An Act of Visionary & Transformational Leadership Presented by: Dr. Romeo Rissal Pandjialam General Lecture at the Master’s Program, Economics Department Universitas Andalas Padang 20 November 2010 Business Strategy…. Kopi Panggang Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 2 Business Strategy . . . . A Simple way Business strategy is the foundation of successful business. But there are, of course, different types of business strategy. The best business strategies must steer a course between the inevitable internal pressure for business continuity and the demands of a rapidly changing world for revolutionary business strategies. But what is business strategy? Andrew Grove makes a clear distinction between strategic action and strategic plans. He Edward de Bono believes that business strategy models should not: just be statements of intent; come across like a political speech; have concrete meaning only to management; concern themselves with events far in the future or have little relevance to today. Try this simple exercise: take a piece paper and at the bottom, write a brief account of where the business is now. Then at the top, write where you want the business to be in ‘x’ amount Robert Heller of years (you decide the period). Next, in between the two write what you need to do and when you to do it to get from the bottom of the page to the top. This kind of rough business development strategy shouldn’t take more than an hour. Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 3 DR.Romeo Rissal Email: Visionary & Transformational Leader Vs. BUSINESS STRATEGY Growth To be a Leader Some companies Most Companies Survival Current Position Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 4 An Act of Visionary & Transformational Leadership Visionary & Transformational MINDS Clear Objectives TO BE A LEADER Business Strategies Strategic Change Programs Consistent & Measured Implementation Leader •“Leaders are pioneers. They are people who venture into unexplored territory. They guide us to new and often unfamiliar destinations. People who take the lead are the foot soldiers in the campaigns for change……..move us forward. Leaders get going some place” •(Kouzes and Posner, The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations, 1987) venture into unexplored territory…. LEADERSHIP IS A CHOICE: – Laizes faire VS something meaningful – Once you make a choice, bear in mind that you have to pursue it with all its logical consequences: • Inherent risks in any venture • More energy and dedication • Etc Good is the Enemy of Great “That good is the enemy of great is not just a business problem. It is a human problem. If we have cracked the code on the question of the good to great, we should have something of value to any type of organization. Good schools might become great schools.” Jim Collins RELUCTANT TO Good to Great, page CHANGE 16 There is no more powerful engine driving an organization toward excellence and long range success than an attractive, and achievable vision of the future, widely shared Burt Nanus, Visionary Leadership. San Francisco, Jossey_Bass Publishers, 1992 Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 9 CONTOH-CONTOH IMPLEMENTASI BUSINESS STRATEGY Transformational Leader Craig Barrett: 1998-2003 CHANGE FROM “being the preeminent supplier to the computing industry worldwide” TO “being the preeminent supplier to the worldwide Internet economy” With a transformational process: (1) Client platforms, (2) Server platforms, (3) Cellular and Wireless, and (4) Communications and networking Core competence: chip design & manufacture An Act of Transformational Leadership Pre-386 Post-386 Dell Licensee Compaq Licensee Intel Licensee … IBM Intel IBM NEC … One-NASA Academy of Program/Project Leadership – Blended Learning Process LEARNING Serve as a Everything is MEASURED clearinghouse of in terms of COMPETENCIES world-class expertise And RESULTS! The APPL Blended Learning Process allows NASA project practitioners and teams to request and acquire professional development products and services according to their: • Level of Knowledge • Phase in the Project • Amount of Time to Commit Communication and transfer of knowledge Performance Enhancement Knowledge Sharing Applied Research Create opportunities for project management collaboration through research and exchange Career Development Develop Project Leadership Maturity Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 CORPORATE PLAN 2000 BANK NAGARI Dokumen konfidensil untuk kalangan sendiri Dipresentasikan oleh DR. Romeo Rissal Pandjialam Dalam Pertemuan Pemilik BPD Sumbar Di Kantor Menaker Abdul Latief JAKARTA Lihat Contoh Jakarta, 12 Maret 1996 BUSINESS PLAN 1999 BTPN Dokumen konfidensil untuk kalangan sendiri Dipresentasikan oleh DR. Romeo Rissal Pandjialam Pertemuan dg Komisaris dan Direksi BTPN Bandung, 18 November 1995 Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 14 DR.Romeo Rissal Email: Mission Mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan rupiah/inflasi melalui pemeliharaan kestabilan moneter dan pengembangan stabilitas sistem keuangan untuk pembangunan jangka panjang Negara Indonesia yang berkesinambungan Values • • • • • Kompetensi Kebersamaan Integritas Akuntabilitas Transparansi STRATEGIC DIRECTION Vision Menjadi bank sentral yang dapat dipercaya secara nasional maupun internasional melalui penguatan nilai-nilai yang dimiliki serta pencapaian inflasi yang rendah dan stabil K–I–T–A– Kompak Strategic Objectives 1. Mencapai kestabilan harga 2. Memajukan sistem perbankan yang andal dan efektif 3. Menjamin terciptanya sistem pembayaran yang aman dan efisien 4. Meraih citra positif yang kuat baik secara nasional maupun internasional 5. Meningkatkan koordinasi dan networking dengan stakeholders 6. Menjadi organisasi yang berbasis pengetahuan 7. Mengembangkan satuan kerja yang efektif dan berkompetensi tinggi Implementation Strategy BI TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM (launched in 2001): Begin With The Foundation IMPLEMENTOR Strategic Objectives IT Function Begin 2. Blueprint Mon. policy formulation HR Function P,B & PM New Directions and Processes Phase I Banking IMU IT Phase II, ect Monetary Execution Currency Circulation Regional & Rep Offices Logistic mgt CORPORATE CULTURE Continue DR.Romeo Rissal Result Highlights……… I. ALREADY IMPLEMENTED 1. Strategic Direction 2. New HRM System 3. SPAMK (Balance score card) 4. Financial System Study 5. Culture Change Program 6. Information Management 7. IT Architecture and Strategy 8. Logistic Management 9. Mon. Research and Pol. Form. 10. Internal Management System 11. Bank Supervision T. and C. 12. OJK Contingency Plan 13. Research function of KBI 14. Single point of accountability II In implementation preparation 1. HL Organization Structure? 2. Risk Management ?? 3. EDMS ??? Email: • More delegation to line managers • Consultant-client realtions IT road map E- Auction Code of conduct • Asset & Liab report • Absolutely No: Blanket Contract disguised payment gifts, vouchers etc Regional Economic Analysis Board system DR.Romeo Rissal Email: External Feedback 2001 Strongly Deficient Topic Satisfactory Strongly Performing Values & Culture STAKEHOLDERS’ SURVEY DEC. 2004 Respondents Economic Research & Monetary Policy Banking Policy & Supervision 4.26 Judiciaries 4.24 Bankers Payments Policy & Systems Executives 4.08 Currency Distribution Academician 4.05 Internal Mgmt Functions Business Government 4.04 Public Mass Media BEFORE AFTER 3.98 3.95 3.89 Culture Change Award: BI Medan Jadi Yang Terbaik 2007 Prof. DR. Miranda S. Goeltom DGS mengucapkan selamat Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 19 Bank Sumut 2007..... Memacu Kegemilangan 800,000 9,000,000 600,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 400,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 200,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 Des'04 Des'05 Mar'06 Jun'06 Sep'06 Des'06 Des'07 (200,000) Modal Inti 2,000,000 1,000,000 - PERKEMBANGAN ASET, KREDIT DAN DPK Des'04 Des'05 Mar'06Rata-rata Jun'06 Aset Sep'06 Des'06 Des'07 2007 - 2011 BANK REGIONAL TANGGUH 1. 2. Pertanian, Peternakan, Perikanan Perdagangan .. Bank Pendamping Pedagang BANK SHARIAH TERKUAT DI SUMUT Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 20 Presentasi kepada Gubernur Sumbar Motor Ekonomi Daerah Pelayanan masyarakat Ketahanan Kelembagaan Baca presentasi KBI Padang Kepada Gubrnur Sumbar 14 Nov 2010 Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 21 Jumlah Bank dan Kantor Bank di Sumbar Bank Konvensional Bank Perkreditan Rakyat 232 103 Jumlah Kantor Jumlah Bank 310 Bank Umum 19 0 100 200 300 400 Bank Syariah Bank Perkreditan Rakyat 19 6 Jumlah Kantor 3 Unit Usaha Syariah Jumlah Bank 0 29 Bank Umum 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 22 35 Perkembangan Aset Perbankan Bank Umum Syariah 1.6 BPR 1.1 Aset bank umum syariah baru 5,6% dari total aset bank umum Bank Umum 28.2 0 10 20 Aset BPR hanya 3,9% dari total aset bank umum 30 Triliun Rupiah *Data per triwulan III-2010 23 Penghimpunan Dana Masyarakat (DPK) Giro 8.51% Deposito 41.31% Bank Umum Syariah 1.1 BPR 0.7 Deposito 43.2% Tabungan 56.8% Tabungan 50.18% DPK BU Syariah & BPR masih rendah Bank Umum 17.9 0 5 10 Triliun Rupiah 15 20 BU Syariah & BPR terjebak dana mahal: Porsi deposito tinggi (biaya bunga/bagi hasil tinggi) 24 Kredit/Pembiayaan Bank Umum Syariah Modal Kerja 42.18% Konsumsi 46.65% 1.7 BPR Kredit Konsumsi 24.51% 0.8 Bank Umum Kredit Investasi 10.26% Investasi 11.17% 20.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Triliun Rupiah BU & BU Syariah terjebak kredit konsumsi Komitmen BPR di kredit produktif lebih tinggi Tapi penyaluran masih kecil Kredit Modal Kerja 65.23% Kredit Konsumsi 46.36% Kredit Investasi 19.46% Kredit Modal Kerja 34.18% 25 Akhir Presentasi Terima Kasih Romeo Rissal Pandjialam – March 2007 26