Barcelona PresentationV3 - JISER

EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT)
Opened in 1988 with 4 colleges for UAE male & female
With over 20,000 students in 17 campuses, is today UAE’s
largest higher education institution
Offers more than 90 different, programs in Applied
Communications, Business, Engineering, Information
Technology, Health Sciences and Education
Programs: Applied Science Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate
Over 2000 faculty from about 60 countries are part of the HCT
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Centre of Excellence for Applied Research & Training (CERT)
Founded in 1996, is the commercial, research and training arm of
the Higher Colleges of Technology
Leverages relationships with global leaders in education and
business to provide educational, applied research, training and
consulting services to government, private sector institutions and
businesses in the UAE and the region
Involved in strategic alliances with multinational organizations to
collaborate in developing a diverse range of business and
technology solutions
Operates CERT Technology Park which is an incubator or business
hub to set up in Abu Dhabi, including Thales, Rand Corporation,
Alcatel Lucent, Honeywell, IBM and CERT’s own technology such as
CERT Soft and CERT InfoTrack Telematics
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Enriching Higher Education
Since inception, HCT/CERT has developed a number of successful
methods to enrich education:
• Organize and host many international and regional conferences to
engage our graduates among the globalized workplace and become
conversant with international best practices.
• Dual or joint degree programs
• Faculty exchange
• Student exchange and students studying abroad
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Education Without Borders (EWB)
International Student Conference
• EWB Brings together 2000 students from 120 countries to
explore and present innovative solutions to global challenges
• EWB creates networks across cultures in order to recognize,
understand, and possibly generate solutions for some of the
world's greatest challenges
• world leaders and those from the fields of business,
government, sports, science, culture, media are chosen to
mentor and inspire the students
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Festival of Thinkers
• Designed to provide an opportunity for the Middle East’s
young scholars – as future leaders - to interact formally and
informally with, and learn from Nobel Laureates, world’s
leading thinkers in business, science, technology, culture and
• Unique forum for students and global leaders and thinkers to
use constructive and lateral thinking while discussing possible
solutions for the world’s challenges in an interactive format.
• Biennial conference started in 2005 and to be held in
November 2011
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
EWB World & Regional Forums
EWB World Forum held alongside the EWB student conference
where the world’s Heads of State, business executives, and
influential thought leaders meet to discuss the impact of
globalization on education and capacity development.
Since 2007 EWB Regional Forums have been held in different
geographical regions of the world for select university leaders from
each region to discuss how higher education could be reframed to
foster internationalization and globalization of higher education.
Held in collaboration with leading universities in those regions.
EWB North American Forum held in New York (2008); EWB South
Asian Forum in New Delhi (2009); EWB European Forum in London
(2010); EWB Latin American Forum in Mexico (2010); and proposed
forums in 2011 are EWB East Asian Forum & EWB African Forum.
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Stanford Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE)
The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) presents five
annual international conferences for entrepreneurship educators
(REE) . These events take place in Europe, Asia, Latin America,
Middle East/North Africa, and the USA.
Designed to stimulate communication and collaboration between
business, science and engineering faculty who teach hightechnology entrepreneurship in universities around the world.
HCT will host the first MENA REE from March 7-9, 2011.
Other major international and regional conferences include the HCT
Global Entrepreneurship Conference; the International Conference
on Drug Discovery & Therapy; Counselling Arabia; CERT Diabetes
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Wharton Entrepreneurship & Family Business Research Centre
• HCT/CERT hosts the only research centre focused on
entrepreneurship and family business
• The centre also hosts the Middle East edition of
Knowledge@Wharton. Since it was launched last March, the
portal has grown to over 100,000 subscribers in MENA region.
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Dual/Joint Degree Programs
HCT/CERT has entered into a number of
collaborations/partnerships with international universities to
provide graduate studies of the highest caliber.
Doctor of Business Administration (joint degree)
• In conjunction with Grenoble Ecole de Management (France)
• Triple accredited
• 4-year part time program
• Open to all nationalities
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Unique Masters degree program such as :
• HCT Executive MBA featuring faculty from:
Stanford University (US)
Harvard University(US)
Ashridge Business School (UK)
Vanderbilt University (US)
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Other collaborative Masters degree programs include:
• Master of Cultural and Creative Industries with:
– Goldsmith’s/University of London (UK)
– University of California - LA (US)
– FTHW (Germany)
• Master of Information Technology with:
– Brunel University (UK)
• Master of Engineering with:
– Johns Hopkins University (US)
– Technical University of Berlin (Germany)
• Master of Science in Human Resource Management with:
– Aston University (UK)
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
Collaborative Degree programs include:
Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Management
• 4-year program
• Double degree from UAE & Germany
• In conjunction with consortium of German Universities of Applied
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau;
The University of Applied Sciences Bremen;
Jade University of Applied Sciences
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
CERT is the regional facilitator of the INCONET-GCC program (International
Cooperation Network for Gulf Cooperation Countries)
18 Government and private research organizations, from Europe, the GCC and
Yemen form the European Commission-funded project.
Members develop ways in which to promote bi-regional science and technology
research partnerships and enhance Science & Technology interaction between the
Members include London School of Economics (UK); University of Ferrara (Italy);
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas / Help-Forward (Greece);
International Association for Sciences Parks (Spain); Items International (France).
Objectives include: Develop bi-regional dialogue on Science & Technology
between the EU and the GCC countries; Identify common interests in research ;
Set up Science & Technology priorities; Support capacity building activities.
EU-MED & GCC: Collaboration in Higher Education
The HCT/CERT Model
• HCT/CERT has established its experience and credentials in
connecting the two regions through its role as GCC facilitator of the
• The UAE is seen as the cross roads for cultural, academic, economic
and technology exchanges between the two regions and with
HCT/CERT as the UAE’s largest higher education providers they have
the capacity, drive and power to facilitate the cooperative
framework of higher education between the Gulf region and the
• Given the background of rich interactions in higher education we
propose that HCT/CERT could host a EU-MED funded hub in GCC for
a collaborative higher education framework involving the
Mediterranean and Gulf regions.