what is cps


What Cyber-Phisical System is?

Rock Hyun Choi

MOEM Lab in Daegu


CPS Executive Summary by CPS Steering group

 What is CPS?

The integration of physical system and processes with networked computing has led to the emergence of a new generation of engineered system

CPS Executive Summary by CPS Steering group

 Range

 Miniscule(pace makers) ~ large scale(Aircraft)

 Good Ex:

 Automobiles: the depth of this change is wellreflected

 Why important?

 다른 방법으로 실현 할 수 없었던 것을 임베디드

시스템을 이용하면 physical system에 어떤 능력

을 부여해 줄 수 있다.

 Ex) fuel efficiency, pollution mandates

 How to make it better?

 Merging computing and networking with physical system

 So, it creates new capabilities and improve/maintain product quality.

 Methodology

 U.S. – NSF

 European Union – ARTEMIS & EPoSS

 JAPAN – Embedded technology conference

 South Korea - KIPA

 Opportunities Created by CPS

Opportunities Created by CPS

 Shortcomings

 Current industrial experience

→ inefficient, unsafe, and unpredictable

 Composition

 Compositionality: 시스템 레벨 영역들을 로컬영역

구성요소들에 의해서 계산(조작) 될 수 있다.

 Composability: 컴포넌트(부품, 성분, 구성요소)

영역은 다른 컴포넌트에 상호작용의 결과로 변화

되지 않는다.

 Composition

 CPSs are inherently heterogeneous

 Why? Their components and essential design requirements.

 Multi-objective design problems:

 Separation of concerns( = design viewpoints)

Engine engineer

Network engineer orthogonal

 Design automation

 Heterogeneity → increase design complexity

• → bad for design automation, serious problem

 Today standard is to use different processes and tools

• 중복된 노력으로 시간과 자원 낭비가 심함

 System integration into integrate complex components



• Cannot reliable, predictable

• Large scale system development에 일반적 문제

• Why? Science 와 engineering의 분리로 발생한 관리


 Certification

 현재 complex system(ex. 비행기, 의료장비)

인증비용이 너무 높고, 이전 디자인 양상으로

는 모두 역어서 테스트 하기가 너무나 힘듬

First building

And then check

 Security and privacy

 It’s new threats!

 Can cause huge accidents → can’t easily recover

 Why? Physical system can now be attacked through cyberspace, and vice versa.

 Education

 Stovepiping of engineering versus computer science

• Fail to train CPS workers

CPS: A new Frontier by Lui sha

 The challenges of CPS research

 2.1 Real-time system abstractions

• Current: the principal task of a computer is data transformation

• CPS: CPSs are real-time system. This requires reexamination of existing hardware and software architecture.

– Real-time event triggers

– Consistent views of distributes states in real-time within the sphere of influence. Great in mobile devices

– Topology control and dynamic real-time groups in the form of packaged service classes of bounded delay, jitter and loss under precisely specified condition.

– Interface to access to the same type of controls regardless of the underlying network technology

CPS: Design Challenges by Edward Lee

 임베디드 시스템은 다른 일반 목적 컴퓨팅 시

스템 보다 높은 안정성을 추구한다

 Not entirely predictable

 Why? It misses timing deadline


Worst Case Execution Time(WCET)

• 간단한 문제해결을 위해서도 많은 노력이 필요



• Timing behavior → coarse and complexity → more uncontrollable

• Bench testing 필요 : 그러나 포작하기 어려운 미묘한 timing bugs 가 큰 문제를 일으킬 수 있음

CPS: Design Challenges by Edward Lee

 Solution

 Timing이 고려된 언어들

• Ex)spilit-C, Cik, SHIM

• Guava language – 멀티플 쓰레드에서 비동기화된

객체를 자바 오브젝트에서 제한시킴

• Giotto

 그 밖에 다양한 연구들이 실시간 시스템을 위

해 연구된 논문이 나와있음
