AMEC Clean Energy Capability AMEC Clean Energy Mark Cowper and Teodor Chirica Nuc Info’ Day 2013, Bucharest, 15 May 2013 AMEC at a glance FTSE 100 company Market cap* c.£3.1 billion Over 29,000 employees in: Europe 10,000 Americas 16,000 Growth Regions 3,000 4000 Nuclear Experts Operating in over 40 countries worldwide Serving oil & gas, mining, clean energy and environment & infrastructure markets across the world Revenue some £4.2 billion, or: Aus$6.4 billion Cdn$6.6 billion US$6.6 billion * As at 15 February 2013 2 AMEC CLEAN ENERGY Clean Energy Clive White Strategic Nuclear Programmes Martin Wenban Nuclear Generation and Defence Tom Jones • Sellafield Parent Body Organisation (joint venture with AREVA (France) and URS Washington, USA) • EDF UK new build • Clean up • Reactor services • Consultancy • Conventional Power • Defence • Europe business* • Lewis Wind Power Ltd • Nuclear Tier 2 services • Renewable Energy Sources • Magnox PBO Bid • Europe-wide New Nuclear Build opportunities Nuclear Services Andy White Clean Energy Services Peter Stalker • Nuclear Sites and Labs management *including AMEC Nuclear Romania, AMEC Nuclear Slovakia , AMEC Nuclear Czech, AMEC NCI South Africa, AMEC France AMEC CLEAN ENERGY AND NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE Nuclear new build Partnered with EDF in UK Partnered with OPG in Canada Partnered with Cernavoda Clean-up & site management Reactor design & support Lifetime partner with EDF Energy Largest technical consultant in support of OPG in Canada Full lifecycle capability and support Sellafield Parent Body Organisation Decommissioning expertise in UK, Europe, US and Canada Part of Magnox decommissioning framework, Accord Sellafield’s largest technical services framework consultant NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING AMEC international experience Sellafield UK Oak Ridge TN US Dounreay UK Urenco UK Magnox UK LLWR UK Ignalina Lithuania Europe US and Canada Chernobyl Ukraine International West Valley NY state US Bohunice Slovakia MOAB Utah US Mochovce Slovakia Grand Junction CO US Dukovany Czech Republic Hanford WA US Temelín Czech Republic Fernald OH US Plum Brook OH US Bruce Ontario Canada AECL Alberta Canada ABB CT US Fukushima Prefecture Japan RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL • Waste Management • Wasteform and Container Development • Repository Planning & Siting • Repository Design & Geotechnical Services • Long-Term Safety Assessment • Regulatory & Stakeholder Engagement WHAT AMEC NUCLEAR DOES IN ROMANIA AMEC NUCLEAR Romania Established 2007 22 staff HQ in Bucharest Operations at Cernavoda AMEC in Romania provides high quality services such as nuclear safety and licensing support, Owner Engineer support for NNB, civil and mechanical stress analysis, dynamic evaluation of structures, radioactive waste management and project management. Recent AMEC NUCLEAR RO projects: Cernavoda Unit 1 Periodic Safety Review, June 2012 and the up-date of the Final Safety Analysis Report, March 2013, played a significant role in supporting the new 10 year operation license granted by the Romanian Nuclear Regulator to Cernavoda NPP. ADVANTAGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN ROMANIA ADVANTAGES Customer commitment skills to provide consultancy services to the clients ‘One AMEC’ support bringing together UK and Canada nuclear expertise and the necessary, unique CANDU experience to Romania Flexibility to work in partnership with local and international partners Ability to ‘reach back’ into AMEC and access 4000 Nuclear Experts across the whole of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle MAIN TARGETS FOR 2015 - 2020 Leading support organisation for the Romanian NNB – regain OE position for Cernavoda 3&4 Significant nuclear safety and licensing consultant in Romania Diversification: grow into other energy segments Thank you for your attention