SPANISH AND BRASILIAN WORKSHOP ON RENEWABLE ENERGY R+D ON BIOENERGY IN SPAIN M. Ballesteros Head of Biofuels Unit CIEMAT Rio de Janeiro 30 SEPTEMBER – 1 OCTOBER 2013 BIOMASS CONSUMPTION (2007) 10% OF WORLD PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION (45 EJ) – 80% traditional solid biomass for heating and cooking – 20% commercial biomass : 80% heat, 1% power, 2% liquid biofuels Fuente: Best et al. 2008 BIOENERGY SYSTEMS Traditional Biomass • over-exploitation of natural resources, • low economic valorization of biomass, • low efficienct technologies Modern biomass • commercial • efficient technologies • environmentally sustainable production and use BIOMASS AS ENERGY RESOURCE Abundant energy resource • It can be stored • It can be transformed into energy by different technologies (mechanical, thermochemical, biological) • It provides solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels to use for heating, power and transport purposes • It can not be found free. • It requires a long chain of activities: planting, growing, harvesting and pretreatment (storage and drying) before it can be transformed into an energy carrier. • Biofuels have an associated cost that has to be considered. Technological development to support the use of biomass… … not only depends on more efficient conversion technologies (combustion, co-firing, gasification, second generation liquid biofuels) but A broad range of research topics should be considered such as biomass availability and logistics. Spain is very active in R+D on Bioenergy • More than 100 Organizations working on Bioenergy - Excellent research teams in universities and specialized centers - Strong National Research Institutes: CIEMAT, CENER,,CSIC, INIA… • High participation in the European Research Framework Programmes • High Spanish participation in the European Research Alliance in Bioenergy Members: CIEMAT and CENER Associated to CIEMAT: Unizar, IREC, Imdea-Energy and Tecnalia • Dynamic industry with technological leadership Abengoa Bioenergy, REPSOL, Acciona, … R&D Programme of Biomass Unit Objective: To develop knowledge, technologies and applications to produce solid and liquid biofuels for heating, power and transport purposes. R&D activities 1 2 3 Feedstock research Solids Biofuels Second generation Biofuels Feedstock research and solid biofuels production Liquid Biofuels Research Soria Center Madrid Center R&D Programme of Biomass Unit Objective: To develop knowledge, technologies and applications to produce solid and liquid biofuels for heating, power and transport purposes. R&D activities 1 Feedstock research Evaluation of avalilable resources Energy crops Logistics: collecting, transporting FEEDSTOCK RESEARCH Objective: To improve the cost competitiveness of biomass supplies to energy systems Evaluation of available biomass resources taking into account the geographical specificity of biomass supply and consumption. The aim is to assess the level of supplies compatible with sustainable production Development, production and management of energy crops, taking into account issues related to planting, used of chemicals for fertilizing, irrigation, weed control or soil quality Studies on biomass harvesting, storage and transportation technologies to reduce the cost of biomass delivery to energy plant. Leñosos Herbáceos Chopos Cardo Cereales para bioetanol Triticale y otras gramíneas anuales Agropiros Robinia Brassica carinata Olmo de Siberia Panicum virgatum Caña común Paulownia Sorgo híbrido Cultivos Oleaginosos para Biodiesel Sinapis alba Colza (Brassica napus) Jatropha curcas Camelina sp. Crambe R&D Programme of Biomass Unit Objective: To develop knowledge, technologies and applications to produce solid and liquid biofuels for heating, power and transport purposes. R&D activities 1 Feedstock research Available resources Energy crops Logistics 2 Solid biofuels for heating and power Characterization High quality solid biofuels from energy crops Drying Milling Compaction Combustion of biomass with high ash content Sinterization Emissions CHARACTERIZATION Objective: To know biomass chemical and physical characteristics in order to choose the best energetic conversion process BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION LABORATORY (BCL) is a scientific reference laboratory for energy and physicochemical characterization of biomass and solid biofuels. It is equipped with facilities to perform the following analysis: Proximate analysis (moisture, ash and volatile compounds content) Ultimate analysis (carbon, hydrogen, clorum) nitrogen, sulfur and Inorganic compounds content Higher Heat Value and Lower Heat values Thermogavimetric analysis Particle size distribution Pile density Pellet durability BCL belongs to the Technical Committee CEN/TC 335 which is working on the standardisation of solid biofuels derived from pure biomass. HIGH-QUALITY SOLID BIOFUELS FROM HIGH ASH CONTENT BIOMASS Rotary air dryer (200-400 kg/h) Pelleting plant (300-500 kg/h) Hammermill with particle size classification (200-700 kg/h) ASH-RELATED PROBLEMS IN COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS Objective: To study the release of ash forming compounds from biomass fuels in both fixed and fluidised bed combustion systems to determine data concerning the melting behaviour and emissions. Gases Cenizas Slagging on the grate of a combustion system 1. 1-Metil naftaleno 2. 2-Metil naftaleno 3. Dimetil naftaleno 4. Acenaftileno 5. Acenafteno 6. Fluoreno 7. Fenantreno 8. Antraceno 9. Fluoranteno 10. Pireno 11. Benzo(a)antraceno** 12. Criseno 13. Benzo(b)fluoranteno* 14. Benzo(k)fluoranteno 15. Benzo(a)pireno** 16. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene* 17. Dibenzo(ah)antraceno 18. Naftaleno 19. Benzo(ghi)perileno Polinuclear Aromaric Hydrocarbons formed in biomass combustion 17 kW Boiler 500 kW Boiler 100 kW Boiler R&D Programme of Biomass Unit Objective: To develop knowledge, technologies and applications to produce solid and liquid biofuels for heating, power and transport purposes. R&D activities 1 Feedstock research Avalilable resources Energy crops Logistics 2 Solid biofuels for heating and power Characterization Ash-related problems Pretreatment In biomass Drying combustion Sinterization Milling Emissions Compaction 3 Liquid Biofuels Pretreatment Enzymatic hydrolysis Fermentation LIQUID BIOFUELS UNIT OBJECTIVE To develop processes and technologies for converting lignocellulosic materials into ethanol and other high value products in an efficient and cost-effective manner to facilitate the adoption of these processes by industry PROCESS CHART Cellulosic biomass • Cellulose (glucose) • Hemicellulose • Lignin (C5 & C6 sugars) Pretreatment Biological steps: Celullase production, Hydrolysis, fermentation Power generation Ethanol recovery Residue processing Solid Liquid Process effluents Fuel: Ethanol PROCESS CHART Cellulosic biomass • Cellulose (glucose) • Hemicellulose • Lignin (C5 & C6 sugars) Pretreatment Biological steps: Celullase production, Hydrolysis, fermentation Power generation Ethanol recovery Residue processing Solid Liquid Process effluents Fuel: Ethanol TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES FOR BIOCHEMICAL ROUTE 1. FEEDSTOCK PRETREATMENT • To reduce the cost of the pretreatment while maintaining efficiency • To limit the consumption of chemicals, energy and water and the production of wastes • To minimize sugar degradation and inhibitors formation (moderate conditions) Biomass deconstruction technologies Pretreatment Temperature (ºC) Time (min) Chemical Concentration Stirred & pressure reactor 170-230 2-50 None/ Dilute acid 1-2% H2SO4 Steam Explosion 160-230 2-90 None Extrusion 30-70 2-10 Alkaline 5-10% on dw raw material 2 L laboratory prototype for LHW pretreatment Steam explosion pretreatment plants of 2 and 10 litres EXTRUSION PRETREATMENT Twin-screw extruder (10 kg/h capacity) CS- Conveying screw Different screws in twin-screw extruder MS- Mixing screw RS- Reverse screw MS CS RS TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES FOR BIOCHEMICAL ROUTE 2. NEW AND/OR IMPROVED ENZYMES • To reduce the costs of enzyme production by improving cellulase production and enzymatic cocktail efficiency • To find the way for reducing enzyme loading without loss of performance • To develop enzymes with improved thermo-stability and less susceptibility to sugars inhibition 3. FERMENTATION • Develop yeast strains resistant to toxic compounds, high solids concentration and rising ethanol concentration Joint Unit of Biotechnological Processes for Energy Production • To incorporate molecular biology tools to improve the efficiency and economics of biochemical conversion processes of lignocellulosic biomass into biofuels: enzyme and fermenting microorganisms development • To produce biofuels from microalgae. Advanced conversion path based on biological and chemical process Joint Biotechnological Processes Unit Research Activities • Isolation and characterization of new microorganisms and their enzymatic complex to transform lignocellulosic biomass into biofuels. • Production of biofuels and other value products from microalgae • Genetic manipulation (modification or introduction of new steps) of metabolic routes in hydrolytic and/or fermentative microorganisms and microalgae to increase production of target metabolites added- TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES FOR BIOCHEMICAL ROUTE 4. PROCESS INTEGRATION SHF SSF SSCF CBP Cellulases Cellulose hydrolysis Hexoses Fermentation Pentose Fermentation Level of integration SHF: Separate Hydrolysis and fermentation; SSF: Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, SSFC: Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation CBP: Consolidated bioprocessing Second Generation Biofuel Center (CB2G); collaboration CENER-CIEMAT The Second generation Biofuel Centre is a Process Development Units (PDUs) to produce 2nd generation biofuels on a pilot scale level as an intermediate step towards the industrial scale-up of these technologies and as a biorefinery test platform.. Sugar Platform Biochemical processes Raw Material Sugars Waste Lignin BIOMASS Cogeneration (CHP) Energy and heat Synthesis gas platform Thermochemical processes Gasification BioFuels BioProducts BioPolymers BioMaterials Synthesis gas preparation Pretreatment Unit: Capacity: 500 Kg Biomass/h In operation from 2008 Chipper & Chopper Pelletizing unit Milling Units Torrefaction reactor Drying Unit Thermochemical Unit: Capacity: 2 MWt-500 Kg Biomass/h In operation from 2012 ABFB Gasifier & Thermal Oxidizer and Flue gases treatment Biochemical Process Unit: Capacity: Up to 1,500 kg biomass / week In operation from 2013 The unit offers: Biomass feedstock flexibility. Flexible scaling-up: pilot- semi industrial. High solid content processes development. Different conditions and process configurations. Different target products: biofuels and bio-products Main equipment includes: Vacuum Belt Filter Detoxification and Dilution Tanks Enzymatic Hydrolysis (2 x 3 m3) Bioreactors (1, 3 and 6 m3) Biochemical Process Unit: Pilot Plant In operation from 2013 Pretreatment Continuous horizontal reactor: 5Kg/h up to 14.5bar & 200ºC Enzymatic Hydrolysis Stirred tank reactor to develop high consistency EH Fermentation Bioreactor fully monitored. PROJECTS COLLABORATION 7FP BRASIL-UBL (CIEMAT) Biofuels Assessment on Technical Opportunities and Research Needs for Latin America Specific International Cooperation Actions; PROETHANOL2G Integration of Biology and Engineering into an Economical and EnergyEfficient 2G Bioethanol Biorefinery EU-Brazil Collaborative project BioTop Partners • WIP – Renewable Energies, Alemania (WIP) • Technical University of Denmark (DTU) • University of Graz, Austria (UNI GRAZ) • BTG Biomass Technology Group, Holanda (BTG) • Argentine Renewable Energies Chamber (ABC) • Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile (UCV) • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) • Fundación Bariloche, Argentina (FB) • FUSP/CENBIO, Brasil • CIEMAT, España To identify technical opportunities and research needs for Latin America in order to maximize synergies in the biofuels sectors of Latin America and Europe. Proethanol 2G: EU-Brazil Collaborative project EU: FP7-ENERGY-2009-BRAZIL (Contract No 251151)/ BRAZIL: Edital nº 006/2009 - CNPq/MCT PROETHANOL2G focus on: The effective integration and development of advanced technologies through the combined use of Biology and Engineering for the production of second generation (2G) bioethanol, from the most representatives European (wheat straw) and Brazilian (sugarcane bagasse and straw) feedstocks. COLLABORATION will continue in Horizon 2020 Workprogramme for 2015 Partnering with Brazil on advanced biofuels In the framework of the EU-Brazil S&T Cooperation Agreement, the European Commission and the Brasilean Ministry of Science and Technology are working together to benefit from the complementarities in research and innovation, in order to foster the development of advanced their commercialisation both in Brazil and in Europe. biofuels and accelerate ¡¡¡OBRIGADA PELA ATENÇÃO¡¡¡ ¡¡¡GRACIAS POR LA ATENCION¡¡¡