Algerian Electricity and Gas Company Sonelgaz Group Projects funding DFC 1 Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Strategic choice of funding of the Sonelgaz Group The financial arrangements used in the Sonelgaz Group Comparison between methods of financing Challenges DFC 2 1. Introduction In order to cover financially its development programs, the Sonelgaz Group, in search of financial resources, as a consolidated entity, to enable it to ensure the development of its infrastructure has initiated a major capital raising on the banking and financial market in accordance with national regulations Moreover, as a public company involved heavily in the development area, the Sonelgaz Group, has set a goal to be a major player in the national banking and financial market. With this in mind, the Group has used various mode of financing regarded as a lever for development. To do this, the Group Sonelgaz studied the different funding opportunities and has achieved the establishment of conventional funding arranged locally in the short,medium and long term as well as the use of the bond. The Group, since 2006, also pledged a new funding formula that is the finance project for new investments in electricity production in partnership, through Hadjret Ennous projects « SKH » wilaya de Cherchell Koudiet Eddraouch "SKD" wilaya d’El Tarf and Terga"SKT" in the wilaya of Ain Temouchent DFC 3 2. Funding strategic choice The Group Sonelgaz, and as part of the financial coverage of its investments, characterized by the mobilization of funds for development of its activities (investment capital) on one hand, and for rural electrification programs of public gas distribution on the other hand, uses the following resources: Bank loans State grants (in respect of rural electrification programs and public gas distribution) Customer participation (as regards the rural electrification programs and public gas distribution) Self-financing The legal and regulatory framework, requires the Sonelgaz Group to raise funds on the Algerian banking market, and this has been since 2006. Indeed, the Algerian banking and financial market is considered advantageous for the development and the financial balance of Sonelgaz Group. Conditions that are offered are financial levers of growth for the Group: The excess liquidity found at the Algerian public banks facilitates the fund raising for the Group (level, time) DFC 4 2. Funding strategic choice(Cont’d) The stability of interest rates offered by the Algerian financial market and discount for electricity generation activities , transmission and distribution of electricity and gas and, unlike loans raised from banks offering external variable rates, averaged 5.87% The use of local currency (against Value or value) in transactions exempt the Group Sonelgaz to be exposed to currency risk. The Sonelgaz group had to undergo between 2000 and 2006, an exchange difference arising on nearby 4.5 billion dinars It should be noted however, that arbitration in the use of resources, particularly for infrastructure projects has resulted in the deferral of some investment programs. DFC 5 3. Financial package used at the Sonelgaz Group 3.1.Bank credit lines Contracted with Algerian national banks, these lines are granted to finance, as appropriate, a part of the operation and a part of the financing needs of structuring projects and the means of production of electricity, transmission of electricity and gas, or distribution of electricity and gas and this in order for to meet local expenditures (disbursements, benefits, advances ....) or foreign currency (foreign trade) DFC 6 3. Financial packages used at the Sonelgaz Group 3.2. Bonds: Financial achievements - Institutions 2004 – 2005-2006 - Large Public 2005 - 2008 87,5 Billions Dinars -- Generation : 22,8 B DZD -- Power Transmission : 42,8 B DZD -- Gas Transmission : 4,1 B DZD -- Distribution : 17,8 B DZD DFC 7 3. Financial package used at the Sonelgaz Group 3.2. Bonds: Physical realizations Generation -Realization Oum El Assel diesel plant -Acquisition of 32 diesel generators - Refurbishing of Skikda control command -Extension of the GT plant of Illizi (2x3 MW) Electricity transmission -Strengthening the 400kV level in -Realization of 3 links of optical fiber -Operation and Maintenance of high voltage networks of Arzew and Skikda industrial areas DFC Distribution -Realization of 15 000 km for electricity -Realization of 10 000 km for gas Gaz transmission -Realization of 190 DP -realization of 28 HV substations 8 3. Financial packages used at the Sonelgaz Group 3.3. The Finance project The Project Finance is a financing method based on the ability of a project to generate sufficient revenue to: Cover the operating costs of the project Allow the reimbursement of loans raised Ensure the return on equity of investors It is mainly characterized by : The need to create an independent legal entity, dedicated Project Company The provision by shareholders and lenders of necessary funds to accomplish the project. The assurance of a continued production from the exploitation and throughout the life of the project Allocation of revenues to operating costs, lenders and shareholders, without discretion for reinvestment The limited involvement to shareholders DFC 9 3. Financial packages used at the Sonelgaz Group 3.3.the finance Project –Design and structure Shareholders / Capital stock Bank funding 70 % Bank leader * bank Pool 30% Project company Other Sonelgaz (*): the bank leader acts as security agent , manager and account manager . Agreement related to accounts Funding agreement Security documents SP DFC Direct agreement 10 4. Comparaison of financing processes Organisation The Finance Project conventional Finance Undertaken primarily by companies with sufficient funds Action of the Board on behalf of the shareholder in terms of monitoring Affiliation to management control (governors) Cash flow obeys the company policy Can be undertaken by a corporation / partnership. The necessary capital and cash flows are isolated from other activities of investors. Contractual arrangements have commitments that impose control Cash flow obeys distributed to shareholders Bond loan DFC Undertaken primarily by companies sufficient funds Prior authorization of the COSOB Organizing communication campaigns for operations for the general public Cash flow obeys the company policy 11 4. Comparaison of financing processes Financial Flexibility Conventional Financing Financing time Settingshort Reinvestment of funds generated Finance Project Financing arrangements very long and highly structured Relatively high costs of arrangement Bond DFC Highly structured financing arrangements Relatively high costs of arrangement Immediate availability of funds 12 4. Comparaison of financing processes Loan Contractual Structure Project Finance Conventional Financing Debt service provided by all fund sponsors Signing a loan agreement by programme Debt service provided by cash flows generated Design of loan contracts based on specific characteristics of the project Bond DFC Debt service provided by all fund sponsors Establishment of an information leaflet and signed Investment Agreement and guidance 13 5. Challenges The willingness of the SONELGAZ group to move continuously toward the local banking and financial market and to play a key role as a major sustainable stakeholder, which will be more confirmed by the level of trust that investors and donors will put in the Group Funding of projects designed by public banks Contribution to the development of national economy Sonelgaz main actor in the financial market Sonelgaz, main actor in the bank marketplace with credit lines lines in excess of 100 billion dinars annually Opening for the participation of corporations in the financing of investment projects Financial Analysts multidisciplinary teams (legal, technical, financial) Need to develop local expertise to advisors (technical, insurance, legal, finance) with organization by business / industry, and specialization in practice (construction, operation, financing ... etc.) DFC 14 Thank you Direction Exécutive de la Stratégie Financière et de la Consolidation Direction des Opérations Financières et Engagements 02, Boulevard Krim Belkacem - Alger Tel : Fax : DFC 15