
Marketing Content Through SEO
and Social Media
Presentation Agenda
• Uncovering SEO Opportunities Through Content
• The Landscape: SEO & Social Media
• Social Media Communities & Link Building
Uncovering SEO Opportunities
Through Content
White Paper/Case Study
Landing Pages
Improving White Paper Visibility
Tizor Systems
Site Objective: Generate
interest from peers in the
educational resources of this
technology startup
Strategy 1: Create more
content available to be indexed
by search engines
Tactic: Creation of individual
white paper landing pages to
unlock long-tail keyword
We added hyperlinks that
connected users (and search
engines) to each applicable
White Paper Executive
Summary Page
Improving White Paper Visibility
Strategy 2: Enhance landing
pages so there is both PPC
and SEO value
Simplified the conversion
process by adding a request
form to each landing page.
• Organic search engine
traffic increased by 225%
from Q1 to Q4 of that year
• Cost per lead went was
cut by 50% in that same
time period
Improving White Paper Visibility
Guidon Performance Systems
We’ve implemented a similar
strategy for a new client, Guidon
Performance Solutions
Approximately 100 case studies
broken down into individual landing
To aid lead generation efforts, we
added an additional call-to-action
and cross-links at the bottom of the
33% growth in unique keywords
sending traffic during the second
month of the program
We cut the cost/lead by 50% in
the first 60 days
Landing Page Considerations
Remember that every page is an opportunity to be found in
search, particularly for long-tail keywords
• Keep landing pages simple, particularly when referencing a
more in-depth piece.
• Illustrate key points and the value to the reader
• Consider blending SEO and PPC strategies together by
incorporating form registrations to capture key visitor data as
Blended Search
Search Engine Optimization
Blended Search Results
The integration of blended
search (Google’s Universal
Search) means that more
vertical search elements
are being integrated into
traditional Google.com
The Key to knowing if you
should be investing in
blended search is in keyword
research and evaluating
search results
News Feed Optimization
180+ links acquired through content
optimized for news
News Feed Optimization
• News Requirements & Best Practices
• Fresh Content: Priority is given to articles that are recent, substantial,
original and focused on the topic.
• Date Requirement: Dates should be placed between the title and body
• Author Requirement: Multiple authors are required – either credit
authors in individual news articles or create an author “bio page”
• Use of Sitemap: XML news sitemaps are preferred
• URL Requirement: Articles must be on unique, permanent URLs with at
least 3 digits (waived if using a XML news sitemap)
• Image Best Practice: Use large image sizes with good aspect ratios
• From the Google Webmaster Central Blog:
Press Release Optimization
• Press release optimization for competitive keywords
The objective is to achieve immediate visibility for a term that people are searching for in high
Approximately 40,000
Approximately 18,000
• Press release optimization for long-tail keywords
The objective is to sustain
visibility for niche keywords
which may not have a large
volume of search activity but will
allow a company to maintain
rankings for a longer duration
Press Release Optimization
• Make sure that your
keywords are visible within
the press release
• Places to target keyword
• Browser Title
• Press Release Headline
• First paragraph of the
press release
• As appropriate within the
body of the press release
Make sure to add the http:// to the beginning
of all web addresses
Websites may pick this up and automatically
generate links to your website
Video Search Engine Optimization
Strategies for Video SEO
Create comprehensive
keyword-centric video
details (Titles, Descriptions,
Tags, etc)
Embed & Link to
YouTube/Third Party Video
destinations on your site
(and vice versa)
If video is on the site, submit
both video files and web
pages via XML sitemap (use
the same title structure for
page & video)
Google Guidelines
SEO & Social Media
SEO Landscape: The Core Components
Historically, an effective SEO
strategy involved:
• Keyword Research & Application
in Content (HTML Titles, Page
Headings, META Descriptions, etc)
• Creating an “SEO Friendly”
website (IE, making certain search
engines are able to understand the
site once they get to it)
• Building Inbound Links
(Partners, Directories, Blogs, etc)
SEO Landscape: The Next Level
Social Media has become a critical component of SEO Strategy - Reasons:
Social media users are more savvy online consumers, who tend to link back to sites/content they find of
value; necessary for targeting link building strategies
Social media provides an opportunity to evaluate & research what types of content will resonate with an
Social communities have become important tools for developing relationships with site owners,
marketers, and publishers of content; necessary for targeting link building strategies
Link Building Observations w/Social Media
• Be on the lookout for easy-to-find places that links can be
created (profiles, submissions, updates, etc)
• Even if a link is not “SEO Friendly”, there still can be value
• Just because you can submit a link; does not mean it will be
appropriate (watch and observe first)
• Keep a record of the communities, social sites, and blogs that
matter to you/your business objectives
• Even though the network is important, your content has to speak
for itself
Link Building & Social Media
550 Visits over 30 day
period + 3 search engine
friendly links to blog posts
Twitter Messaging
Hashtags: Utilize hashtags that label updates in a manner that people/companies might
search Twitter with as well as to brand company initiatives
• Use Twitter Search (http://search.twitter.com/) to determine how “popular” a particular
hashtag is (based on number and frequency of updates
• Tie company & business related status updates to broad-based hashtag topics when
• Promotion of Network/Community: Bring visibility to peers, colleagues, and possibly
competitors by citing sources & using @reply to acknowledge network
Search.Twitter.com allows
users to search for
profiles and conversations
related to strategic
Evaluate popularity by
observing the number,
frequency and rate to
which new updates
Subscribe to RSS feeds
of the most important
queries to keep an up-todate record of information
Twitter’s own list functionality can be a powerful way to organize a network and
potential markets
Public Lists – Create lists of people/companies in your network using keywords and themes that help
support their initiatives and describe their business expertise
Private Lists – Create private lists to help segment specific target audiences based on industry, sales
opportunities, or people you want to make certain to pay attention to
Add Applications – applications enhance the
interactivity of your profile and also bring visibility to
content and information from your other social media
Recommended Applications
Twitter – Twitter can now be integrated directly in
profile administration
SlideShare Presentations or Google Presentations –
For presenting Guidon presentations and favorite
presentations from third parties
WordPress or BlogLink
For presenting personal/professional/company blog
posts in your profile
Additional Applications based in preference: Events,
Company Buzz, and Polls
Key Initiatives in LinkedIn Groups
• Participate in or Start Discussions (pay
attention to how active discussions are
actually maintained in the groups
• Submit News Articles and Links to sites
members of the community might find of
• Try to “Thank” people for interesting or
valuable comments
• Use LinkedIn Status Updates to showcase
valuable information found in groups
Blog Post Development & Blog
Blog Outreach & Strategy
Blog Outreach & Strategy
Blog Outreach & Strategy
30+ Different sites linked to the post
based on our outreach and information
generating 3,200+ page views
Social News & Bookmarking Sites
• A great opportunity for increasing brand awareness and acquiring inbound links
for SEO
• Challenge: Different types of content resonate across each community
• Challenge: Having a network (within each community) is important (critical)
Fortunately, many influential members of these social media communities
are also accessible via Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking
Social News & Bookmarking Sites
“MrBabyMan” (IE, Andrew
Most successful user in the
Digg community (with respect
to stories making the Digg
Front Page)
Also can be reached on
Twitter, IM, and through his
blog/weekly podcast
Social News & Bookmarking Sites
Example of Successful Blog Content
Social Media Influences
• StumbleUpon Research
• Links from similar posts
referenced in online forums
• Feedback from Community
based on previous posts
This Post: “30 Examples of Tractor
Art & Art from Tractors” drew the
following results:
• 2,300+ Page Views
• 1,100+ Referrals from social
bookmarking sites
• Approximately 600+ referrals from
RSS, social networking sites &
• 49 Links
Example of Successful Blog Content
Social Media Influences
• Successful Blog Posts in similar
• Rapid adoption of Twitter
This Post: “80+ Storage
Professionals to Follow on
Twitter” drew the following results:
• 2,000 Page Views
• 1,000+ Referrals from social
media sites
• 30+ Comments to post
• 10+ Links
Final Wrap Up
• Every content asset can be an opportunity to be found in search
• Social media provides tremendous opportunities on its own but also as a way
to improve your overall SEO strategy
• Social media provides an opportunity to evaluate & research what types of
content will resonate with an audience
• Social communities have become important tools for developing relationships
with site owners, marketers, and publishers of content; necessary for
targeting link building strategies
• Even though the network is important, your content has to speak for itself
Thank You!
KoMarketing Associates, LLC
240 Bear Hill Road, Suite 103
Waltham, MA 02451
office: (781)209-1989
Derek Edmond, Managing Partner
Twitter - http://twitter.com/DerekEdmond
LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/in/dedmond29
FriendFeed – http://friendfeed.com/dedmond29
E-Mail – derek@komarketingassociates.com