BGSC U6 U7 New Parents Welcome 2011

Welcome New Parents
2011-2012 SEASON
Introductions and Agenda
Burnaby Girls Soccer Club
Basics of Micro Soccer
Practice Times
Game Times & Rules
Who To Contact
Parents’ Responsibilities
Volunteer Team Positions
Risk Management
Your Daughter’s Soccer Future
Upcoming Dates
Burnaby Girls Soccer Club
• BGSC was formed in the 1991/92 season as a
group of parents and coaches interested in
promoting girls soccer
• The club strives to offer a full program
including Micro, Mini and Super 8 soccer, and
at the divisional level – Metro, Gold, Silver &
Bronze teams.
• BGSC Motto
A Place for Every Girl to Play
Burnaby Girls Soccer Club
• The BGSC Executive team consisting of volunteer
• Paid positions Technical Staff, Field Administrator,
Bookkeeper and Referee Coordinator
• BGSC's long term goal is to provide a club for female
soccer players in Burnaby to progress from 5 years old
through to 18 years old and them continue to play at the
U21 and Women levels
• We have had former players return to coach at
BGSC and soon hope to have their children start to
play in our club
Micro Coordinators
• Email:
o Currently Vacant – Need a volunteer!
o Heidi Hughes and Paul Ruben
• Help with assigning teams and practice times
• Coordinating with coaches
Basics of Micro Soccer
Play is 3 on 3 for U6
Play is 4 on 4 for U7 (goalie added)
Plays on a smaller, narrower field
Focus is on having fun
If the girls can run towards the right net, they are
doing great
Forming the Team
• Girls are grouped by their schools and general
location unless a specific request has been made
• No specific considerations for balancing the skill set
of the teams
Practice Times
• Determined by team's coach(es) based on available
school times offered by Burnaby School District
• Girls who cannot make their team practice times
may request to be placed on a different team
Game Times
• Sundays 12pm to 3pm
• Canlan (Burnaby 8 Rinks)
• Schedule based on number of teams
• Games, 50 minutes each
Game Playing Rules
• Parents are to watch from outside of the boards
• Only 2 coaches on turf, one maximum on play field
with girls
• Minimize sideline coaching
• Try to let the game play without much stoppage
• No food or drink to be opened on the turf except for
• Nets, soccer balls, and uniforms provided by
Burnaby Girls Soccer to coaches
• Each girl will be loaned a uniform
• Each girl responsible for shin guards and soccer
boots with rubber cleats (shin guards are mandatory)
• Runners at practices
Who To Contact
• Team Specific Items – contact Team Coach
• General questions – contact Coordinator
• Gym times – Coach/Manager should contact
BGSC Club Phone Line: 604-432-1976
Parents' Responsibility to Team
• Let coaches know in advance if your child will not be
attending a practice or a game
• Attend all practices and games
• No drop-offs
o Might as well volunteer for a team position!
Volunteer Team Positions
• Coach
Runs practices and games
o Takes turn acting as referee in games
• Assistant Coach
Assists the coach in conducting practices and games
Fills in when the coach is unavailable
Volunteer Team Positions
• Team Manager
Keeps list of players and contact information
o Contacts players with any necessary information in
regards to practice/game changes etc.
• Team Mom
Required if Coach and Assistant Coach(es) are male
o Must ensure that female adult is present at every
practice and game
Risk Management
Criminal record checks,
BGSC requires all volunteers to get a Police Criminal
check every two years
There is a letter on the club website in the documents
Print the letter and take it with you to the Police
station - there should be not cost if you do this.
Your Daughter’s Soccer Future
 Mini Soccer
(U8, U9 U10)
Teams formed by School & Location (remain the same)
U8s play in house; U9s & U10s play teams in Burnaby and Tricities
 Super 8’s (U11 & U12)
Start of select soccer (tryouts)
House teams formed by School & Location
Games played within the Lower Mainland
Your Daughter’s Soccer Future
 Divisional Soccer
Levels – Metro, Gold, Silver & Bronze
Vancouver Island -> Chilliwack
 Women Soccer
(U13 - U18)
BGSC Canadians
(U21 and up)
Upcoming Dates
 Sept 10 - Orientation Day for U6s at Canlan, 2-3pm
 Sept 11 – Get To Know Each Other Day
 Sept 17 - Coaching Clinic at Canlan, 2-3pm
 Sept 18 - Games start
 Oct 9 - No games (Thanksgiving Day weekend)
 Oct 18 & 22 - Photo Days
 Nov 26 - Club Pub Night
 Dec 11 - Last games before Christmas
 Jan 9 - Games resume
 Mar 4 - End of season wind-up
 Any Questions?
Have a great season!
Thank you very much for the time you give our club
A Place for Every Girl to Play