"Exploring the Universe with the world's largest radio telescope" AAVP Workshop SKA System Design Kobus Cloete 9 December 2010 The System in Context SPDO Level 7 User System User system Level 6 System (See full hierarchy presented as part of R. Schilizzi’s talk yesterday) Trenching Buildings Infrastructure Station Processor Receptor AA-low PAF WBSPF Dish Level 4 Receiver Dish Array Data links Level 5 Subsystem Roads System SKA High Level Conceptual SKA1 System Block Diagram SKA Conceptual SPDO Remote cluster SKA Conceptual High Level Block Block Diagram Diagram Remote cluster Remote cluster Remote clusters on spiral arm (only one arm is shown) Remote cluster On Site SKA HQ (Off Site) Remote cluster Operations and Maintenance Centre AIP AIP Dish Array Single pixel feeds (SPF) Phased array feeds (PAF) AIP Wide band SPF (WBSPF) Mid Frequency Aperture Array (AA-Mid) Low Frequency Aperture Array (AA-Low) Central Signal Processing Facility Central Beamforming Correlation Non-visibility Processing Global Regional Science Centre(s) Science Computing Facility High Performance Computing Data Storage Regional Engineering Centre(s) Drawing number : TBD Date : 2010-09-29 Revision : F SKA Memo 125 SPDO Memo 125 – Summary (1) SPDO • Definition of Baseline – – – – – – – – – Low frequency sparse aperture array Dish array Signal transport and networks Correlator and Non visibility processor Central Data Processing, Science Processing and System Software. Central timing and synchronisation subsystem, including time and frequency reference distribution, Infrastructure (buildings, roads, facilities, labs etc.), Power delivery and distribution, Support and maintenance equipment and facilities Memo 125 – Summary (2) SPDO • Advanced Instrumentation Program – Dense Aperture Arrays – Phased Array Feeds – Ultra Wide band Single Pixel Feeds • Decision points for AIP identified – 2016, or – As modular sub-systems of the SKA1 dishes • How do we continue with the SKA definition and design and at the same time take all of these aspects into consideration? 1. How do we get to this? 2. How do we move from this ….. SPDO To this! Challenges • Challenges include: SPDO – Maintaining a focus on full SKA – Definition of potential Phase 2 envelopes to ensure Phase 1 extensibility for example: Scope of the infrastructure to be developed for Phase 1 balancing cost and Phase 2 view/extension – Selection of receptor technologies for Phase 2 in 2016 implies that the full scope, definition and design of Phase 2 will only be finalised after selection – Potentially higher costs because of wrong choices and resulting rework – Degree of integration of the AIP receptors with the Phase 1 instrument – Guard against discontinuity in buildout – Carry risks for longer Route to SKA SPDO • • • How do we continue with the SKA definition and design and at the same time take all of these aspects into consideration? Recently a conceptual Route to SKA was developed attempting to maintain the structure of the project but at the same time maintain flexibility to accommodate all the identified future enhancements. Always maintain focus on the full SKA. Costed system design approval Construction 2026 7 2025 2024 Risk Observing 2023 SKA2 Shared- 6 2022 2021 Start of SKA2 Construction Detailed Des & Test Sub- 5 2020 2019 AIP 4 2018 2017 & AIP Decision SKA2 3 2016 Start of SKA1 2015 2014 SKA1 2 2013 SKA1 const’n 2012 Site decision SKA1 Baseline Design 1 2011 2010 2009 Graphical Representation (from PEP) Build 8 9 TR Levels Part B SPDO Start SKA2 Define initial science requirements for SKA1. (Subset of DRM) Define SKA1 technical requirements Site Decision Adjust SKA1 scope Definition Preliminary Design SKA1 Preliminary system design AIP Carry out first order SKA2 system designs, based on 4 technology combinations. Extract SKA2 Extensibility Requirements for SKA1 Element/subsystem design, based on SKA2 requirements. Detailed verification programme design. Develop, build, deploy prototype(s). Continue to track and refine SKA2 requirements. Evaluate SKA1 system: · Cost/performance tradeoff · Extensibility from SKA1 to SKA2 SPDO Analyse SKA2 requirements to develop AIP technical requirements Define initial science requirements for SKA2, extracted from DRM AIP Concept, Definition & Early Preliminary Design Concept, Definition SKA1 Note: options are: [1] Baseline Design (BD) [2] BD + Phased Array Feeds [3] BD + Dense Aperture Arrays [4] BD + Ultra-Wideband Single-Pixel Feeds Carry out verification, using a small set of converging prototypes. OK to finalise SKA1 design? Detailed Design Sufficient maturity demonstrated to consider in SKA2 design? Detailed design for SKA1 Pre-Construction Drop immature technology Yr 2016 Yr 2016 SKA2 Preliminary system design Construct & continuously evaluate SKA1 Operate SKA1 to generate science results Preliminary Design, Cost/Performance Trade-offs for SKA2, considering AIP technology. Build, Test, Integrate No Yes Adjust SKA2 scope SKA2 Decision Evaluate SKA2 system. Optimise SKA2 system for selected technologies. · PAF technology · DAA technology · BL technology · WBSPF technology Consider: · AIP outcomes · Cost/performance tradeoff · Risk · Total System Cost · Schedule · SKA1 ops experience · Requirements · Functional · Non-functional Yes Detailed Design, Build, Test, Integrate Detailed design for SKA2 OK to finalize SKA2 design? Construct & continuously evaluate SKA2 in parallel with operating SKA1 Yes Operate the Final SKA SKA1 Construct SKA2 Design Start SKA2 Site Decision Preliminary Design SKA1 Preliminary system design Adjust SKA1 scope Evaluate SKA1 system: · Cost/performance tradeoff · Extensibility from SKA1 to SKA2 AIP Carry out first order SKA2 system designs, based on 4 technology combinations. Extract SKA2 Extensibility Requirements for SKA1 Continue to track and refine SKA2 requirements. SPDO Analyse SKA2 requirements to develop AIP technical requirements Define initial science requirements for SKA2, extracted from DRM Element/subsystem design, based on SKA2 requirements. AIP Define SKA1 technical requirements Definition Define initial science requirements for SKA1. (Subset of DRM) Concept, Definition & Early Preliminary Design Concept, Definition SKA1 Note: options are: [1] Baseline Design (BD) [2] BD + Phased Array Feeds [3] BD + Dense Aperture Arrays [4] BD + Ultra-Wideband Single-Pixel Feeds Detailed verification programme design. Develop, build, deploy prototype(s). Carry out verification, using a small set of converging prototypes. OK to finalise SKA1 design? Detailed Design Sufficient maturity demonstrated to consider in SKA2 design? Yr 2016 Yes Detailed design for SKA1 No Drop immature technology Yr 2016 Pre-Construction SKA1 SPDO • From the SKA1 science requirements (Memo 125) – Derive the SKA1 technical requirements – Develop initial SKA2 system technical requirements based on the science requirements contained in the Design Reference Mission (DRM). • • Derive all other requirements Perform preliminary system design for SKA1 – To be informed by early preliminary designs for the SKA2 options, so as to ensure extendibility to SKA2. – Tradeoffs of performance against cost. • Full detailed design for SKA1. SKA2 SPDO • To inform the SKA1 design process – Draft initial technical requirements for the four system options for SKA2 (Baseline Technology alone + the three AIP options in combination with the Baseline Technology), – Carry out early preliminary system designs for each of the options. • Continue to track Phase 2 requirements to prepare for a decision on technology selection in 2016. AIP SPDO • • The AIP will build up the level of maturity in anticipation of their utilisation in SKA1 and SKA2. General steps: – Analyse the SKA requirements to maximise potential to enhance system performance, achieve more of the initial system requirements and/or reduce cost, as compared with the baseline. – Develop a preliminary design assuming the particular AIP technology will be used at the element or subsystem level of the system. – Carry out a verification program to test the level of achievement of requirements, to develop performance/cost models for the AIP technology, and to ascertain remaining risk. Requirements emanate from various sources SPDO Local communities and environment (cultures) Security Regulatory Health and Safety Existing Infrastructure Technology Science Operations Natural Environment Sources of interest External RFI Environment System Science Academic and Science institutions (Local and global) Other Constraints (Virtual Observatory, VLBI, TOO interface, web delivery interface) Performing science operations while construction is proceeding Human factors Maintenance and support Transitioning between phases Obsolescence Standardisation Skill level of maintainers Test equipment Simulators …. Users, Operators, Scientists Flow of requirements SPDO Science and others Requirements Top - down System Requirements Element Requirements Sub-system Comply to? Existing Solution 1 Existing Solution 2 New Solution Bottom - up Process in more detail SPDO Science and other requirements Science and other requirements System Element 1 Element 2 System System Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 3 Subsystem 1 Subsystem 1 CoDRs SRRs (More comprehensive view) SKA Science Case How does it all fit together? DRM SYSTEM Tradeoffs Concept Phase System Definition Phase DRM Analysis Memo 125 Concepts System Prelim Design Phase Requirements Development Analysis Validation High level requirements Memo 100 SPDO C O D R Design Functional analysis, verification and synthesis Design verification S R R P D R Technologies Risk Management Plan Selections for reference design Risks ELEMENTS Concept Phase Concepts Tradeoffs Definition Phase C O D R Prelim Design Phase S R R Requirements (Development, Analysis , Validation) P D R Design (Functional analysis, verification and synthesis, Design verification) Risk mitigation strategies and projects Verification programmes (DVP, AAVP, other domains), Design studies, Precursors, Pathfinders Risks Time RISK MANAGEMENT Verification Programs SPDO • Example considerations: – What is the aim of the verification program? – Which requirements will be verified and how? – If not all, will a next development model be built and tested to verify these requirements? – Other considerations? Where are we? SPDO • System CoDR was held in February 2010 – Provided guidance an all these aspects – Documents available at WP2 wiki: http://www.skatelescope.org/public/2010‐02_System_CoDR_Documents/ WP2 wiki • • • • Memo 125 System documents being reworked for delta CoDR in February 2011 Will be followed by element level CoDRs during 2011 System Requirements Review in 2012. Other presentations for reference SPDO • Annual WP2 meeting (October in Oxford) – Presentations available of SKA Indico Site – Turner Systems Methodology for the SKA – Dewdney Refining the DRM & Deriving Technical Requirements – Cloete System Design Plan System Engineering Tools and Strategies WP2 planning and Beyond PrepSKA – McCool, Hall, Bolton Costing Strategy Thank you SPDO