Low carbon development, poverty reduction and innovation system building Rob Byrne and David Ockwell Sussex Energy Group, STEPS Centre and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of Sussex, Brighton R.P.Byrne@sussex.ac.uk Learning, Innovation and Low Carbon Development Globelics seminar Aalborg University, Copenhagen 4-5 April 2013 Overview • International low carbon development policy • Technology transfer and innovation • Socio-technical transitions and pathways • Low carbon innovation system building • Conclusions and speculations Accumulated investment through the CDM in USD billion by selected countries and regions as at end of October 2012 (http://www.cdmpipeline.org) Africa, 3.6, 2% ROW, 25.6, 13% Brazil, 2.0, 1% India, 22.1, 12% China, 135.0, 72% Key Country, USD billion, percentage ROW: Rest of the World Source: Authors, based on analysis of the CDM pipeline Number of registered CDM projects as at end of October 2012, by project type (4908 total registered projects) (http://www.cdmpipeline.org) Hydro Wind Methane avoidance Biomass energy Landfill gas EE own generation Solar N2O Fossil fuel switch EE industry Coal bed/mine methane EE households EE supply side Reforestation Fugitive HFCs Cement Transport Geothermal PFCs and SF6 Energy distribution Afforestation EE service CO2 usage Tidal 1414 1413 469 459 272 234 121 79 73 69 61 35 35 33 25 22 21 17 15 14 12 7 5 2 1 • 87% registered CDM projects use just six types of technology • Only one new renewable energy technology – wind – although mature relative to other new renewables • Solar only 2% of portfolio Source: Authors, based on analysis of the CDM pipeline Technology transfer and innovation Watson et al (2011: 16) based on Bell (1990) Technology Transfer National Innovation System Capital goods, services & designs Skills & know-how for operation & maintenance Knowledge & expertise behind technology New production capacity Accumulation of technological capacity Indigenous support for technological capabilities Socio-technical transitions Multi-level framework or perspective (MLP) Source: Geels (2002: 1261) Socio-technical transitions Regime alignments Source: Geels (2004: 912) Sources of images in reference list at end Socio-technical expectations and learning Expectation 1 ‘First-order’ learning ‘Starting’ point ‘Second-order’ learning ‘First-order’ learning Expectation 2 Sources of images in reference list at end Socio-technical paradigm and trajectory (based on Byrne 2011: 210) Physical Properties Exploited Material Technology Scientific Knowledge Production Process Technologies Engineering Skills Engineering Practices Technological and Economic Trade-Offs Engineering Procedures Engineering Heuristics Product Characteristics Product Aesthetics Product Functionality User Preferences User Needs SocioTechnical Paradigm User Practices User Requirements Regulations Institutions Government Policy Supply Maintenance Training Infrastructures Finance Repair Retail SocioTechnical Trajectory Socio-technical transitions Niche building Socio-technical niche development and trajectory carried by local projects Source: Berkhout et al. (2010: 264) Conclusions and speculations • Innovation system builders – Connecting, coordinating, learning, political work… • Public and private sector roles – Public sector can bear risks of learning, private sector replicates… • Market development to industrialisation • Local innovation capabilities help poverty reduction needs? References Bell, M. (1990) Continuing Industrialisation, Climate Change and International Technology Transfer, Report prepared in Collaboration with the Resource Policy Group, Oslo and Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, Brighton, December Berkhout, F., G. Verbong, A. Wieczorek, R. Raven, L. Lebel and X. Bai (2010) “Sustainability experiments in Asia: innovations shaping alternative development pathways?”, Environmental Science & Policy 13(2010): 261-271 Byrne, R. (2011) Learning drivers: rural electrification regime building in Kenya and Tanzania, DPhil thesis, University of Sussex, Brighton Geels, F. (2002) “Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study”, Research Policy 31(2002): 1257–1274 Geels, F. (2004) “From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems: Insights about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory”, Research Policy 33(2004): 897-920 Watson, J., R. Byrne, A. Mallett, M. Stua, D. Ockwell, Z. Xiliang, Z. Da, Z. Tianhou, Z. Xiaofeng and O. Xunmin (2011) UK-China Collaborative Study on Low Carbon Technology Transfer, Final report for UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton and Laboratory for Low Carbon Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, April References Images on slides 8 and 9 Africa-charity-solar-panels: http://www.charcoalproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Africa-charity-solar-panels_21.jpg Batteries: http://www.cekl.com/images/stories/products/battteries.jpg Biofuel: http://www.reoc.info/files/biofuel4.jpg Crowd (21/10/12) http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01688/crowd_1688541c.jpg Hydro in china: http://www.energy-green.net/blog/upload/hydropower-in-China.jpg Lantern: http://practicalaction.org/glowstar/images/lantern_off.jpg Maasai Pastoralist: http://ih2.redbubble.net/image.10084503.7370/flat,550x550,075,f.jpg Maasai: http://ccafs.cgiar.org/sites/default/files/maasai.jpg?1350579523 Peru microhydro: http://practicalaction.org/video/images/previews/peru-microhydro-initial.jpg SESA Massai Uday: http://www.newscenter.philips.com/pwc_nc/main/shared/assets/newscenter/2008_pressreleases/SESA_Massai_Uday.jpg Sizewell b: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/11/22/1258907566883/Sizewell-B-nuclear-power--001.jpg Small wind turbine: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/image/j/o/small_wind_turbine.jpg Solar home light: http://pimg.tradeindia.com/00710412/b/1/Solar-Home-Light-Luminary-CFL-.jpg Solar modules various: http://linuosolar.win.mofcom.gov.cn/www/36/linuosolar/img/20071116112919.jpg Solar power plant: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2011/5/9/1304935605405/A-solar-power-plant-in-th-007.jpg Wavepower: http://www.pelamiswave.com/upload/image/i_heart_wave_power_badge_-_copy.jpg Windpower: http://news.thomasnet.com/green_clean/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/EarthTalkWindPowerNIMBY-700221.jpg Thank you http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sussexenergygroup http://www.steps-centre.org http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/