
Telecom Sector Innovation Council
13th March 2014
 Terms of Reference
 Methodology adopted
 What the report contains?
 Key Recommendations
 Addendum
 Action on TSIC’s recommendations
 Telecom Sector Innovation Council formed vide DoT’s
notification no. 8-6/2010-TCO dated 4th April 2011
 Structure:
Executive Director, C-DOT Chairman
ASSOCHAM Representative
AUSPI Representative
CII Representative
COAI Representative
FICCI Representative
TCOE Representatives (3)
TEMA Representative
 B S Chauhan, GM (Sys), C-DOT co-opted as Member -Secretary ,
Terms of Reference
 Map opportunities for innovation in Telecom sector
 Help create innovation eco-system
 Encourage young talent and local universities, colleges,
industries, R&D institutes
Identify and reward talent in innovation and disseminate
success stories
Organise seminars, lectures, workshops on innovation
Provide support to promote innovation in Telecom sector
Encourage innovations in public service delivery
Prepare a Telecom sector Roadmap for Innovation 20102020
Methodology adopted
First meeting of TSIC with all members on 26th April 2011
A questionnaire was prepared and mailed on 10th May
2011 to elicit members’ views on various aspects of
innovation in their domain
3. Inputs received from members (Assocham, AUSPI, CII,
COAI, TCOE, IIT-B, IIM-A, TEMA, TEC) at different
times were studied
4. A second meeting was held on 21st July 2011 at TEC
5. Based on meetings’ deliberations, response to
questionnaires and exchange of ideas, views over email, a
draft Roadmap document was prepared and mailed to all
for comments on 21st Feb 2012.
Methodology adopted …contd
Response received from M/s TEMA was incorporated in the
Roadmap document
Final Roadmap document prepared and submitted to Advisor to
PM on PIII on 15th March 2012 with copy to JS(T), DoT
Later Secretary, Telecom discussed the report in a meeting on 18th
April 2011 and suggested inclusion of telecom users’ inputs and
specific technologies / products on which country’s innovation
efforts should be focussed on for next 3-5 years.
TSIC members met again on 15th May 2012 to deliberate on
Secretary, Telecom’s suggestion. Their recommendations were
compiled and submitted as an addendum to the Roadmap
What the Report contains?
 Identification of various stakeholders / domains of
Telecom with scope for innovations
Present status of each domain
Views and recommendations of stake holders in the
domains captured
Telecom technology areas for R&D funding identified
Future role of TSIC
Innovation metrics for Telecom
Focus areas for innovation in each domain
Suggested action points / activities for each domain
Innovation metrics for each domain
Key Recommendations
Key Recommendations
 Continuation of and reconstitution of TSIC and providing
fiscal support to TSIC for promotion of Innovation in the
telecom sector
Mapping of all innovation initiatives by TSIC
Extending support for innovation related activities to all
stakeholders in the sector
Providing market access to Indian telecom products /
services in Indian Telecom networks
Setting up a Telecom Research Development Fund (TRDF)
for financing of development projects and creation of an
enabling environment for telecom R&D
Implementation of TRAI Recommendations on Telecom
Key Recommendations ….contd
 Creation of Telecom Standards Development
Organisation (TSDO)
 Encouragement to Telecom Technology Incubation
centres at IITs, IIMs & NITs
 Supporting innovative green and energy efficient
technologies / solutions in the sector
 List of products/services needed in short/medium term
to kick start innovation in telecom sector
 LBS system and Hosted centralized solution for providing
real time information on locations of target & other
subscribers required by LEAs
Pico Base Station for LTE-A
Terabit Ethernet Router
Long distance multi-giga bit optical links/router (Several
kms without repeaters)
Long Range WiFi in sub GHz solution- super WiFi
802.11ac systems (APs and radio cards for CPEs)
 Multi-RAT service access box for In-building wireless
broadband solution
Content Generation System and Content Management
System for village schools and schools for adult learners to
impart them elementary education
Media Gateways of much smaller capacities connected via
satellite to remote and rural areas
E-band microwave backhaul including last mile access also
for remote and rural areas
Value added services for mission critical projects and other
governance & business solutions in a win-win manner for
all stakeholders
 Low cost Routers and Switches
 Green Technology for telecom infrastructure – a well
known subject
Emergency Services system
Smart Grid Modules
Financial inclusion tools for our rural populace
Set Top Box
3G/4G Handsets for mobiles.
Action on TSIC’s recommendations
 TSIC’s reconstitution and funding is under DoT’s
 Preferential Market Access (PMA) policy for
indigenous manufacturers
 TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development
Society, India) came into existence as India’s TSDO
 Formation of TRDF is a part of NTP 2012.
Action on TSIC’s recommendations
 C-DOT is working on several projects listed in the
addendum e.g.
 Terabit Router
 GPON / 10G PON
 Low cost Routers and Switches
 Pico Base Station for LTE-A
 E – education and governance tools for rural populace
 Report hosted on DoT and PIII websites
Thank you
Thank you