VTT Company Profile - Telecom Practice

Voice Tel Tech
Company profile – ICT Practice
April 2013
Voice Tel Tech (VTT), established in 1992, is an international
organization of strategy and management consultants who
serve clients in public and private sectors...
VTT is an International Consultancy providing strategy and management services, helping the world’s top businesses, governments and other institutions.
VTT specializes in delivering expert solutions in the functional areas of licensing, business strategy and transformation, technology enablement, regulatory
advocacy and human capital management
We leverage expertise from our core team as well as associates who are market leaders, academicians and industry veterans
We assist telecom operators and regulators to address a range of strategic and operational issues across varied
engagements. Our telecoms practice covers a broad spectrum of services
Development and
Strategy and
Corporate Strategy
Tower Acquisition and
Operations Strategy
Corporate Launch
Growth Strategy
Corporate Due Diligence
e-Enablement and
M&A strategy
Post Merger Integration
Brand Strategy
Change Management
and Transformation
Infrastructure and
Managed Services
Offer Engineering and
Value Proposition
Customer Value
Customer Experience
Customer Segment and
Customer Acquisition
and Retention
Sales force
Call Center Optimization
CapEx and OpEx
Business Processes
Design and ReEngineering
Vendor Management
Integration Services
Workforce Planning
Restructuring and
Change Management
IT Rationalization
ICT Solutions
Regulatory Affairs
Tariff and Taxation
Spectrum Design and
Mobile and Local
Number Portability
Mobile Banking
VoIP Implementation
Capacity Based
Our Strategic
Alliances across
the globe with the
Leaders in the
e-Enabled Business
IT Strategy and
Integration and
Development Services
Services Management/
Outsourcing/ BPO
GIS Application
Mobile Banking
Strategy and
Technology for
Operations (CRM,
SCM and ERP)
Team Collaboration
A strong focus on the telecommunications industry
A team of industry veterans, leading strategy in a highly competitive telecommunications market
Diverse experience of managing strategy through implementation through execution lifecycles across the technical and business functions of
telecom operators
Unique knowhow of planning, designing of RFP’s and preparing bids acquisition of telecom license
Thorough knowledge of a wide range of network technologies and their target markets, business plans and operational conditions
Telecom Practice
… and have successfully delivered projects globally…We
are headquartered in Islamabad (Pakistan) and have offices
in all major cities of Pakistan …
Management &
Business Process
project for Helios
Towers, Nigeria
Migration Strategy
for Jordan’s Xpress
Strategy Evaluation
& Commercial
Quickwins for
Etisalat Afghanistan
Carried out off-site
Procurement &
Management for
Helios Towers,
Our Geographic Presence in Pakistan
Various projects in
Pakistan (public
and private sectors
plus international
donor agencies)
Provided cost
effective technical
designs for
individual BTS sites
to Helios Towers,
 Quetta
 Karachi
HR Selection &
Recruitment of
resources for
Networks, Core and
RF Departments -Zain (MTC) Saudi
Provision of
Consultancy Services
to a large groups of
UAE (in partnership
with Booz & Co.)
 Bagh
 Peshawar
Capital Territory
& Punjab
 Islamabad
 Lahore
 Multan
3 Corporate Offices
5 Field Offices
5 Partners
37+ consultants
Market analysis and
outreach strategy for
broadband operator
– GO Telecom
Telecom Practice
We have a diverse client base that includes ICT and other
businesses, which have relied on our expertise to improve
their competitive standing…
Our Clientele for Telecom and
Technology Consulting
ICT Consulting Services by our
Telecom Practice
Our Data Management, Analysis &
Reporting Services
Possess thorough knowledge of a wide range of cellular
network technologies and their target markets, business
plans, regulatory frameworks, and operational conditions...
VTT consultants have worked on different high profile engagements in their different job roles with
Our Hot-Gears in Consulting
both local and international consulting firms. We have completed engagements for large enterprises
that leveraged our expertise in the diverse arenas of Mergers & Acquisitions, Post Merger Integration,
Optimization &
Corporate Branding, New Operator Launch, Mobile & Local Number Portability, Commercial Refresh,
Program Management, and Business Process Modeling / Re-Engineering. Our teams have supported
large telecom operators in the MENA region by:
Developing integrated marketing plans encompassing 2G+ and 3G+ technologies and ensuring
commercial readiness post-mobile broadband launches.
Supporting network technology function in the launch of mobile broadband services based on
3G+ technologies, data offload design, choice of right backhaul and long-haul.
Rollouts &
Supporting corporate objectives of delivering shareholder value by evaluating options, strategies
and business models for monetizing deployed capital assets.
Providing a rapid diagnosis of current commercial operations post-implementation of strategic
commercial initiatives.
Identifying problems in the implementation processes which may have been causing loss in
revenues and increased churn.
Collating and analyzing data from previous years to identify the pain points of strategy
implementation and identify a long list of strategic quick wins.
Launching / executing new corporate branding campaigns, introduction of segmented products
VTT has been involved in formulating
Corporate Strategy for organizations, carrying
out detailed background research on business
strategies and infrastructures, analysis of
current situation in the sector, defining
problems and associated solutions, and
implementation. We have proven experience
of supporting commercial functions in
evaluating and redesigning operational
strategy and its subsequent implementation.
and organizational restructuring.
Telecom Practice
A glimpse of our Telecom sector projects which are reflective of
VTT’s expertise in creating an enabling...
Project Name
Project Details
Management Strategy,
Business Process ReEngineering for SCM
The client engaged VTT team of telecommunications industry veterans with a collective experience of managing rollouts for 3000+ BTS sites.
The client was able to reduce its procured item costs by 20-30%, utilizing the bench marks provided by VTT in Phase 1 and 2, which resulted
in a saving of millions of dollars.
Competitiveness in
Pakistan’s Information
Technology and Telecom
VTT successfully developed a detailed competitiveness report highlighting various challenges faced by Pakistan’s Telecom and IT industry
and carried out high-level analysis of the challenges and their effect on the growth of the industry.
Accelerated Business
Transformation and
Successfully managed end to end transformation of a large mobile operator after the operational split into two independent operators, with
responsibilities including business process re-engineering, organizational restructuring, training and human resources management
VSS Follow-on
Support for Business
VSS Follow-on Support for Business Continuity - Provided practical strategy recommendations for continuation and achievement of short and
long term business objectives, after the implementation of voluntary separation scheme
Launch of PTCL IP MPLS-based VPN – PTCL was launching IP MPLS-based VPN for high value corporate customers.
Exploring Latent
Market Opportunities
in Enterprise Sectors
Exploring Latent Market Opportunities in Enterprise Sectors - In order for Telenor to succeed in its objectives of attracting clients with unique
bundled solutions, it was critical to research the market for analyzing requirements of high-potential sectors with respect to Telenor’s service
and value proposition
Core network
infrastructure and
RAN rollout
Sindh & Baluchistan region’s engineering organization covering network O&M, radio network planning and expansions, core network
implementation, network infrastructure and RAN rollout. Focus on network expansion. Radio Access Network department’s responsibilities
included RF planning, radio network optimization, BSS planning, BSS capacity management, access backhauling and transmission.
Cellular License
Acquisition for Nextel
Nextel International asked member partners of VTT to assist them in defining a complete strategy for acquisition of GSM license in Pakistan.
It included, Detail analysis of Pakistan Mobile Market, Complete market entry strategy and License bidding strategy
Planning, Design and
Launch of CDMA
Evaluation of Mobile Sector in Pakistan - Millicom requested our team to evaluate the mobile sector in Pakistan so as to determine the “WAY
FORWARD”. Millicom hired VTT to help them plan, design and launch their existing cellular network based into a full mobility CDMA network.
Wireless Network Rollout - Successfully completed the lifecycle from a comprehensive review to issuance of LOI for the RFP for nationwide
CDMA network rollout for a large telecom service provider
Telecom Practice
A glimpse of our Telecom sector projects which are reflective of
VTT’s expertise in creating an enabling... (Cont..)
Project Name
Project Details
Strategic Evaluation &
Commercial Quick-Wins
for Etisalat Afghanistan
VTT team alongside Booz & Co deployed a quick win team in Pakistan. The team of experts was involved in rapid diagnosis of current
situation in EA. The experts carried out detailed data analysis and business analysis to identify problems. The data from previous years was
collated and analyzed to identify the pain points of strategy implementation and identify a long list of strategic quick wins which can address
the situation in short term. This long list of quick wins was shortened by doing thorough research on each business model to filter out 4 high
impact quick win initiatives which can boost revenue in short term and significantly reduce high churn in high and middle value customer
Framework for the
Implementation of Local
Number Portability in
VTT advised and assisted the regulatory body in preparing a regulatory framework for implementation of Local Number Portability by Fixed
and Wireless Operators, including the monitory implications, extent of its use, benefits/ draw backs, methodology of implementation, its
impact on existing operators business with special reference to new versus old licensees and emergence of new business. VTT carried out
an extensive study on the Local Number Portability, market analysis, international benchmarking and needs assessment and finally
presented the findings, the understanding of the subject and the roadmap for implementation.
International Clearing
House Agreement
between PTCL and LDIs
The client engaged VTT team of telecommunications industry veterans to carry out a strategic analysis and high-level review of the
International Clearing House Agreement between PTCL and LDIs. VTT consultants evaluated the transaction as a trusted partner and
highlighted the significance of this transaction viz-a-viz the local market and its effect to the competition in Pakistan. The team identified the
pros/cons of the this agreement and underlined the envisaged problems which might arise due to the implementation of this ICH agreement.
Workforce Planning
Strategy for Warid
VTT provided the client with its Human Capital Management experts; specializing in the telecommunications industry, who formulated a
comprehensive workforce planning strategy suitable for the client and relevant to expertise required in the telecommunications industry and
conducted one-on-one interviews and focus group sessions with senior and middle level management. The team analysed the gathered data
and identified future workforce requirements in mission critical job functions.
Strategy and Technical
Advisory to NH&MP for
VTT as strategic and technical advisors to National Highway and Motorway Police assisted NH&MP to evaluate and select the appropriate
service provider for provision of the following services:
Provisioning of cellular services to First Responders across the highway network. Installation of location based services to track the
position of NH&MP officers and vehicles.
Micro-finance Mobile
Banking Strategy and
Broadband Sales Strategy
for Wi-tribe
The infrastructure to facilitate the subscribers of the mobile phones to obtain information via SMS, short code information retrieval, Voice
messaging, call center access or any other means regarding different areas of highways
VTT was involved in developing a detailed implementation plan highlighting the strategic interaction between the mobile sector and the
microfinance banking sector for implementing a mobile banking framework and a way forward for all stakeholders.
The work focused on Micro-finance Mobile Banking Strategy and analysis of the Regulatory, Commercial, Administrative, Business, Technical
and Implementation issues, development of a Commercial and Business Plan, development of a complete Outreach model for ease of
payment and reduction of transaction cost, a technical plan, development of the strategic interaction framework between the mobile sector and
microfinance banking sector
Defining the Best Sales Models for Wi-Max BB - Wi-Tribe was seeking recommendations for the best sales model for its data services
products. To this end a study required to be conducted by VTT. This exercise involved an in-flight review of wi-tribe including an analysis of
sales channels, sales audit, corporate structure, commission model and product offering
Telecom Practice
VTT specializes in developing customized solutions,
tailor made for the needs of our clients…
VTT's professional teams of strategy management and ICT consultants have
The screen shots depict the Geo-Spatial querying and
data analysis tools developed for various Clients
designed and deployed various ICT based business solutions for several reputed
international clients to assist in achieving their desired objectives.
Our state-of-the-art customized web-based software, i.e. MEST (Monitoring
and Evaluation Support Tool) provides a comprehensive medium for data entry,
validation, presentation, analysis, and reporting. In addition, this tool features data
imaging from the various M&E activities, and facilitates users with an interface for
real-time reporting, based on the clients reporting requirements.
Our M&E systems provide enhanced MIS functionality and GIS based mapping for
data gathering and analysis specific to M&E activities
Time tested and acknowledged Enterprise Resource Planning, Document
Management, and Team Collaboration Portal Solutions
Diversified experiences of our team members has created an un-paralleled
synergy to design and develop cutting edge products by harnessing advanced
technologies such as ArcGIS, Map Info, Google Map Servers, Microsoft .NET
Framework , Silverlight , WPF , Visual C++/COM+ Adobe Flex , Java 2 SE , JAVA
2 EE , Oracle and MS SQL Server and various Open Source Platforms to name a
Telecom Practice
Our Information Technology Department is managed by seasoned
professionals with multi-year experience of designing and
developing enterprise grade solutions….
Project Name
Project Details
IT Enabled Business
Transformation and
Project Management
VTT, as strategic and technical advisors to FFBL, induced Corporate Cultural Change and E-Enabled Business Transformation in the
bureaucratic and strong hierarchical organization of FFBL. VTT assisted FFBL by setting-up of a large scale PMO for achieving IT Enabled
Business Transformation utilizing VTT’s Project Management expertise and standardized frameworks. VTT optimized and automated the
Business Processes of FFBL (including HR and Finance Department) to minimize the redundancy, delays and errors in overall organizational
business functions and maximize the efficiency, timeliness and accuracy in the information flow.
Framework for the
Implementation of Local
Number Portability in
VTT has designed and implemented a GIS based MIS system with complex data handling, storage retrieval and analysis for on a Google
Earth style visual display. This system allowed users to run queries across different information indicators and map the results on the
geographic map. Each village profile is linked through Global Positioning system coordinates and digital capturing to present an in-depth view
of the community. End-users can run queries across over 120 indicators of information with 12 layers of mapping.
Web-based MIS System
for Monitoring &
The developed tool visualizes data from the various survey and evaluation activities and provides users with an interface for real-time
reporting based on the clients reporting requirements. The tool has a built in GIS component which allows users to visualize Monitoring
Activities on Bing Map interface providing them details of studies conducted on a visual platform.
The tool also provides a collaboration platform, including team calendar, contacts management, discussion boards, picture gallery, video
library etc. The tool also integrates other web-based mapping components developed by third parties, thus providing a one stop
comprehensive platform for data entry, presentation and analysis and reporting.
Designing customized
Learning Management
System (LMS) &
Recruitment Portal
VTT focused on designing, developing and deploying enabling tools for creating a collaborative environment. Documenting ABC
requirements and designing an Employment Exchange Program (EEP) system. VTT developed a customized gateway to Portal for ABC
website to capture ongoing recruitment requirements. Developing means to communicate in effective manner to ABC partners to ensure
continuous use of portal. Designing customized Learning Management System (LMS) for the purpose of knowledge sharing amongst the
strategic EEP HR Sub-Committee. Development and marketing of a "Jobs Project" / ABC Partners Motivational Speaker Series in conjunction
with CISCO Academy Network institutes to facilitate linkage building mechanism for CISCO Academy Network partners.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Support Tool
VTT has successfully developed, implemented and utilized a web-based Monitoring and Evaluation system (Monitoring and Evaluation
Support Tool (MEST) to assist with field execution, data entry, data analysis and reporting components of research and survey related
engagements. The system provides a comprehensive medium for data entry, validation, presentation, analysis and reporting. The tool
features expeditious compilation of extracted/ captured (recorded) information from various monitoring and evaluation activities and provides
its users with an interface for reporting based on the clients reporting requirements. The tool allows the user to create customized data
visualizations in addition to the predefined formats. The system allows for double data entry, reflects data errors/ inconsistencies, errors logs
and statistics.
The MEST system has evolved to where it is now capable of synchronizing data directly from the field by way of Tablet PCs (GSM Tabs),
wherever the teams have GSM network coverage. In case of no network coverage, the offline saved data will be uploaded by the Tablets
when the coverage resumes.
Telecom Practice
Contact Information
Rizwan Shoukat
CEO/Managing Partner
Voice Tel Tech (Pvt.) Ltd.
Office 201, Block-8,
School Road, F-6 Markaz,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel : +92 (51) 2276284-5
Cell: +92 (300) 8540800
Fax : +92 (51) 2275138
Email: rizwans@voiceteltech.com
Web: www.voiceteltech.com
Telecom Practice