The Warren Court - Lewiston School District

The Warren Court
Jill St. Laurent
Carley Denis
Earl Warren
• 14th Chief Justice
•Very Liberal vs Conservative
•Appointed by Eisenhower
•Racial Equality
Brown vs Board of Education
• Linda Brown
▫ Student in a segregated school
▫ Walked five miles each day
▫ Oliver Brown, her father, had NAACP help
• Thurgood Marshal was the head of NAACP
• He challenged the segregation
▫ It went against the 14th amendment
• Justice Earl Warren said, “In the eyes of the law,
justice was colorblind.”
• This meant integration for America
• Huge event in the civil rights movement
Mapp vs Ohio
• Dolree Mapp
• Suspected of hiding a fugitive
• Police
▫ No warrant
▫ Fake warrant
 She grabbed it and they fought her to get it back
 Attroney wasn’t allowed to enter her house
• Arrested for having pornographic material
• “Exclusionary Rule”
Gideon vs Wainwright
• Gideon was convicted for breaking and entering
• Not granted a lawyer
▫ Said only for people in capital cases who can no
afford and lawyer
• Forced to defend himself
▫ Five years in jail
• Hand wrote a note to Supreme Court
▫ The supreme court unanimously decided “All
citizens must be provided a lawyer if they can not
afford one. This is regardless of crime type.”
Escobedo vs Illinois
• Danny Escobedo arrested in connection with a
• Repeatedly requested for his lawyer but was
denied to even leave the interrogation room
▫ His lawyer even went down there and was denied
• “Escobedo Rule”
▫ “Holds that individuals have the right to an
attorney when an investigation is no long a
general inquiry…but has begun to focus on a
particular suspect…”
Miranda vs Arizona
• Ernest Miranda arrested for kidnapping and
rape of four young girls
• Interrogated for two hours and confessed
• Acquitted
• Led to “Miranda Rights”
▫ “Your have the right to remain silent, anything you
say can, and will be used against you in a court of
law. You have the right to an attorney. If you
cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you.”
Engle vs Vitale
Prayer be said in public schools voluntarily
New Hyde Park Long Island parent sued school
Court ruled against the school district
Led to “Separation of church and state”
Prayer in schools was to be considered
Abbington vs Schempp
• Pennsylvania law required that at least ten Bible
verses be read each morning in public schools.
• The Schempps, a family from Abington, sued
• The court found the school district wrong again
▫ Just like Engle vs Vitale
▫ Prayer in schools was to be considered
Tinker vs Des Moines
• Students and parents protesting Vietnam War
• Wore black arm bands
• Tinker children got suspended when they wore
the bands to school
• Mr. and Mrs. Tinker sued
• Led to freedom of “Symbolic speech”
▫ Rights to freedom of speech and expression
Katz vs United States
• Katz arrested for illegal gambling
• FBI had recording device on Phone booth Katz
habitually used.
• Court ruled in favor of Katz
• Search and Seizure (wiretaps)
▫ 4th amendment allowed for the protection of a
person and not just a person’s property against
illegal searches whatever a citizen “seeks to
preserve as private”, even in an area accessible to
the public
American Heritage. 2nd ed. Vol. 24. American Heritage Company, 1973.
Christine Composition. Earl Warren Justice For All. New York: Oxford Unity
P, 2001.
Discover Enterprise. Civil Rights Movement. Carlisle: Discover Enterprise,
Instructional Products
Description: This powerpoint was created by two US History students.
How Technology Was/Is Used:Slide
used a desktop loaded with Microsoft
Powerpoint to create this presentation.
Various Software and Hardware Used: Microsoft Powerpoint.
Maine Learning Result(s): History A1.
Identify and analyze major events and people that characterize each of the
significant eras in US History.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Creating