conference « Stages of the economic crisis in the Russian Federation and impact to 2010:
adaptation strategy», the partner «Ernst & Young», 03.03.2009
Pannell discussion «Small and medium business development as an anti-crisis tool of support
of domestic economy», partner the EBRD, 02.04.2009
Pannell discussion «Perspectives of foreign trade finance in financial crisis», 23.04.2009
Pannell discussion «Chinese banking system. Influence of Chinese economy on development
of the Russian Federation economy», partners Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
(Moscow), «Ernst & Young», 04.06.2009
Pannell discussion «Current securitization features», partner "Mercury Capital Trust",
Seminar «Low-risk technologies for financing in the Russian Federation», 16.09.2009
Seminar «Russian banking system development and role of national rating
agencies», the partner EXPERT РА, 24.09.2009
Pannell discussion «Non-performance loans management in bank», partner the
Union of borrowers and investors of Russia, 20.10.2009
Pannell discussion «Non-performance loans management in company», partner
Group of Companies «Debt Expert», 12.11.2009
Pannell discussion «Legal aspects of REPO agreement», partner The National
Securities Market Association, 09.12.2009
Pannell discussion «Domestic and other currencies in the international sales:
cooperation or…?», partner Association of Russian banks, 11.02.2010
Pannell discussion «Financial crisis review: one and a half year later», the partner
«Ernst & Young», 03.03.2010
Pannell discussion «Features of individuals savings: trend after crisis», partner
Deposit Insurance Agency, 27.04.2010
Pannell discussion «Restructuring of non-performing loans: experience and new
solutions», partners «Salans», «Ernst & Young», 18.05.2010
Seminar «Pledges in current practice of financing», partners Sviaz-Bank, Consulting
company «NEOCenter», Absolut Bank, 17.06.2010
Conference “Loans to Small and Medium Businesses 2010: Moscow and Moscow Region,”
September 14, 2010
Round Table «Scenarios for Development of the Russian Financial
System»,September 22, 2010
Round Table «Mini-Loans as an Instrument to Develop the Very Small Loan Market»,
September 27, 2010
Conference «Assessment of Bank Stability in Current Conditions: Stress Tests and
Ratings», October 19, 2010
Round Table «REPO Transactions as an Active Instrument of the Money Market:
Liquidity Management, Risks, Legal Regulation», November 16, 2010
Workshop «Bond Issues for Financial Sector Companies», December 15, 2010
Second Professional Conference “Loans to Small and Medium Businesses.”
Partners: Media Group Securities Market (MGSM) and Moscow Chamber of
Commerce and Industry. February 16, 2011
Round Table “The Yuan: Practice, Problems, and Prospects for the Use of the
Currency.” Partners: Bank of Russia and Moscow Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. March 16, 2011
Round Table “The Russian Economy and Banking Sector in the Medium Term (until
2013).” Partner: Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. April 20, 2011
Round Table “The Role of the Project Office in the Bank’s Strategic Development.”
Partner: Sviaz-Bank’s Project Technology Department. June 2, 2011
Round Table “Problem Loans: Restructuring or Recovery?” Partners: Sviaz-Bank’s
Problem Assets Management Department and Moscow Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. July 14, 2011
Conference “Security in Modern Lending Practice – 2.” September 21, 2011. Partner:
Sviaz-Bank’s Security Service
EVENTS 2011-2012
Conference “Small and Medium Businesses in Moscow and Moscow Region: Fund
Raising Options.” Partners: MGSM and Moscow Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. October 5, 2011
Round Table “Prospects for Remote Financial Banking Services.” Partner: BLIZKO
Money Transfer System, October 25, 2011
Conference “The Russian Banking System: A View of Independent Rating Agencies
against the Background of Instability in Financial Markets.” Partner: Association of
Russian Banks. December 2, 2011
Round Table “The CRM System as a Component of a Modern Bank Contact
Center.” Partner: FG Consult. December 15, 2011
Round Table “Innovations in Electronic Finance.” Partner: ARB. February 21, 2012
Conference “Transformation of the Money Transfer Market. Sales Optimization.”
Partner: BLIZKO Money Transfer System. March 27, 2012
Conference “Financial Cooperation between Russia and China: Mutual Expansion
Goes on … .” Partners: MICEX-RTS OJSC and Moscow Chamber of Commerce
and Industry.” March 29, 2012.
Round Table “Economic and Banking Sector Development in the Russian
Federation in 2012 and 2013.” May 17, 2012
Conference “Adaptation of Rating Agencies to New Market Conditions.” Partner:
ARB. May 29, 2012
Third Annual Conference “Problem Loans: Solutions and Prospects.” Partners:
ARB and PROJECT Management Company. July 5, 2012
Round Table “Remote Banking Services: Target for Cybercriminals.” Partners: ARB
and ITAR-TASS. July 27, 2012
Third Annual Conference “Security in Modern Lending Practice.” September 26,
Conference «The Bank’s Regional Development Strategy. Network Optimization»
October 17, 2012
Conference «Bank Mechanisms for Making Loans to Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises». November 21, 2012
Round Table «Macroeconomics and Banking Development in the Russian Federation
in 2013 and 2014». February 21, 2013
Conference «Russia and China: Major Trends in Financial Relations». March 14,
2013. Partner: Moscow Stock Exchange
Round Table «A New Business Model for the Bank’s Offices: Focus on Sales, Speed,
and Quality of Customer Services». April 25, 2013
International bank club «Analytics unlimited»
2006 - 2010
Number of Events
Number of Participants
Publications and references in financial
mass media
Organizing committee of the Club:
+7 (495) 668-25-81, +7-926-748-09-69, E-mail: