Developments in Great Britain

Developments in Great
Araceli Perez
Noel Lewin
Crystal Chau
Discuss three developments that enabled Great Britain
to achieve a dominant economic position between 1700
and 1830.
Necessary Steps
• Identify the 3 developments that helped Great
Britain establish a prosperous economy
• Find evidence to support the conclusion
• Look within the 1700-1830 time period
1701: Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
1701: Act of Settlement decides the succession of the monarchy after William III
1707:English and Scottish Parliaments unite with the Act of Union
1713: Treaty of Utrecht ends the War of the Spanish Succession
1733: The "Flying Shuttle" invented by John Kay
1756: Declaration of war against France opens the Seven Years War
1764: James Hargreaves invents the "Spinning Jenny
1777: James Watt perfects the Steam Engine
1805: Battle of Trafalgar and Nelsons death
1808: Peninsular War begins East India Docks opened
1815: Beginning of a commercial boom
1835:Commercial boom - Major increase in railway building begins
Thesis Statement
• By enhancing agriculture thru advanced farming
technology, expanding industry with new means of
transportation, and keeping financial interests
regulated, Great Britain achieved dominant
economics position between 1700 and 1830.
Agricultural Revolution
Topic Sentence
The agricultural revolution used improved methods of cultivation and stock rising, which lead to
farming on a large-scale that was more productive and faster, increasing the Britain’s profit.
Crop rotation, growing a series of different types of crops in the same area, helped replenish soil and
improve soil structure. With healthier soil, crop’s and plant’s yield increased.
Instead of planting seeds by hand, large landowners started using the seed drill that was introduced by
Jethro Tull that sowed the seeds in neat rows. The seed drill meant less work for farmers, quicker
planting seeds, and overall more was more efficient.
Farmers started breeding large sheep and fatter cattle by making the fattest, largest animals reproduce
so that their offspring would carry their traits. Larger and fatter animals provided more meat and
therefore more money for landowners.
Relation to Thesis
Relate to thesis: Crop rotation, inventions like the seed drill, and breeding larger, fatter animals all
contributed in higher yields in crops and livestock as they provided easier means to make both crops
and meat. As the food supply increased, so did the nation’s profit.
Industrial Revolution
Topic Sentence
The industrial revolution was a major innovator in machinery that all helped Britain create more
equipment and tools as well as better means of transportation, expanding their industries. As Britain
produced a surplus of goods and forms of transportation, they were able to make a profit of those
goods by selling them to other nations while still being able to feed Britain.
Steam engines are heat engines that perform mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Steam
engines fueled all early locomotives, steam boats, pumps, factories, and railroads. Steam engines
provided for several means of transportation, so goods and supplies could be transported from place to
place. Steam engines also powered factories that gave jobs to most of the urban population.
The water frame involved three sets of paired rollers that turned at different speeds. The rollers
produced thick yarn and the set of spindles twisted the fibers together. The water frame produced
thread at extremely quick rates that was better quality. The thread contributed to the cotton industry
which later made up half of all British exports.
Relation to Thesis
Steam engines and water frames helped Britain create a surplus of goods and better means of
transportation. The steam engines provided for the creation of more factories and means of
transportation, while the water frames lead to the success of the cotton industry which later made up
half of Britain’s exports. They contributed to the expansion of industries such as the railroad and
cotton industries. The expansion of such industries meant more money and greater wealth for Britain.
Political System
Topic Sentence
Through political changes, Britain achieved political stability and created peace. As Britain worked alongside other
countries and maintained peace at homeland, there was more trade allowing Britain to earn great profits from selling their
goods in foreign countries.
Britain made the world’s first central bank that lent money to the government to pay for construction of warships and
arranged loans. The Bank of England made most of its money from the insurance known as Lloyds. The Bank of England
also served as a commercial bank that dealt with financing for trade and bills overseas. The bank brought economic
stability to Britain because it allowed Britain to which allowed them to arrange loans persuading other countries to trade
with them.
Britain was a constitutional monarchy which meant that larger groups of people were involved in selecting political
representatives and national policy making decisions. The more people involved in decision-making and through
separation of power, representatives constantly checked on each other which led to less corruption and misuse of money.
Britain had a global supremacy in world’s seas due to their large navy. Britain maintained superiority at sea as British
marines protected British alliances and commerce. Britain also improved the size and quality of ships. The Royal Navy
increased from 105 in mid-century to 195 in 1790.
Relation to Thesis
Through the Bank of England, constitutional monarchy, and global supremacy in world’s seas, Britain protected their
interests. Britain protected their interests by financing for trade, arranging loans, tracking bills, avoiding corruption, and
protecting alliances. The following allowed Britain to accomplish world trade and stability at home which led to great
profit and alliances with other countries.