
Nanoelectronics & Its Industrial Applications Program
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
What is Nanoelectronics ?
Nanoelectronics is one of the major technologies of Nanotechnology.
It plays vital role in the field of engineering and electronics.
Nanoelectronics make use of scientific methods at atomic scale for
developing the Nano machines. The main target is to reduce the size, risk
factor and surface areas of the materials and molecules. Machines under
nano electronic process undergoes the long range of manufacturing steps
each with accurate molecular treatment.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
What is Nanoelectronics ?-Contd.
The Nanotechnology field has been the subject of intense focus,
particularly from the viewpoint of the electronics industry. The
commitment is, no doubt, driven to a large measure by the current topdown methodologies for fabrication of silicon-based devices. This is
implied in the next-generation approach towards manufacture of MEMS,
microprocessors, optical switching and several other electronic
Nanotechnology is expected to bring about improvisation in deposition,
implantation, lithography and metrology, thus supporting scaling up of
silicon CMOS and is eventually expected to replace CMOS.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Advantages of Nanoelectronics
One of the obvious advantage is that Nanoelectronics reduces size and
scale of the machine with the help of complex integration on the circuit
silicon chips.
Advanced properties of semiconductors can be determined with the
help of Nanoelectronics.
Molecular scale Nanoelectronics is also known as “the next step” in the
miniaturization of electronic devices, with latest electronics theory and
research in the field of nanoelectronics, it is possible to explore the
diverse properties of molecules.
Extreme fabrication also supported the multiple use of single machine.
Parallel processing is also empowered by Nanoelectronics.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Industrial Applications & World Market
Nanotechnology is continually playing vital role to improve the
capability of electronic products. The technology also made the devices
very light making the product easy to carry or move and at the same time
it has reduced the power requirement. Some Consumer Products which are
using Nanotechnology:
•Computer Hardware
• Display Devices
• Mobile & Communication Products
• Audio Products
• Camera & Films
The world market for nanoelectronics is expected to reach $409.6 billion
by 2015.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Career Aspects
Major Industries in Electronics Using Nanotechnology
in their Products
• a123systems
• Starkey, Inc.
• Multiple Manufacturers
• IBM®
• Apple®, Inc.
• Intel®
• Eikos® Inc.
• IOGEAR®, Inc.
• Lenovo
• LG® Electronics
• Asahi® Glass Co., Ltd.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Career Aspects-Contd.
Various Positions in Electronics/ Electrical/ Communication Industries
in the area of Nano scale fabrication, Micro/Nano electromechanical
systems (in Engineering/Management domains). Some of them are
given below:
• Service Engineer (Microscopy)
• Research Scientist (Materials – Photovoltaic’s)
• Application and Business Support Engineer
• Research Assistant/Associate
• Solar Energy Competitive Intelligence Leader
• Development Engineer (Wafer Fabrication)
• Senior Wafer Fabrication Process Engineer (Etching)
• Senior Wafer Fabrication Process Engineer (Photolithography)
• Senior Research Engineer (Packaging Reliability)
• Senior Research Engineer (Circuit designer)
• Senior Research Engineer/Officer (Millimeter Wave and Modeling)
• Senior Research Engineer (MEMS Sensor Design)
• Market and Technology Development Manager
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Program Ingredients
Program Contains
Printed Study Material: To some
of extent printed materials will be
provided to the participants.
Online Material: Some of the
module contents will be provided
online only.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Program Delivery Methodology
Program Organization
 Syllabus: Organized on main page in the form
of course modules .
 Course Updates
 Glossary
 Online Assignment, Quizzes, Exams &
Online Assistance through
 Chat with faculty
 e-mails
 Discussion
 Grade Books
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Regular Study Schedule
 Participants log on to for 24x7 using user-id and
password to access the material.
 Supplementary printed material will be provided to enhance learning
in some of the modules besides online materials.
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Entering the e-Learning Zone
 Participants use their user-
id and password on this page
to enter into the e-Learning
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Accessing the Program Contents
Front Page Contains
 Guidelines
 Important Information
 Various Activities
According to the Modules
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Module Wise Learning
Each Module Contains
 Course Outlines
 Weekly Quizzes
 Self Evaluation Assignments
 Study Material
Other Learning Modes
 Videos
 Power Point Presentations
 Related Weblinks
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Learning Through Lessons & Power Point
Participants can Learn Through
 Lesson wise contents
 Power Point Presentations according
to the contents
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Getting Latest Updates
All Participants will be Informed About
 Course Updates
 Latest News
 Change in Schedules
 Upload of Assignments and Online
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Test Yourself Through Online Quizzes &
Self Evaluation Assignments
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Communicate with Faculty
Contact Our Faculty Member
 Chat Session
 e-mails
 Phone calls
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Final Examination
 Appear in Final Online Examination
 Get Assessment report
 Get Evaluation Report
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
NSTC Certification
Get Certificate from NSTC
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
In A Nutshell
Up to date information and knowledge
Regular assignments, quizzes & tests,
scheduled in such a way that they do not
interfere with daily schedules
Learning at office or at home!
Secure site which only enrolled
participants can access 24x7 Access
Easily adaptable schedules that put no
pressure on the normal course of
Instant feedback of exercises, assignments &
Check grades anytime & anywhere just by
accessing the site
Close interaction with the program
coordinator on one-to-one basis guidance
Nano Science & Technology Consortium
Nano Science and Technology Consortium
A-105, 3rd Floor, Sector-63, Noida-201301, U.P., (India).
For Queries/ Concerns
Tel: +91-120- 4781215-17
Mob: +91-9818206463
Chat: Yahoo ID- nstcchat
Nano Science & Technology Consortium