
Industrial Revolution:
Joshua Almonte, Caroline Parks,
and Victoria Scalanga
Pd. 2
Signs of Advancements
• The textile industry of Great Britain was the
first to use mechanization.
– This meant that auto machines began to be used
in order to increase production.
• The industry then became a domestic system:
a system in which most production took place
at home.
• Soon advancements took place, starting with
improvements on the loom.
• In 1733, John Kay made the flying shuttle.
• Improved weaving production by speeding up
the stringing together of wool.
• In 1764, James Hargreaves made the spinning
jenny which produced wool 8 times as quick
The Water Frame
• In 1769, Richard Arkwright made the water
frame: a spinning machine powered by water.
• Arkwright made a spinning mill to employ
people, as people at the time could not afford
the expensive water frame. He employed
several hundred people. This began the
factory system.
Advancements (cont.)
• In 1784, Samuel Crompton made the spinning
mule; mixing the spinning mule and the water
• In 1785, Edmund Cartwright created the power
loom which wove cloth greatly faster than a hand
• In 1793, Eli Whitney produced the cotton gin
allowing production of about 50 times the
amount of cotton one would normally handpick.
Famous People
• 1733: a clock-maker named John Kay invented
the flying shuttle.
– This machine was a cord mechanism that moved
the woof thread more rapidly across the loom.
• Woof threads are the threads that run clockwise in a
woven fabric at right angles to warp thread.
• James Hargreaves, a poor English worker,
won a prize in 1764 with a machine that he
named the spinning Jenny.
– This machine could produce eight times as much
thread as a single spinning wheel could.
Famous People (cont.)
• 1769: Richard Arkwright continued making
improvements to a machine called the water frame: a
spinning machine driven by waterpower.
– This machine could be used in people homes along with
the flying shuttle because they were so inexpensive.
• He also opened a spinning mill which brought workers
and machines together in one area to produce goods.
• By 1784 Arkwright employed several hundred workers
– This marked the beginning of the modern factory system.
Famous People (cont.)
• 1784: Samuel Crompton combined the best features of
the spinning Jenny and the water frame in another
machine called the spinning mule.
– Weavers would have more access to fine-quality thread.
• 1785, an English minister, Edmund Catwright, met the
need for a faster weaving process.
• 1712: Thomas Newcomen, an English engineer,
produced the first successful steam engine.
– It was more powerful and dependable than water wheels,
but they are slow and expensive to operate.
(Last) Famous
• 1760s: James Watt, a Scottish instrument
maker and engineer, studied the Newcomen
– 17969: produced the modern steam engine
• As a result of the industries adapting to the Watt
engine, steam then replaced water as an engine source.
Predictions for the Impact on Great
This will impact Great Britain greatly because
the industry will improve trading and it
increases the speed of production. Textiles also
started the idea of an assembly line so they can
make more products.
Predictions for How Textiles Will
Spread & Impact Other Countries
Textiles will spread to other countries because
as a result of the prices going down there were
high demand for the products. Clothes are also
something that everyone needs and now that the
price was going down people could buy more.
Also, textiles will start to impact other counties
because they will begin doing the same or being
trading with England.
Importance of This Topic
To begin with the importance of this topic,
think about how the Industrial Revolution
would have been as successful without having
the textiles they had. Great Britain would not
have been as powerful for sure because of the
increase of production. The trade also improved
as an effect of textiles. Lastly, since more
products were being made at a faster pace, the
prices would decrease making it easier for
people to afford.