Richard Howell - Irish Department for Agriculture


EEB Conference, Croke Park – 10


April 2013

Innovation Session

Richard Howell, Senior Inspector

Research Division,

Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Outline of Presentation

• Context & Background

• Supports for innovation in the agri-food and wider bio-economy sectors in Ireland

• EIP: Agricultural Productivity & Sustainability

What is Innovation?

– new, improved or successfully applied products, processes or services, for instance products with adapted quality, new production methods, opening to new markets and new forms of organization

– innovation is more than dissemination of research: it occurs as a result of the creativity and interplay between actors for combining new and/or existing (tacit) knowledge

– In the end, it is only when a new creation really becomes more or less mainstream that it is called an “innovation”.

In short: ideas put into practice with success


Developments at National Level

Commitment to R, D & I;

Exploiting key areas in the bioeconomy;

Investing in skills & infrastructure;

Supporting start-up companies;

Building competitive advantage;

Developing a Green Economy Strategy

Sustainable food production & processing;

Food for Health

Marine Renewable Energy

Processing Technologies & Novel Materials

Manufacturing Competitiveness

Irish Activity in context of Bioeconomy

Launched in

November 2012-

Commitment within to develop



Economic Growth –

Food Harvest 2020

The Innovation Support Landscape

DAFM Competitive Research Programmes


• Primary funding mechanism for institutional food research

• Create knowledge base in generic technologies to support a consumer-focused industry

• Innovation, product development, safety


• Focus on modern animal / plant biosciences, agri- environment & non-food land use, agri-economics & finance.

• Support sustainably competitive agric. practices & policies


• Support forest policy, sustainable forest management , use of forest products and provision of public goods /ecosystem services.

All ‘public good’ in nature




Research Agendas

Outputs / Impacts of DAFM Funded Research


• Publications

• PhDs; MSc; Contract Researchers, Postdoctoral scientists,

• Conferences

• Centre of Excellence


• New technology, product, or process

• Invention disclosure/Patent/Licences/Spinouts –work with EI

• Trained graduates for Industry / State Agencies e.g. AFFGDP

• Sound basis for Extension to inform farming practice

• Consultancy / Contract research / Workshops


• Leverage funding from other sources e.g. FP

• Inter-Institute collaboration lead to specialised units able to participate in Industry-led research & SFI / EI Centres (e.g.

APC, FHI) & in EU/global initiatives (JPI’s, GRA, etc.)

• Contribute to Evidence-based policy development

Nutramara : marine functional foods research

Feasibility study

Mapping of marine resources, IP

Audit, Consumer attitudes and market analysis, Regulatory affairs, Literature Searches,

Identification of knowledge gaps

Toxicity & Dietary intervention

Sourcing &

Processing of raw materials

Algae, Products/Byproducts of processing,


VISION: To create an internationally recognised capability for the discovery and validation of marine based bioactive components and for the sustainable exploitation of their use in functional foods

Scale-up & delivery

Pilot scale isolation & extraction, Formulation



Production of model foods

Shelf life studies

Sensory assessment

Bio-active discovery

& generation

Extraction, Characterisation

Purification, Mining (Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis) ,

Algal production optimisation

Bio-active screening & validation

Model systems, Gene expression, Cell Cultures

Animal models


To support science-based innovation in the Agri-food sector and the wider bio-economy that will underpin profitability, competitiveness and sustainability.

> 40,000 farmer clients

> 1,800 FTEs in full time education and 500 FTE in continuing education

Dedicated Food Industry Development

Department and pilot plants

EI Support for Innovation/R&D

Helping companies of all sizes to engage in Research and Innovation

Innovation Vouchers €5,000 for small companies to get innovative solutions to technical and business challenges

The R&D Fund – grants for inhouse R&D projects, small and large, and collaboration bonuses for company-to-company collaboration

Innovation Partnerships – up to €250,000 available for collaborative projects between companies and research teams in Higher Education

Applied Research Enhancement Centres – collaborate in clusters of companies and access equipment and technology

Technology Centres – industry-led research in emerging technology sectors

EU, FP7 and ESA – access funding and research partners across Europe

What is FHI ?

 Partnership between:

 Public Research Organizations

 Irish food industry

 Funded by

 Enterprise Ireland and Industry partners

 Total budget € 22,5 mio

 Industry-led research agenda:

 Infant nutrition, metabolic health, infection/immunity and healthy ageing

 Stipulated dairy based

 Strong market position of industry partners

One centre aimed at developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling functional food products to improve people ’ s health and wellness

Opportunities in Ireland

Ireland’s Excellent Biorefining Potential results from highest growth rates of agricultural biomass per hectare of any EU country

Irish Technology Centre For Biorefining &


Membership – Industry led programme comprised of Industry Members, Research

Members and Public Service


Objective Leverage skills, resources and cooperation of Industry members, Academic institutions and Government Agencies working together to deliver economic benefits from respective themes



SCAR- Standing Committee on Agricultural Research

• Advises COM & MS on coordination of research across the

ERA relating to the Bioeconomy including forestry and marine. Works through Plenary + SCAR WG + dedicated

Collaborative WG’s.

• CWG on Agr. Knowledge & Innovation Systems (AKIS) :

Science driven (H2020) V Innovation driven (CAP) research

– Innovation is bottom-up, social process needing interaction of many partners (not just research, advisors, education, etc

– Primarily up to business but also warrants Govt investment - Spill-overs & mitigate problems

EIP - General Principles

The EIP will provide challenge-driven solutions based on:

– interlinking innovation-related measures and initiatives to achieve synergies and enhance effectiveness

– facilitating communication among stakeholders and creating workable links between science and practice

– providing EU value added through networking and enhancing complementarity

– using a lean governance structure, based on existing mechanisms


Closing The Innovation Gap


Farming Practice


The interactive innovation model

• The innovation model under the agricultural EIP goes far beyond speeding up transfer from laboratory to practice through diffusion of new scientific knowledge ("linear innovation model").

• The EIP adheres to the "interactive innovation model" which focuses on forming partnerships - using bottom-up approaches and linking farmers, advisors, researchers, businesses, and other actors in Operational Groups.

• This knowledge “exchange” will generate new insights and ideas and mould existing tacit knowledge into focused solutions. Such an approach will stimulate innovation from all sides and will help to target the research agenda.


Means to support operational groups (OGs)

1. Rural Development Programmes:

– Cooperation (establishing operational groups)

– Knowledge transfer, including demonstration projects

– Advisory services, including training of advisors

– Investment in physical assets

– Business development

– Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs

2. European Union Research Policy (Horizon 2020)

– Applied research enhancing the knowledge base

– Clusters of applied innovation actions and multi-actor projects

– Support innovation brokers and innovation centres

– On farm experimentation

Functions of EIP Network Facility

– Interlinking innovation-related actions of Rural Development Policy and the EU Research and Innovation Framework

– Collection of relevant information (data bases, project lists, etc.)

– Ensuring an effective flow of information and providing advice on opportunities provided by EU policies (helpdesk function)

– Exchange on innovation topics, best practice, and accompanying research (focus groups, seminars, workshops, field days)

– Systematic feedback to scientific community on practice needs

– Exchange with Technology Platforms (ETPs), Research Area

Networks (ERA-NETs), Joint Programming Initiatives, etc.

– Interface with SCAR)

Innovation Themes

• Primary production : technical solutions to increasing productivity and economic viability

• Resource management : ecosystem services, soil functionality, water management, and genetic resources (“public goods”)

• Bioeconomy : innovative technology for the bio-based economy recycling; new products; reduction of post harvest loss

• Supply chain : integrated supply chain solutions; new services; logistics, and management systems

• Quality and consumers : food quality, food safety, and healthy lifestyles (consumer information and consumer choice)


Steering Board (SIP & Sherpas)

European Innovation Partnership

‚Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability ‘




Steering Group







Committee on Agricultural



Research & Innovation


• Research projects

• Multi-actor projects

• Pilot project clusters

• Innovation brokers

• On-farm experiments


Nets, JPIs, etc.

Horizon 2020



Rural Development

Policy :

• Knowledge transfer

• Cooperation

• Pilot projects

• Demonstration

• Advisory services

• Investment














Farmers .

Advisers .

Enterprises .

Scientists. NGOs
