SRAS - Building State Capacity and Productivity Center


Managing Performance in the System of Support

A Guide for Providing Technical Assistance to SEAs for Assessing and Improving their

System of Recognition, Accountability, and



Managing Performance in the System of


: A document with 52 rubric-based indicators of a comprehensive system of recognition, accountability, and support


Technical Assistance Guide: A guide for the

BSCP Center and RCC to provide TA for an

SEA Team.

: An online system improvement tool to guide the SEA Team’s implementation of its planned improvements to the SRAS.

BSCP Center

SEA Leadership Team appointed by Chief

Regional Comprehensive Center

To describe a framework for partnering among the Regional Centers, SEAs and the

BSCP Center

To describe the responsibilities of each partner

To outline the project deliverables


Training for the Regional Center Staff


Enlisting the SEA


Forming the SEA Team


Assessing the Current System


Planning and Implementing Improvement


Ongoing Support from the BSCP Center


Milestones and Deliverables

Understanding the team approach in working with the SEA

Understanding the commitment for ongoing work with the SEA to see real change

The Regional Centers, BSCP, and/or the

USDOE makes SEAs aware of potential assistance with their SRAS

BSCP staff along with the Regional Center meet with the Chief to outline roles, responsibilities, and expected outcomes

Regional Center, Chief, and the BSCP Center sign Letter of Agreement

Designated by Chief, with guidance from


Led by Deputy or Assistant Superintendent

Includes key department leaders

Discusses agenda and scheduling with BSCP

Two-day initial training

Twice-monthly meetings of about 1 hour

Monthly call with RCC and the BSCP Center

Periodic Reports to the Chief

Annual meeting at one-year marker

SEA Team assesses its SRAS status by producing an agreed-upon profile for each of the 52 indicators.

The SEA Team concurrently develops it’s priority and opportunity scores.

The SEA Team enters its scores into the

IndiSEA TM system improvement tool.

SEA Team meets twice each month to discuss progress on the Indicators they have selected to work on.

RCC staff help the SEA Team develop and implement their plan for improving the

SRAS according to the selected Indicators.

RCC and BSCP staff helps the SEA Team select new indicators as the SEA progresses on its initial selection.

BSCP Center staff will hold a monthly call with the RCC liaison to the SEA and with one or more members of the SEA team to provide supportive consultation.

This phone call could coincide with one of the bimonthly SEA Team meetings.

BSCP periodically reports to the CSSO on progress

The SEA Team with the assistance of BSCP prepare one-year progress report.

RCC and the BSCP Center meet for one day with SEA Team.

During that SEA Team meeting, the Chief will review progress and the SEA Team will present its plan for next steps.

SRAS Profile from 52 rubric-based essential indicators

Plan and implementation documented in

IndiSEA TM , with downloadable reports

Operations Manual for the SRAS

One-Year Progress Report and Next Steps

IndiSEA™ is a trademark of Edvance Research, Inc. and the Academic

Development Institute, used by permission for work in the Building

State Capacity and Productivity Center.
