2011 South East Asian Regional Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (5 – 8 December 2011) Innovation Survey of Hong Kong, China Joseph Y.C. WONG Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong, China 1 Topics covered in this brief Background Methodology of the innovation survey of Hong Kong Analysis of the latest profile of innovation activities in the business sector of Hong Kong 2 Background Innovation represents a new source of industry competitiveness and economic growth and is crucial to the development of Hong Kong towards a knowledge economy Under the “market leads, government facilitates” economic policy, Government provides support to R&D and technology development in Hong Kong through: providing funding support to R&D and technology upgrading projects in the industry through the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) providing monetary incentive through R&D cash rebate (10% of applied R&D investment by business firms in partnership with local research institutes) putting in place science and technology infrastructure (e.g. Science Park) setting up public research institutes and R&D centres to facilitate technology transfer to local industries strengthening collaboration between parties in the Mainland China and Hong Kong in the area of innovation and technology fostering an innovation and technology culture through workshops, project competitions etc. 3 Development of innovation statistics of Hong Kong The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) was set up in 2000 by the Government of Hong Kong, China, with the mission to spearhead Hong Kong’s drive to become an innovative and knowledge economy The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) is responsible for data collection, compilation and dissemination of science, technology and innovation (STI) statistics STI statistics are useful to the community and the Government in tracking the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong and for formulating evidence-based science and technology policy and promotion strategies Innovation statistics for the business sector are compiled from data collected through the Survey of Innovation Activities introduced since 2001 (R&D data are also collected in the same survey) 4 C&D adopts international statistical guidelines for compilation of internationally comparable STI Indicators of Hong Kong Concepts and definitions adopted in the innovation survey are based on the Oslo Manual (OECD and Eurostat) Effort has been made to align the framework of the innovation survey of Hong Kong with that of the Community Innovation Survey for the European economies to facilitate compilation of internationally comparable innovation statistics 5 Metadata of the innovation survey Frequency: annual survey conducted under the Census and Statistics Ordinance as a mandatory survey, specifically designed for collecting data on innovation activities in the business sector of Hong Kong Number of survey rounds: since its introduction in 2001, ten rounds of the innovation survey have so far been conducted; fieldwork for the 2010 survey round has been completed and survey findings will be released by end 2011 Reference period: calendar year Coverage: an economy-wide survey covering all major industries in Hong Kong, except agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining and quarrying industries (insignificant, accounting for 0.06% of GDP) 6 Coverage and sampling method Sampling frame: Central Register of Establishments (CRE), an computerised database containing records of all companies and organisations operating in Hong Kong; private non-profit organisations are not separately identified in the CRE Industry classification: Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0, modeled on the UN’s International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4, with local adaptations Population size: around 300 000 business firms in Hong Kong Sample size: a sample survey on around 5 500 business firms in each survey round Sampling method: stratified sampling; business firms are stratified by industry group, and within each industry group, further by firm size (in terms of employment) – construction firms with less than 10 7 employees are not covered Challenge: special features of the sampling design Innovative firms are small in number, in particular technological innovation performers represent around 3% of all business firms in Hong Kong; innovation activities are not regular and not evenly distributed among industries To enhance the effectiveness of data collection, target business firms (with a greater potential of being R&D performer) are covered in full (certainty cases): Firms which have been reporting R&D data to previous rounds of innovation survey Firms identified to have undertaken R&D through a screening question in the largerscale annual survey of economic activities (with over 20 000 firms enumerated in each survey round) Firms engaged in R&D projects in collaboration with public research institutes Firms operating in technology clusters (e.g. Science Park) Firms which are applicants for government ITF and R&D cash rebate Firms which are patent applicants Other target firms identified from media reports and intelligence from other government agencies For other firms, a sample is drawn from each stratum, with a greater sampling fraction for larger firms and for those industry groups which tend to have a greater propensity to perform R&D and innovation activities 8 Data collection method Data collection method: mainly personal interviews (including face-to-face interviews and telephone interviews) A typical survey cycle of the Survey (2010 reference year as an illustration) is as follows: Review of changes in data requirements and finalisation of questionnaire: November to December 2010 Preparation and printing of survey documents: January 2011 Training of interviewers: February 2011 Fieldwork period: February to September 2011 Response rate: over 95% Data quality assurance measures: computer validation and field verification of dubious cases throughout the data collection process Data tabulation and analysis: October to November 2011 Dissemination of survey results: end December 2011 9 Classification of innovation activities Innovation Technological innovation Product innovation Process innovation Nontechnological innovation Organisational innovation Marketing innovation 10 Technological innovation • Product innovation – Introduction of a technological new or significantly improved products (goods and services) e.g. Octopus card (smart card system), Mycar (electric car), mobile banking • Process innovation – Implementation of a technologically new or significantly improved process (production and delivery) e.g. GPS tracking system for logistic company 11 Non-technological innovation • Organisational innovation – Implementation of a new organisational method in the firm’s business practices, workplace organisation or external relations (e.g. business re-engineering, introduction of a new supply chain management system; quality-management system etc.) • Marketing innovation – Implementation of a new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing (e.g. branding, introduction of new flavours for a food product in order to target the product to a new customer segment etc.) 12 Challenge: what constitutes innovation activities (e.g. product innovation versus customisation of product) and the distinction between innovation activities of different nature (e.g. product innovation versus marketing innovation) may not be clear to some respondents; overcome by including practical examples in explanatory notes accompanying the questionnaire (some illustrations given below) • Development of a new multimedia software is product innovation whereas use of the new software to business applications is not a technological innovation activity • Introduction of new internet or mobile banking services is a technological innovation whereas making use of mobile banking for sales of bank products is not a technological innovation activity 13 Major data items collected in the innovation survey R&D data (covered in the presentation on Measuring R&D in Hong Kong, China) Technological product and process innovation implemented by firms Expenditure on product and process innovation, comprising: Expenditure on in-house R&D Expenditure on R&D outsourced to other parties Industrial design and other preparation (e.g. production start-up, tooling up and industrial engineering) for production or delivery of new products Acquisition of plant and machinery related to technological innovation Market introduction of new products Acquisition of external technology (e.g. patent, know-how) related to technological innovation Training directly related to technological innovation (e.g. training of staff on use of new production technology or new processes) 14 Innovation data collected in the survey (cont’d) Innovation expenditure by source of funds (industry, government, abroad) for implementing technological innovation Number of direct employees deployed to technological innovation activities (full-time equivalent) On-going technological innovation and abandoned technological innovation Effects of technological innovation (e.g. broadening range of products, increased market share, product quality improvement, enhanced productivity, cost reduction, introducing environmentally friendly products and processes etc.) on business firms Contribution of product innovation to business receipts 15 Innovation data collected in the survey (cont’d) Collaboration arrangements on technological innovation (by type of local and non-local partners) Sources of knowledge or information (e.g. internal sources, market sources, institutional sources, technical standards, environmental or product safety standards etc.) used in technological innovation Barriers to technological innovation Non-technological organisational and marketing innovation implemented by firms 16 Dissemination of R&D statistics and STI indicators of Hong Kong R&D and innovation statistics of Hong Kong are published in the annual publication Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2009 was published in end December 2010 The 2010 edition will be published in end December 2011 More comprehensive analyses of science and technology statistics and other knowledge-economy statistical indicators are published in the biennial publication Hong Kong as a Knowledge-based Economy The 2011 edition was published in September 2011 Feature articles on R&D, innovation activities and KBE published in Monthly Digest of Statistics All C&SD publications and their back issues can be free downloaded from C&SD website: http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/home/index.jsp 17 The percentage of innovative firms increased from 16% in 2001 to 39% in 2009 (around 110 000 firms) Percentage of innovative firms 60 50 39 40 30 20 16 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 18 Business expenditure on technological product and process innovation peaked in 2005 and has been consolidating in recent years Business innovation expenditure increased from US$ 0.9 Bn in 2001 to US$1.8 Bn in 2009, with an average annual growth rate of around 10% Business expenditure on technological product and process innovation (US$ Mn) 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 US$ 0.9 Bn 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 US$ 1.8 Bn 2006 2007 2008 2009 19 The import/export trade (involving trading firms with manufacturing related activities in Mainland China), distributive trade, accommodation and food services industry group has a higher technological product innovation intensity (2009 results) % contribution of new/significantly improved products to innovative firms’ business receipts 35 30 28 25 20 14 15 14 12 10 10 5 0 Import/export trade, distributive trade, accommodation and food services Information and communication Manufacturing Overall Financing, insurance, real estate, professional and business services 20 In the business sector, large firms taken together account for 34% of the total technological innovation expenditure, compared with 38% for medium-sized firms and 28% for small-sized firms (2009 results) Small-sized firms (28%) Large firms (34%) Medium-sized firms (38%) 21 Impact of technological innovation on businesses (2009 results) Improved quality of products (26% of firms which have undertaken technological innovation) Improved production flexibility (20%) Increased range of products (20%) Reduced labour cost per produced units (17%) Increased production capacity (17%) 22 Barriers to technological innovation (2009 results) Innovation costs too high (66% of firms which have undertaken technological innovation) Excessive perceived economic risks (56%) Inadequate emphasis on technological innovation in government’s procurement (46%) Organisational rigidities – attitude of senior management towards change (43%) 23 Thank you 24