Cloud Computing at TIA Presented By Betsy Covell Chair: TIA Cloud Computing Subcommittee Agenda Cloud Computing Subcommittee Cloud Computing Interoperability Cloud Issues in CCSC Cloud Computing Subcommittee Cloud Computing Subcommittee charter: Inform TIA standards committees and policy groups of the need for interoperability standards related to cloud computing Increase participation by cloud experts Introduce cloud computing organizations into TIA standards development process Cloud Standards Interoperability TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems TR-42.1 updating TIA-942 to add support for o very large data centers o containerized data centers that are utilized by some cloud data center service providers o higher speed network protocols used for cloud computing o Security for data center cabling TR-42.7 initiated new project to develop next generation balanced cabling for data transmission higher than 10Gbps Cloud Standards Interoperability TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems TR-42.11 developed polarity schemes that use multi-fiber array connectors that will support 40 and 100 gigabit systems which will be used for cloud computing systems. TR-42.21 developed standards for fiber suitable for manufacturing OM4 cabling which is specified by IEEE 802.3 for Ethernet and INCITS T11 for Fibre Channel, two applications critical to cloud computing. Cloud Standards Interoperability TR-45 Mobile and Personal Communications System Standards Potential focus on cloud access by smart devices, energy efficiency, lawful intercept and mobility TR-48 Vehicular Telematics Potential focus on addressing improvements to the interoperability of varying platforms and systems Cloud Standards Interoperability TR-50 Smart Device Communications Potential focus on M2M between cloudprovisioned servers in a public, private, or hybrid cloud data center setup TR-51 Smart Utility Networks Potential focus on network agnostic standards interoperating with an IP network suitable for enabling access to cloud computing infrastructure for data storage, management and processing. Cloud Issues in CCSC Proliferation of cloud standards results in many cloud definitions But still leaves many standards gaps End User View into Cloud Reliability/SLA Security Lawful intercept NIST Cloud Model Hybrid Clouds Deployment Models Service Models Essential Characteristics Common Characteristics Private Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) Community Cloud Public Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) On Demand Self-Service Broad Network Access Rapid Elasticity Resource Pooling Measured Service Massive Scale Homogeneity Virtualization Low Cost Software Resilient Computing Geographic Distribution Service Orientation Advanced Security Cloud Structural Model Cloud Business Model Cloud App Provider Cloud Equipment Provider Cloud End User Perspective Data Location Cloud End User Perspective Data Access Privileges Cloud End User Perspective Single vs Multi Cloud Recovery in Distributed Cloud Routing Load Application Data Perimeter Center Security Balancing Frontend Public Internet Assume Application Database Server Backend DUPLE X FAILU RE Power Environment Interconnection Routing Load Application Database Data Perimeter Server Center Security Balancing Backend Public Internet Power Environment Interconnection Native vs Virtualized Redundancy Downtime across a redundant pair is primarily driven by… Critical failure rate of software is likely to be similar… Redundant Pair Except there may be more (possibly less reliable) hardware and software in the critical path… Failure coverage likely to be similar… Active Failure detection latency likely to be similar… Switchover latency likely to be similar… Redundant Switchover success probability likely to be similar Redundant Redundant Cloud makes greater redundancy feasible, including aggressive compute redundancy architectures where each request is simultaneously sent to multiple server instances and client selects first successful, quorum, or other strategy, thereby boosting service availability Benefits of Georedundancy To improve service availability via (geo)redundant data centers, failures in primary data center must be detected, isolated and recovered faster to georedundant data center than they would be locally To get significant service availability improvement, detection, isolation and georedundant recovery must be automatic and (very…) fast Cloud Security Coordinate with Cloud Security Alliance on telecom related security aspects Investigate lawful intercept issues based on TIA’s prior joint standards efforts Data Center Security (current) • • • • Telecommunications cabling for data centers shall not be routed through spaces accessible by the public or by other tenants of the building unless the cables are in enclosed conduit or other secure pathways. Any maintenance holes, pull boxes, and splice boxes shall be equipped with a lock. Telecommunications entrance cabling for data centers should not be routed through a common equipment room (CER). Any maintenance holes on building property or under control of the data center owner should be 1624 locked and monitored by the data center security system using a camera, remote alarm or both. Access to pull boxes for data center cabling (entrance cabling or cabling between portions of the data center) that are located in public spaces or shared tenant spaces should be controlled. The pull boxes should also be monitored by the data center security system using a camera, remote alarm or both. Any splice boxes for data center cabling that are located in public spaces or shared tenant spaces should be locked and monitored by the data center security system using a camera, remote alarm or both. Entrance to utility tunnels used for telecommunications entrance rooms and other data center cabling should be locked. If the tunnels are used by multiple tenants or cannot be locked, telecommunications cabling for data centers shall be in solid metallic conduit or other secure pathway. Cloud Potential 2011