Plenary Working Together within a Municipality

Making Order Out of Chaos
Core Project Team
 Project Sponsor: John Popoff, Director of Development
Services, Town of Chestermere
 Project Manager: Elizabeth Armitage, former Project
Manager, Town of Chestermere
 Consultant Lead: Dave McRae, Land Use Planning
Manager, ISL
Critical Stakeholders
 Mayor Patricia Matthews and Council
 Town of Chestermere Staff
 Planning Staff
 Engineering Staff
 Economic Development Officer
 Public Works Staff
 Development & Building Industry
 Influential Residents
Process Highlights
 Definition of Success - A new Land Use Bylaw, finished on-
time, on-budget and as expected by all key stakeholders
 Project Management Process
 Schedule
 Budget
 Communication Plan
 Risk Analysis
 Work Breakdown Structure
 Targeted Engagement
 Collaborative Team Environment
 Communication
Major Issues Facing the Team
 Updating a “Frankenstein” bylaw
 Significant population growth
 No long-term staff memory due to turnover
 Very engaged council with historical memory
 Disconnect between council and development
with the Key Players
1. In your opinion, was the project successful?
2. How do you feel the collaboration between Council,
the Consultant and Staff worked?
3. In your view, what were the biggest risks with the
approach taken?
with the Key Players
4. Do you believe communication was effective
between all stakeholders?
5. How was “out of scope” work/unforeseen work
addressed by the process?
6. What were your three most significant lessons
Contact Information
 Liz Armitage
 John Popoff
 403.383.2366
 403.207.7069
 Dave McRae
 Patricia Matthews
 780.532.4002
 403-207-7073