Manjrasoft Manjrasoft Cloud Computing: The Next Revolution in Information Technology 1 Manjrasoft Manjrasoft Green Cloud Computing 2 Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Rajkumar Buyya Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab Dept. of Computer Science and Software Engineering The University of Melbourne, Australia Manjrasoft Innovative Solutions for Cloud Computing Dr Rajkumar Buyya Chief Executive Officer Manjrasoft Pty Ltd Room 5.31, ICT Building, 111, Barry Street, Carlton, Melbourne, VIC 3053, Australia P: +61-3-8344 1344 | F : +61-3-9348 1184 E: Major Sponsors/Supporters Manjrasoft Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 4 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Manjrasoft Clouds offer Subscription-Oriented IT Services: {compute, apps, data,..} as a Service (..aaS) Public Cloud Cloud Manager Clients Private Cloud Other Cloud Services 5 Govt. Cloud Services Cloud Computing Manjrasoft 3 Main Types or Personalities Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): A wide range of application services delivered via various business models normally available as public offering Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Application development platforms provides authoring and runtime environment Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): Also known as elastic compute clouds, enable virtual hardware for various uses 6 Animoto, Sales Force, Google Document User Applications Scientific Computing, Enterprise ISV, Social Networking, Gaming SaaS PaaS IaaS User-level and infrastructure level Platform Cloud Programming Environment and Tools: Web 2.0, Mashups, Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Workflow Cloud Hosting Platforms: QoS Negotiation Admission Control, Pricing, SLA Management, Monitoring Amazon EC2, GoGrid, RightScale, Jovent Infrastructure Cloud Physical Resources: Storage, virtualized clusters, servers, network. Cloud Economy Google AppEngine, MapReduce, Aneka, Microsoft Azure Public Cloud (IaaS) Manjrasoft User User Middleware Master Node Private Cloud (Heterogeneous Resources) Hybrid Cloud Slave Nodes 8 Slave Nodes (Cluster) Several Benefits…… Manjrasoft Service Oriented Elastic Virtualized Cloud Computing Dynamic (& Distributed) Autonomic Market Oriented (Pay As You Go) 9 Shared (Economy of Scale) Dark side….. Manjrasoft 10 • Gartner Report 2007: IT industry contributes 2% of world's total CO2 emissions • U.S. EPA Report 2007: 1.5% of total U.S. power consumption used by data centers which has more than doubled since 2000 and costs $4.5 billion Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 11 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Powering Cloud Infrastructure Manjrasoft • • Modern data centers, operating under the Cloud computing model, are hosting a variety of applications ranging from those that run for a few seconds (e.g. serving requests of web applications such as e-commerce and social networks portals) to those that run for longer periods of time (e.g. simulations or large dataset processing). However, Cloud Data Centers consume excessive amount of energy: • According to McKinsey report on “Revolutionizing Data Center Energy Efficiency” : • • 12 A typical data center consumes as much energy as 25,000 households. The total energy bill for data centers in 2010 was over $11 billion and energy costs in a typical data center doubles every five years. Where Does the Power Go? Manjrasoft Server/Storage 50% Power Consumption in the Datacenter Computer Rm. AC 34% Conversion 7% Network 7% Lighting 2% Compute resources and particularly servers are at the heart of a complex, evolving system! Source: APC 13 Clouds Impact on the Environment Manjrasoft Data centers are not only expensive to maintain, but also unfriendly to the environment. 14 Carbon emission due to Data Centers worldwide is now more than both Argentina and the Netherlands emission. High energy costs and huge carbon footprints are incurred due to the massive amount of electricity needed to power and cool the numerous servers hosted in these data centers. Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 15 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Background Manjrasoft 16 Traditionally, HPC (commodity clusters) & Data center community has focused on performance (speed). At the same time, microprocessor vendors have not only doubled the number of transistors (and speed) every 18-24 months, but they have also doubled the power densities. Moore’s Law for Power Consumption: Research Motivations of Power Aware/Energy Efficient Computing Manjrasoft Rapid uptake of Cloud Data Centers for hosting industrial applications Reducing the operational costs of powering and cooling Data Centers: The tremendous increase in computer performance has come with an even grater increase in power usage. According to Eric Schmit, CEO of Google, what matter most to Google is “not speed but power, because data centers can consume as much electricity as a city.” Improving reliability As a rule of thumb, for every 10°C increase in temperature, the failure rate of a system doubles. Computing environment affected the correctness of the results. 17 The 18-node Linux cluster produced an answer outside the residual (i.e., a silent error) when running in dusty 85°F warehouse but produced the correct answer when running in a 65°F machine-cooled room. Reliability/Implications Manjrasoft 18 Reliability of Leading Edge Supercomputer (D. Reed, 2004) Estimated Cost of An hour of system downtime (W. Feng, (ACM Queue, 2003): Power Aware Computing Manjrasoft Power Aware (PA) computing/communication: System level power management 19 The objective of PA computing/communications is to improve power management and consumption using the awareness of power consumption of devices. Power consumption is one of the most important considerations in mobile devices due to the limitation of the battery life. Recent devices (CPU, disk, communication links, etc.) support multiple power modes. Resource Management and Scheduling Systems can use these multiple power modes to reduce the power consumption. DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) Manjrasoft DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) technique Reducing the dynamic energy consumption by lowering the supply voltage at the cost of performance degradation Recent processors support such ability to adjust the supply voltage dynamically. The dynamic energy consumption = * Vdd2 * Ncycle Vdd : the supply voltage Ncycle : the number of clock cycle An example deadline Power Power deadline 5.02 2.02 10 msec 25 msec (a) Supply voltage = 5.0 V 20 10 msec 25 msec (b) Supply voltage = 2.0 V DVS-based Power Aware Scheduling Manjrasoft Motivation: 21 Develop Resource Management and Scheduling Algorithms that aim at minimizing the energy consumption at the same meet the job deadline. Exploit industrial move towards Utility Model / SLA-based Resource Allocation for Cloud Computing Taxonomy of Power Management Techniques Manjrasoft Power Management Techniques Static Power Management (SPM) Hardware Level Circuit Level Logic Level Software Level Architectural Level Dynamic Power Management (DPM) Hardware Level Single Server OS Level 22 Software Level Multiple Servers, Data Centers and Clouds Virtualization Level Data Center Level Manjrasoft Yes Virtualization No Single resource System resources Multiple resources Homogeneous Target systems Heterogeneous Minimize power / energy consumption Data center level Goal Minimize performance loss Meet power budget DVFS Power saving techniques Resource throttling DCD Workload consolidation Arbitrary Workload 23 Real-time applications HPC-applications Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 24 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Cloud Providers Measures Manjrasoft Cloud service providers need to adopt measures to ensure that their profit margin is not dramatically reduced due to high energy costs. 25’s estimate the energy-related costs of its data centers amount to 42% of the total budget that include both direct power consumption and the cooling infrastructure amortized over a 15-year period. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo are building large data centers in barren desert land surrounding the Columbia River, USA to exploit cheap hydroelectric power. There is also increasing pressure from Governments worldwide to reduce carbon footprints, which have a significant impact on climate change. Carbon Tax (July 2012 in Australia) on industries Manjrasoft 26 Green Cloud: “performance” “energy efficiency” As energy costs are increasing while availability dwindles, there is a need to shift focus from optimising data center resource management for pure performance alone to optimising for energy efficiency while maintaining high service level performance. We propose Green Cloud computing model that achieves not only efficient processing and utilisation of computing infrastructure, but also minimise energy consumption. Green Cloud Computing Manjrasoft Revenue Power Consumption 27 Cloud Usage Model Manjrasoft Cloud Datacenter A LAN and Gateway router (Network Devices) End User Cloud Datacenter B Internet Service Provider VM and Storage (Server) Air Conditioning, and Chiller (Cooling Devices) Routers UPS, PDU, lighting (Electrical Devices) Internet 28 Cloud Datacenter C Datacenter Cloud Computing Manjrasoft 29 Green Cloud Computing Architecture Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 30 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Manjrasoft Case Study 2: Dynamic VM Consolidation User User User VM provisioning SLA negotiation Application requests Global resource managers Virtual Machines and users’ applications Consumer, scientific and business applications Virtualization layer (VMMs, local resources managers) 31 Pool of physical computer nodes Power On Power Off Three Sub-Problems Manjrasoft When to migrate VMs? • • Which VMs to migrate? • VM selection algorithms Where to migrate VMs? • 32 Host overload detection algorithms Host underload detection algorithms VM placement algorithms Proposed “Power-Aware” Algorithms Manjrasoft • Host overload detection • Adaptive utilization threshold based algorithms • • • Regression based algorithms • • • • • Minimum Migration Time policy (MMT) Random Selection policy (RS) Maximum Correlation policy (MC) VM placement algorithms • 33 Migrating the VMs from the least utilized host VM selection algorithms • • Local Regression algorithm (LR) Robust Local Regression algorithm (LRR) Host underload detection algorithms • • Median Absolute Deviation algorithm (MAD) Interquartile Range algorithm (IQR) Heuristic for the bin-packing problem – Power-Aware Best Fit Decreasing algorithm (PABFD) Performance Metrics Manjrasoft • SLA violation metrics • • • A combined metric that captures both energy consumption and the level of SLA violations, Energy and SLA Violation (ESV): 34 Overloading Time Fraction (OTF) - the time fraction, during which active hosts experienced the 100% CPU utilization Performance Degradation due to VM Migrations (PDM) A combined SLA Violation metric (SLAV): SLAV = OTF * PDM ESV = Energy * SLAV: Simulation Setup Manjrasoft • • CloudSim with a power package A Data Center consisting: • • More than 1000 Heterogeneous VMs corresponding to Amazon EC2 instance types Workload traces from more than 1000 VMs from servers located in more than 500 places around the world. 35 800 heterogeneous physical servers containing HP ProLiant ML110 G4 and HP ProLiant ML110 G5 servers. The data were obtained from the CoMon project, a monitoring infrastructure for PlanetLab Manjrasoft Best Algorithm Combinations and Benchmark Algorithms Dynamic VM consolidation significantly reduces energy consumption compared to non-power aware allocation and static allocation policies, like DVFS, NPA (non-power aware) 36 Case Study 1: Key Observations Manjrasoft 37 Dynamic VM consolidation algorithms significantly outperforms static allocation policies. Heuristic-based dynamic VM consolidation algorithms substantially outperform the optimal online deterministic algorithm (THR-1.0) due to a vastly reduced level of SLA violations. The MMT policy produces better results compared to the MC and RS policies, meaning that the minimization of the VM migration time is more important than the minimization of the correlation between VMs allocated to a host. Dynamic VM consolidation algorithms based on local regression outperform the threshold-based and adaptive-threshold based algorithms due to better predictions of host overload, and therefore decreased SLA violations and the number of VM migrations. Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 38 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Green Cloud or Brown Cloud? Manjrasoft • Ideally, for every server virtualized, save – – • Plus – – • 39 ~$700 and ~7,000 kWh / year 4 tons of CO2 emissions / year Power down underutilized physical servers, saving 40% Desktop management, saving 35% / year But currently Cloud datacenters Location Estimated power usage Effectiveness 1.21 Google Lenoir Apple Apple, NC Microsoft Chicago, IL 1.22 Yahoo La Vista, NE 1.16 % of Dirty Energy Generation 50.5% Coal, 38.7% Nuclear 50.5% Coal, 38.7% Nuclear 72.8% Coal, 22.3% Nuclear 73.1% Coal, 14.6% Nuclear % of Renewable Electricity 3.8% 3.8% 1.1% 7% Some Observations Manjrasoft Datacenters has heterogeneous properties – – – – 40 Source: Best Geographically distributed datacenters (different environmental factors and electricity prices) Each resource site has different CPU configurations Each site has different energy efficiency Different Carbon-footprint Practices for Data Centers: Lessons Learned from Benchmarking 22 Data Centers by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s report 40 Green Cloud Architecture Manjrasoft End User d) Allocate service Private Cloud a) Request a cloud service Green Broker Routers c) Request energy efficiency information Internet b) Request any green offer Carbon Emission Directory e) Request service allocation 41 Public Cloud A Public Cloud B Green Offer Directory Manjrasoft Third Party: Green Offer and Carbon Emission Directory Carbon Emission Directory Contains data on Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), cooling efficiency, carbon footprint, network cost Helps user to select cloud services with minimum carbon footprint Incentive for providers Require more carbon transparency from providers Government role by enforcing policies such as Carbon Tax Green Offer Directory Incentive for users 42 Advertising tool to increase the market share, e.g. Google Choosing more carbon efficient hours Lists services with their discounted prices and green hours User: Green Broker Manjrasoft • A typical Cloud broker – User – Lease Cloud services Schedule applications Green Broker Cloud Request Services QoS Application Profiling Cloud Offers CO2 Analysis Services Cost Calculator CO2 Emission Calculator Cloud Leasing Green Broker – Green Information System Brokering Services such as scheduling, monitoring Green Policies • – Scheduler – Private Cloud 43 Public Cloud 1st layer: Analyze user requirements 2nd layer: Calculates cost and carbon footprint of services 3rd layer: Carbon aware scheduling Provider: Green Middleware Manjrasoft 44 Case Study: IaaS Cloud Manjrasoft 45 Carbon Emission Directory: Stores all carbon emission rates for each IaaS provider Green Offer Directory: Receives number of VMs that can be initiated at a particular time for maximum energy efficiency Green Broker: Computes schedule with the lowest carbon emission based on application requirements Manjrasoft Carbon Efficient Green Policy (CEGP) Collect resource requests from user and resource site information such as VMs, carbon emission rate, DCiE, CPU power efficiency Sort jobs based on deadline Sort resource sites based on carbon footprint: Carbon Emission 46 Datacenter Efficiency Energy Efficiency of VM Schedule greedily the most urgent deadline jobs on the most power efficient resource site. Simulation Setup Manjrasoft Parallel Workload: first week of LLNL Thunder trace from Parallel Workload Archive (PWA) Configuration of Cloud resource sites2: 1D. 47 Deadline generated based methodology proposed by Irwin et al. (2004)1 2 Irwin, L. Grit, and J. Chase, “Balancing risk and reward in a market-based task service,” in Proc. of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Honolulu, USA, 2004. L. Wang and Y. Lu, “Efficient Power Management of Heterogeneous Soft Real-Time Clusters,” in Proc. of the 2008 Real-Time Systems Symposium, EDF: Carbon-Efficient (CEGP) VS EST (Early Start-time) Algorithm (EST) Manjrasoft 48 Case Study 2: Summary Manjrasoft • • • • 49 Presented a Carbon Aware Green Cloud Framework to improve the carbon footprint of Cloud computing. Proposed framework provides incentives to both users and providers to utilize and deliver the most “Green" services. Proposed a Carbon Efficient Green Policy (CEGP) for IaaS providers. Green Policy CEGP can save up to 23% energy while reducing the carbon footprint by about 25%. Outline Manjrasoft Cloud Computing at a Glance Powering Cloud Infrastructure 50 Trends, Foundations, Issues, Taxonomy Green Cloud Computing: Framework Energy-Efficient Resource Management Energy Consumption, Costs, Implications Power-Aware Computing Cloud Benefits and Challenges Within a Cloud Data Center Across Multiple Data Centers (InterCloud) Summary and Thoughts for Future Conclusions Manjrasoft Clouds are essentially Data Centers hosting application services offered on a subscription basis. However, they consume high energy to maintain their operations. Proposed heuristics for energy-efficient dynamic VM consolidation that significantly reduce energy consumption, while providing a low level of SLA violations. Presented a Carbon Aware Green Cloud Framework to improve the carbon footprint of Cloud computing Open Issues: 51 high operational cost + environmental impact EE Data Structures + Algorithms EE Resource Management for other workloads (e.g., workflows) References Manjrasoft Keynote Paper Taxonomy + EE InterClouds: 52 R. Buyya, A. Beloglazov, J. Abawajy, EnergyEfficient Management of Data Center Resources for Cloud Computing: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Open Challenges, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA2010), Las Vegas, USA, July 12-15, 2010. A. Beloglazov, R. Buyya, Y. Lee, A. Zomaya, A Taxonomy and Survey of Energy-Efficient Data Centers and Cloud Computing Systems, Advances in Computers, Volume 82, 47-111pp, M. Zelkowitz (editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2011. S. Garg, C. Yeo, A Anandasivam, R. Buyya, Environment-Conscious Scheduling of HPC Applications on Distributed Cloud-oriented Data Centers, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 71(6):732-749, Elsevier Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2011. Wiley Press, New York, USA, Feb 2011 Thanks for your attention! Manjrasoft Are there any Questions? Comments/Suggestions Manjrasoft We welcome you to: Study/Research with Us | Do Business with us! http:/ | | 53 Manjrasoft Manjrasoft Green Cloud Computing 54 Simulation Results: ESV Manjrasoft 7 ESV, x0.001 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 3 2 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. RS MC M T R S MC MT RS MC MT RS MC MT RS MC MT R R M QR R M AD D M RR R M LR R M H L R H R I Q R A R R D L L T T I Q M M R L H A I T L M 55 Simulation Results: Energy Manjrasoft 130 Energy, kWh 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 3 2 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. S S S S S R MC M T R MC MT R MC MT R MC MT R MC MT R R M QR R M AD D M RR R M LR L R M H R H R I Q R A R R D L T T I Q L M M L A I LR TH M 56 Simulation Results: SLAV Manjrasoft 9 SLAV, x0.00001 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 3 2 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. S S S S S R MC M T R MC MT R MC MT R MC MT R MC MT R R M QR R M AD D M RR R M LR L R M H R I R T T H HR IQ QR M MA AD L L RR L I L T M 57 Simulation Results: the Number of VM Migrations Manjrasoft VM Migrations, x1000 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 58 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 3 2 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. S S S S S R MC MT R MC M T R MC MT R M C MT R MC MT R R M QR R M AD D M RR R M L R LR M H R H R I Q R A R R D L T T H I Q L M M L A I LR T M