Employee self service

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About Orange Payroll & HRMS
 Orange Payroll & HRMS Software the simple and effective online system that
provides employer everything for accurately and confidently track every aspect
of employees Or contract workers.
 Online payroll & HRMS Software will reduce the work load of HR, employees of
company and other staff.
 In addition to that it also facilitate faster access of HR related information of
various branches.
 It manages the entire information of the Employees from the time they are
recruited till the time they leave the company.
 Detail Dashboard and graphical reports show all scenario of the system to HR
and Management.
 Reporting and analysis tools to know get HR information to take business
Our Payroll ,Your process, Everyone wins
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Orange Payroll & HRMS Features :
 Easy to Install, Implement & Use.
 Facility to create multiple company and multiple branches by using one
Database for all
 Three login panels :
 Main Administrator
 Branch Administrator
 Employee self service
 Security of data & Rights management : Permission to create bulk users at a
time and give rights to users for manage modules. Exp. HR Manager,
Supervisor ,Account manager.
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Key Module of Online Payroll & HRMS
Employee Information
Recruitment/ Application
Loan Management
Claim Management
Leave Management
Reimbursement Management
Employee Self Service (ESS)
Employee In/out Summary
Training Management
Salary Details
Goal Setting and Tracking
Tax Management
Comp-Off Module
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Employee Self Service Module (ESS)
 Employee self service is a powerful tool providing employees of the company with
the ability to view relevant information such as personal information. updating
personal information with web- enabled PC without having to hassle the HR staff.
 The functionality of this module spans through the entire system, making information
available anywhere, anytime. Of course all information is subject to company defined
security policy, where everyone can only view the information he/she is authorized to.
 Employee can view his/her leave , claim , loan, salary , appraisal Details.
 Employee can post all application of leave, loan, claim, advance, LTA,
Reimbursement ,appraisal feedback also employee can approve all detail of other
employee detail if he is superior employee.
 Employee can send application for Attendance Regularization.
 Employee can get his pay slip with all detail in his login.
 Employee can view import ant reports related to attendance , leave transaction and
salary .
 Employee can get company news , remainders , attendance and late mark summary.
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Employee self service - Login Screen
 Employee would get log
–in Id as employee Code
and company domain
 Employee would receive
payroll access as per
assigned rights.
 If employee would
assigned for admin rights ,
he would get first admin
access .
 To access ESS side
access , Employee need to
select ESS panel.
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Employee self service - Login Screen
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Employee Dashboard
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Employee Dashboard
1. Employee can view his Photograph.
2. Quick Links
 Attendance Reg.Request :To send
application for employee in/out
changes required.
 Salary Slip: To view the salary slip
and get the print of salary slip.
 Leave Application Status : To access
the leave application status option
3. Message: To view messages this
received from admin.
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Employee Dashboard
4. My Links:
Attendance Regularization: By this Option, Employee is
able to check his sub-ordinate's Attendance Regularization
request and change the status.
My Team Member Details : Employee can view the name
and details of subordinates (Direct and Indirect)
Leave Approval: Employee can approve the leave and
view the details of past leave approval directly by this link.
Attendance Summary: Employee can directly access
attendance in/out details.
Current Year Salary Detail: Employee can view the
Yearly Salary Details month wise along with graphical chart.
Holiday Calendar: To view yearly Holiday list.
Leave Balance: To view the Leave wise Balance along
with used, Credit and leave type. Below window will open
once you click on leave balance.
Probation over : To view those employees whose
probation gets over.
Reimbursement Approval : To view application of team
members for Reimbursement.
Pending Document’s List : To view list pending
documents which are pending to submit.
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Employee Dashboard
5. Appraisal: Employee will get intimidation for
Self-appraisal and Team Member's Appraisal.
6. Today’s Thought: Employee can view the
today's thought.
7.Post Request : Employee can post the request
and view the posted request for him.
8. Message Board: Employee can view the
pending and posted request. Click on Posted
Request to view posted request by Employee or
received Posted request.
9. Add and View Events: Employee can view
the upcoming events and even create an event in
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Employee Dashboard
10.Change Password: Employee can
change the password through the option.
11.Edit Profile : Employee can edit his
information direct through this link.
12. Birthday Reminder: Employee can view
today's Birthday and upcoming Birthday.
13.Change Password : Employee can
change the password directly.
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Attendance Regularization
 Attendance Regularization
is useful
application to change the attendance status
for last attendance days records (E.g. : Absent
, Late In Status , Early Out status )
 Attendance Regularization
Employee can make request in case of any
changes required in attendance of previous
date . The authorized person or admin will get
Mail alert for new application
 Manager or admin will
accordingly status will change in Attendance.
Once Authorized person change status of the
request , Employee will get Mail alert for the
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Attendance Regularization Request
Attendance Regularization Request: Employee can make request in case of any changes required in
attendance of previous date . The authorized person or admin will get Mail alert for new application
 Tick Mark on Desire
 Select the Reason
from Drop Down List
for absent.
Select Day type
(Half or Full Day).
Press Save to send
the request.
In case of Multiple
request for absent
days ,Follow same
process and than
Press Save.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Attendance Regularization Approval
 Manager or admin will approve Attendance Regularization request and accordingly status will
change in Attendance. Manager or admin can also approve or reject in bulk. Once Authorized person
change status of the request , Employee will get Mail alert for the same.
 Employee can view Status-wise Request. (Pending , Approved ,Rejected).
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Attendance Regularization Approval
 To Change the request click on
employee Code.
 Supervisor /Manager
can get
the details of Date and Reason for
attendance change required.
 Supervisor can add Comment if
 Change the Status of request.
Supervisor can change the status
of Cancel Late In or Early Out.
 Press Update to change the
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Attendance Synchronization & Downloading
Fingerprint Access
Attendance data downloading
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Fingerprint Access
Employee In & Out Summary
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Employee Information
Employee Profile
Competency Metric
Training Detail
Emergency Contacts
Goal Setting Detail
Jobs & Assets
Staff accommodation module
Conquer your mountain of paperwork
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Employee Information
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Leave Management
 Leave Application : Employee can apply for leave online & Reporting Manager /Authorized
user will get alert notification for same.
 Employee Leave Approval : it can be approved by the Supervisor or admin or hr manager –on
the basis of approval hierarchy, leave balance of employee and availability of alternate employee
.Also Admin user design approval flow base on company policy.
 Leave Status : Employee can view his Leave application status.
 Leave Cancellation : Employee can revert his approved leave by Leave Cancellation.
 Leave Cancellation Approval : It can be approved by the Supervisor or admin or Hr Manager
for leave cancellation.
 Leave Encashment Application : Employee can put request of leave Encashment after define
period of that leave .
 Comp off : Employee can earn for Comp-Off Balance as per extra work which employee
can utilize as leave balance .
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Leave Module Detail
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Leave Module Detail
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Leave Approval
 Leave Approval : Once HR/admin or any authorized person approved your leave , you will get
the email / SMS alert
 Leave approval is subject to leave balance / company policy
 Manager Level Employee can view the leave application under Leave approval in Payroll.
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Leave Cancellation
 Employee can cancel his approved through Leave Cancellation Application.
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Leave Cancellation Approval
 Manager Level Employee can view the Leave Cancellation approval
in Payroll.
 Once Manager approve leave cancellation , Employee will receive Email Notification and
revert leave balance would add in Employee leave Balance.
Leave Encashment
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Comp –Off Module
 Comp-off Application is specifically to earn leave balance when employee has done extra work and
he is eligible to earn leave as per company criteria.
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Loan and Reimbursement Claim Management
 Loan Application: Employee can apply for loan through loan application and the authorized
user or admin will get alert for new application.
 Loan Status : Employee can view the Status of Loan Application.
Reim-Claim Application and Approval: Employee can apply for Reimbursement such as
LTA ,Medical and base on approval ,eligibility get the reimbursement amount.
 Claim Application: Employee can make a request for claim and can also attach the required
document for claim application and the authorized user or admin will get alert for new
 Claim Status : Employee can view the Status of Claim Application.
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Loan and Claim Management
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Reimbursement Management
Application: Employee can apply for Reimbursement application for
those allowance which would be part of CTC or additionally paid by
company and the authorized user or admin will get alert for new
 Employee can Apply according to Balance and eligibility and Employee
also need to Attach required Document.
Approval: Manager level Employee or Admin user can approve the
application base of employee eligibility and previous application
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Reimbursement Management
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Reimbursement Management
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Salary Slip
 Select Month and Year
for desire month salary slip.
 Press View to generate
the salary slip.
 Salary slip can be view
in beside format.
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Team Management
 Manager level Employee
can manage his team
Week off and Shift
 Employee can view his
Direct and Indirect
Reportees Details.
 Manager can view few
important report of their
team members.
 Manager can view his
team members attendance.
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Employee Team Detail
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Member Reports
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Member Reports
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Example : Employee In-Out Summary
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Member Reports
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Example : Employee In-Out Summary
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Exit Module
 Exit Module is specifically
made from employee
resignation till his Full & Final
 Employee need to raise an
application once he resigned.
 Employee and his reporting
manager need to give
feedback .
 Admin would generate
“NOC” and Approve
Employee resignation.
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Exit Acknowledge
 Manager
level employee
need to acknowledge Exit
Application and give feedback
for his sub-ordinate.
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My Reports
Employee can view Few Important above listed reports .
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My Reports
 Attendance Reports :
Employee can view his month wise Attendance and In-out time details along with shift time ,late
marking and early going details.
 Leave Reports :
Employee can his current leave balance , Leave approval details and his yearly leave transaction.
 Loan Reports :
Employee can view his loan detail such as Loan Name , Loan Status and amount. Employee also
get Loan Statement wherein he can get EMI details , Loan Paid amount and his pending loan
 Other Reports:
Employee can view Salary and Tax related reports such as Salary Slip , Yearly Salary , PF
statement , Tax declaration and Form-16.
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HRMS Key-Features
Organization Organ gram shows the Designations wise Hierarchy of organization
Employee Organ gram shows Employee hierarchy of his Sub-ordinate and Supervisor.
Document History to View Document History of Employee which has been initiated by Organization to Employee
Training Application to initiate application for Training as required.
Training History to view the History Details of Training which has conducted by Employee
Training Chart to view Training Evaluation Score in Chart.
Recruitment Request to initiate the Request if any Recruitment to be required. This feature would be available as
given right to employee.
Interview Process to view the Records of Interviews which have been conducted by Manager. Manager can view
the Applicants Resume. This Features for Manager level Employee.
Appraisal Details where employee fill the details of his Appraisal.
Employee Appraisal Process where employee can add details of appraisal of his subordinate. This feature for
Manager level Employee.
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Organization Organ gram
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Employee Organ gram
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Training Application
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Training Chart
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Requirement Request
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Contact Detail
Sales Enquiry
7th Floor - 703 Kataria arcade , Beside
Adani School, Prahladnagar Makarba
Corporate Road, Makarba, S.G.Highway,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat , INDIA -380051
Mr. Ankur Patel
Contact Us : +91 .79. 650-68968
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Our service @ Your end
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