Northern Trust

Technology Trends in Wealth Management
Subir Chatterjee
Ramsey El-Fakir
CEO, Fi-Tek
CIO, Fi-Tek
© 2009 Northern Trust Corporation
Wealth Management Business Drivers
Technology trends are primarily being driven
by several key business drivers.
Continued Asset Accumulation by Baby Boomers
 Continued
aging of baby boomers
 They will hold a significant portion of personal trust assets
 Large growth expected in High Net Worth households
Increased Regulation and Compliance
 Compliance
will continue to be a key business priority
 KYC, AML, pre and post trade compliance Sarbanes-Oxley
 This will continue to increase in light of impending regulations
Selling Clients Multiple Products
model has been fragmented by products – investments,
brokerage, banking, credit, insurance, trust, retirement
 The challenge is how to bring the client under one roof
with a single RM supported by Product Specialists
 Cross sell
 WM
Open Architecture Adoption for Products
 Need
for integrating more third party independent products
vis-à-vis in-house ones
 Integration challenges
 Potential regulatory scrutiny in light of what happened in 2008
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Wealth Management Business Drivers
Customer Centricity
 Most
wealth management firms would like to be “trusted advisor”
to their clients
 Especially transaction providers like B/D want to get into “advice”
to increase asset stickiness
 FP, advisory, data integration tools
Rise of the Mass Affluent
 Defined
by clients with assets between 500K to 2 MM
 Under-serviced by WM
 Need better tools for economic servicing of clients – have to
lower unit cost of service delivery
Increased Customer Sophistication
 Baby
boomers will be challenging clients
 A lot of do-it-yourselfers in the group will demand sophisticated
tools for research, analysis and reporting
Competitive Business Environment
firms of all sizes – small-medium-large are getting ready
to mount an assault on “acquiring, keeping and increasing the
wallet” of their clients
 Technology will be a key differentiator
 WM
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Wealth Management Technology Trends
Technology plays a key role in addressing these business challenges.
Customer Data Integrations
 Firms
find it challenging to have a common platform for CRM to integrate all client info
 ML has gone to goes to show the length to which they will go to accomplish this
 Many are struggling with 2-3 platforms internally
Integrated or Seamless Compliance Tools
 To
meet with regulatory issues many have brought in KYC, anti-money laundering
systems at a firm-wide level
 Extremely important to have automated Reg-9 reviews, investment reviews
 Pre and post trade compliance to reduce risk and automate process
Financial Planning and WM analytics
Asset allocation and modeling
 Validation of third party models or internal models in different market conditions
 Tactical Financial Planning – goal based approach or return based approach
 Trust Life Expectancy analysis
 What-if analysis
 Proposal generation
Client Reporting
Consolidated reports with drill down capabilities
 Performance reporting with trends and benchmarking
 Multiple targets for data – client advisors, FA’s, clients and their contacts
 Electronic and manual delivery channels
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Wealth Management Technology Trends
Account Aggregation
 Clients
are driving this – they want to see all their assets in a single report
 WM
firms want to increase their size of client’s wallet and would need
to see full data to be the trusted advisor
 Challenges
remain – reliability of third party data
Advisory Workstation Integrated Desktop
 This
is extremely critical for efficient management of information
and processes
 Reduce
risk (compliance alerts)
 Identify
opportunities (client gets new cash into the account)
 Enhanced
Data Risk Management
 We
live in the age of ID theft
 Huge
liability with secured client data
 Secured
client service delivery model
client communication tools like Tumbleweed
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
How Does Fi-Tek Address These Trends?
Fi-Tek and Northern Trust have developed an integrated solution for the trust
and investment management community addressing many of these trends
TrustPortal with Wealth Management
Integrated Desktop
Wealth Management Platform
Accounting Reviewer
Data Vendor
Fixed Income
Reporting & Client
Web Based
Statements Reports Reporting Reports
OFAC Compliance
Auto Asset Setup
Third Party
Production Database
Consolidation Database
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Phase 1 – incorporate 3rd
party held assets to report or
query alongside of held
Assets Held
Third Party
Integrated Total Solution
Brand new .NET Technology with scalable database
Integrated with Northern’s Custody and Global Processing Capabilities
Completely integrated straight thru solution to help you grow your business
Client Bank
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Major Functionalities
Wealth Management Analytics and Financial Planning tools
Investment Management and Transaction Processing
Portfolio Management
 Trading
 Market execution
 Compliance – pre and post trade, rules driven set up
Accounting and Securities Processing
Full trust accounting with the P&I split
 Tax lot accounting
 Most robust accounting platform in the industry
Automated Account Review
Performance Measurement
Internal operations, compliance and administration reports
 External – investors or client reports and statements online
Third Party Interfaces – for pricing, tax, compliance etc.
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
About Fi-Tek
Integrated Wealth Management Solution
© 2009 Northern Trust Corporation
About Fi-Tek
Provides industry leading business solutions for
wealth management
Started operations in 1998 by combining technology
with business knowledge
Run by senior managers from Fortune 500 financial
services companies
Expertise in our clients’ business and work to solve the
right problem!
Over 150 financial institutions with over $700 Bn dollars
in assets under servicing are using Fi-Tek software to
run their key business functions
Work with major financial institutions like Citigroup,
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, JP Morgan Chase, Bank
of New York-Mellon, State Street, Northern Trust, and
some of the major hedge funds
Excellent financial health – with a strong balance sheet
and high D&B rating
Successfully competing with the majors – SunGard,
Metavante, Advent and SEI
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Business Solutions Overview
TrustPortal Wealth Management Platform
 Trust
and investment management on a single,
web-based platform for trust banks and institutions
HedgeTek – Hedge Fund Partnership Allocation
 Industry-leading,
fully integrated book and tax
allocation platform for hedge funds, and other
securities partnerships requiring 704C allocations
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Solution for Trust Banks
Fi-Tek and Northern Trust have developed a total solution for the
trust and investment management community – primarily geared
towards the trust banks
Northern Trust is a leader in Wealth Management and provides all
banking related services – such as custody, research, securities
lending and short term investments
Fi-Tek provides the state of the art TrustPortal platform to deliver a
suite of functionality for front, middle and back-office services
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Portal Dashboard
Portal Dashboard
Efficient tool for everyday work with quick access to function
that are used on regular basis
Customized per user so they see the functions that they use the most
Look up Account / Contacts
Efficient manage Account upcoming events /
Ticker through Calendar Widgets
Create customized memo ticker for each Account on different
areas that need attention.
Get alerts on the Calendar
Release the tickler when you have done with them so they
cycle to the next period
Customize your news as RSS feed. Be actively alerted for
any market activity
Use our Map widget to locate the address for a onsite visit to client.
Pull up the contact and map widget will give you the destination plotted.
Get Alerts:
Work on Account exception than going through all Accounts
 Excess Cash
 Cash shortfall
 Out of variance alerts for Account
associated to Asset allocation Model
 Be informed if
Account has securities
not on your approved list.
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Wealth Management Analytics
Full suite of wealth management analytics to help develop
asset allocation models based on customer risk profile and
provide tools to generate financial planning options
 Enable
portfolio managers to define investor needs through
a series of questions
 Set
risk tolerance, as well as goals and objectives
 Define
current conditions of investor
 Through
sophisticated analytics generate portfolio models to
meet investor needs based on current and future scenarios
 Provide
portfolio managers tools to match the simulated models
with the models currently used – adjusting the likelihood of
attaining goals
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Illustration: Base Plan
Some goals are not met in over 25% of the projected futures.
Plan adjustments are needed for a better guarantee of success.
 May need to adjust goals to increase likelihood of success
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Investment Widgets
Proactive Alerts on
dashboard helps
you manage
accounts efficiently
Can customize the
widgets for a user’s
Rearrange to suit
your needs
Most often used
and important
functions can be
Fi-Tek can create
custom widgets
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Life of a Trade
Portfolio Manager:
Proposes Trades
Executes Trades
Broker confirms trade
Northern Auto affirms
Northern confirms Trades
Operations imports confirms
reconciles and settles
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Portfolio Modeling
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Proactive alerts on dashboard help you to manage
accounts that needs rebalancing
Create / import models and make Model of Models
to better organize
Associate accounts and set rebalance variables
Create rebalance exclusion for non-traded
securities in a position
Create cash exclusion to cover recurring obligation
Rebalance the account or invest cash to get the
market spread
Modeling and Rebalancing: Summary
Investment Management allows you to:
 Create
and Manage a
 Comprehensive Model (Mix of Equity /
Fixed Income / ETF / Cash / Real
Estate etc)
 Base Model (Like Equity or ETF /
Mutual Fund only Model)
 Consolidated Model (Model of Model)
to create Models reflecting the Bank /
Portfolio Manager Investment
 Associate
Models with Account
 Rebalance
 Invest
 Get
Account or Model
/ Divest Cash as per the Model
Alerts on Portal page for Accounts
not in line with Model objective
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Modeling: Creating Models
Creating Models:
 Name
a Model
 Create Model
hierarchy (Levels)
 Assign asset
 File Models by
Portfolio Manager
and / or Investment
 Save Model
Manage Models
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Modeling: Import Models
Importing Models:
 Name
a Model
 Define Model hierarchy (Levels)
 Import the Model from Spreadsheet
 File the Models as per PM and Investment Objective
 Save Model
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Modeling: Associate Models to Accounts
Use Models to manage Investment
Associate multiple Accounts to a
given Model
Set Rebalance parameters:
Minimum trade Amount
Effective date
Rebalance strategy
Portion of Model to rebalance.
Easy to learn and use
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Rebalancing: Summary
Investment Management allows
you to
Easily rebalance any selected
Accounts to an associated Model
See the proposed trades and fine
tune them
See the expected Gains /
Losses with estimated changes
to net Income.
See the effect of Rebalancing
to your cash position
Get what-if reports showing
impact on Position before
and after, trades per Account,
trades per Security or
Proposed Holdings report
Save the session or Block and
execute with one click
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Trade Execution
Comprehensive Trade blotter that can be customized to show all Trades for the organization
or be restricted to the Accounts you are managing.
Allows you to create a trade advice and keep it on the blotter for Market to move for trade
Allows pre-trade blocking of like trades for better execution, reduce fees and charge
Allows post-trade blocking if your Broker supports
Control release of a trade (slice a trade) for thinly traded stock so you are not moving the market
Electronic execution of Common Stock / ETF to 450 Brokers of your choice.
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Feature rich reports help projecting account overview along with in-depth details
Can be run for today or can go back as-of any date in past.
Extensive equities and fixed income reporting to help answer client / users need
Can be output to PDF / EXCEL / RTF
Create a report packet and mix and match report to prepare for client presentation.
Create as many report packets and save the criteria for one touch packet generation for future
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Trust Accounting
Comprehensive and integrated trust accounting with detailed
P&I split and tax lot accounting
Cash Management
Income Accounting
Amortization and Accretion
Automated Fee Processing
Audit Trail
Operational Management
Common Funds
Full regulatory and
compliance reports
Production Scheduler
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Statements – Options / Production Process
Configurable Statement Packages
Large Repository of Statement Report Formats
EB Statements, Market to Market Summary, Holdings, Transaction, Taxlots
Court Accounting, GASB Reporting, Chart Reports
Ability to attach notices and letters
Customized Cover pages per package with Logo
Customizable Schedules for Accounts and / or Recipients
Automated Through Night work or On Demand (both Ad-hoc and Production)
Delivery to Secure Web site, encrypted email or Printed Copy
Statement Formats: PDF, DOC, RDF
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Compliance Reporting such as Schedule RC-T, 13F Reporting, 13G Reporting
Audit Compliance using audit trail and RFM logs
Automated Account Reviews with customizable questions and workflow
Auto approval of Reviews for “No Breach” accounts.
Trust Committee, Administrative and Investment Reviews
Rich repository of Account Review Report formats
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Client Internet Access Functionality
Graphical Representation of Account Portfolio and Holdings
Views: Transaction Overview, Pending Trades, Tax Lot Information
Statement upload facility
Supports multiple account and consolidated views
Accessible 24X7 via RSA Secure Risk Based Authentication
Ability to upload Adhoc documents
Data refreshed every night automatically thru night work
Ability to white-label site with Client Logo and Color Scheme
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Performance Reporting
TrustPortal has integrated
performance reports and
The reports are available
in the Report Manager
for internal use or in the
Statement Package for
distribution to end clients
The reports can be set
up from the inception of
the account
Reports are expandable
to meet client needs
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Automated Account Review
The TrustPortal offers a powerful and streamlined solution that enables
Trust Providers to create regulatory and ad-hoc reviews. It eliminates
the need to gather information and coordinate efforts from different
parties throughout your organization.
Web Based Account
 Regulatory
& ad-hoc
Business Process
Review Team
Collaboration Tools
Email Notifications
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Online Reporting
The TrustPortal provides clients secure web based access to their trust
account to view, sort, download, and print daily account activity and
access their monthly statements securely over the Internet.
Web Based Account Reporting
Five Detailed Reports
 Portfolio
 Holdings
 Transactions
 Taxlots
 Pending
Strong Authentication
Secure Electronic Statement
Auto Secured Data Uploader
2009 Fall FOCUS Investment Conference
Thank You.
Subir Chatterjee
Ramsey El-Fakir
CEO, Fi-Tek
CIO, Fi-Tek
© 2009 Northern Trust Corporation