Liberty Massive Mini 10/12/2013 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Rex Brown Team Driven #1730 Lee’s Summit High School Mentor Agenda Synchronous Belts (Thanks to Gates Belt for Slides) Drive Trains (Thanks to Madison Krass & Fred Sayre) Q&A Gates Rubber Synchronous Belt Drives FIRST Robotics Applications FIRST Robotics Competition – 2008/2009 Gates Rubber Synchronous Belts Benefits for First Robotics Competition Gates PowerGrip® GT®2 5MM belts are ideally sized for drives and functional applications on a FIRST robot Lightweight – much lighter than chain and gearing systems for comparable loads Useful – PowerGrip rubber belt drive systems are ideal not only for drives, but also for linear motion, lifts, game object conveying, positioning, and even for precisely flinging objects Easy to Work With – aluminum sprockets are easy to machine and belting can be wrapped, cemented, or riveted to structure Clean – these drives remain clean because oil is not needed and present a complete image of current technology Quiet – reduced noise as compared with other belt drive technology such as chain and gears Tooth Profiles Gates Synchronous Belts PG Timing, Trapezoidal, Gilmer HTD TwinPower Timing (Also available in PowerGrip GT2) Gates GT, GT2 Materials Supplied in 2007 Power GT2 Belts Aluminum HTD Sprockets – Why not GT2 Sprockets Synchronous Belt Drives For Comparison Purposes, Let’s give HTD a rated capacity of 1.0 when operating with HTD sprockets Typical Belt and Sprocket Profile for HTD Synchronous Belt Drives During the mid 1990’s, Gates replaced the PowerGrip HTD belt with PowerGrip GT belts, and continued running with HTD sprockets. Typical PowerGrip GT belt in HTD spkt Synchronous Belt Drives PowerGrip GT2 Drive System Typical PowerGrip GT2 belt and sprocket profile Application Notes Handling the Belts – Do not bend belts smaller than the diameter of the 15 groove sprocket. A one time tight bend or crimp will break the belt’s fiberglass tensile member and cause loss of strength and failure of the belt. Belts can not be joined or spliced by any means other than grooved splice plates with a minimum 6 teeth. Drive Alignment - Sprockets must be aligned and shafts parallel in both planes. OK! No Way! Sprocket Flanges – Provide Flanges either on both sides of one sprocket or one side on the driver and the opposite side on the driven sprocket. All belts drive to one side of the sprocket. You must use flanges. Guarding & Debris protection – A piece of flat plastic supported in between the belt spans is a simple way to eliminate pinch points and keep debris out of the drive. Application Notes Belt Tensioning – Tension the belt so that when the drive is under full anticipated load (including shock loads) the belt does not get slack on one side, or the belt teeth try to climb out of the sprocket grooves. Light load – light pre tension; Heavy load – higher pre-tension. Make sure the mounting structure does not deflect when either tensioning the belt or under operating conditions. If you loose tension, the belt will jump teeth. Keep belt shafts parallel and sprockets in line with each other. Max “climbout” under load Too little tension or pulley mounting needs more structure Belt Wrap – Minimum of 6 belt teeth fully in mesh & (60°) belt wrap on the circumference of each sprocket. This will allow a properly tensioned belt to perform at 100% of its load rating. A backside idler can be useful for both tensioning the drive and increasing belt wrap. The idler is used on the slack side of a belt drive. Reversing drive – Idler on either side. Product Ratings – Gates belt ratings are set to guarantee long life on industrial applications. For FIRST applications, your load capability is going to be determined by the shaft to sprocket connections, belt wrap, and the ability to pretension the drive so that the belt does not jump teeth. With adequate belt wrap & proper installation tension, you will be surprised by the durability of this product! Load capability of the 09 and 15MM width belts is proportional to their width. Best advice – One test is worth a 1000 calculations. Typical 6-Wheel Synchronous Drive Notes: •CIM motor primary drive uses 9MM wide belt. Higher torque load on wheel drives uses 15MM wide belt. Front wheel would be 9 or 15 wide depending on loading. •Rule of Thumb: If using belts for speed reduction, use narrower belts on higher speeds (usually coming from the motor) and wider belts at the lower speeds (powering the wheels) •Note use of sprocket flanges and belt tensioning points. •Provide adequate structure to maintain parallel shafts, sprocket alignment, and ability to maintain tension under load. •Total drive ratio is 7.9 : 1 Telescoping Lift with door motor & 5mm Long Length Belting Application Notes 1.25” diameter flat rollers with a flange can be used for idlers (either side of the belt.) Make an easy end connection – for 5mm pitch, 9mmwide belting long length belting, make a ferrule from ½ diameter x .035 x 1” Al or Cu tubing. Wrap belting around min. ½” diameter cylinder (to avoid belt cord damage) and insert belt loose ends through ferrule. Crimp the ferrule in a vise. Don’t crimp too tight and you will have a removable connection. Belt Tensioning – note adjustment screws Need a reversing drive? PowerGrip Twin Power® belts have teeth on both driving surfaces. Robotics Belt Applications 2 stage, 13:1 ratio positioning drive. Small sprocket on inside of belt span drives a position feedback pot. Ball Pitching using opposing belts and a PowerGrip Twin Power belt (teeth on both sides) to reverse rotation. Fast and Accurate! Drive Design Pulley Flanging Requirements – Standard Belts Must Be Restrained On Both Sides – Every Pulley Does Not Require Flanging OK 15 OK OK Drive Design Pulley Flanging Requirements – Long Belt Spans May Need Additional Constraint oBelt Spans > 8X The Pulley Diameter May Exhibit Greater Than Normal Tracking Forces D 8xD o Idler Pulleys Can Be Flanged And Used To Constrain Belts As Needed 16 Drive Design Pulley Flanging Requirements – Shaft Misalignment Results In Belt Tracking Force oShaft Non-Parallelism oShaft Deflection – Synchronous Belts Always Track “Down Hill” Belt Tracking 17 Belt Tracking Drive Design Drive Alignment Requirements Ideal Alignment – 1/4 Maximum Allowable (Angular + Parallel) Angular Misalignment – Shaft Parallelism Influences Belt Tracking Parallel Misalignment – Shaft Parallelism Influences Belt Tensile Loading 18 Application: Selecting The Correct Drive Special Characteristics – Belt Tooth Jumping Resistance oTooth Jumping Generally Begins At The Entry Point Into The Driven Pulley – Belt Pre-Tension Is Needed To Prevent Tooth Jumping – Large Sprocket Diameters Reduce Tooth Jumping oDrives With Short Centers Have Greater Tooth Jumping Resistance Than Drives With Long Centers – Short Belts Elongate Less Under Equivalent Loads 19 Application: Selecting The Correct Drive Special Characteristics Cont. – Belt Tooth Jumping Resistance Cont. oMaximize Tooth Jump Resistance By: – – – – 20 Designing With A Larger Belt Pitch Drive System Designing With Large Sprocket Diameters Increasing Belt Installation Tension Maintaining Rigid / Non Collapsing Center Distance 5mm PowerGrip® GT®2 – Belt Sizes Available NOTES PowerGrip GT2 part numbers are comprised of pitch, pitch length and width For example, 5MR-400-09 signifies 5mm pitch, 400mm pitch length and 9mm width Belt pitch is the distance in millimeters between two adjacent tooth centers as measured on the pitch line of the belt. Belt pitch length is the total length (circumference) in millimeters as measured along the pitch line. The theoretical pitch line of a PowerGrip GT2 belt lies within the tensile member. 5mm pitch, 9mm wide Long-Length Belting is designated as LL5MR-09. Belting is available in lengths up to 300 ft. Pitch Pitch Pitch Part No. No. of Teeth Length (In.) Part No. No. of Teeth Length (In.) Part No. No. of Teeth Length (In.) 5MR-300-09 60 11.81 5MR-575-09 115 22.64 5MR-900-09 180 35.43 5MR-355-09 71 13.98 5MR-580-09 116 22.83 5MR-1000-09 200 39.37 5MR-375-09 75 14.76 5MR-600-09 120 23.62 5MR-1150-09 230 45.28 5MR-400-09 80 15.75 5MR-625-09 125 24.61 5MR-1300-09 260 51.18 5MR-405-09 81 15.95 5MR-650-09 130 25.59 5MR-1450-09 290 57.09 5MR-425-09 85 16.73 5MR-700-09 140 27.56 5MR-1600-09 320 62.99 5MR-450-09 90 17.72 5MR-750-09 150 29.53 5MR-1720-09 344 67.72 5MR-500-09 100 19.69 5MR-800-09 160 31.5 5MR-1755-09 351 69.09 5MR-535-09 107 21.06 5MR-815-09 163 32.09 5MR-2100-09 420 82.67 5MR-565-09 113 22.24 5MR-850-09 170 33.46 5mm PowerGrip® HTD® – Sprockets Available 5mm pitch aluminum sprockets available for 9mm and 15mm wide belts. (For 15mm width, please change end part number from 09AL to 15AL) A complete drive system includes the sprocket hardware, available from Gates as well. No. No. of Grooves Pitch Dia. (In.) P12-5M-09AL P13-5M-09AL P14-5M-09AL P15-5M-09AL P16-5M-09AL P17-5M-09AL P18-5M-09AL P19-5M-09AL P20-5M-09AL P22-5M-09AL P24-5M-09AL P25-5M-09AL P26-5M-09AL P28-5M-09AL P30-5M-09AL P32-5M-09AL P34-5M-09AL P36-5M-09AL P38-5M-09AL P40-5M-09AL P44-5M-09AL P48-5M-09AL P50-5M-09AL P56-5M-09AL P60-5M-09AL P62-5M-09AL P70-5M-09AL P72-5M-09AL 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 44 48 50 56 60 62 70 72 .752 .815 .877 .940 1.003 1.065 1.128 1.191 1.253 1.379 1.504 1.566 1.629 1.754 1.880 2.005 2.130 2.256 2.381 2.506 2.757 3.008 3.133 3.509 3.760 3.885 4.386 4.511 Buying Additional Parts Gates sells all products only through our Distributor network. The website has this information. Your best sources that will take credit card orders and expedite delivery are: B & B Manufacturing, La Porte, IN or 877-787-4022 York Industries Garden City, NY 800-354-8466 Stock Drive Products- New Hyde Park, NY 516-328-3300 PowerGrip GT2 – Design Manual Download (PDF) your copy from See URL below, or click through: Power Transmission Catalogs Drive Design Manuals Gates Industrial Power Transmission Catalog The June 2007 Gates Power Transmission catalog is available on Includes all PowerGrip GT2 components in your kit, as well as all available sizes Contact The PowerGrip Team For additional questions or product-related orders, please email the PowerGrip team at or the Gates Product Application Help Line at 303-744-5800 Best of luck in your FIRST competitions! Feel free to contact us before, during, and after the competition for any questions, opportunities, or inquiries you may have Synchronous • Poly Chain® GT® Carbon- Improved High Performance Belt Constructed with Polyurethane Body and Carbon Fiber Tensile Cord (approx 15% greater capacity than “old” PCGT2). More length stable. More flesible (accomodates back-side idlers well) • • Pitches Available – 8M 14M