Tunisian Institutions operating in the Renewable Energy field Slim Gomri – 3 - 4 September 2012, Tunisia Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Status /Repartition of Tunisian Institutions operating in the Renewable Energy field Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry of Industry and Technology and SME Non-Governmental/ Cooperation Agencies Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l’Energie National Agency for Energy Conservation Presentation Mission Projects established in 1985 public entity under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Small and Medium Enterprises. implementing the State policy in the field of energy conservation by the promotion of • rational energy use, • renewable energies, • as well as energy substitution. PROSOL (The Solar Water Heating) (Joint initiative of the United Nations Environment Program, the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation and the Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG). Project Highlights • 24000 m² installed • 5.7 millions USD financed by local banks • 3 banks involved • 5 solar vendors qualified • 7700 SWH systems installed Low Consumption Lamps Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept STEG Energies Renouvelables Presentation Mission Subsidiary of STEG (Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas), STEG-ER's main objective is to contribute to the leadership and the development of the Tunisian Solar Plan (TSP). Its establishment in May 2010, aims to promote the national renewable energy policy. STEG ER is a private law company STEG-ER engages in the development of public-private partnership in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The main activities of STEG-ER are feasibility studies, construction, operation and maintenance of renewable energy and cogeneration power plants. STEG-ER provides expertise, assistance and know-how for projects in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Projects STEG-ER has managed the wind park of STEG located in Sidi Daoud, with a power of 54 MW. STEG-ER supervises the work of implementation and will make the operation of a solar power plant associated with combined cycle (ISCC) of 40 MW in El Borma (southern Tunisia), on behalf of the SITEP (*). STEG-ER will conduct the feasibility study, preparation of specifications and control works of wind parks for many cement factories (large energy consumers). STEG-ER is requested by many institutions, Big Power Consuming Facilities (BPCF), wishing to become self-producers of electricity using renewable energy. (*)Societe Italo-Tunisienne d'Exploitation de Petrole” Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept CITET – Centre International des Technologies de l’Environement de Tunis Presentation Mission Projects Public institution and part of the Ministry of Environment, committed to develop access to environmental technologies in order to ensure a sustainable development in Tunisia and in the Arab as well as Mediterranean region. Providing technical assistance to enterprises in setting up environmental management systems and ensuring an improved management of their wastes. Realization of 100 sessions of training and sensitizing on average per year CITET is certified ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. Its laboratories are accredited according to ISO 17025 for more than 100 parameters. Training and building human and institutional capacities in the field of environmental protection. Environmental evaluation and analysis in accordance with national and international standards. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation: European Commission, Arabic and African countries, METAP countries, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Streamlining, transfer and innovation of ecotechnologies and promotion of clean technologies. FAD , BM, UNIDO, UNEP, PNUD, BAD, BADEA, BID, FAO, JICA , Arab and Islamic funds... Collection and dissemination of environmental information through a wide range of products. Promotion of regional and international cooperation. Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept CRTEn – Research and Technology Center of Energy Presentation Mission Projects The Research and Technology Center of Energy (CRTEn) is a structure of research & development (R&D) operative under the supervision of the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS). The center is a technological platform where pilot R&D actions play a significant role in the accompaniment and the development of the innovating companies working in the various energy sectors, particularly new and renewable energies. The Center, contributing in an effective way to post-graduate formation, consists today of 3 laboratories: • Photovoltaic Laboratory (LPV) • Thermal Processes Laboratory (LPT) • Laboratory of Wind Power Control and Energy Valorization of Waste (LMEEVED) The main strategic orientations of CRTEn are: • Research • Training • Strategic Intelligence • Expertise Training sessions Research programs International Projects: The Center takes part in two international European projects: FP7- Project: Empowering Tunisian Renewable Energy Research Activities (ETRERA): ETRERA First Scientific Steering committee. FP6- Project: Optimal Engineering Design for dependable Water and Power Generation in Remote Areas Using Renewable Energies and Intelligent Automation Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept (photo from JICA website) University efforts in R&D Presentation ENIM (Ecole Nat. d’Ingénieurs de Monastir) Mission Leading research programs related to Projects Research & Development programs the state policy and the needs of the country in the field of energy conservation, renewable energies… ENIS (Ecole Nat. d’Ingénieurs de Sfax) ENIT (Ecole Nat. d’Ingénieurs de Tunis) ENIG (Ecole Nat. d’Ingénieurs de Gafsa) Faculté de Sciences de Bizerte Faculté de Sciences de Tunis Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Energies Renouvables Presentation CSNER is a non-governmental association gathering professionals working in the field of Renewable Energies in general and Solar Energy in particular. Mission Since its creation in 2003, CSNER focused on building and maintaining a sustainable RE market at the national level. Projects Training: PROVOLT CSNER organizes training sessions for companies operating in photovoltaic connected to the national network (STEG), in collaboration with ANME and Borj Cedria "Eco-park". Certification: Launching of a new Label, « QUALISOL » for companies operating in Solar Heat Water Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation Presentation Mission Projects Public organization in charge of the implementation of the state policy relating to the promotion of the industrial and innovation sector as a support structure for enterprises and promoters. API provides a support structure for companies and promoters. Training cycles of creators of businesses Assistance and consistent logistics resources It is constituted of 5 centers and 24 Regional offices CSCE - Support Center for Enterprise Establishment • Training cycles of creators of businesses • Assistance and consistent logistics resources • Accommodation in incubators CSCE covers within the whole country enterprise incubators (26) Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre Presentation Mission The Italian Ministry of the Environment and Territory (IMET), the Ministry for Industry and Energy of Tunisia (TMIE) and the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), signed on January 26, 2004 a Memorandum of Understanding for establishing in Tunis a Centre for training, information dissemination, networking and development of pilot projects in the field of renewable energies (MEDREC). The mission of MEDREC is to develop regional competencies through the transfer of technologies, the training of human capacities, the dissemination of information in the field of renewable energies (REs) and the enhancement of the positive role of “Tradable Renewable Certificates” (TRECs) and “Certified Emission Reductions” (CERs) in boosting private sector investments in the Region, through: • Promotion and development of projects in the field of REs in the Mediterranean. • Deployment of financing sources and mechanisms’ options for the financial support of REs projects. • Networking between Countries of the region (exchange of experiences, knowhow capitalization, transfer of technologies) Projects PROSOL Project (Solar water heater) PROSOL tertiary and Industrial PROSOL ELEC (Residential photovoltaic installation) Research activities in the assessment of the development of RE Implementation of demonstration projects (MEDISCO Project: Application of solar cooling technologies in food industry in the Mediterranean basin) Development of partnership platform between the two shores of Mediterranean Sea Scouting and development of CDM Clean Development Mechanism projects Local and regional trainings targeting the actors committed in RE market, policy and research. Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Institut Méditerranéen des Energies Renouvelables Presentation The IMEDER concerns all the Renewable Energy actors and projects leaders of the member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. The IMEDER is an association (1901 act), created the 11th of June, 2009, which wants to federate the professional world of the Renewable Energies around collaborative projects integrating private and public actors, but also training centers, research labs, on the 44 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. Mission • Advise the project leaders • Support and encourage research and development Projects Renewable Energy, International Cooperation, Project Engineering, Exchange of good practices • Improve the clarity of RE training courses develop “tailor-made” training adapted to the projects • Facilitate the Mediterranean Solar Plan implementation via project engineering • Provide an expertise for RE development projects • Ensure the exchange of good practices and the dissemination Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept Overview of Tunisian Institutions in the field of Renewable Energies R&D Training Capacity building Financing projects Know-how Expertise Developing Network Geographic Implantation Institutions ANME STEG ER API CITET CRTEn Universities CSNER MEDREC IMEDER Coop. Ag. Socio-economic development in the era of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept