The Singapore Logistics Association - Asia

Compendium of Best Practices and
Benefits of National Logistics
Associations in Selected APEC
First Workshop, Oakes on Collins
Melbourne, 5-7 April 2011
Author: Quek Keng Liang
Organisation: Singapore Logistics
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Purpose of Presentation
•Objective: Provide an overview of the
Singapore Logistics Association (SLA)
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 2
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Vision, Mission & Quality Policy
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 3
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
• To promote,
protect and
develop a sound
logistics industry
• To represent,
protect and
promote the
general interests
of members
• To develop,
promote &
Singapore as a
premium regional
and international
logistics hub
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 4
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
The Association was established on 6 September 1973 and was previously
known as Singapore Freight Forwarders Association. It was renamed
Singapore Logistics Association on 30 August 1999.
Singapore Logistics Association (SLA) champions the causes of the logistics
and transport industry in Singapore.
As the lead association, SLA seeks to fulfill its objects in close
collaboration and engagement with logistics companies & professionals,
institutions & academia, industry organizations and partners, government
agencies as well as international organizations & businesses.
Its growing membership of more than 450 business entities today offers a
diverse scope of logistics and ancillary support services.
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No. 5
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Membership as at 1 March 2011
Ordinary Members (403)
Association Members (44)
Freight Links
Griffin Kinetic
K C Dat
Keppel Logistics
Logwin Air+Ocean
Menlo Worldwide
Poh Tiong Choon
Singapore Post
YCH Global Logistics
Aetos Security
IBM Singapore
Nanyang Polytechnic
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Republic Polytechnic
Temasek Polytechnic
Institute of Technical Education
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 6
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Services Offerings by SLA members
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No. 7
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Organisation Structure
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Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
Ministry of Education
•Council for Private
Education (CPE)
Policies impacting/influencing the industry
•Private Education Act - To regulate the private education sector more effectively and
improve its quality
•Private Education Institutions (PEIs) are required to register with CPE
•SLA set-up ‘The Logistics Academy Pte Ltd’
•Still in process of securing recognition of courses previously approved by
another agency
Ministry of National
•Agri-food & Veterinary
Authority of Singapore
•Dialogued with AVA on new requirements in the fumigation of containers on nonpermeable surface or on the ground, where the previous practice of fumigation of
containers on trailers and the use of boarding in containers would be disallowed
•The working group proposed to establish centralized fumigation areas or at
designated container depots with adequate facilities
Ministry of the
Environment & Water
•National Environment
Agency (NEA)
•New Air Emission Standards for Industries
•The standards have been drawn up after extensive consultations with the
industries inputs in industrial processes and air pollution control technologies
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No. 9
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
Ministry of Transport
•Land Transport Authority
Ministry of Manpower
•Workplace Safety &
Health Council (WSHC)
•WSHC Logistics &
Transport Committee
Policies impacting/influencing the industry
•SLA participated in the review the safety of workers transported on lorries
•SLA contributed in the development of 2 workplace safety and health guidelines:
Fatigue Management and Safe Loading on Vehicles
•‘Logistics & Transport Safety Orientation Course’ was jointly developed by SLA and
WSHC to promote basic workplace safety and health for the logistics and transport
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Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
Feedback to Agencies on Policies/Regulations
•SC conducted industry consultation with SLA to gather feedback on the possible
impacts of implementing Advance Export Declaration (AED)
Ministry of Finance
•Singapore Customs (SC)
•Inland Revenue Authority
of Singapore (IRAS)
•SLA is represented in IRAS Taxpayer Feedback Panel
•SLA and IRAS co-organized a seminar and feedback session on Productivity &
Innovation Credit Scheme for members
•SLA provided feedback to IRAS & SC on bad debt arising from GST paid on behalf of
Ministry of Trade &
•Competition Commission
Singapore (CCS)
•SLA provided inputs on the effects to logistics business if block exemption to shipping
is extended for a further five-year period
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Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
Ministry of Trade &
Industry (MTI)
•SPRING Singapore The Standards,
Productivity and
Innovation Board
Feedback to Agencies on Policies/Regulations
•Foreign Worker Policy: Meetings with MTI were held together with MOM,
Spring Singapore to highlight and feedback that the industry would face a
shortage of workers when the new foreign worker quota were to take effect
Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Trade &
•Economic &
Development Board
• SLA provided feedback on the challenges and strategies faced by the
industry in driving productivity improvements
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 12
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
Ministry of Information,
Communication & the
•Infocomm Development
Authority of Singapore
Ministry of Transport
•Civil Aviation Authority of
Singapore (CAAS)
•Maritime & Port
Authority of Singapore
Ministry of Trade &
•SPRING Singapore
Supply Chain Connectivity
•e-freight@Singapore: SLA is represented in the steering committee to promote and
develop e-freight@Singapore in enhancing Singapore as an air cargo and logistics hub
•Infocomm@Seaport: SLA is represented in the steering committee which focuses on
enhancing the connectivity and communications between players in the seaport
community; promoting operational and service excellence; and increasing opportunities
for the seaport community to attract new businesses
•German-Singapore Business Forum & Korea Singapore Logistics Council: SLA is
represented on these committees for forging stronger business partnerships and
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
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Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Industry Partners & Government Agencies
• Examples of News/Updates in policies & regulations and
government schemes that have been disseminated to
members of SLA:
Ministry of Health, Health Sciences Authority
Updates in Medical Devices Regulations
Guidelines on Workplace Safety & Health
Ministry of Finance, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Import GST Deferment Scheme
Productivity & Innovation Credit Scheme
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 14
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Engaging Associations
International Connectivity
•Member of AFFA (ASEAN Federation of Forwarders Association) & FIATA (International Federation of Freight
Forwarders Association)
•Active participation in international & regional meetings, e.g. UN ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific), FIATA – Asian Pacific Region Meetings
•Memoranda of Understanding with other associations:
•Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA)
•National Association of Freight & Logistics (NAFL) – Dubai, UAE
•Taiwan International Logistics & Supply Chain Association (TILSCA)
•Association of Transport Forwarding Organisations of Ukraine (UZT)
•Mongolian Logistics Association
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 15
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Local Enterprise & Association Development
(LEAD) Programme
• Jointly managed by SPRING and
International Enterprise Singapore
• SLA launched its LEAD Programme on 1
October 2007
• 4 Strategic Thrusts through 11 Projects
to promote growth and maintain
Singapore’s leadership position as a
regional logistics hub
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No. 16
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Local Enterprise & Association Development
(LEAD) Programme
Thrust 1
Thrust 2
Thrust 3
Industry Branding
& Benchmarking
Education &
Resource &
• Supply Chain
Security Practices
• Singapore
Logistics industry
• Portal
• Benchmarking
Study &
Diagnostic Tools
• Online Learning
• Supply Chain &
Logistics Degree
• Scholarship to
Groom & Retain
• The Logistics
• Cost Effective IT
Thrust 4
Facilitation &
• Overseas
Business /
Mission Trips &
• Adoption of Best
(publication of 4
guide books)
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 17
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Local Enterprise & Association Development
(LEAD) Programme
Thrust 1
Industry Branding
& Benchmarking
Singapore Logistics industry
• Singapore
Logistics industry
• Portal
• Benchmarking
Study &
Diagnostic Tools
Launched We Can Movement in
September 2010 to correct
perception of the logistics
industry being difficult,
dangerous and dirty
Portal Development
The Portal,, was
launched on 25 February 2011
Benchmarking Study & Capability
Diagnostic Tools
• is part
of the SLA Portal
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 18
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Local Enterprise & Association
Development (LEAD)
Thrust 2
Education &
• Online Learning
Online learning platform
• Supply Chain &
Logistics Degree
• Scholarship to
Groom & Retain
• The Logistics
Online learning system installed for students of SLA
Supply Chain & Logistics Degree Course
Jointly developed by SLA/UniSIM
Received over-whelming enrolment
Scholarship to Groom & Retain Talents
SLA awarded a total of 13 scholarships to date
5 more to be awarded @ S$30k each
The Logistics Academy
The training institute was incorporated in February 2010
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 19
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
The Logistics Academy
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 20
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Local Enterprise & Association Development
(LEAD) Programme
Thrust 3
Resource &
• Supply Chain
• Cost Effective IT
• Adoption of Best
(publication of 4
guide books)
Supply Chain Security Practices
Cost Effective IT Solution
3 public seminars, to raise awareness on supply chain security
among enterprises and professionals
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products are made available on SLA
Portal for members’ benefits
Adoption of Best Practices
Five Guides to International Logistics
series have been published
more in the pipeline to be launched
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 21
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Promoting International
Thrust 4
Facilitation &
• Overseas
Business /
Mission Trips &
Overseas Business/Mission Trips
SLA worked with IE Singapore and SPRING Singapore to organize
2 business missions in year 2010 to Ukraine & Indonesia
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 22
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations – Industries served by SLA Members
A total of 137 new members
recorded since the LEAD
Programme for Singapore logistics
started in 2007
these new members constituted
32% of the 431 SLA members as at
31 December 2009. (447 SLA
members as at 31 December 2010)
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 23
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Successful Collaborations with Industry
Partners & Government Agencies
•FIATA World Congress 2013
• SLA & STB successfully won the bid in a concerted effort for
Singapore to host the Congress in 2013
•We Can. Singapore logistics makes everything possible.
• An initiative by SLA, supported by government agencies, the We
Can Movement attracted many logistics companies who adopted
the ‘We Can branding’
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 24
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Successful Collaborations with Industry
Partners & Government Agencies
• “A Moving Story” was commissioned by SLA
and sponsored by government agencies and
industry partners. The 4 part series was
broadcasted to 22 Territories on Channel
NewsAsia from 15 Feb – 10 Mar 2011
• Guideline on ‘Safe Loading on Vehicles’
• Jointly developed by SLA, PSA, Jurong Port and other associations
and supported by MOM and WHSC
• Safety Regulations For Lorries Carrying Workers
• Regulations developed with collaboration between SLA, LTA and
other associations
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 25
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Challenges Faced…
•Balance between Governance and Managing – Involvement of
volunteers (Council) verses full time staff (Secretariat)
•Associations are usually “Not for profit organizations” – but profit is
necessary to generate funds for Associations to operate with a healthy
financial buffer
•Diversify revenue streams – relying on membership dues alone is
•Harvest truly is plenteous but laborers are few - Lack of volunteers for
•Numerous agencies to collaborate with – one to many complexities
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 26
Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of
National Logistics Associations
Thank you
Melbourne Workshop, 5-6 April 2011
No. 27