Operative programmes in Hungary and Prjects form the Cohesion

Operative programmes in Hungary
and Projects from the Cohesion
Supporting green future –
EU Funds in environmental
4-5.12.2011. Kraków
Péter Bakó
Ministerstwo Środowiska
Operative programmes in Hungary
Economic Development OP (EDOP)
Transport OP (TOP)
Social Renewal OP (SROP)
Social Infrastructure OP (SIOP)
Environment and Energy OP (EEOP)
State Reform OP (SROP)
Electronic Administration OP (EAOP)
Implementation OP (IOP)
• West Pannon OP (WPOP)
• South Great Plain OP (SGPOP)
• North Great Plain OP (NGPOP)
• Central Hungary OP (CHOP)
•North Hungary OP (NHOP)
•Central Transdanubia OP (CTOP)
•South Transdanubia OP (STOP)
National Programme
Economic Development Operational Programme
Total allocation : 3 363 322 038 €
Four specific objectives have been selected to
strengthen growth factors:
· Increase in Research & Development and innovation capacity,
activity, as well as cooperation
· Complex development of corporate capacities
· Development of the business environment
· To facilitate the access of SMEs to financing resources
National Programme
Transport Operation Programme
Total allocation: 7 321 681 353 €
Transport Policy White Paper 2001
Incrased motorway network
Incrased air-traffic
6% ot the GDP generated by the transport
Every tenth employee
Geographical and geopolitical position:
– Western/Eastern
National Programme
Social Renewal OP SROP
Total allocation : 4 097 080 055 €
The purpose of the Social Renewal Operational Programme is to implement
interventions successfully in the programming period 2007-2013, which affect the
entire population of the country, based on the infrastructure background, equal
chances of access to quality services provided primarily by the Social Infrastructure
Operational Programme and regional operativeprogrammes.
Social Infrastructure OP SIOP
Total spend: 2 096 496 675 €
The Social Infrastructure Operational Programme (SIOP) will enhance sustained
growth and the expansion of employment through the development of the physical
infrastructural background of human public services, Accordingly, it involves
developing the infrastructure of
- education and training,
- the health care system,
- the labour market and social services.
The SIOP seeks to create the physical infrastructural background required for the
successful implementation of the interventions of the Social Renewal OP (SROP).
National Programme
Environment and Energy OP EEOP
Total allocation : 4 916 289 813 €
EEOP is based on the following strategic considerations:
• Strengthening environment protection
• Development of the environmental infrastructure
• A more efficient and economical use of our natural resources
• Appropriate special arrangement of the above will enhance the protection and
development of the cultural and natural heritage of the regions, the deprived
areas in particular, and provides them an opportunity to take a more intensive
share in their economic development.
National Programme
•State Reform OP SROP
Total allocation : 172 435 891 €
The actors of society formulate three expectations towards public
-As taxpayers they count on the cheapest operation possible,
-As citizens they require the promotion of the protection of their (for
example cultural, environmental, social, municipal) values and that of
the public value,
- As customers they demand swift, simple and affordable
National Programme
Electronic Administration OP EAOP
Total allocation : 421 700 133 €
The overall strategic objective of the operational programme is to
improve efficiency in public administration.
Implementation OP IOP
Total allocation : 370 744 632 €
The Technical Assistance funds of the IOP and the OPs are
distinguished as follows:
• The IOP priorities are meant to support strategic activities at system
level in relation to the implementation of the National Strategic
Reference Framework and all Operational Programmes
• The Technical Assistance priorities of the Operational Programmes
support the technical-operational implementation of each programme,
primarily the project-related activities of OPs (mainly activities of the
Intermediate Bodies).
Regional Programmes
Regional Programme
West Pannon OP WPOP
Regional economic development: 83,888,788 €
Tourism development: 128,909,981 €
Environmental protection and transport infrastructure 109 481 443 €
Urban and regional development 103,874,832 €
Regional Programme
Central Transdanubia OP
Regional economic development:
92 620 676 €
Tourism development: 135
665 736 €
Improving transport conditions
178 309 740 €
Regional Programme
South Transdanubia OP
Improving transport conditions 215
955 852 €
Urban and regional development 87
316 6843 €
Regional Programme
Central Hungary OP CHOP
Urban and regional development 203 109 180 €
Regional Programme
South Great Plain OP SGPOP
Regional economic development: 152 842 951 €
Tourism development: 161 334 226 €
Improving the public transport 186 053 283 €
Regional Programme
North Hungary OP NHOP
Regional economic development: 154 076 609 €
Tourism development: 221 402 214 €
Improving transport conditions 107 011 071 €
Regional Programme
North Great Plain OP NGPOP
Regional economic development: 164 991 398 €
Tourism development: 208 450 929 €
Improving the public transport 199 935 957 €
Urban and regional development 296 254 662 €
Cohesion Fund
The title ot the Project:
Waste Management Project in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Budget: 35 845 000 €
Support from the CF: 78%
Number of town: 240 (in two county)
Number of citizen: 595 000
Cohesion Fund
14 composting plant
3 waste sorting plan
3 mechanical-biological treatment plant
1 landfill expansion
14 inert landfill
3 inert waste processing plant