Educational Template for Chapter 4

Chapter 4
History of Computing & Technology
Pamela Hussey, Margaret Ann Kennedy and
Anne Spencer
Chapter 4 – History of Computing & Technology
Educational Template
In Chapter 4 the key concepts include :
• Historical Milestones in Technology
• Historical Milestones in Computing
• Nursing Pioneers and Computer Use
Chapter 4 – Key Concepts
Key Concepts
Critical factors for consideration of nursing role in eHealth. A
learning opportunity to develop a greater awareness of the
history of computing and technology The learning exercises and
associated presentation offer a more focused approach on the
specific knowledge presented in the chapter:
Exercise 1 = Assimilative - Getting started
Exercise 2 = Productive - Informatics solution focused
Exercise 3= Interactive/adaptive - Accelerated learning
Chapter 4 – Learning Activity Type
Learning Activity Type
Exercise 1
Assimilative Exercise review the PowerPoint Presentation and associated Web
links in the Emergence of Technology in Healthcare and complete the associated
Exercise 2
The Florence Nightingale quote in this chapter suggests that she was frustrated
with her practice as she attempted to source information. In this exercise consider
what resources you would offer Nightingale today to answer her queries on
nursing data. Rank in order of priority the systems you think she would want to
have implemented in the hospital that she was practicing in. It may be worthwhile
to view chapters 1, 10 and 13 for this particular exercise.
Exercise 3
You have been asked to teach a class to a group of first year student nurses on the
history of computing review the online material associated with this chapter in this
presentation and select a number of the images by component to include in your
presentation explaining the reasons for your choice.
Chapter 4 – Assessment Exercises
Assessment Exercises
History of Computing and
To understand a science it is necessary to know its history
Comte 1798-1857
Chapter 4 History of Informatics
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Core Concepts Included in this Presentation Include
Historical Milestones in Technology
Historical Milestones in Computing
Nursing Pioneers and Computer Use
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Historical Milestones in Technology
These online resources summarise generations one to three
of the computing paradigm.
Presented by the Computer
History Museum
Follow this link to view
Whilst computers and technology
are linked it is useful to view
them in this chapter separately by
This can be done by viewing the
technology time line in the
computer history museum and
by searching under key categories
relating to the technology.
For example one can search
under categories such as
components, networks ,
computer software and
Historical Milestones in Computing
These online resources summarise generation one to three of the computing paradigm.
A Brief History of the Computer
Presented by TIME Photographs
Follow this link to view
This resource developed by the
Computer History Museum depicts the
development of computers from 1939- 1988
Follow this link to view
Emergence of Technology in Healthcare
Evolution of technology supporting health care and professional nursing practice
Click images to open hyperlinks
Chapter 4
AN Other
to be added
Ball Podcast
History of Computing
& Technology
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Nursing Pioneers & Computer Use
In many instances the early pioneer nurses in informatics were poorly paid
and had inadequate study leave and in many cases left the profession to pursue careers
as systems analysts.
However, some of the pioneers remained and we acknowledge some of them within
the following sections – nursing education, nursing administration, nursing care and
nursing research .
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Nursing Education
• Mariann Drost Bitzer (1963)
• First simulation in nursing obstetrics
• Judith Ronald, University of New York
• CAI in Nurse Education in the 1970’s
• Diane Skiba, Boston College
• Co-ordinating Nursing Informatics
• Virginia Saba, Georgetown University
• Co-ordinating Nursing Informatics
• Christine Henney, University of Dundee
• Co-ordinating Nursing Informatics
Chapter 4
Journal of Nursing
Administration featured a
monthly article on computer
applications in nursing from **
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Nursing Administration
• Marilyn Plomann, Chicago (1970’s & 1980’s)
• Developed nursing administration initiatives
• Catherine Cunningham (1970’s & 1980’s)
• Nurse Manpower Planning Projects
• Elly Pluytr-Wenting, Leiden, Holland (1976-1983)
• Nursing Manpower Planning
• Phyllis Giovanetti (1978)
• Nurse Scheduling Systems
• Elizabeth Butler (1973-1983)
• Nurse Scheduling and Staffing Systems
• Virginia Saba (1970’s & 1980’s)
• Public Health Service Dept. – Promoting
Public Health Nursing Services
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Nursing Care
1992 Norma Lang & June Clark – if we cannot
name it (nursing) we cannot control it, finance it,
research it or put it into public policy.. (In relation
to nursing language).
Christine Henney, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Involved in the design and implementation of
a real time nursing system
Kathryn Hannah first nurse elected to COACH
(Canadian Organisation for the Advancement of
Computers in Health) .
Maureen Scholes – The London Hospital
Real-Time Computer Project – resulted in
The introduction of a hospital communication
system that provided patient administration services,
laboratory services and radiography services using
105 visual display units in all hospital wards and
Elizabeth Butler – Kings Hospital, London
Engaged in developing and implementing the
computerised nursing care plan system for the
Professional Medical Unit and for the nursing care
plan system for all wards and specialties in the 500
bedded hospital.
Chapter 4
Joy Brown and Marjorie Wright, York Hospital
Both worked as systems co-ordinators and were
actively involved in designing, coding and
implementing the computerised patient care system
at their hospital.
They were also responsible for training on the
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Nursing Research
1960 working with ANA (American Nurses Association) Harriet
Werley identified research on communication and decision
making in nursing (1960’s)
Kathryn Hannah with David Shires in 1980 at Medinfo in Tokyo
set up a separate nursing informatics section within IMIA
Maureen Scholes in 1982 facilitated an open forum on the
impact of computers in nursing (London)
1981 Virginia Saba established a nursing presence at the
symposium on computer applications in medical care (USA)
1982 Carol Ostrowski created a nursing profession specialty
group - AAMSI (American Association for Medical Systems and
1983 Marion Ball identified nursing informatics as specialty
1988 Harriet Werley and Norma Lang identify the American
nursing minimum data set
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Scholes Analysis of Papers 1960-1997
Scholes et al in 2000 completed an analysis of early scientific papers in nursing research,
relating specifically to informatics and computers from 1960-1997
and the following key themes emanated from the work.
Education Training
Research Statistics Models
Language Classification and Retrieval
Information Systems Data Base
Data Protection Ethics Law
Laboratory , Imaging Monitoring / Therapy Prevention
Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 4
Patient (Nursing) Record
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Chapter Summary
• The development of technology and its contribution
to the history of computing is explored in this
• Evolving since the 1950’s the computer has replaced
traditional methods of processing information.
• Nursing informatics pioneers can be identified over
the past 50 years as contributing to this evolution.
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition
Chapter 4
Introduction to Nursing Informatics 2013 - 4th Edition