Presentation - Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Assam

 To bring the government close to the people and to redress
their grievances at their doorsteps
 Creation of Public Awareness about Govt. programmes
 Assess the local needs and infrastructural gap
 Identify the deficiency in Service Delivery System
Based on RPRS outcome Govt. will take appropriate
interventions to bridge the critical gap & improve the service
Nodal Department & Nodal Officers
 Panchayat & Rural Development Department will be
the Nodal Department for coordination to
implementing the Programme
 Commissioner, P&RD will be State Nodal Officer
 Each Department related to RPRS will designate one
State Nodal Officer
State Coordination and Monitoring Team
 Principal Secretary to CM – Chief Co-ordinator
 Principal Secretary, P&RD – Member
 Principal Secretary P&D - Member
 Principal Secretary, Finance – Member
 Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development(CPRD) – Member Secretary
 Sr. Most Secretary of Health & Family Welfare, Education, Public Health
Engineering, Elementary Education, Food and Consumer’s Affairs, Labour and
Employment, Handloom & Textile, Sericulture, Revenue and Disaster
Management, PWD (R), Agriculture, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Fishery,
Irrigation, Industries and Commerce.
Departmental Coordination and Monitoring
 Each department will notify state level RPRS team
 Contact details of team will be intimated to State
Nodal Officer
Functions of the Departmental Coordination
and Monitoring Team
i. Preparation of
Publicity & Public Awareness
ii. Preparation of FAQ on departmental schemes
iii. Preparation of formats for Gap Assessment of
Public needs (Individual needs/ Community needs)
iv. Preparation of formats to asses deficiencies in the
Service Delivery System
District Coordination and Monitoring Team
There will be a District level Monitoring Team for RPRS
consisting with the following officers:
i. Deputy Commissioner/Principal Secretary, AC - Chairman
ii. ADC( Public Grievances)/Project Director, DRDA –
Member Secretary
iii. Chief Executive Officer, ZP
iv. District I/C of the concerned Department
Team will be notified by the DC / Principal Secretary, AC
Functions of the District Coordination and
Monitoring Team
Organise training for the G.P. level RPRS teams as per the module.
Keep proper records of the public grievances, suggestions, needs
and critical gap assessed during the RPRS program
Compile, analyze and redress the grievances.
Compile and submit details of grievances to the concerned
departments with intimation to Nodal Department for necessary
The team will meet fortnightly to review the redressal of the public
grievances or providing the facilities as requested by the people.
Functions of the District Coordination and
Monitoring Team (cont..)
vi. Uploading and updating of data on RPRS MIS / Website.
vii. All the members of the Committee shall attend RPRS Gram
viii. Properly maintain records of expenditure for scrutiny and audit.
ix. Start a RPRS whatsapp group for sharing information by the
Stake holders.
x. Share photographs and information regarding RPRS activities
on WhatsApp group, Facebook and Twitter
a) RPRS meeting will be arranged in the line of Gram Sabha in each
The themes for RPRS 2015
1st(January 2015)
2nd (April 2015)
3rd( July 2015)
4th( October 2015)
Health, Hygiene, Sanitation and
Social Security & Women
Health & FW/Public Health Engineering/Social Welfare/
Elementary Education/P&RD
Social Welfare/Food & Civil Supplies/P&RD/ Labour and
Employment/Education/Handloom , Textile and
Land Revenue and Disaster Revenue and DM, Civil Defence, ASDMA, Fire and
Rural Infrastructure, Livelihood Public
& Skills
Engineering/P&RD (NRLM and SIRD), Labour and
Employment (EGM)/ Industries and Commerce/
Agriculture/ Animal Husbandary & Veterinary/
b) RPRS program will be organized quarterly commencing from January, 2015.
c) There will be one RPRS Team against each Gaon Panchayat consisting of the
following members
One representative from Deputy Commissioner/ Principal Secretary,
Autonomous Council( Senior gazetted Officer)
ii. G.P.Secretary/ Gram Sevak/ JE of P&RD Department
iii. One woman representative (to be nominated by Deputy Commissioner/
Principal Secretary, Autonomous Council).
iv. One officer from the department concerned.
D.C./ Principal Secretary, AC will notify GP wise RPRS team and submit the list with
Mobile Number of the members and e-mail id of team leader to State Nodal Officer
Functions and Responsibilities of
GP/VCDC/VDC level RPRS team
Preparation of an Action Plan for successful implementation of
RPRS including arrangement of the meeting with the adult
members of the Village/Villages.
Publicity of the programme in the GP/VCDC/VDC area.
Awareness about government’s developmental programme.
Visiting the GP on the previous day of RPRS and stay in the
night. Arrangement for night stay may be made by GP
Receiving the public grievance petitions.
Functions and Responsibilities of
GP/VCDC/VDC level RPRS team (cont..)
vi. To dispose of petitions instantly where policy decisions or fund not
vii. Department wise classification and sorting of the public grievance
petitions such as Individual needs and Community needs.
viii. Inspection of Institutions/schemes of concerned Department.
ix. Compilation of details of the outcome of the RPRS meeting and to submit
the report to Deputy Commissioner/ Principal Secretary AC in prescribed
format as shown in Annexure- I.
x. Team will take photographs on arrival and during the programme and
share them through whatsapp group administered by district level team
Meeting of the R.P.R.S. Gram Sabha
The meeting will be chaired by Senior most member of the
PRI members present
Agenda of the RPRS meeting
 7.00 a.m.- Safai Abhijan at any public place with the help of local people
 7:30 a.m.-10.30 a.m.- Inspection of Schools, Anganwadi Centres, Mini
PHC, Hospitals, Subcentres Water Supplies Schemes, F.P. shop etc
relevant to the theme
 10.30 a.m. -11.00 a.m.- Reading out of CM’s Message
 11.00 a.m. -1.00 p.m.- Interaction in Gram Sabha, Explaining Govt
program to the people
 1.00 p.m.-2.00 p.m.- Lunch break
 2.00 p.m.-3.30 p.m.- Public Grievances- receipt of petitions and redressal
Training and Orientation
There will be a training cell at SIRD. Module for training will be
prepared by the training cell
ii. The Departments concerned will prepare a brief note on the guidelines
of various schemes with FAQs, formats for gap assessment and submit
the same to State Nodal Office(both in hard & Soft copies).Training
cell will compile a Handbook for use by the GP level RPRS teams.
iii. 4 (four) Master trainers from each districts will be trained by SIRD at
State Level
iv. The Master trainers will train the G.P. level teams in the district
Role of Divisional Commissioner
The Divisional Commissioner will supervise the effective and
successful implementation of RPRS programme.
ii. Review the preparedness of the districts for RPRS and also monitor
the redressal of public grievances/ public and individual needs
received during RPRS.
iii. Also attend some RPRS Gram Sabha meetings and send his
observations to the concerned D.C.s/Principal Secretaries, AC with
copy to the Nodal Department of RPRS
 D.C.
/ Principal Secretary will arrange proper
documentation of the RPRS exercise.
 A detailed report with photographs in the form of a booklet
should be prepared after completion of each round of RPRS
and be sent to Nodal department
 D.C./ Principal Secretary, AC will develop publicity materials
 Use TV, internet, mobile phone, print media hoarding, leaflets etc.
for wide publicity.
 D.C/Principal Secretary will issue regular Press release and arrange
Press Conference for awareness and wide participation of the people.
 A proper IEC plan may be prepared by them involving the DIPROs.
 State team will also arrange wide publicity about RPRS programme
Grievance Application Form
i. Public grievance can be submitted only in prescribed Application Form
ii. The Application forms will be printed at District level
iii. The Application form will be bi-lingual and will bear an eleven digit unique
number. The first two digits will indicate district, the second two digits will
indicate Block, third three digits will indicate G.P./VCDC/VDC and the last
four digits will indicate application number.
iv. The RPRS team will help the people to fill up the application form.
v. In case there is shortage of printed form hand written application form may
also be accepted. But it must be ensured that the unique number is correctly
written on the top of the application with code given to Districts, Block,
vi. The applicant will be issued a receipt as printed below the Application Form
There will be IT cell at State Level and also at District level for keeping
track of all activities involved in the programme . NIC for develop of a
software for this purpose.
ii. A dedicated Website will be developed by State NIC for RPRS and all MIS
& IT related activities will be integrate to the website.
iii. District Coordination and Monitoring team will collect the report in
annexure-I from G.P. level RPRS team and arrange to upload the same in
RPRS application to be intimated separately.
iv. All the complaints received from the RPRS programme will be analysed
through computer applications at District and State level.
v. Facebook and Twitter account will be maintained by State Team
and photo, audio, video contents will be uploaded.
vi. Whatsapp group will be started by State Team and all the DCs
/Principal Secretaries AC. District and G.P. level RPRS team
members will upload photographs on Whatsapp, Facebook and
Twitter account on the day of RPRS and also during redressal of
vii. Citizen will be provided a platform to share their views, comments
and photographs on the RPRS Website
Fund for mobility, office expenses, publicity, documentation, data entry
etc to be provided @Rs. 25,000.00 per quarter per G.P./VCDC.
ii. Fund of Rs. 6.00 lakh to @ Rs. 50,000/- per month will be provided for
State Nodal Office for office expense, computerization of data etc.
iii. Additional fund of Rs. 15.00 lakh will also be provided for media
campaign through Newspaper and TV at State Level
iv. Total fund required is Rs. 26.88 crore
Sample codes
 District:
 Block:
 Code:
 District:
 Block:
 GP:
 Code:
01 01 001
02 01 001
Format for submission of summary of
DistrictBlockGP/VCDCDate of RPRS Gram SabhaSl. No of Name of
Applicatio the
n attached applican
Type of
ment to Grievances
Action taken Action to be Action to be
description of in the RPRS taken by
taken by
grievances Gram Sabha D.C./District State level
line deptt
Names and Sigatures of RPRS team
Application form
Serial number of Application Form
(To be given by the RPRS team)
Name of the Applicant:
Father’s/Husband’s name:
Name of the Village:
Name of the GP/VCDC/VDC:
Mobile Number of the applicant
Name of the Grievance related Department:
Name of the grievance related Scheme:
Name of the Office against whom grievance / complaint submitted:
Name and designation of the Officer/ staff against whom grievance / complaint given:
Brief description of the Grievance:
Signature of the applicant
Serial Number:
Received the application from------------------------------------------------on -----------
Name and signature of the receiving officer.
Thank you!
Comments from DC Nalbari
1. DIO, NIC may be included in the District Level Coordination and
Monitoring team.
2. Fund may be provided for the activities to be done at district level ; like a. Printing of application form.
b. Training of GP level RPRS team.
c. Publicity
d. Maintenance of IT cell at district level.
e. Printing of booklets, meetings etc.
3. Training may also be provided to Member- Secy. of District level
Coordination and Monitoring Team.
Comments from DC Golaghat
From Deputy Commissioner, Golaghat, it is requested that in respect of
point 9 ( C ) (1) of the draft guidelines for RPRS programme, the Circle
Officer, considering their familiarity and better idea of local problems,
issues etc. , be designated as DC’s representative since it will enable him to
carry out his duties of revenue matter in the field.
Comments from DC Chirang
1. In the State Coordination and Monitoring Committee, it would be
better to include Social Welfare, Soil Conservation, Water Resources, I &
PR and Home & Political Departments also to make it more
representative as grievances in the field pertain to these departments as
2. A decision may be taken at State level to publish the material and
conduct the publicity in three languages ie Assamese, Bengali and Bodo
to have a greater reach among the public.
3. In the District level committee, it would be better to include SP and the
respective DIOs of NIC.
Comments from DC Chirang
4. The respective DIOs of NIC in the districts may be made nodal officer for all IT
related tasks like uploading of reports, opening of FB, Twitter account and arranging
for the software and hardware logistics and for rendering the technical support under
the over all guidance of the district level committee. It will help in the optimum
utilisation of the office of the DIO in the districts.
5. During the first quarter, " Nutritional Support " may also be included in the theme.
similarly, for quarter 2 safety & security of the citizens may be included along-with the
inclusion of Home deptt. The fourth quarter may also include Water Resources and
Spoil Conservation deptts.
6. Provision can be made to include one more member from the same GP belonging
to either SC/ST or physically challenged, if any.
7. The guidelines may include the modalities to deal with the delinquent officials in
the district, RPRS team members who may not perform as per the guidelines.
Comments from DC Chirang
7. The guidelines may include the modalities to deal with the delinquent officials in
the district, RPRS team members who may not perform as per the guidelines.
8. Powers may be given to the District Level Committee to initiate action against the
erring officials to make the programme more disciplined and focussed.
9. A time frame may be devised uniformly all across the State for redressal of
grievances at district and state level for complaints being received related to various
10. A token honorarium may be granted to the RPRS teams at GP/VCDC level.
11. A reward system may be introduced for the RPRS teams based on their
performance to raise the motivation of the members.
12. Districts may also be given ranking based on the implementation of RPRS.
13. Last but not the least , all the line department officials may also be given clear
directions and sensitization from the respective departments at State Headquarter.