Harnessing the power of the sun: SHAMCI (Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative) Presentation by: Rim Boukhchina Technical expert - RCREEE RCREEE PRESENTATION Independent not-for-profit center Legitimacy through regional governments Currently funded by Germany, Egypt and MS National Focal Points Headquartered in Cairo, Egypt Strong global partners network Board of Trustees 13 representatives (one of each Member State) Executive Committee 5 representatives (3 Gov. and 2 Private Sector) Secretariat Executive Director and staff (11 staff and 8 Interns) GIZ Advisory Section RCREEE MISSION To enable a sustainable growth in Arab states through the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency applications and initiatives A Significant Share of Renewable Resources and a Highly-Efficient Energy Consumption in the Arab Region Research and Analysis Capacity Development Technical assistance SHAMCI BACKGROUND Assessment of current situation of SWH in Arab region established by RCREEE Needs for standardization and certification of SWHs Design and implementation of the SWHs Certification initiative (SHAMCI) SHAMCI BACKGROUND OVERVIEW The first Arab quality certification program of solar thermal products and services in the Arab region. Provides a regional industrial and regulatory compliance framework for policy makers, industrial sector, and endconsumers. Promotes adopting standard quality measures, accreditation systems and quality labels across the Arab region. Tailor made to specific characteristics and needs of Arab states in the MENA region. SHAMCI BENEFIT SHAMCI is natively-built to benefit solar thermal products and services Consumers, Manufacturers and Authorities in the Arab region. SHAMCI labeled standards with products regional combine specific international characteristics assuring products high quality, safety, reliability, durability and high performance. SHAMCI BENEFIT Authorities : Improve customer confidence Facilitate trade barriers and regional collaboration Streamline compliance monitoring Create jobs Promote industrial quality standards compliance SHAMCI BENEFIT Manufacturers : Offer high quality products at reasonable costs Improve visibility to SWH customers Achieve operational economies of scale Simplify test procedures and lower their costs Develop new opportunities markets and create export SHAMCI BENEFIT Consumers : Identify high-quality products easily Assure safety, durability, and reliability Compare seller prices through standard product features SHAMCI NETWORK SHAMCI Network is an international stakeholder network which is responsible for developing and running the program. Mission : Support solar energy markets by establishing and maintaining a certification programme that ensures a specific quality for solar thermal products and services in the Arab region. SHAMCI NETWORK Members : Network members are representatives from energy authorities, industrial and private sector, certification bodies, testing and inspection bodies, consultants, consumers, NGOs, regional and international organizations: 43 registered members out of 17 countries. SHAMCI Network is run by an elected board of Chairperson Co-Chairperson Coordinator LAS AIDMO RCREEE SHAMCI NETWORK Mandate : Develop and update the certification standards and scheme. Harmonize certification practices and processes. Approve and list certified products. Manage the program at regional level and facilitate communication between stakeholders. Select, evaluate, and monitor testing institutions and ensure results accuracy. SCHEMATIC CERTIFICATION PROCESS Application: Manufacturer submits an application form to the certification body. Testing: current Product stock is sample tested from in an accredited testing facility by an independent inspector. Quality: On-site operational quality check at the industrial facility. CERTIFICATION SCHEME RULES Conform to the same : Scope, Standards, Product requirements, Requirements for involved bodies , Attestation of conformity and Product families as Solarkeymark Solar thermal collectors : ISO 9806 Solar water heating systems : ISO 9459-2 and ISO 9459-5 Thermal solar systems and components : Factory made systems EN 12976-2 REQUIREMENTS FOR INVOLVED BODIES Certification bodies • Approved by SHAMCI Network • A management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 Test labs Inspection bodies • Approved by SHAMCI Network • Recognized by one or more certification bodies • Starting from January 2017 : ISO 17025 accreditation for solar collectors and SWH • Approved by SHAMCI Network • Recognized by one or more certification bodies • At least 3 years’ experience with ISO 9001 level factory production control NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION FACTORS Certification Body Institutional Testing Facility Monitoring Scheme SWHs Industry Association Awareness campaign Regional Requirements REGIONAL FUTURE ACTIVITIES Implement Regional Certification Body Reference Standards Testing Scheme Arab Solar Association CURRENT SITUATION Program design and definition of certification rules The Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity (AMEC) of the League of Arab States endorsed SHAMCI and accept its certification rules. SHAMCI recognized as the Middle East and North Africa Region certification system by Global Certification for Solar Thermal Product. Great interest from ….. FUTURE ACTIONS AND NEEDS Disseminate regional level SHAMCI Program at Adoption and implementation of the program at the national level Preparation of the infrastructure needed to set up the certification program : Institutional and regulatory framework, restructure and upgrade involved body…. Qualification of installers Financial support of the program by regional donors Thank You Eng. Rim Boukhchina rim.boukhchina@rcreee.org www.rcreee.org SHAMCI Coordinator Eng. Ashraf Kraidy ashraf.kraidy@rcreee.org www.shamci.net info@shamci.net