Capitol Resort, Lingayen, Pangasinan
October 30, 2013
Provides for additional areas closed to mining applications.
Prime agricultural lands, in addition to lands covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, as amended, including plantations and areas devoted to valuable crops, and strategic agriculture and fisheries development zones and fish refuge and sanctuaries, as determined by the Department of Agriculture.
Tourism development areas, as identified in the national
(Department of Tourism) and local tourism development plans.
Other critical areas, island ecosystems, and impact areas of mining, as determined by the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources.
Provides for the full enforcement of environmental standards in mining.
Full enforcement of the environmental standards as prescribed by the various mining and environmental laws, rules, and regulations.
Necessary remediation measures shall be immediately required from the mining contractor/permittee/permit holder/operator concerned.
Pertinent suspension order/s shall be issued and stays in effect until the danger is removed.
Mining rights shall be granted to only those who are able to strictly comply with the environmental management record requirement.
Provides for the review of the performance of existing mining operations and cleansing of non-moving mining rights holders.
A multi-stakeholder team shall be created, led by the
DENR, to conduct a review of the performance of existing mining operations within six (6) months from the effectivity of the EO and every two (2) years thereafter.
Provides for a moratorium on the grant of mineral agreements pending new legislation on revenue sharing schemes.
Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) shall be allowed over National Government-Owned Mining
Exploration Permits and other forms of mining permits shall continue to be granted.
Application for Exploration Permit shall be approved or disapproved within six (6) months from the date of its acceptance.
No expansion of existing contract areas shall be allowed unless there is an imminent and/or threatened economic disruption.
Provides for the establishment of Mineral Reservations.
Mineral reservations shall be declared over potential and future mining areas with known strategic mineral reserves and resources.
Mineral exploration, and research and development will be intensified for the delineation of mineral resources and reserves.
Provides for the opening of areas for mining through competitive public bidding.
Mining rights and mining tenements shall be granted over areas with known and verified mineral resources and reserves, including those owned by the Government and all expired tenements, through competitive public bidding.
Mining contract/agreement may be renewed subject to existing laws, rules and regulations at the time of renewal.
Provides for the disposition of abandoned ores and valuable metals in mine wastes and mill tailings.
Disposition thru competitive public bidding of abandoned ores and mine wastes and/or mill tailings generated by previous and now defunct mining operations, except those that are involved in pending or decided cases in court.
Provides for future value-adding activities and the development of downstream industries for the mineral sector.
The pertinent national program and roadmap shall be formulated, based on the Philippine Development Plan and a National Industrialization Plan.
Provides for the creation of the Mining Industry Coordinating
Council (MICC).
Composed of the members of the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and Economic Development Cabinet Clusters, with the following major functions:
Ensure continuing dialogue and coordination among all stakeholders in the industry.
Conduct and facilitate the necessary capacity and institutional building programs for all concerned government agencies and instrumentalities.
Constitute and create a Task Force Against Illegal Mining.
Oversee the operations of Provincial/City Mining Regulatory
Conduct an assessment and review of all mining-related laws, rules and regulations, issuances, and agreements.
Provides for measures to improve Small-Scale Mining activities.
Small-scale mining activities shall be allowed only for gold, silver and chromite and confined within the declared People’s Small-Scale Mining Areas or Minahang
Large-scale mining tenement holders shall not be allowed to undertake small-scale mining operations in their contract areas.
Hydraulicking (water jetting), compressor mining and the use of mercury shall be strictly prohibited.
Ensures consistency of local ordinances with the
Constitution and National Laws (LGU cooperation).
Creates a One-Stop Shop for all mining applications and procedures.
Improves transparency in the Mining Industry by joining the
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Creates a centralized database for the Mining Industry.
Creates an integrated Map System for the Mining Industry.
Adopts the Programmatic Environmental Impact
Issued the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
EO 79 in October 2012.
Started preparing the No-Go Zone and Go Zone map for mining.
Started the process for enrolling in the Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative.
Prepared a draft bill to increase share of
Government from mining revenues.
Increased the Filing Fees for Mining Applications.
Increased the minimum capital requirements for mining applications.
Started review of performance of mining contractors and permittees.
Completed the preparation of the draft revised guidelines for small-scale mining.
Issued the directive to lift the moratorium in the acceptance of applications for Exploration
Permits and Financial or Technical Assistance
Agreements on March 18, 2013.
More stable and protected mining investments.
Enhanced acceptance of mining projects, particularly by the communities and Local
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Regional Office No. 1