CMS Data flow from Industries to SPCB & CPCB

Workshop on “Real Time Data Transmission from
Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS)”
CMS Data flow from
Industries to SPCB &
Presented By
Aditya Sharma Sc.’C’
Central Pollution Control Board
Parivesh Bhawan, Delhi-110032
Details of Systems functional in various industries
17 Categories of Industries
Cement Industries
Power Plants
Petro Chemicals
Pulp and Paper
Iron & Steel
Zinc &
Types of Pollution Monitoring Systems operated by
Stack Monitoring Architecture
Continuous Monitoring Systems
Local Server with DAS
Central Server with DAS
Pollution Control Board
Various Systems used in Air Pollution Monitoring
Multigas Analysers
In Situ Analyzers
Dilution Based
FTIR-based analyzer
Integrated indoor cabinet
CMS Systems
Industries in India have been directed to install CMS Devices from last more
than 10 years and many of these industries have installed such systems.
Instruments required for Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS) are mostly
manufactured in different foreign countries.
Two types of Output signals from these Instruments installed in industries are
available Digital outputs and Analog outputs.
Data use till date
Industries had connected these CMS instrument’s output to their
control rooms through PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) to check
on emission/effluent levels (Every process-wise, parameter-wise Limits
are already prescribed by SPCBs/CPCB) to check the performance of
plant and if required have changed the combustion element ratios.
Mandate (Direction dated 05.02.2014)
17 Categories (Highly Polluting)
1. To Install CEMS Parameter Specific Effluent and Emission
Monitoring Systems.
2. To connect and upload online data at SPCBs/PCCs & CPCB server
in a time bound manner.
3. Industries have to ensure regular maintenance and operation of
the online systems with tamper proof mechanism having facilities
for online calibrations.
Hence, to manage these systems and provide information
as mandated has become a real challenge.
Requirements of System
Proposed system should be capable of
1. Data collection on Real Time basis without human intervention.
2. Data Collection from any REAL TIME SYSTEM.
3. Providing data to all stake holders without delay .
4. Collection of Performance criteria parameters & Health status
5. Providing tamper proof mechanism.
6. Providing facility for online calibration of systems.
7. Providing a system of change request management with
recording mechanism for data validation purpose.
8. Having Dashboards for facilitating SPCBs/PCCs/CPCB intelligent
surveillance display for meaningful application of data.
9. Generating ALERTS in case of violation of stipulated standards.
10.Accommodating existing technology based Systems (Digital) with
minimum variation.
11.Accommodating any new requirements of additional parameter
monitoring in future.
Requirements of System
12. Continuous Transfer of Real Time data for display
on industry website & Industry main gate.
13. Data storage effortlessly without data loss.
14. Easily Deployable.
15. Creating a National Database for Policy & Decision Makers at a
single GIS map.
What is Data?
Raw Data
Processed Data with TIME, DATE & NAME - STAMPINGS
Diagnostics of Instrument
Faults details like lamp fail, pump fail, sensor fail
Calibration Data
Calibration Gas Concentration & its deterioration over time
Online calibration procedure and data recorded
Configuration data of the system
Operating range of instruments & alert on Change of
What is the volume?
No. of Industries
More than 3000 - 17 Categories of Industries expected
No. of Parameters*
Emission: (08) PM, Fluoride, NOx, SO2, CL2, HCl,
NH3 & CO
Effluent: (08 ) pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Cr, As, NH3,
How to get these systems connected in the network?
Old Instruments with Analog Technology …….. Can not be
calibrated online, hence to be replaced with New
Old Instruments with Digital Technology …….. Capable of
online calibration need to be connected.
New Systems …. Have to have compatibility of online
calibration than a procedure has to be defined so that
these new systems gets immediately integrated into the
New Systems
The advanced CMS system are providing digital output.
These advanced CMS systems not only provide the parametric value but also
provide information about system. This includes Diagnostics features such as
lamp voltage, frequency of operated chopper, cooling temperature of
Photomultiplier tube, vacuum inside reaction chamber and many more which
provides information about health of instruments.
Beside diagnostics, advancements in the technologies have provided us a capacity
to monitor the Instruments kept at a remote location and to configure and
calibrate theses instruments with a click of button remotely.
How the entire system should work?
Existing Systems
New Systems
Validation &
Data on
Data available for
Policy makers/Public
1. Continuous Data
2. Validation
3. Calibration
4. Cross
Data Transmission
Exchange of information between two devices.
For exchange of Data to occur communication devices
must be a part of system made up of hardware and
Exchange can occur on some form of Media like
internet or wire.
Types of Data Transmission
– Parallel –all the bits of data transmitted
simultaneously on separate communication lines.
• Fit for shorter distances like printer connection.
• High speed
– Serial… for long distance data transmission
• Synchronous –bits transmitted in a line one after another
-- requires one communication line with start & stop bits.
Example are: PS2 Mouse or Keyboard
• Asynchronous—sends one word at a time with start and
stop bit.
Example is : RS 232 Simple terminal serial communication
Transmission Modes
Data Flow
Both can send and receive information simulteneously
Components of Data Communication
Protocol: It is set of rules that
governs the data
Message: Information being transmitted
text files, audio, video etc.
Receiver: It is the device which
Medium: It is the physical
receives the data.
path by which the a
Sender: message
It is travels
the device
to receiver.
which sendssender
the data.
Protocol’s functionality
A protocol is a set of rules which governs the transfer of data
between computers. Protocols allow communication between
computers and networks.
Handshaking is used to establish which protocols to use.
Handshaking controls the flow of data between computers
Protocols will determine the speed of transmission, error
checking method, size of bytes, and whether synchronous or
Protocols exist at several levels in a telecommunication connection.
For example, there are protocols for the data interchange
 at
the hardware device level &
 at the application program level.
Protocols are often described in an industry or international standard.
Layers of OSI model
Open Systems Interconnection In the standard model known as Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI), there are one or more protocols at each layer in the
telecommunication exchange that both ends of the exchange must recognize and observe
Protocol’s functionality
Air Quality – Exchange of Data – WITH ISO 7168 format
 Data File is divided into 4 groups1. The Identification Group –Name, Address of the
industry, etc.
2. The Description Group – Parameters information, no
of sites, no. of parameters, Units used, Sampling
Height, Lat and Long coordinates, Upper and Lower
limits etc.
3. The Data Group – All about the Data Generated e.g.
parameter code, site code, data duration, sampling
time, samples per time interval, multiplication
factors, etc.
4. The comments Group
additional information
Protocol in Nut Shell
A procedure through which :
1. Hardware devices recognize each other
2. Devices understand the encryption & decryption of
3. Devices verify the data
4. System recognizes the data sent and data received
5. Set of data for specific parameter like Data +
Diagnostics data+ calibration data+ configuration
6. Set of data recognizing stations, channels, and various
other details
7. Set of commands which shall provide the control to
run calibration and configurations etc.
Thank You for your Kind