
AmeriCorps Member Lawrence Regional Orientation
September 1, 2011
Hand Outs
Please be sure to sign in, and
Please make sure you have the following
• Agenda
• Powerpoint Slides
• Member Handbook (note program may have some differences, such as the voting
leave policy)
• AmeriCorps State Versus AmeriCorps VISTA
• The AmeriCorps Pledge
• Grievance Procedures
• Segal AmeriCorps Education Award FAQ
• Education Award Internet Resources
• Translating Your Service into Job Speak
• Jane B. Doe - Chronological Resume example
• Career Development Self-Assessment
• My AmeriCorps Member/Applicant Guide
• (Program Directors Handbook- for staff only)
National Service
• What is national service?
• How does Heartland Medical, the United Way
of Douglas County, the Boys & Girls Club of
Lawrence, or Communities in Schools of
Kansas fit into national service?
What is AmeriCorps?
What is
It is the
Peace Corps”
Peace Corps
The Peace Corps traces its
roots and mission to 1960,
when then-Sen. John F.
Kennedy challenged students
at the University of Michigan
to serve their country in the cause of peace
by living and working in developing
countries. From that inspiration grew a
federal government agency devoted to
world peace and friendship.
• AmeriCorps is often called
the “DOMESTIC” Peace
• You have decided to join a
national movement which
is similar to the Peace Corps, but provides
services to American citizens.
• In particular you are joining
AmeriCorps “State”,
which serves within Kansas.
History of National Service - CCC
• One example of national
service is the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC)
which was created in the
1930’s to provide
opportunities for millions
of young people to serve 6
to 18 months to help
restore the nation's parks,
revitalize the economy,
and support their families
and themselves.
CCC workers
constructing road, 1933
Source: Franklin D. Roosevelet Library and Museum; Wikipedia
History of National Service – Senior
• Another example can be found in the
1960’s when older Americans were
engaged in a range of service
activities through the
• Retired and Senior Volunteer
Program (RSVP),
• the Foster Grandparent Program, and
• the Senior Companion Program
• (which together are known today as
Senior Corps).
History of National Service
• In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson
wanted to do what he could to
address the problem of poverty in
America and established
• Volunteers in Service to America
• a National Teacher Corps, the Job
• and University Year of Action.
History of National Service
• In 1990 President Bush signed the
National and Community Service Act
of 1990 into law which authorized
among other things, grants to
schools to support service-learning
through Serve America (now known
as Learn and Serve America).
• And in 1992 a bipartisan group of
Senators drafted legislation to create
the National Civilian Community
Corps as a way to explore how to use
post-Cold War military resources to
help solve problems here at home.
History of National Service
• There are many examples of national service
organizations and initiatives, but all serve to point
out the goal of “getting things done” for our
fellow American citizens, our community, and
our nation. You are the MEMBER who performs
this service!
• It can take a while for people to understand your
unique role as a MEMBER of national service as
opposed to an employee of a host agency.
The Language of National Service
Instead of:
Pay Period
Work Site
Job Site
Living Allowance
Disbursement Period
Living Allowance
Living Allowance
Service Site
Service Site
The Language of National Service
Formation of AmeriCorps
So how did
AmeriCorps take on
its current form?
Formation of AmeriCorps
• In 1961 President John F.
Kennedy, when he
spearheaded the
establishment of the
Peace Corps, said
"The wisdom of this idea
is that someday we'll
bring it home to America."
Formation of AmeriCorps
• In September 1993 President Bill Clinton
signed the National and Community Service
Trust Act of 1993, which created AmeriCorps
as we know it today, and the Corporation for
National and Community Service, which
oversees it in order to better organize and
expand opportunities for Americans to serve
their communities.
Formation of AmeriCorps
• Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) and
• the National Civilian Community Corps
become part of AmeriCorps. In addition
• Senior Corps was created by combining the
Foster Grandparent Program, the Retired
Senior Volunteer Program (changed to Retired
AND Senior Volunteer Program to recognize
not all volunteers are retired), and the Senior
Companion Program.
Formation of AmeriCorps
• As a part of this organizing effort governorappointed state service commissions were
created to administer AmeriCorps funding at the
state level. The Kansas Volunteer Commission,
housed at the Kansas State Department of
Education in Topeka, Kansas, fulfills this role.
History of National Service
• Helpful Links:
National Service Timeline:
History and Legislation:
Administrative Structure
• The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
• The Kansas Volunteer Commission (KVC)
• The Host Agency
• The Service Site
• The AmeriCorps National Service State Members
• There are ELEVEN AmeriCorps State programs with members like you
in Kansas.
The National Service AmeriCorps State
Members - Overview
• The Host Agency recruits, trains and enrolls
AmeriCorps national service
members, and places them
at their sites.
• Members contract with the
host agency for a required
number of hours of service
(1700 for full time) in period of
time not to exceed 12 months.
• Every hour must be fulfilled.
The National Service AmeriCorps State
Members - Overview
• The members must
perform the full
number of hours and
the service must be
• After successful
completion of the
national service term
members can access
an Education Award
which can be used toward a Title IV school, or Title
IV educational loan. (All benefits will be covered later in this
Our “Idealist” Goals for YOU
• Rewarding national service = Life Long Civic
• Knowledge of community issues and strong
connection to community
• Seek multiple terms of national service
• Seek careers in public service such as teaching,
public safety, social work, non-profit careers, etc.
• Become more of an idealist, who will then go on
to take a leading role in nonprofits and
government agencies.
Our “Idealist” Goal for YOU
• “All I can say is, it’s worth the
struggle to discover who you
really are and how you, in your
own way, can put life together as
a something that means a
lot to you. It’s a miracle when you finally
discover whom you’re best equipped to serve
- and we’re all equipped to serve in some
- Mr. Fred Rogers, Life’s Journeys According to Mister Rogers
“Streams” of Service
3 “Streams” of Service in AmeriCorps itself
• AmeriCorps State and National
• VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America
• NCCC - National Civilian Community Corps
“Streams” of Service –
AmeriCorps State
• Primarily in direct service (along with some capacity-building) ;
• to address unmet community needs.
• Examples: tutoring and mentoring youth, medical services
outreach and facilitation, building home, disaster response, etc.
• AmeriCorps members also recruit and mobilize community
• Not clerical/secretary role, not administrative assistant role
• Never replace existing employee positions or existing volunteers
• AmeriCorps State Administration: In Kansas AmeriCorps State is
administered by the Governor appointed body, the Kansas
Volunteer Commission. Contact information is located at the
beginning of this handbook.
Helpful Link:
“Streams” of Service –
National Direct
• Direct service across 2 or more states
• AmeriCorps National provides grants directly to national
public and nonprofit organizations that sponsor service
programs formed across two or more states
• typically nationally based host programs
• Similar to AmeriCorps State
• Administration: CNCS Office / Host Program Central Office
• Helpful Link:
“Streams” of Service - VISTA
• Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is primarily capacity
building (See “AmeriCorps State Versus AmeriCorps VISTA
• Initially designed specifically to fight poverty
• Founded as Volunteers in Service to America in 1965 and
incorporated into AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993
• VISTA members focus their efforts on building the
organizational, administrative, and financial capacity of
organizations that fight illiteracy, improve health services,
foster economic develop, and otherwise assist low-income
• Examples: develop programs to meet a need, write grants,
and recruit and train volunteers
“Streams” of Service - VISTA
• 365 DAY 24/7 Commitment (not hourly 1,700, 900, etc. term)
• No positions under full time
• Can be placed at a site with AmeriCorps State members to do
capacity building role while State members do direct service
• receive a modest living allowance
• health benefits during their service (arranged by CNCS State office),
• and have the option of receiving a Segal AmeriCorps Education
Award or post-service stipend after completing their service.
• VISTA Administration: In Kansas VISTA is administered by the CNCS
federal state office which maintains offices in Kansas and Missouri.
Contact information is provided at the beginning of this handbook.
• Helpful Link:
“Streams” of Service - NCCC
• National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) – Regional campus based
• full-time, team-based residential program for men and women age 18–24.
• assigned to one of five campuses, located in Denver, Colorado;
Sacramento, California; Perry Point, Maryland; Vicksburg, Mississippi; and
Vinton, Iowa and
• travel to complete service projects throughout their regions.
• 10-month commitment ; serve in teams of eight to twelve
• trained in CPR, first aid, public safety, and other skills before beginning
their first service project.
• sponsoring organizations submit a project application to the regional
campus that covers that organization’s state to get services of a team
• living allowance of approximately $4,000 during the 10 months of service,
housing, meals, limited medical benefits, up to $400 a month for
childcare, if necessary, member uniforms, and a Segal AmeriCorps
Education Award upon successful completion of the program.
• Helpful Link:
Other Avenues of Service –
Learn and Serve America
• Not a “member based” service
• Grant support to K-12 schools, community groups and higher
education institutions to facilitate service-learning projects by:
• Collecting and disseminating research, effective practices, curricula,
and program models.
• Service-learning offers a unique opportunity for kindergartners to
college students
• Facilitated integrating community service projects with classroom
• Students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they
become actively contributing citizens and community members
through the service they perform.
• Administration: Kansas Volunteer Commission
• Helpful Link:
Other Avenues of Service –
Senior Corps
The Foster Grandparent Program connects volunteers age 55 and over with
children and young people with exceptional needs.
The Senior Companion Program brings together volunteers age 55 and over with
adults in their community who have difficulty with the simple tasks of day-to-day
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program connects volunteers age 55 and over
with service opportunities in their communities that match their skills and
availability. From building houses to immunizing children, from enhancing the
capacity of non-profit organizations to improving and protecting the environment,
RSVP volunteers put their unique talents to work to make a difference.
Senior Corps Administration: In Kansas Senior Corps is administered by the CNCS
federal state office which maintains offices in Kansas and Missouri. Contact
information is provided at the beginning of this handbook.
Helpful Link:
Review - The AmeriCorps Member:
the hands of national service
• You’ve heard about the “big”
picture of national service
• How are you not an employee?
• How are you not a volunteer?
• What are you?
The AmeriCorps Member: the hands
of national service – The Pledge
The AmeriCorps members’ intent of making a positive change and being committed to
national service is reflected in their pledge. (See handout)
The AmeriCorps Pledge
I will get things done for America to make our people safer,
smarter, and healthier.
I will carry this commitment
with me this year and beyond.
I will bring Americans together
to strengthen our communities.
Faced with apathy,
I will take action.
Faced with conflict,
I will seek common ground.
Faced with adversity,
I will persevere.
I am an AmeriCorps
member, and I will
get things done.
Pre-Service Requirements - Citizenship
• Prove you are an American
citizen, U.S. national or
permanent alien resident of the United States
(birth certificate, unexpired passport, etc.,
there is a specific list of allowed documents).
• Discussion Question: What would be the
rationale behind requiring this?
Pre-Service Requirements – Education
• Required that you either
have a high school diploma
or GED or state that they
will obtain one before they
draw their Education Award.
• Discussion Question: Why would CNCS be
concerned about this?
Pre-Service Requirements - Age
• must, in general, be age 17 or above (there
are a couple of exceptions where a member
can be age 16)
Pre-Service Requirements –
Background Checks
• A. must sign a written agreement to run
• B. checks run through a CNCS approved state
criminal history registry check for the State of
Kansas, and for the state in which they resided
at the time of application, this check must at
least be initiated before enrollment;
Pre-Service Requirements –
Background Checks
• must sign a written agreement to a national FBI
Fingerprint check if their service will involve recurring
access (the ability on more than one occasion to
approach, observe or communicate with an individual
either through physical proximity, including electronic
or telephonic communication) to a vulnerable
population (age 60 or over ; the disabled; those 17 age
of years or younger); this check, if applicable, must at
least be initiated before enrollment;
• must have a National Sex Offender
Public Registry website check run on
them before enrollment;
Pre-Service Requirements –
Background Checks
• all members, regardless of access to a
vulnerable population, must have a National
Sex Offender Public Registry website check
run on them before enrollment; no consent is
Pre-Service Requirements – Eligible for
• must be eligible for employment (I-9)
• while not considered an employee certain
paperwork must still be completed
Enrollment Contingency
• Your enrollment is contingent upon the requirements listed above
• and upon the supporting documentation being provided;
• enrollment, or continued enrollment, is contingent upon the
findings of the criminal history background check results.
• Members will always be given the right to review and contest
• If you are enrolled before the criminal history
results have been returned you must always be
accompanied by a cleared legal representative of
your host program whenever you have access to a
vulnerable population.
Your Rights - Notice of
Recognizing that the fabric of our society is strengthened by
the diversity of its citizens, the policy of the Corporation for
National and Community Service is to ensure a mutual respect
for all differences among us.
• Participation in the Corporation and its programs and
projects will be based on merit and equal opportunity for
all, without regard to factors such as race, color, national
origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability,
political affiliation, marital or parental status, military
service, or religious, community, or social affiliations.
• By adhering to this policy, the Corporation will be able to
foster civic responsibility, strengthen ties that bind us
together as a people, and provide educational opportunity
for those who make a substantial commitment to service.
Your Rights - Notice of
• It is unlawful to retaliate against any person or organization
that files a complaint about discrimination.
• Discrimination complaints may be raised through the
AmeriCorps program grievance procedure.
• If you believe your rights have been violated, you may
report such violations to the Director of your program, who
has a procedure for filing and adjudicating certain
grievances (see Member Contract). Or members can file
complaints with local and state agencies that are
responsible for resolving discrimination complaints.
• If you believe that you or others have been discriminated
against, or if you want more information, contact either of
these organizations:
Your Rights - Notice of
Equal Opportunity Office
Office of Civil Rights and Inclusiveness
Corporation for National and Community Service
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20525
(202) 606-7503 (voice); (202) 565-2799 (TTY)
(202) 565-3465 (FAX); (e-mail)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(816) 889-5100
(816) 889-5106 () TDD
Your Rights – Reasonable
• You have a right to reasonable
accommodation for disabilities. Programs
must furnish reasonable accommodations for
the known physical and mental limitations of
qualified AmeriCorps members.
Member Responsibilities
• To earn an Education Award you must…
• must satisfactorily complete your program
• attendance
• compliance with applicable rules,
• may also indicate positive behavioral elements
such as a positive attitude, respect toward others
and quality of service.
• and your full term of service (not 1 hour short).
Member Responsibilities - Contract
• You will be asked to sign a contract stating
your rights and responsibilities while in
• You must abide by this contract and follow the
rules of your program.
• You may be suspended or terminated
if you violate the stated rules of
Member Contract
You will be signing a contract which will provide you with:
• a. AmeriCorps Member Position Description
Please make sure you understand what it is you are being
asked to do in your role as a national service AmeriCorps
• b. Start/End Dates
Your contract will give the specific start and end dates of
your term. You should always be aware of how
long you have to complete your number of hours. Members
may not serve beyond 12 months. If you are
enrolling late in our program year you can only
serve till the end of our current program year.
Member Contract
• c. Service Hours
Exact number of required service hours; can’t be 1 hour short
80% of your hours be direct service;
Up to 20% may be training;
Only 10% may be fundraising.
It’s very important that timesheets be accurately
completed and that they be signed and dated by you, the
member, and the site supervisor and/or program director
(depending on the host agency’s policy).
• d. Member Living Allowance/Stipend
You will be informed in the contract the stipend
disbursement you will receive. You will also be informed
when you will receive your stipend (however this may
not be in the contract but provided under separate cover).
Member Contract
• e. Education Award Amount
• amount of the Education Award you will be able to access
upon successful completion of your term
• different depending on the type of term/slot you have.
(Some members are full time, some half time and some
• You will not receive the cash, but instead after your term
you will indicate to the National Service
Trust (via My AmeriCorps) where to send the
to a Title IV education loan holder,
or a Title IV school for current
cost of attendance.
Member Contract
• e. Education Award Amount
• Members age 55+ at time of enrollment may
transfer their award to certain qualified relatives.
Be sure that you understand how you can use
your Education Award before signing the
contract. We don’t want you to be
frustrated if it turns out you can’t use
it for what you intended.
Member Contract
• f. Standards of Conduct;
• g. List of Prohibited Activities, including those
specified in the regulations at 45 CFR 2520.65
(we’ll go over this later)
• h. Requirements under the Drug-Free
Workplace Act (41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.)
Member Contract
• AmeriCorps national service members are considered
representatives of the national service movement any time
they are in service (and any time they wear service gear).
This is why it is vital you understand what you can and
cannot do while serving. You want to, at all times, avoid
engaging in prohibited activities and also the appearance
of doing so. Please be sure to fully review the standards of
conduct, the list of Prohibited Activities and the
requirements of the
Drug-Free Workplace Act.
• It is especially important that you never
claim service hours for activities that are not
allowed as this could lead to the revoking of
your Education Award.
Member Contract
• i. Compelling Personal Circumstances
The contract will explain the specific circumstances under
which you may be released early for compelling
circumstances. AmeriCorps provides the flexibility of giving
a prorated Education Award if the circumstance merits it.
Be sure you understand what qualifies as compelling.
• j. Suspension and Termination
• k. Release for Cause
The contract will spell out for you the situations
in which you may be suspended or terminated or
released for cause from your term of service.
Before signing the contract be sure you
understand the conditions that might trigger
Member Contract
• l. Grievance Procedures (Alternative Dispute Resolution,
Hearing Process, Binding Arbitration, Other Issues)
Your contract will refer to grievance procedures. We trust
that these will not have to be used but please review them
and understand that you will have these procedures at your
disposal if they are ever needed. SEE HANDOUT “Grievance
• m. Civil Rights
You will be provided a notice of Civil Rights and
procedures for filing complaints. It may be you
will even be supplied a separate document
detailing your host agency’s Civil Rights Notice.
However there is also an avenue for Civil Rights
complaints via a CNCS office see “Notice of
Nondiscrimination”(as previously discussed)
Member Contract
• n. Reasonable Accommodation Policy
All host sites for AmeriCorps programs have a
Reasonable Accommodation Policy. The contract will
ensure you are informed of this policy (or refer to it in
this Handbook).
• o. Signatures/Dates
In order to be considered legally valid your contract
must have your signature and the signature
of the Program Director (or authorized legal
representative). It is also important that the
signature dates precede, or are no later than,
the first day of enrollment.
Enrollment Form
• Once you have provided the required
documentation and, if the Program Director
decides to enroll you, you will need to complete
your portion of the AmeriCorps Enrollment Form
within 30 days of your start date.
• Formats: paper and/or electronic in My
AmeriCorps/eGrants; Must be some form of
member initiated enrollment form
• KVC requires paper unless program has a waiver
Service Hours / Schedule
• AmeriCorps Members are responsible for
providing regular service in their assigned role
until the end of their term of service.
• You will arrange a regular schedule for your site
activities with the Site Supervisor based on the
site’s needs.
• In addition to these hours, there
may be periodic mandatory
evening and weekend AmeriCorps
activities. All service hours must
be verified by the Program
Service Hours/ Schedule
• Service Hours – Outside of regular service site
• There may be times in which you will provide service hours
outside of your regular service site.
• ANY service hours you wish to claim outside of your regular
service site, and not under the purview of your regular site
supervisor must be pre-approved and appropriately
• Never provide service hours outside of
your regular schedule and site on your
own initiative without first making sure
that those hours will be acceptable to the
Program Director.
• Should never be left to “find your own
hours”, program is to supply opportunity
Individual Program Policies
Make sure to find out these, and all other, program policies which
you must abide by
• Weekly Time Sheets/Reports (can you get your stipend without
turning in your time sheet for example?)
• Absences
• Sick Days
• Personal Days
• Other Service Leave
• Making up hours
• Holiday Policy
• Injury or Accident
• Disciplinary Procedures for noncompliance, such as not wearing
• Children/Guests
Armed Forces Reserves/National
Guard Leave
• Armed Forces Reserves/National Guard
• Note: This policy does reflect regulation requirements regarding the
• To the extent that it is possible, AmeriCorps Members should seek to
minimize the disruption in service as a result of discharging responsibilities
related to their reservist duties. If Members have a choice of when to
fulfill their annual two-week active duty requirement, they should do so
when it will not disrupt their AmeriCorps service. In instances where the
dates of active duty are inflexible and conflict with AmeriCorps service,
Members will be granted leave of absence for the two-week period of
active duty service in the Reserves. Members may not receive time off
for additional Reserves-related service beyond the two-week active duty
service. AmeriCorps Members will receive credit for their regularly
scheduled service hours during their two-week active duty requirement.
No AmeriCorps service credit is earned for the once-a-month weekend
service in the Reserves. There will be no interruption in Members’
benefits while serving their two-week active duty.
Jury Duty Leave
• AmeriCorps Members may
serve on a jury and will not be
penalized for doing so. During
the time AmeriCorps Members serve as jurors,
they will continue to receive credit for their
normal service hours with no interruption to
their benefits. Members must provide a copy
of the jury duty summons to be excused.
Voting/Registration to Vote
• AmeriCorps Members must be encouraged to
register and vote by every AmeriCorps
• Most programs will allow time
to do this. Your Site Supervisor
or Program Director will
determine the appropriate
length of absence.
AmeriCorps Sign / Logo
• A sign with the AmeriCorps
logo must be prominently
displayed at every service site,
stating that an AmeriCorps
member serves there.
• The AmeriCorps logo must be
displayed on the web site of
every host agency which has an
AmeriCorps program.
AmeriCorps Publicity
• If you are interviewed by the
media please always mention
you are an AmeriCorps
member, part of a national
service program hosted by
your host agency.
AmeriCorps Gear
How can you
tell this person
is an
member and
not an
employee of
the host
AmeriCorps Gear
• AmeriCorps Members shall always wear
a piece of AmeriCorps gear identifying them as an
AmeriCorps member while performing service.
• The National Logo cannot be altered or defaced
in any way.
• The Program Director may have you wear specific
types of gear at their discretion
• Members must also adhere to site policies on
professional attire. Some sites require students
and staff to wear uniforms (e.g. khaki pants and
white shirts). Members must adhere to site
uniform policy.
AmeriCorps Gear
What is the benefit to the public
knowing you are a national service
member, and that there is an agency
that hosts a national service program
in their community?
Member Evaluations
• Each Full time and Half Time AmeriCorps member is
required to have at least a mid-term and end term
performance evaluation; less than Half Time must have
at least an End Term evaluation.
• This evaluation will be geared towards helping each
AmeriCorps Member achieve personal and professional
goals as well as affirm that they have:
• successfully completed assignments;
• met the general performance criteria established for
the community and specific performance criteria
established with his/her Site Supervisor;
• completed the required number of days and hours.
Program Performance Measures /
• The program must also evaluate progress
toward its own project goals. The AmeriCorps
program receives input from AmeriCorps
Members and site staff.
• Documentation of non-stipend volunteers and
hours need to be a part of this information.
This is why we must ask your cooperation in
collecting certain demographic information
during the program year.
Leadership Team
• You may serve with other members or be placed
at a site by yourself, but you are always part of a
• Who is a part of your leadership team?
• Program Director
• Site Supervisor(s)? Who are they?
• Other members, their roles? (Find out before you
begin service)
• How often will there be team gatherings, and
events to build camaraderie?
Member Development – Your Term is
also about YOU!
• Programs are to have an impact on the local
• Programs are to have impact on YOU!
Member Development – Basic
Required Understanding
First and foremost, make sure you understand the basics:
• rights and responsibilities,
• the Program's code of conduct,
• prohibited activities (including those specified in the
• requirements under the Drug-Free Workplace Act
• suspension and termination from service,
• grievance procedures,
• sexual harassment,
• other non-discrimination issues, and other
topics as necessary.
• training on the community being served
Member Development – Basic
Required Understanding
• If you don’t understand…
• If you forget…
ASK (or look it up)
• Keep the rules and procedures handy
Member Development
Other Core Topics:
• Overview of national service and its history
• Civic Engagement / Community Involvement
• AmeriCorps Benefits
• Life After AmeriCorps ; Continued Service
Member Development – Position
 Duties should be delineated (especially at a service
• Specific skills training should be given to enable you to
do those duties (such as tutoring, mentoring, giving
immunizations, etc.)
• All programs must recruit and manage volunteers
therefore you should receive training on recruiting and
working with volunteers
• Specific needed program progress
• Specific needed demographic data
Member Development – Service Site
 You should be oriented to your specific service
 Introduced to site staff
 Oriented on rules for the site itself, if applicable
 Building hours
 How you check in ; who to check in with
 Site supervisors need to be oriented as
well about AmeriCorps
Member Development – Year Long
• Programs should have a plan for member development
through the whole year.
• This may include times you will be asked to come to
meetings or
• may include other methods of training (YouTube videos,
webinars , etc.)
• Up to 20% of your term hours can be devoted to member
Member Development – Possible
team building
conflict resolution
cross-cultural sensitivity
diversity training
civic engagement / citizenship training (Resource:
Roadmap to Civic Engagement)
communication skills
curriculum development
tutoring/mentoring skill development
accommodation of persons with disabilities
Member Development
CPR/first aid
disaster response
personal goal setting
appearance and presentation skills
personal wellness / safety
personal budget planning
computer and Internet literacy
Member Development
• life after AmeriCorps
• resume writing
Member Development – Your Plan
• Why talk about RESUMES
at the beginning of your
Member Development – Your Plan
• Because you can keep track of all
your service activities with an eye
toward your future career or job
• If you know what you want to do,
you could perhaps serve on
projects, and perform tasks, and
assignments throughout the year
that allow the you to develop and
exercise the skills you want to build,
and put on your resume
Member Development – Your Plan
• Assess your current skills set
• See what skills you want to
• See handouts “Translating Your
Service into Job Speak “
• and “Career Development
Member Development – Your Plan
Your goals:
• Improve areas that can be
• Consider a “Functional”
Resume (see handout)
and what you want on it
Member Development – Your Plan
• Create a file/journal all
year long, where you
record the activities that
prove the skills/experience
you will claim on
Member Development – Your Goals
• Service-related goals (not limited to project-related goals)
to be achieved during the AmeriCorps term of service. Are
there specific service activities you’d like to perform;
• Educational goals to be achieved during the AmeriCorps
term of service;
• Professional goals (to be accomplished within the next five
years). Are there any activities you can do during this year
that will contribute toward these professional goals;
• Aspirations of becoming a better person which you hope
to accomplish through reflection during the
AmeriCorps term of service;
National Days of Service
There are several opportunities throughout the
year when AmeriCorps members and volunteers
honor their commitment to service and our nation.
Observance activities may be outside the normal
program design of your program. Examples:
• Martin Luther King, Jr (MLK) Day of Service
• National Volunteer Week (04/15/12-04/21/12),
• September 11 National Day of Service &
Remembrance (Strongly encouraged to observe),
• Make a Difference Day, (10/22/11), and
AmeriCorps Week
• AmeriCorps Week is in May; was 05/14/1105/21/11 this
• All programs
required to
See how
excited Roger
Hill members
Prohibited Activities
• Therefore we need to make sure you understand
activities that are prohibited while you serve.
• Note that we require you to not only avoid doing
these activities while you are actually “on the
clock” but also avoid giving the “appearance” of
performing these activities. This means
whenever you happen to have on service gear, or
when you publically identify yourself as an
AmeriCorps member.
Prohibited Activities
• While charging time to the AmeriCorps program,
accumulating service or training hours, or otherwise
performing activities supported by the AmeriCorps
program or the Corporation, staff and members may not
engage in the following activities(see 45 CFR § 2520.65):
• a. Attempting to influence legislation;
• b. Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or
• c. Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing;
• d. Impairing existing contracts for services or collective
bargaining agreements;
• e. Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities
designed to influence the outcome of an election to any
public office;
Prohibited Activities
• f. Participating in, or endorsing, events or
activities that are likely to include advocacy or or
against political parties, political platforms,
political candidates, proposed legislation, or
elected officials;
• g. Engaging in religious instruction, conducting
worship services, providing instruction as part of
a program that includes mandatory religious
instruction or worship, constructing or operating
facilities devoted to religious instruction or
worship, maintaining facilities primarily or
inherently devoted to religious instruction or
worship, or engaging in any form of religious
Prohibited Activities
h. Providing a direct benefit to—
i. A business organized for profit;
ii. A labor union;
iii. A partisan political organization;
iv. A nonprofit organization that fails to comply with
the restrictions contained in section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 except that nothing in
this section shall be construed to prevent participants
from engaging in advocacy activities undertaken at
their own initiative; and
• v. An organization engaged in the religious activities
described in paragraph (g) of this section, unless
Corporation assistance is not used to support those
religious activities;
Prohibited Activities
• i. Conducting a voter registration drive or using
Corporation funds to conduct a voter registration drive;
• j. Providing abortion services or referrals for receipt of such
services; and
• k. Such other activities as the Corporation may prohibit.
• AmeriCorps members may not engage in the above
activities directly or indirectly by recruiting, training, or
managing others for the primary purpose of engaging in
one of the activities listed above. Individuals may exercise
their rights as private citizens and may participate in the
activities listed above on their initiative, on nonAmeriCorps time, and using non-Corporation funds.
Individuals should not wear the AmeriCorps logo while
doing so.
Prohibited Activities
• Also, an AmeriCorps State member’s
service activities may not include:
• Raising funds for his or her living allowance;
• Raising funds for an organization’s operating
expenses or endowment;
• Writing grant applications for AmeriCorps
funding or for any other funding provided by
the Corporation for National and Community
Service; or by any other federal agency.
Prohibited Activities
• There are also several types of activities
that your programs may not assign to you,
such as:
– activities that pose a significant risk to you or
other participants;
– assignments that displace employees;
– internships with for-profit businesses as part of
the education and training component of the
program; and
• any of the prohibited activities mentioned
Prohibited Activities
• Like other private citizens, you may participate
in the above-listed activities on your own
time, at your own expense, and at your own
initiative. However, you may not wear your
AmeriCorps t-shirt or other service gear in
such instances. You are expected to maintain a
code of conduct and professional behavior at
all times. Violations of this expectation could
result in early termination or suspension.
Drug Free Workplace Act
• This AmeriCorps program, its host fiscal
agent, and its service sites and projects
are a drug free workplace and service
site. Any AmeriCorps member or
employee of the fiscal agent shall notify
the program director of any criminal
drug statute conviction for a violation
occurring in the workplace no later
than 5 days after such conviction.
AmeriCorps Member Benefits
• How many members, or
potential members, here will
be full time?
• How many half time?
• How many less than half time?
AmeriCorps Member Benefits - FT
All AmeriCorps members receive some form of benefits, depending
upon the type of slot/term they occupy and the program design.
Full Time Member Benefits
All full time members are entitled, if eligible, to receive the following
• Stipend / Living Allowance
• Health Insurance Coverage
• Child Care
• Worker’s Compensation Coverage/ Liability Coverage*
*Not an actual benefit but one or the other is required
• Member Development Training
• Education Award
• Loan Forbearance
• Interest Accrual Payments
AmeriCorps Member Benefits – Not FT
Less Than Full Time Benefits
Less than full time members are entitled, if eligible, to
• Possible stipend (not required less than full time)
• Worker’s Compensation Coverage / Liability Coverage*
*Not an actual benefit but one or the other is required
• Member Development Training
• Education Award
• Loan Forbearance
• Interest Accrual Payments
Health Insurance/Child Care benefits not offered to less than full time
members. (It should also be noted that there may be programs that have less
than full time members operating in a full time capacity and therefore may be
allowed to provide health care/child care benefits. )
Living Stipend
• All full time AmeriCorps members must receive a
stipend during the program year. There is a set
annual minimum determined by CNCS.
• If you receive a stipend the amount for each
disbursement period will be given in your
AmeriCorps member contract.
• Stipends are not pay checks. You are not earning
a salary with your hours.
• You are performing national service.
• You are not an employee nor do you work for
your host agency.
Living Stipend
• Make sure you understand what your program
requires to be “actively serving” (as in minimum
number of hours per stipend period)
• Also, programs may require adequate progress
toward your 1,700, 900 or other term hour
• In addition, once a member is terminated from
active service for any reason, the stipend shall be
discontinued as of that disbursement period.
Living Stipend
• Make sure you understand what your
disbursement periods are (bi-weekly, monthly?)
• Make sure you understand when you will receive
your disbursement check and how you will
receive it.
• Make sure you understand the requirements in
order to get the check (for example do they
require you turn in your time sheets, complete
and on time?)
Living Stipend
• Taxable
the living stipend is taxable income.
• Deductions
Your host agency will have to make all
standard deductions from your stipend check
and will inform you of these deductions.
Living Stipend –
• Unemployment Ineligibility
Since AmeriCorps members are not considered employees
they are not eligible for unemployment in Kansas based on
their AmeriCorps service when they complete their term.
• The U.S. Department of Labor ruled on April 20th, 1995 that
the federal unemployment compensation law does not
require coverage for AmeriCorps members because there is
no employer-employee relationship. The receipt of the
living stipend will not be counted towards time as being
employed. Members are participants in a national service
program and not considered employees. Please do not file
for unemployment based on your AmeriCorps service once
you have completed your term.
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• Even though your service is not considered
employment time sheets will still need to be
completed for every disbursement period.
This time and attendance record is used to
document your eligibility for in-service and
post-service benefits. Time and attendance
records must be signed and dated both by you
and your Site Supervisor (and/or Program
Director depending upon your program’s
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• You should place a high priority on timely and accurate
completion of your time sheets.
• Time and attendance records of members’ service
• Note location of service performed
• As mentioned, separate out and track time for direct
service (must be 80% or more), training (no more
than 20%), and fundraising (no more than 10%)
• Separate out lunch hours (lunch hours cannot be
counted towards hours required for completion of the
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• Be signed and dated in ink by both the AmeriCorps
Member and their direct supervisor within a
reasonable amount of time from the date of the
service performed.
• You are responsible for ensuring that all service
activities for which service hours are claimed are
within the program design and can be attested to by
yourself, your Site Supervisor and/or Program Director.
• Note: Some programs utilize an appropriate preapproved system with electronic “signatures”. The
method of time tracking will be explained to you
during orientation if applicable.
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• Who signs the time sheet/service log?
• Members must sign and date their completed
service logs. Depending upon program policy
the site supervisor and/or the program
director will verify the accuracy of and sign
and date the service logs. Every program
should have a written policy in this regard and
follow it.
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• What constitutes a COMPLETED time sheet/service log?
• A service log is considered complete when it has all of the
following components:
• Indicates clearly which days are being reported (i.e. the 1st
through the 15th or the 16th through the end of the
• Includes as "Direct Service” only those hours members
spend actually serving and NOT lunch, training, vacation,
holiday, sick days or other time off;
• Has all “Training” hours listed separately but included in
the total hours of service;
• Has all “Fundraising” hours listed separately but included in
the total hours of service;
Time Sheets / Service Logs
• It is advisable to somehow note all holiday,
sick, vacation and other time off, such as in an
"Other" column, and of course they should
not be included in the service hours total;
• Is checked for accuracy and is signed by the
Site Supervisor (and/or Program Director
depending on program policy) and the
SSI, SSDI, TANF , Food Stamp Eligibility
and Lowering Your Stipend
• Your stipend might impact some form of benefits you
are receiving or plan on receiving, as follows:
• Supplemental Social Security: Your stipend will not be
considered income in relationship to Supplemental
Security Income (SSI).
• Social Security Disability Insurance: It WILL be
considered income in relationship to Social Security
Disability Insurance (SSDI).
• Food Stamps: It will NOT impact your eligibility for
Food Stamps (but that is different for VISTA members).
• Temporary Assistance to Needy Families: It COULD
impact (TANF) benefits.
SSI, SSDI, TANF, Food Stamp Eligibility
and Lowering Your Stipend
• You may request to lower your stipend rate if
you feel it will impact your eligibility for
certain benefits. You will need to complete a
form to this effect. You may have your full
stipend re-instated at any time during the
program year; however this will not be
Quick overview – Health
Insurance/Child Care
• For the sake of those less than full time
members not receiving Health Insurance or
Child Care Benefits we will simply give a
quick overview of these 2 items and can
discuss afterwards if needed.
Health Insurance
• Health Care (Full Time Members / Less than Full Time in
Full Time Capacity)
• Basic health care coverage is provided at no charge to
full-time Members who do not have existing coverage
(but not their families). Your host agency will inform you
of the insurance carrier. The
program may obtain healthcare
from any provider as long as the
coverage provides
certain required benefits spelled out
in the AmeriCorps Provisions.
(See page 23 in the Member
Health Insurance
• Health Care (Full Time Members / Less than Full Time in Full Time
• Basic health care coverage is provided at no charge to full-time
Members who do not have existing coverage (but not their
families). Your host agency will inform you of the insurance carrier.
• See your member handbook for minimum coverage requirements
• If you, as a full time member, elect not to accept coverage, you
must have a signed wavier on file with the program, and you should
provide proof of alternate insurance.
• The program must also provide, or make
available, healthcare insurance to members
serving a 1700-hour full-time term who lose
coverage during their term of service as a
result of service or through no deliberate act
of their own.
Health Insurance
• Health Care Providers
The programs must facilitate the process of
selecting a health care provider and enrolling
the full time members for the health care
• Consult with your Program
Director as to the details of the
health insurance that will be
Child Care Benefits
• Child Care Benefit Enrollment Documents or Waiver
of Benefit (Full Time Members / Less Than Full Time
in Full Time Capacity)
CNCS will pay child care costs for full-time Members
who are income-eligible and who utilize a preapproved child care provider. Reimbursement rates
will be based on local rates established under the Child
Care Development Block Grant. Specific details and
arrangements need to be negotiated between you,
your child care provider, and First Financial Associates
Child Care Benefits
• Full-time AmeriCorps Members have the opportunity to
apply for Child Care Coverage, and if found eligible by the
provider will have this benefit provided by the Corporation.
Your host agency will not be paying your child care provider
but rather payments will be arranged between the provider
and FFA. Your host agency will help to facilitate this process
but they are not the determining agency for this benefit.
If you decide to utilize this benefit, your host agency must
maintain all documentation in your file. All eligible fulltime AmeriCorps Members must sign a waiver of this
benefit if they decide not to utilize this benefit. The waiver
must also be maintained in your file.
Child Care Benefits
• In general, eligibility is based upon family
income, age of dependents (up to 13 years),
and whether or not the member is currently
receiving childcare support from another
• See handbook for fuller description of
eligibility requirements
Child Care Benefits
The contracted provider for child care benefits is:
First Financial Associates (FFA)
FFA AmeriCorps Brochure:
First Financial Associates
AmeriCorps CCBP
7079 Hayden Quarry RD
Lithonia, GA 30038
Toll-Free: (800) 453-8151
Phone: (770) 484-9200
Fax: (770) 484-9313
Child Care Benefits
• Qualified Child Care Providers
To qualify for reimbursement, a child care
provider must be legally qualified under the
state’s Child Care and Development Fund
guidelines. Each state has its own qualification
criteria. Reimbursements will not be made to
ineligible providers.
Change of Status
• Child Care / Health Insurance Member Change
of Status
Your host agency is required to notify the
Corporation’s designated agents in writing,
immediately, when your status changes that
affects eligibility for childcare or healthcare.
Examples of changes in status include: changes to
your scheduled service so that you are no longer
serving on a full-time basis; terminating or
releasing you from service; or suspending you for
a lengthy or indefinite time period.
Education Award
• Pay the current cost of attendance
at qualified Title IV institutions of higher
learning (Title IV relates to administration
of the federal funds for student
financial aid)
• Pay the current cost of attendance at qualified Title IV vocational
schools and for non degree courses at Title IV schools
• Repay qualified Title IV educational student loans (Title IV loans
are loans backed by the federal government under Title IV of the
Higher Education Act; except PLUS Loans to parents of students, or
under Titles VII or VIII of the Public Health Service Act.)
Education Award
• Cost of attendance could
include Tuition, Books, Supplies,
Transportation, Room, Board,
and other expenses (may include computer).
Each school's financial aid office determines a
student's cost of attendance (COA) based upon
standard U.S. Department of Education guidance.
• Please check with your financial aid office if you
have questions. Never assume something is
covered in the COA.
Education Award
Qualified loans include:
• Stafford Loans
• Perkins Loans
• William D. Ford Direct Loans
• Federal Consolidated Loans
• Supplemental Loans for Students
• Primary Care Loans
• Nursing Student Loans
• Health Education Assistance Loans
• Loans issued to AmeriCorps members by the Alaska
Commission on Postsecondary Education
Education Award
Consolidate loans?
• You may consolidate
your loans but the resulting
consolidated loan must be a Title IV
Education Award
To qualify for an education
award, you must successfully
complete the required "term
of service" for your program and you will have
had to have earned your high school diploma
or its equivalent before you can draw the
• What does “successfully complete” mean
based on prior discussion????
Education Award
• Goes directly to school or loan holder
(Note: VISTA’s have option for smaller cash award)
Education Award
The amount of our education
award varies depending upon
the number of hours served
and the program year in which you enrolled (as
the amount is tied to the PELL grant):
Education Award
Number of Education Awards
You can earn up to the
equivalent of 2 Full Time
education awards (no matter
what stream of service) over the
course of up to 4 terms in
AmeriCorps State and National.
Recent legislative changes did not
change the number of terms you
may serve in VISTA (3 terms) or
NCCC (2 terms).
Education Award
Accessing Your Award
The National Service Trust
contacts you by mail notifying
you of the availability of your award and how to
access it. (If they don’t, go into My AmeriCorps
and look.)
Available within 14 days in My AmeriCorps.
Education Award
Accessing your award
Will cover “My
features later in this
Education Award
• Time Limit
You have up to seven years
from the completion date of
your term of service to claim
the award.
• Reminder will be sent toward
the end of the window. Can
apply for extension in
My AmeriCorps.
Education Award
• Awards are Taxable
Education Awards are taxable
income, as determined by the IRS.
They are subject to federal tax in the year the Trust
pays the school or loan holder (see 1099). Remember
about the other taxable income as well:
• Living Allowances – Taxable (see W-2)
• Interest Payments – Taxable (see 1099)
• No Deductions Made – Education Award, Interest
The Trust DOES NOT deduct taxes from education
award or interest payments.
Education Award
• Matching Funds or Other
Some schools provide a % of
matching funds for your Education Award. See
• Even if a school does not match ask them if they
give any type of benefit due to your AmeriCorps
service OR national service. Some schools may
provide scholarships or even credit hours based
on your service (if your degree is in a relevant
• Is there anyone here today who will be age 55
or over when they enroll?
• Who can transfer an Education Award?
• Any member who enrolls at age 55+ (if they
enrolled after Oct. 1, 2009).
• MUST be 55+ at time of enrollment
Who can an award be transferred to?
• the child,
• foster child,
• or grandchild of the transferring individual;
• must be a US citizen, National, or lawful
permanent resident alien;
• Transferee may not receive more than the
aggregate value of two full time awards,
including the transferred amount;
• Must use the transferred award within 10
years from the date the transferring
individual completed the term of service
upon which the award is based; and comply
with all the legal provisions and CNCS policies
respecting the use of an Education Award .
• The transfer will be effective the date the
transferee accepts it; however, CNCS must
establish an account for you, if you are not
already enrolled, at which point you can register
online and request payments electronically to
qualified schools and loan holders. If for some
reason you do not have access to the web you
may request a printed copy of the voucher and
the interest payment form by contacting the
Helpdesk at 1-800-942-2677.
• How can it be transferred?
• Via the My AmeriCorps Portal as of December 16,
2010, eligible members may transfer the Segal
Education Award
• If you have questions, please contact the National
Service Hotline at 1-800-942-2677 or you can
email The Hotline is
staffed by customer service representatives from
8:00-8:00 EST.
• Helpful Link:
Loan Forbearance
AmeriCorps Members may have payments on
certain qualified Title IV educational loans put
into forbearance during their term of service.
Loan Forbearance
• You can request forbearance from the school or loan
company that holds your loan through your My
AmeriCorps account. If you're enrolled in service and
don't have a My AmeriCorps account, you can sign up
(If you are already enrolled in an AmeriCorps program,
the creation of your My AmeriCorps account may not
be immediate.)
• You can find the form by clicking on the "forbearance
request" link on the left side of the screen.
Loan Forbearance
• When you log on, here's the information you'll
need to fill in the forbearance request form: The
name of the lending school or institution, the city,
state, and zip code. If you have more than one
lender, fill out the form for each of them.
• You should receive notification of your
forbearance within a few weeks from your
lender(s) and that you do not need to make
payments while you remain in service.
Loan Forbearance
• Already in Forbearance
On August 20th, 2007 the CNCS help line
informed the KVC that loans that are already
in forbearance cannot be switched to
forbearance due to AmeriCorps service and
further are not eligible for the interest accrual
payment option. However, please contact the
Trust directly with questions for specific
situations such as this.
Interest Accrual Payments
• If a Member successfully completes his/her term
of service, the Corporation will pay for the
interest accumulated on a loan put into
forbearance during the Member's term of
service. This interest payment is considered
income and is taxed.
• Over your term, the interest on your loan will
continue to grow. The National Service Trust will
pay off the interest that accumulated once you
complete all phases of your service.
Interest Accrual Payments
• After you are exited you can access this feature in My
• Enter in the loan information (number, type, principal
outstanding). Enter either the amount of interest
accrued or the daily interest amount. (If the alum
benefited from a grace period during which the
interest was paid by the US Department of Education,
this should also be entered into the request).
• Within a few weeks, CNCS will send funds to your
lender to cover all or part of the interest that
gathered while you were serving.
Interest Accrual Payments
• Will the National Service Trust pay off ALL the interest
that accumulates?
• In most cases, following a full time service term, the
Trust will pay 100 percent of the interest after
successful completion of service. If you serve in a parttime position or receive a pro-rated education award,
the total might be less than 100 percent.
• Check out our accrued interest formula resource:
• Helpful Link:
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
• My AmeriCorps ( is an online space
designed to help members manage their AmeriCorps
experience and it helps programs manage their
program’s recruitment and enrolled members. It
provides an easy way for individuals to get and give
important information.
• This site makes it easy to search and apply for
AmeriCorps service opportunities in all three
AmeriCorps programs. After registering and creating a
profile, potential applicants can apply and allow
programs to offer service opportunities to them.
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
• For those who apply to a program, My AmeriCorps makes
frequently used and requested forms available online at
any time. This site allows members to:
• Modify contact information (address, email address)
• View and print 1099 forms
• Complete Loan Forbearance forms
• Complete Interest Accrual Benefit requests
• Request Education Award Payments
• Access to Service Certification forms
• Transfer Award (for those 55 or above at time of
• Request an extension of the 7 years to draw Education
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
• In addition, My AmeriCorps includes
comprehensive online help, frequently asked
questions, and an enhanced customer service
feature, “Contact My AmeriCorps,” to get the
answers you need about the programs or the
system. For more information on My
AmeriCorps, go to
/members/index.asp .
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
• Payment Status
You can set up an option to receive e-mail
notifications in My AmeriCorps when a
payment has been made, and you can always
log in to view the status of pending requests.
Benefits Access – My AmeriCorps
• Trust Contact Information
• For questions about My AmeriCorps online payment
Call: Please contact the National Service Hotline at 1-800942-2677. The Hotline is staffed by customer service
representatives from 8:00-8:00 EST. Changes of address
may be
• reported in the My AmeriCorps portal, or by e-mailing
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00-8:00EST (formerly 6)
And to read more FAQ’s and other information about the
online system, check out our website at
Education Award
As you begin your
AmeriCorps service it is not
too early to contemplate the
strategy that you will use in
applying your education
Education Award
• To what and how much:
You can apply a portion or all
• (as mentioned) to an existing
qualified loan,
• to current college expenses at
a qualified school.
Education Award
Decide when to apply it…
• All at once at beginning of semester
• Divide it over semesters/quarters
• Divide it over years
• Consider limitations of aid at graduate
level, no Perkins for example, so may want
to use your Education Award at that time
• Don’t pay during school at all (and repay
loans afterwards)
Education Award
Issues to consider:
• Tax burden
• How it impacts your possible
aid package
• How to fill out FAFSA correctly
regarding AmeriCorps
Education Award
Understand the financial aid
process and how your
Education Award fits in… it can
supplement what you might
get, but it could also
Financial Aid Process
Your Financial Aid Package
• One of the major keys to effectively using your
Education Award is to CORRECTLY complete the “Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
complete it early
• The FAFSA "is used to apply for federal student
financial aid, including grants, loans, and work-study”;
in addition, it is used by most states and schools to
award non-federal student financial aid"
• “The Effective Education Award” by Brandon Rogers
(2001) states that in the past there has been a major
problem with AmeriCorps members under-reporting
their AmeriCorps benefits in the income exclusion
category of the FAFSA which prevents them from
getting as much aid as they could.
Report any redeemed education award, living allowance,
and CNCS interest payments. This was “Worksheet C” in
the FAFSA now under “Student Additional Financial
Information”. (Question 43D in 2011 and was 44D in 2010.
It is 91D for parents.). This is what some have neglected to
complete and lost their exclusion.
Your Financial Aid Package
ALWAYS complete your financial aid paperwork
BEFORE you submit a voucher to the financial aid
• 1. Find out what your financial aid package
would look like without the Education Award.
• 2. Exclude the Education Award (and living
allowance, and interest paid) from being included
in the Effective Family Contribution in
relationship to Need Based Aid (PELL, Subsidized
Stafford Loans) by filling out the FAFSA correctly.
Financial Aid
• Can the financial aid officer consider the Education Award a
resource for need based aid if not drawn yet? Based on a
phone conversation with a Trust officer, no, except...
• Cannot get an “over-award” An over-award is financial aid
that exceeds a student’s financial need and/or cost of
• So, for example even though an Ed Award shouldn’t impact
a Pell grant you might not get the full Pell if you draw your
Award too.
• Helpful Link for Financial Aid Officer:
Education Award
Strategy Summary
First find out if you qualify for other aid!!
Decide when will you draw the education award
Decide to divide it up or use it all at once
Decide to apply it to a loan,
or current expenses,
or both
Whatever you do, EXCLUDE a drawn Ed Award on
• Helpful Education Award Links
Tax Relief
• Explore Tax Relief
The American Opportunity Credit provides a refundable tax credit
of up to $2,500 for undergraduate education. The American
Opportunity Credit is scheduled to expire at the end of 2012
(reverts to the Hope Scholarship Credit). The Lifetime Learning
Credit provides a tax credit of up to $2,000 for any level of college
education (even graduate school), and doesn't require a minimum
level of enrollment. However, the Lifetime Learning Credit has a
narrower income range compared to the tuition deduction.
• You should be thinking about these education tax credits and
student loan interest deductions when you decide how and when
to use the Education Award. To find out the best options for your
situation, consult a tax professional or the Internal Revenue Service.
• Note - Can’t use Form 1040EZ and still reduce federal taxes
College Cost Reduction &Access Act of
• The College Cost Reduction & Access Act of
The College Cost Reduction Act includes 2
programs that may help you:
• Public Service Loan Forgiveness for recipients
of William D. Ford Direct and Direct
Consolidation Loans
• Income-Based Repayment Plan
(See Appendix in member Handbook)