Northern Ireland: Towards a RIS3 strategy 2012 Michael Lilley Smart Specialisation Coordinator 1 Presentation Structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Expectations Regional Context Place Based dimension of the RIS3 Looking beyond Regional boundaries Entrepreneurial dynamics Governance Critical Mass and Priorities Implementation and budgets Measuring the Process Future Innovation Policy 2 2. Regional Context •1.8 million inhabitants •Smallest of UK regions •Devolved Government •Large public sector •Large service sector •SME dominated •480 companies out of 80,000 involved in R&D •Low in EU Innovation Scoreboard 3 Regional Strengths Historical Global Specialisations in; •Shipbuilding •Linen/ Textiles •Light Engineering •Agriculture •Aeronautics 4 2. Regional Context Parliament buildings, Stormont Northern Ireland Science Park (NISP) Titanic Signature Building 5 2. Regional Context • • • • • Devolved Administration 2007 108 members in N.I. assembly All main parties represented in Government Mandatory Coalition Innovation, Research, Development and Creativity high on the political agenda 6 2. Regional Context Programme For Government Economic StrategyStrategic Framework Innovation Strategy (In preparation) 7 2. Regional Context 8 2. Regional Context Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland 2012 Focus on; • Innovation • Export Led Growth • Regional Strengths “An economy characterised by a sustainable and growing private sector, where a greater number of firms compete in global markets and there is growing employment and prosperity” 9 9 2. Regional Context Public Sector dominated Economy - Public sector expenditure 63% of GDP 10 2. Regional Context Jobs by Sector Northern Ireland Economy Structure (GVA) 11 2. Regional Context Manufacturing exports by sector Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D- 2009 12 2. Regional Context % of BERD financed by Government BERD as % of GDP 13 2. Regional Context Northern Ireland in Europe NI Ranking (relative to other EU regions) Indicator NI EU27 Top quartile - - - Second quartile Knowledge-based services employment 36.5% 31.9% Third quartile GDP per capita 94 100 66.9% 66.3% 96 100 Patent activity 12.6 48.5 Business expenditure on R&D 0.6% 0.9% Innovation scoreboard 0.41 0.45 Population 1.8m 496m Employees 0.7m 169m High-tech employment 3.3% 5.7% Employment rate Labour productivity Bottom quartile 14 2. Regional Context Northern Ireland In-House R&D expenditure 2010 Large Companies SME’S Total% Manufacturing R&D 80.6% 19.4% 73.4% Service R&D 14.75% 85.15% 26.6% All Industries R&D 63% 37% 100% Northern Ireland Research and Development Statistics 2010 15 2. Regional Context- Challenges in NI Public Sector • Public Sector dominated economy (63% GDP) Labour Market • Service Sector Dominated (Lower value) Brain Drain SME Dominated • High reliance on Government support for B.E.R.D. • High number not in employment (High Economic inactivity) • One-third of students leave to study elsewhere • Less than half of these (44%) return when degree is complete • 80% of NI private sector employment is in SMEs (under 60% for UK) • Only 22% of turnover is in large firms compared with 51% in UK Innovation • Lagging behind top EU performers in R&D spend and R&D • 480 out of 80,000 involved in R&D • Low in Innovation Scoreboard 16 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 17 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis Porter’s Diamond Cluster Analysis Analysis of Technology specialisations FDI analysis Foresight 18 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Porter’s Diamond- Strengths Firm Structure/ Rivalry •SME Dominated Economy •SME make largest contribution in the UK •Companies beginning to be export orientated •Large increase in BERD in 2010 Factor Conditions Demand Conditions •Proximity to Europe, North America & India •Small region with devolved Government •Younger population that UK & EU average •Skills system founded on industry needs •Outperforms UK & EU in secondary education •Literacy levels similar to OECD average •Good Region for pilot projects •World class Telecommunication infrastructure •Demand traditionally linked to UK & Republic of Ireland •Access to Global Markets •A resilient Agri-food sector •Competitive Science & Technology sector •Good recent record in FDI •Clusters in Aerospace, Science & Technology, business services, Financial Services, Tourism •Collaborative Networks •Competence Centres •Innovation Centres •MATRIX (Science & Technology Panel) •NISP clustering across technology sectors Supporting Industries (Clusters) 19 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Porter’s Diamond- Weaknesses Firm Structure/ Rivalry Factor Conditions •Over-reliance on public sector – Fiscal “Subvention” •Small private sector •Low levels of entrepreneurship •Low Innovation, Patients and absorptive capacity •Brain Drain’ and workforce migration •‘BMW’ Syndrome •Reliance on a few large firms Demand Conditions •Reliance on UK and Republic of Ireland Market •Fiscal subvention affects demand conditions •Weak Skill profile compared to world leading economies •High proportion of workforce with no qualifications •Low living standards, productivity & wages compared to leading economies •Over reliance on a small number of firms for R&D •Large amount of FDI in low value sectors •Small private sector with over reliance on public sector •Very few cluster organisations Supporting Industries (Clusters) 20 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations “Cross sectoral market opportunities” 21 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations • • • • • • 13 members (9 from industry) • Focus on strategic markets not sectors • ‘Now sight’ then Foresight • Involving 100 companies • R&D and science and technology issues Emerging relevant technology priorities Promotion of innovation, R&D, and creativity Promotion of Collaboration Overcome the perceived disadvantage of SME dominated economy Reports build on regional strengths and skills capabilities 22 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 “First Identified Strategic Markets (Cross Sectoral)” by MATRIX 23 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Based on Key Enabling Technologies (KETS) Northern Ireland Strategic Markets MATRIX Foresight Key Enabling Technologies Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Life & Health Sciences ICT Electronics & Photonics Sustainable Production & Consumption ICT Micronanoelectronics Photonics nanotechnology Industrial biotechnology Advanced Materials Advanced Manufacturing 24 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations Technology Capability Study – 2006- Business Identified Priorities • Strategic Markets (Cross Sectoral) • Key trends – Higher education numbers, Private Sector Capability analysis, Public sector capability analysis, Academic sector analysis • Benchmarking – Regional, Technological Scoring, environment, Technology Readiness levels, Technological Infrastructure • Framework Conditions – Degree of Clustering, Business environment, markets, collaborations, skills & training, Funding, Government support, FDI sectors, Technology transfer • Conclusions – Northern Ireland Technology Capability, Technology Capacity, Priorities for 25 Northern Ireland 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations “Then focused on more specific cross-sectoral markets” •Priorities •Collaboration •Timescales “Exploiting capabilities and market opportunities” 26 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Life & Health Sciences Telecoms & ICT Agri-food 27 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations Overview of Strategic Markets MATRIX Sectors SIC 07 Sectors Key Sectors Advanced Engineering 7 Engineering Electronics Advanced Materials 7 Rubber and Plastics Scientific R&D Life Sciences 4 Pharmaceuticals Technical Testing ICT 4 Computer Programming Telecommunications Agri-food 2 Food Products Chemicals 28 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 29 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations External Sales Exports Percentage of Total Sales 120% 100% 80% 99% 91% 90% 94% 74% 72% 68% 58% 60% 40% 27% 27% 20% 0% Adv Man Adv Mat Life Sci ICT Agrifood 30 3.Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis of Technology Specialisations 90% 90% R&D 93% 93% Exports 12% 12% Jobs 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Proportion of NI Economy 31 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Market Analysis of Technology Specialisations Technology 32 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Market Analysis of Technology Specialisations Technology 33 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Foresight System Scanning Creates shared understanding of issues Scenario Planning Conceptual modelling of market opportunity scenarios Analysis & Selection Prioritisation through negotiations among stakeholders Transformation Establish relationship between future and present for a change programme Action Plan Create structural and behavioural transformations to exploit markets 34 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Foresight Foresight Reports–2 – 5 – 10 year; • Sustainable market opportunities • Exploitation priorities • Relevant wider global science and technology innovations • Early wins and longer term gains • Synergistic actions required • Enabling networks required • Investments required • Further analytical or horizon scanning work to be undertaken 35 3.Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Next Horizon Studies for MATRIX: 2012-15 • Clean Technology / Sustainable Energy • IP & Knowledge Transfer in Northern Ireland • Aerospace • Construction • Open Data Opportunities 36 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Analysis Porter’s Diamond Cluster Analysis Analysis of Technology specialisations FDI analysis Foresight 37 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Cluster Analysis- EU perspective Northern Ireland star clusters* are: Aerospace Stone quarries Business services Construction Financial services Power generation and transmission - Representing 79,700 employees (11% of total NI) *Stars awarded for industries based on: Size (within top 10% of employees in EU27) Specialisation (focus is more than twice EU27 average) Focus (within top 10% of clusters in the economy) 38 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Cluster Analysis- top 10 sectors in N.I. within EU context Business services Aerospace Education and knowledge creation Stone quarries Construction Financial services Processed food Power generation and transmission Tourism and hospitality Building fixtures, equipment and services 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Score Data extracted from cluster observatory Size Specialisation Focus Star clusters represent 11% of total NI employment 39 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Cluster Analysis-N.I. Industry Focus Business services Three largest sectors are ‘star clusters’ Construction Financial services Education and knowledge creation Processed food Remaining largest sectors are not ‘star clusters’ but NI may have strengths in these areas Transportation and logistics Tourism and hospitality Building fixtures and equipment Distribution IT 0 5,000 10,000 d) NI Industry Focus 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Employees (2009) 40 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 Cluster Analysis- Key groupings NI below UK average although above EU27 Proportion of Total Employment 14% 12% 10% 8% NI below both UK and EU27 averages 6% NI below both UK and EU27 averages 4% 2% 0% Creative and Cultural Business Services NI UK Life Sciences EU27 41 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 EU Star Clusters in N.I. within EU employment context Data extracted from cluster observatory Star clusters represent 11% of total NI employment 42 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 FDI Analysis Research Capabilities Analysis • Identified R&D intensive sectors • Identified Research Capability (R.A.E. , R.E.F. etc) • Alignment of research capability with FDI sectors • Prioritisation of FDI sectors using Northern Ireland Research Capability i.e. CRITICAL MASS 43 3. Place- Based Dimension of the RIS3 FDI Analysis- Exploiting N.I. research base High Correlation with Matrix Market Opportunities 44 4. Looking beyond regions boundaries 45 4. Looking beyond regions boundaries Major research studies on Economic and innovation policy in EU and worldwide using expert advice • Small peripheral EU States- Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Estonia • Productivity, Innovation & Competiveness in Small open economies- New Zealand, Singapore, Rep. of Ireland • Policy approaches analysis in comparing regions of similar economic, industrial and institutional structure as Northern Ireland 46 Looking beyond Regions boundaries 47 Looking beyond Regions boundaries “Continual international benchmarking scanning a top priority” 48 5. Entrepreneurial Dynamics 49 Smart Specialisation Process Eco-System Eco-System Feedback Coordination Coordination Feedback Rebuilding and Rebalancing the economy 50 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Knowledge Exploitation Knowledge Generation “ A wide range of Innovation programmes” Knowledge Exchange 51 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics “ A wide range of Innovation programmes” Driving New Knowledge Applying New Knowledge Technology Led Competence Centres Grant for R&D: Industrial Research Collaborative R&D Adoption of Knowledge Building Innovation Open Access Facilities Grant for R&D: Experimental Development Knowledge Transfer Partnership Intellectual Property TDI Design Developing Capacity Proof of Concept Innovation Advice Innovation Vouchers Market Led Business Innovation Link Short Term Reward Long Term Reward 52 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Collaborative Network Programme “a collection of businesses working in conjunction to share their complementary strengths and capabilities in order to achieve some common goal. By engaging in collaborative activities, it is envisaged that companies can ultimately improve the productivity and compete more effectively on the regional, national and international stages’ 53 Example of S3 Process Collaborative Networks “working together to achieve a common goal” “ Government provides Industry Experts as Honest Brokers” 54 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Examples of Collaborative Networks Plastics & Polymers Medical Devices Global Maritime European Connected Health Glantek Whisple 55 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Examples of Collaborative Networks 56 S3 process in action Recommendations Consultation Feedback Short listing Innovation ecosystem Collaborative Networks Competitive Call •Route to Market •Industrial Innovation Communities •Limited Liability Partnership •Competence Centres •Innovation Ecosystem •Open Innovation Expression of interest Industry Scoping Facilitation (by Industry experts) 57 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Competence Centre Programme •Evolution of Collaborative Network Programme •Based on Competitive Call process •Potential Competence Centres in:•Sustainable Energy •Advanced Engineering/ Composites •Connected Health •Cloud Computing •Agri-Food 58 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics – business to business mentoring 59 5. Entrepreneurial dynamics Innovative Procurement – endorsed as policy across N.I. Government Phase 1- Proof of Concept Phase 2- Prototyping N.I. - 3% of UK Applications N.I. - 11% of UK contracts N.I. - 12% of total UK funding 60 SBRI Source: Technology strategy Board; Innovative Public Procurement (SBRI) Un-met Need Competition Phase S B R I Proof of Concept X Proof of Concept Proof of Concept Prototype Full Open Procurement X Proof of Concept Prototype 6. Governance 62 Innovation Support Ecosystem EUROPE NATIONAL LOCAL Framework / H2020 R&D Tax Credits Government Departments EU Structural Funds TSB Enterprise Ireland BIS Invest NI InterTrad e Ireland * Includes NISP, MATRIX, Sector Bodies etc HE / FE Other Support Orgs* Public Research Institutes 6. Governance Programme For Government- Executive Committee Economic Strategy-Sub Committee Innovation Strategy 64 65 66 Process Independent Review of Economic Policy 2009 Northern Ireland Economic Strategy March 2012 Start Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology Northern Ireland Government SubCommittee on the Economy Northern Ireland Government SubCommittee on the Economy Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology •Public Authorities & Agencies •Civil society •International experts •Actors of knowledge •Investors •Private Enterprises Draft Economic Strategy Economic Strategy Steering Group Consultation Response Document Economic Strategy Working Group Consultation Paper Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology 67 Consultation Process Inception Independent Review of Economic Policy 2009 Northern Ireland Government SubCommittee on the Economy Northern Ireland Economic Strategy March 2012 Northern Ireland Innovation Strategy 2013 RIS3? Economic Strategy Steering Group Draft Economic Strategy Northern Ireland Government SubCommittee on the Economy Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology •Public Authorities & Agencies •Civil society •International experts •Actors of knowledge •Investors •Private Enterprises Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology Consultation Response Document Economic Strategy Working Group Consultation Paper Consultation with the Regional Knowledge ecology 68 7. Priorities 69 7. Priorities Economic Strategy Rebalancing & rebuilding themes; •Innovation, R&D & Creativity •Skills & Employability •Competing Globally •Business Growth •Economic Infrastructure 70 7. Priorities Clusters Rebalancing themes 71 7. Priorities within clusters 72 8. Implementation and Budget Programme For Government- Economic StrategyStrategic Framework & SMART Targets Innovation StrategyAction Plan & metrics (in preparation) 73 9. Measuring the Process Global Competitive Index (Global Context) Economic factor-driven Efficiency-driven Innovation-driven Rebuilding & Rebalancing themes (Regional Economic Themes) Innovation & R&D Skills & Employability Competing Globally Business Growth Economic Infrastructure Key Innovation metrics (N.I. Research & Innovation themes) Knowledge Generation Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Exploitation Leadership & Behavioural changes 74 75 Structure of Innovation Strategy Medium-term Knowledge Generation Medium-term Knowledge Exchange Medium-term Knowledge Exploitation Supporting programmes Supporting programmes Supporting programmes Behavioural Changes (leadership, risk etc) Long-term (2025) Innovation Strategy Goals Proposed Innovation Indicators LONG TERM INNOVATION STRATEGY GOALS NI Moderate EU regional ranking on innovation scoreboard 11th UK regional innovation performance Employment in knowledge-intensive sectors (as % of total employment) 32,200% NI KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE NI KNOWLEDGE EXPLOITATION NI Total R&D expenditure (£m) 521 Total spend on non-R&D innovation assets (£m) ** Turnover from innovative goods & services (% of total) 25% BERD by indigenous SMEs (£m) 83 Firms with innovation activity (% of firms) 27 % Firms applying for a form of innovation protection (%) 8% Number of R&D companies 430 45 % 18 % Private equity backed firms (per 1,000 VAT businesses) 16 STEM graduates (as % of total graduates) Co-operation on innovation activities (% of innovators) HE income from collaborative research (% of total income) 8% University spin-offs (per million persons) 27 KNOWLEDGE GENERATION ** To be developed Proposed Innovation Innovation Indicators FULL DETAILS ON INNOVATION INDICATORS Indicator Measure Source Data NI UK EU regional innovation scoreboard - PRO INNO 2008-10 Moderate Follower UK regional innovation ranking - Innovation Survey 2008-10 11 (12) - Employment in knowledge economy as % of total employment NISP Report 2011 4.6% 6.1% Total R&D expenditure £ millions R&D Survey 2011 568 - BERD by indigenous SMEs £ millions R&D Survey 2011 83 - Total number of R&D companies - R&D Survey 2011 430 - STEM graduates as % of total graduates DEL, HESA 2011/12 18% 22% Total spend on non-R&D intangible assets £ billions NESTA Innovation Index 2009 - 108 Firms with innovation activity as % of total firms Innovation Survey 2008-10 27% 31% Firms with co-operation agreements as % of total innovators Innovation Survey 2008-10 45% 47% HE income from collaborative activities as % of total income HE-BCI, DEL 2010/11 18% 12% Turnover from innovative goods & services as % of total turnover Innovation Survey 2008-10 25% 30% HE spin-offs still active after 3 years per million persons HE-BCI, DEL 2010/11 27 16 Firms applying for innovation protection as % of total firms Innovation Survey 2008-10 8% 12% Number of private equity investments per 100,000 VAT businesses BVCA, NISP Report 2011 16 32 LONG TERM STRATEGY GOALS MEDIUM TERM KNOWLEDGE GENERATION MEDIUM TERM KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEDIUM TERM KNOWLEDGE EXPLOITATION Potential future Innovation Policy "Thematic Leads" in key areas to access funding R&D to MATRIX areas Knowledge Bank" for public funded IP Trade envoy exchange Open Innovation Centre Knowledge Exchange Innovative public procurement E-Comms Centres Knowledge transfer Strategies Acceleration of High Growth SME’s Exploitation Knowledge Generation “competitive Call” process high growth potential SMEs “MATRIX” areas priority areas Innovation Councilproviding Leadership Align FDI, exports and skills to regional strengths (Critical Mass) Information and communication strategy Leadership & Change Chief Scientific Advisor 79 Expectations “On the right track?” 80 THANK YOU #InnovationNI 81