CARICOM CARICOM CARICOM • Key Challenges in the Production of Statistics in CARICOM; • The Regional Approach to Statistical Development - Highlights; • Busan Action Plan for Statistics Implications- Actions and Initial Reactions; • Brief Summary 3 CARICOM SOME CHALLENGES IN PRODUCING STATISTICS: Small size of the statistical offices relative to the data to be produced- lack of capacity; Uncoordinated national statistical systems (NSS); Inadequate focus on strategic planning (NSDS framework); Outdated legislative framework 4 CARICOM Staffing – lack of trained statistical staff/training programme; Inability in meeting increased demands for statistics in an environment of declining resources- management of resources; Non-response to surveys carried out by the NSOs; Staff turnover/difficulty in finding new recruits 5 CARICOM SOME CHALLENGES IN PRODUCING STATISTICS IN COUNTRIES Inadequate information technology (IT) infrastructure; Weak satellite units – line ministries often have inadequate statistical and IT capacity Need for increased statistical advocacy and interface with users, producers and suppliers; Result of all the above - Critical data gaps 6 CARICOM Interventions – bilateral/regional/subregional; Stimulus is the Integration Process including efforts at establishing a Single Market and Economy; Standing Committee for Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS) was established by the Common Market Council in 1974; SCCS main objective is promoting and providing advice for the development of statistics in the Region. 7 CARICOM Particular emphasis of the SCCS includes: • fostering increased recognition of the importance and availability of adequate statistical services to the countries of the Region relative to development; • widening the scope and coverage of statistical data collection; and • Improving the quality, comparability and timeliness of statistics -harmonisation; CARICOM Advisory Group on Statistics (AGS) – subsidiary group of the SCCS supports advancement/ implementation of decisions. 8 CARICOM The regional approach to Census-taking that dates back to the 1940s and continues to the current 2010 Census Round; The relationship of CARICOM with key countries region (EU, Canada, UK), international developmental partners (IDB, WB, UN agencies) led to funding TA which sometimes included statistical development; The experience has been generally ad hoc funding, infrequent, unsubstantial, except for EU 9th (European Development Fund) EDF. 9 CARICOM Example of time it takes to develop Trade in Services Statistics: Funding in 2001/2002 through the Single Market and Economy Unit – to be able to monitor the provision on Services; Main Results- Sensitisation/Training, Situational Assessment/ Production of First Regional Statistics Report; 2004/2005: IDP-funded project- submitted proposal to the organisation that had the funds spent money on the activities: Main Results - In-country technical assistance; regional/national level training; Draft Common Guidelines; eventually second regional report; 3 countries producing EBOPS; 10 CARICOM Trade in Services Statistics: 2010/2011; funding targeting Statistics including Trade in Services Statistics: More intensive in-country technical support; regional workshop; Work on the common guidelines; EBOPS now produced by 5 countries; Third regional statistics report (in progress); one country working on a National Trade in Services Statistics Report; 11 CARICOM GENERAL APPROACH TO STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING 2008-2011 – HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIES: Countries produced an Action/Implementation used as the basis of support/technical assistance; Common Regional Statistical Work Programme (RSWP) since 2005 being updated to produce a 5 year implementation plan; National Accounts- Assessment of Status/Source Data/technical working group/ 2008 SNA Implementation Strategy/training; Trade in Services Statistics; Merchandise Trade- Installation of updated data processing software, dissemination software and data protocols etc; Social, Environment ICT Statistics and Regional Census Strategy; 12 CARICOM GENERAL APPROACH TO STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING 2008-2011 – HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIES: Training in Classifications, Sampling, NSDS, Demographic analysis, GIS –mainly short term; IT Infrastructure support including Organisation of Databases; Web-based Communication System and Equipment & software; Help Desk establishment- links to manuals, discussion forum etc.; Production of profile on the Single Market establishment; Legislative framework – Draft Model Statistics Bill; Data Dissemination- DevInfo training. 13 CARICOM Action 1 Initial Reaction Strengthen and re-focus national and regional statistical systems that address country-level development priorities, A key aim is to increase in-country capacity to respond to emerging and unforeseen needs. Strategies should be updated to reflect new challenges and opportunities and integrate international and domestic data collection activities Strategic Planning to address country priorities have been introduced User-Producer partnerships Caribbean Statistics Day -main mechanism; national level activities Development of sectoral data- is integrated Common RSWP- Implementation at the country level requires a lot of work and incorporation in the national strategies 2009 NSDS training workshop;PARIS21/Ninth EDF/NSO Strategic Plans; 2011 follow-up missions on strategic planning under the Ninth EDF in 11 countries; Work in progress in at least four countries on preparing NSDS roadmaps (Suriname, Jamaica, Belize, Dominica) and Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis and Anguilla have asked for support/ subregional project; 14 CARICOM Action 1 continued Initial Reaction Gender mainstreaming UNSD/CARICOM Project 1999-2004 Strengthening Capacity in the Compilation of Social/Gender and Environment Statistics for Conference Follow-up; Foundation exists to build upon UNSD. World Bank TFSCB, UNDP, UNFPA Themes and Gender Concerns; developed core indicators; Undertook data Compilation;P roduced regional reports including one on Decisionmaking; National Compendia on Gender produced by some countries- to encourage countries to continue to produce the compendia Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems UNDP, World Bank TFSCB, UNSD,PAHO, UNFPA – Country level activities/audits 2005 Workshop in this area- funded TFSCB/UNDP in collaboration with UNSD, PAHO; stimulated work in country – most recently Jamaica produced some a manual of standards in this area in 2011 15 CARICOM Action 2 Implement standards for data preservation. Documentation and dissemination and permit full public access to statistics Initial Reaction NSOs with own websites – Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago; Hosted on Government websites – Antigua and Barbuda; The Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Associate Members-Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Region has participated in January in Open Data Conference with the CARICOM Secretariat Regional Statistics Programme presenting , Trinidad and Tobago CSO and Statin , Jamaica participating A lot more work on administrative data and enterprise data Need to strengthen data archiving capabilities Geospatial data- some attention during the recent 2010 Census round 16 CARICOM Action 3 Develop programmes to increase knowledge and skills needed to use statistics effectively for planning and analysis, monitoring and evaluation this increasing transparency and accountability and improve accessibility of statistics at the national and international levels Initial Reaction Rationale for statistics and policy development re integration, tracking development outcomes nationally/regionally Caribbean Statistics Day is a start – but more work re public awareness and user/producer interface Need to promote the use of data/ elearning and empowerment of users 17 CARICOM Action 4 Initial Reaction Build and maintain results monitoring instruments to track outcomes of all global summits and high level forums. Rigorous monitoring of global initiatives requires collaboration between national and international statistical organisations. Outcome documents should specifically recognise the need for statistical capacity development, including New data requirements of these summits would require improvement in the resources of the statistical offices given constraints of size etc. Foundation on Gender Statistics due to past intervention but there are still critical gaps due to uncoordinated national statistical system Country progress reports on statistics produced annually at the SCCS meetings identifying challenges/best practices /need to link to policy Diagnostic assessment on statistics– 2010/11 18 CARICOM Action 5 Initial Reaction Ensure financing for statistical information is robust and that funding instruments and approaches reflect the new modalities and actors in development finance Flexibility and adaptability in financial support is important given the constraints highlighted earlier Not withstanding what funds are made available internationally there is need for governments of the region to consistently support the development/modernisation of the statistical offices : . •This would render more effective the funds that are received extra-regionally; •Sustain the process of capacity building 19 CARICOM In summary some foundations but also major gaps exist : Country-driven approach is possible – inherently project proposals are brought to the SCCS for inputs/feedback/deriving implementation strategy- Regional Statistical Work Programme regional mechanism for interventions; NSDS foundation- initial training, follow-up work in several countries- countries’ interest in developing NSDS continues; Caribbean Statistics Day- users-producers and similar best practices in a couple of countries; Gender Statistics- work in this area put in place with a UNSD/CARICOM project- requires a strong national statistical system; Civil Registration and Vital Statistics- work commenced in this area since 2005. A foundation – need for a structured strategy re the Busan Action Plan- to some extent the Regional Statistical Work Programme which is being updated can provide this structure. 20 CARICOM 21