Social Inclusion, Respect & Dignity for Aged Care Residents

Social Inclusion, Respect &
Dignity for Aged Care Residents
Macpherson Smith Nursing Home
“Count Us In” Project
Social Inclusion
"Count Us In'" Project Macpherson
Smith Stawell Social Inclusion
Coordinator JMcCracken
What is Social Inclusion
 A socially inclusive society is defined as
One where all people feel valued
Their differences are respected
Their basic needs are met so
They can live in dignity
Residents were thrilled to have Stawell
Secondary College students help them
with their mosaic art work for the
Sensory Garden whilst on a visit to
Macpherson Smith. Staff from SSC and
MSNH look on, everyone having a chat
and a laugh together, young and older
enjoying each other’s company. This
photo is a classic example of how being
included makes everyone happy.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Values that underpin Social
 Everyone Is Ready
None of us has to pass a test or meet a set of criteria
before we can be included
 Everyone Needs Support
Sometimes some of us need more support than others
Not using words doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to
 Everyone Can Communicate
 Everyone Can Contribute
We need to recognize, encourage and value each person’s
contribution – including our own
 Together We Are Better
We are not dreaming of a world where everyone is like us
– difference is our most important renewable resource
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Social Inclusion
 A “Smile”
 A “Hello”
 A “Hug”
SRH 150th Anniversary
 These are all things that include
people and make them happy
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
“Count Us In” A Social inclusion
project for high care residents
Stawell Regional Health’s government grant for a project to
identify opportunities for greater social inclusion for residents
at Macpherson Smith Aged Care Facility.....
All people are valued, their differences respected, their basic needs met &
are able to live their lives with dignity.
Stawell Regional Health feels that everyone needs to be supported, feel
included, regardless of age or ability.
Staff are working hard to ensure that Macpherson Smith Nursing Home
Residents have increased social inclusion and that they remain engaged with
their community.
Pictured promoting the social inclusion program
for residents at Macpherson Smith Nursing Home
are L-R Relatives of Residents - Robyn Dunn,
Veronica Naeher and Joy McCracken - Social
Inclusion Co-ordinator for Stawell Regional Health
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Residents Socializing in Stawell
Stawell Regional Health &
Macpherson Smith Nursing
Are working together to…..
Identify and action
barriers to social inclusion
for Residents
Ensure good outcomes for
everyone, bringing
community members to
Residents is essential
Provide regular social
contact & activities that
enhance Resident’s quality
of life & sense of inclusion
in everyday living.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Social & Community Inclusion
Social Inclusion,
Community Inclusion,
Social Connectedness,
There has been a
cultural shift at
Macpherson Smith
Nursing Home and staff
through education
sessions, focus group
forums and reading
information brochures
Without thinking, staff
have become more
inclusive and are more
aware of the importance
and benefits of activities
out in the community
and also in-house for
resident’s happiness and
quality of life.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Photo consent forms for Joycey & John through Sonja
Same Name…Different Address
 Sometimes some
of us need:
Stawell Secondary College Students,
Chaplain & Teacher in Charge of
Curriculum, meet with Residents &
Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator Sonja &
Social Inclusion Coordinator Joy
 More support than
 But none of us has
to pass a test or
 Meet a set of
 Before we can be
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Macpherson Smith Residents &
Bennett Centre participants
 Macpherson Smith staff & Volunteers work with
Bennett Activity Centre Staff & volunteers to create a
social atmosphere where everyone feels “at home”,
cared for and included as part of a group
 This Centre helps people stay independent and it also
 Helps people to be socially & physically active
 Promotes activities that assist in maintaining inclusion
in the community
 Works toward removing any barriers to attend
 Values and listens to everyone’s ideas and respects
their rights
Thank you Bennett Centre staff for your friendly inclusion and
welcoming manner to Residents
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Bennett Centre for
Community Activities
Interaction for
Macpherson Smith
Nursing Home Residents
with Bennett Day Centre
Residents have been invited to
join with Bennett Centre
participants & the community
attending at Australia’s Biggest
Morning Tea Party on May 26th
Big cups of tea, lovely cakes
and lots of chat, Residents
especially enjoy this day at the
Bennett Centre
An inclusive day for all with
everyone helping to raise
awareness & funds for breast
cancer research
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Simple But Effective Methods to
Make Residents Happier
 New tablecloths & place mats on tables
Residents have been sitting & having their meals with news table
cloths & place mats, all different colours & imaginative salt &
pepper shakers
This simple act has made the dining areas “just like home”
according to residents, relatives, volunteers & staff.
This has in turn somehow encouraged staff to sit & chat with
Residents, creating a more inclusive meal time for all.
Excellent comments have been made about this homely innovation
and has led to Residents being more talkative at meal times ,
eating their meals & looking happier & brighter.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
“Count Us In” Social Inclusion Committee
meets with DOH & DHS
“Count Us In” Project
Committee meet to discuss how
coordination of Social Inclusion
program for Macpherson Smith
is progressing.
Smiles all round as boxes were ticked for
assessment, by DOH & DHS
Design and production of social inclusion
DL brochure and poster
Educating community, businesses,
community groups, staff, volunteers,
family and friends for residents.
Importance of media releases to inform
community about benefits
Community being Involved Externally &
Project fostering team work & creating
atmosphere of inclusion amongst staff,
volunteers, family, friends and residents.
Cultural shift occurring with ongoing
encouragement & support for staff
Stawell Regional Health “Count Us In” Project Committee Claire
Letts, Enid, Robyn Leslie, Joy McCracken & Sonja Whelan meet with
DHS Gillian Dickson-Hughes & Margaret Summers
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Pet Therapy for Residents
Alert and ready for our daily
rounds, making residents feel
happy and included. We have had
our shots, are washed, brushed
and ready for the day. Some
residents need more attention
than others and we are happy to
make more than one visit to them.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Caring & Sharing in the Community
 “Home is where the
Heart is”
This quilt was made especially for
Macpherson Smith Residents by
“Twisted Threads” Needlework
Group of Stawell.
Pauline from “Twisted Threads” had
decided to make this quilt for
Macpherson Smith to remind them
of their childhood memories living
on farms or visiting farms with their
relatives, the fun, hard work, and
community spirit.
I am sure residents will enjoy it as
much as Pauline and the other
members of her group enjoyed
making it.
A special thank you Pauline and the rest
of the “Twisted Threads’ Needlework
Group, residents really love looking at it
and remembering days gone by.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Our Sensory Garden
At Home in Our Sensory Garden
Macpherson Smith’s Continuity of Care & Inclusion
Stawell Regional Health hospital auxiliary made up of community people has
generously donated funds toward the development of a sensory garden for
A working party comprising; nursing staff, community members &
auxiliary members, residents and relatives, the engineering and
maintenance department, was formed and many meetings held to plan
garden design and choose plants & shrubs, fountain and gazebo feature.
Residents & everyone who visits the garden are able to
experiences nature’s five traditional sensory modes:
sight, smell, touch, taste & sound.
Our Residents are already enjoying the Sensory Garden’s wonderful area of
colour and movement, texture & smell.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Photo consent forms for Dawn, Residents & Nola to come
Plants for Sensory Garden
Residents visit the Nursery to
help pick plants for Sensory
Residents enjoyed their visit to the
Nursery and were really happy that
they were included in choosing
plants for their garden which
everyone will enjoy and they can
watch their special choice grow.
Now officially opened, this lovely
garden area is a shining example of
inclusion externally & internally as
residents can interact outside in the
garden with family, staff, volunteers
and other residents or just sit and
watch the lovely scene from inside
and enjoy the colours & movement.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Our Sensory Garden Opening
A Beautiful Sunny Day 26th
March 2010
Resident Joyce cuts the
official ribbon.
A gathering of Residents, their Family
Members, Friends, Community
Visitors, Staff, Yzettes Auxiliary
members, Stawell Regional Health
CEO & Board Members, tour our
wonderful new sensory garden.
The sensory garden is officially opened
and Resident Joyce cuts the ribbon.
This lovely area, a shining example
of inclusion externally & internally
as residents can interact outside in
the garden or view the lovely scene
from inside and enjoy.
Residents express love of “their”
garden with different comments &
smiles of happiness.
It is my “little bit of heaven”
says one resident.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Photo consent forms for Karen
Douglas, Men’s Shed
Committee & Claude Smith
Men’s Shed
 Participation at Stawell’s
Men's Shed
Has improved confidence
and wellbeing of residents
taking part in or just
watching activities
Residents have been
working on special projects
with assistance from Men’s
Shed members
Increased community
awareness of the benefits
of social inclusion, means
we are seeing a positive
shift in community
attitudes and behavior
towards people in aged
residential care due to
interaction at Mens Shed
Men’s Shed Committee, Stawell Regional Health Board
Chair Karen Douglas, Joy McCracken- Social Inclusion
Project Co-coordinator, & Men’s Shed Committee David
Begg, Michael Gavin & Brian Winters
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Photo consent form to come through
Sonja for Graeme
Men’s Shed – Graeme’s Project
Resident Graeme works on
his Project at Men’s Shed
for Macpherson Smith
Prior to moving to
Macpherson Smith Nursing
Home Graeme was working
on restoring a canoe at
Men’s shed.
Due to ill health Graeme
was unable to continue
working on his project and
Men’s Shed members
finished his canoe.
When he visited Men’s
Shed he was very happy
to see the finished product
and pleased he had been
included in their everyday
MSNH Resident Graeme works on his project
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Memory Board for Residents
 Memory Board
made at Men’s
Shed by Graeme
His confidence has risen
so much that he has
been able to once again
be part of Men’s Shed
activities & enjoy a
cuppa and a chat with
everyone when he takes
a break from the project
he is now working on
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Men’s Shed practices Inclusion
Stawell Men’s Shed
members making their Shed
more inclusive and
Members have been working
on fitting a ramp for
wheelchair access, men’s &
ladies toilets & a wheelchair
accessible toilet for their
The toilet block was donated
by the Shed’s owners he
could see the need especially
for older people, other groups
in the area also have access.
Stawell Regional Health held
a special function to reflect
on member’ work achieved.
Mens Shed Members David, Mick Gavin & Brian
Winters working on the toilet block which includes
wheelchair access toilets. Very thoughtful & inclusive
for Macpherson Smith residents who visit & take part
in their activities with support from their members.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Cato Park – Fishing & A Walk
 Cato Park is just
across the road from
Macpherson Smith
 On Sunny Days Staff
& Volunteers take
residents for a walk
and picnic.
 Some residents
through a line in,
with assistance, and
try their hand at
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Ballroom Dancing
at Macpherson Smith
Champion Ballroom Dancers
visit Residents and provide
memories and music they
loved when they were young.
The swish of taffeta in a
waltz, a favorite song,
tuxedos & pretty jewelry -one
is sure to strike a chord with
residents watching.
Resident Muriel joins in the
dancing with Neil, happy and
included, her big smile tells a
happy story. What a
wonderful way to move to
music and relive happy
Thanks to our wonderful
Ballroom Dancers who so
readily volunteer their time.
Resident Muriel leads volunteer Neil in Ball Room
Dancing, other residents are included and watch
and enjoy the music and movement.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Friendship & Fellowship
 Uniting Church includes
Every month Macpherson
Smith Residents are invited to
the Uniting Church Hall for
lunch, fellowship & light
entertainment, other
community members attend
and everyone has a chat.
Residents who have been
regular Church goers enjoy this
opportunity to be included and
enjoy an activity which has
been a normal part of their
everyday life. They enjoy
lunch, singing & music and
being included in the
Resident Trevor & Norma, Sonya - Lifestyle & Leisure Coordinator,
Jean from Uniting Church, Joy – Social Inclusion Coordinator all
enjoy a meal and chat together, whilst waiting for the afternoon’s
entertainment to commence – It is Piano & Singing Today.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Caring & Giving- Uniting Church
Every fortnight, Uniting Church
ladies come and sing to
Residents supported by piano
playing. Residents look
forward to being included in
this activity and sing-a-long.
Song notes are always
provided for residents with staff
& volunteers singing along.
Every other fortnight, Uniting
Church ladies come and
provide a Church service, with
hymns, songs of praise and this
day includes lovely casual
interaction with Residents and
Uniting Church ladies, staff &
Susan Pearse, New Minister at the Uniting Church in
Stawell, has visited Residents and is taking a keen
interest in their lifestyle, and inclusion in the community.
Susan took part in inaugural Memorial Services for past
Residents led by Uniting Church Volunteer Ladies Group
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Trust “Is a two-way Gift”
This community connection
program is a “two-way Gift.
The Students give their
time & interest & the
Residents feel the
community is interested in
& values them.
The Residents give the
Students the privilege of
sharing their journey with
For the Resident whose story is
being recorded it’s an escape
from their illness.
The Student’s role in
reminiscing & writing with
Residents will really be both an
important therapeutic and
inclusive one.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Staff Knowledge & Our Community
 Working with our
Community and all its
networks, assists &
enhances the
dedicated work our
staff are already
engaged in with
 This continuing
interaction promotes
cultural change ,
broader interaction
and knowledge of the
benefits of social
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Informing Staff
Social Inclusion, Respect &
Dignity for Aged Care
Staff feel informed through focus
groups, presentations, posters
and brochures, Snappy Logan
Competition and Feedback
Residents and their families have
benefited and everyone feels
more included, happy and
A cultural shift has occurred
with ongoing encouragement &
support for staff from
Macpherson Smith Manager,
Social Inclusion Coordinator &
Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Staff Education & Inclusion
 Assistance for social activity interaction
A Volunteer was not available to assist Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator, so
without thinking staff member volunteered her assistance, thus showing a
cultural shift in attitude in staff. Valuable in-roads for Residents everyday
living and their inclusion in our outside Community occurred.
The Staff member was amazed at Resident’s reactions when they were
taken out and about, talking about places they knew and where people
lived. How lovely parks and views were, a first hand view of inclusion and
its importance and how happy residents were for staff.
This was a wonderful “off the cuff” opportunity to educate staff member to
see first hand the benefits for Residents and be able to pass on to other staff
members how a “drive out” in the community lifts the spirits of Residents
and make them feel included in everyday life.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Community Connections Program
 Stawell Secondary College and
Macpherson Smith Nursing Home
Building Strong bonds
Reminiscing & Writing – Residents & Students interacting
School Choir singing to Residents in-house
School Band playing to Residents in-house
Students performing “Romeo & Juliet” for Residents in-house
Wonderful creative, artistic and cultural interaction between
Residents & School Students
Stawell Secondary College School Students interact
with Sonya – Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator &
Resident Joyce.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Why Stories Are Important
 For Residents &
 Therapeutic benefits &
power of stories
 Re-membering
 Learning more about life
& relationships.
 Stawell Secondary
College students meet
with Social Inclusion
Coordinator to talk about
how to be inclusive and
interactive with residents
during story telling.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
The Power of Stories
Stawell Secondary College students & Macpherson
Smith Residents Community Connections Program
Stories can be powerful and empowering and show
that Life is still valuable and
Their Lives have been interesting & meaningful
Reminiscing & Writing – Residents with Students
Students take time out from their usual school time
to participate in this program and include Residents
in chatting and story writing. They catch up their
subjects in their own time.
 This is a wonderful educational experience
connecting young students with our aged care
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Positive Outcomes through
 Connecting Residents & Students
 Students receiving “unconditional positive regard”
from Residents
 Students learn about themselves
 Opportunity for Students to care and give support to
 Students respect for older people grows
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Residents & Students
Benefit from Interaction
Residents develop
connections with students
and build trust with each
Residents feel valued,
acknowledged & recognized
as people first, not defined
by age or disability
Growing interaction &
dialogue between residents
& young students provides
opportunities for exchange
of stories and ideas in an
evolving atmosphere of
trust and friendship
Macpherson Smith Resident Maree and
Stawell Secondary College Student Kim
work together on a Memory Book as part of
SSC & MSNH Community Connections
Program- Reminiscing & Writing
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Reminiscing & Writing
 Residents reminiscing
about their life and
telling their story will be
a luxury for them to
have another person’s
undivided attention.
 The form each Story
takes will be very much
the choice of the
Resident telling it to the
students and will
become a wonderful
written gift for family
Staff , volunteers and family members discuss the
benefits of students interacting with residents in the
community connections program story telling
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Memories are Important
 We encourage residents with visits from
family, friends, volunteers and chats with
staff to remember happy times that they
have shared with others.
 Simple things like …A word, A Song, A
Photograph, A Reading from an old
Newspaper, A Piece of Music are all things
that can stir a memory, these activities are
included in our Leisure & Lifestyle Program
by Sonja and her group of volunteers.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
“Romeo & Juliet” for Residents
Stawell Secondary
College & Macpherson
Smith Nursing Home
Community Connections
Stawell Secondary College are
Rehearsing Romeo & Juliet for
their end of year Celebrations
Students have auditioned for
roles in Romeo & Juliet and
have started rehearsals.
They will bring a modern day
version of this well known
Shakespearean play to our
Residents including them in a
colorful scene of drama & art in
Thanks SSC for this wonderful
activity for our residents
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Romeo & Juliet
Afternoon Tea Down the Street
 Residents have a cuppa,
a laugh & a chat
 With assistance from
staff, volunteers, the
community bus & our
leisure & lifestyle
coordinator residents are
able to have afternoon
tea down the street
 Everyone looks very
relaxed, smiles all round.
 A lovely afternoon out
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Line Dancing at the
Senior Citizens Centre
Line dancing at the Senior
Citizen’s Centre is a new &
inclusive activity.
Members are very welcoming
and residents listen to the music
and watch the dancing
One residents joins in and has a
lovely time, she practices at
home for the next session with
staff members & resident
This activity is a good
distraction for early mornings
Residents and staff get in the
swing of music with residents.
Thanks go to the Senior
Citizen's members for including
residents in their activities
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Linked & Loved
 Laughter is a tranquillizer
with no side effects and
the smiles on these
residents faces tell it all
 Celebrating birthdays
with family & friends
 Visits from young
relatives bring joy
 The smooth velvet
texture of a visiting
horse brings back many
memories and a smile to
this resident’s face
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Threads of Love
 Grampians Goodwill Group…..
 Our volunteer outreach group
 Focuses on providing knitted or crocheted lap rugs or
blankets for Macpherson Smith Aged Care Residents
from community members.
 These gifts knitted with love bring joy to a Resident
and brighten up their life and show people care for
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Residents, Relatives get Together
 Monthly Residents &
Relatives Meetings give
residents and family
members time to share a
joke and have a chat
 Being able to be part of
and be included with
other resident’s family
members and their
conversations is very
important to those who
have little or no family
visiting them
Residents and a family member take
a break from Relatives & Residents
meeting to have a cuppa & a chat.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Look for recent photos on Sonja’s discs
Residents & Relatives Meetings
Staff, Relatives & Residents
meet on a monthly basis
and one of the purposes of
these meetings is to talk
about how to increase social
inclusion activities &
programs for Residents at
Macpherson Smith Nursing
Afternoon Tea after a
Residents & Relatives
Meeting, having a chat.
Enjoying the moment &
everyone looking happy &
included. Smiles say it all.
Resident Joyce & Social Inclusion Coordinator
Joy McCracken chat about inclusion brochure.
David Rule, President - Residents & Relatives
Committee, Robyn Leslie – Manager
Macpherson Smith and Relatives Bernice &
Owen Rose enjoy a joke & cuppa together.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Leisure & Lifestyle
 Leisure & Lifestyle
Coordinator Sonja, staff
and support staff at
Macpherson Smith help
provide regular social
contact & activities that
enhance our Resident’s
quality of life and sense
of inclusion in everday
living in Macpherson
Smith and out in our
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Leisure & Lifestyle
 Time for our daily
 Keeps minds active
& stimulated
 Macpherson Smith
Manager & one of
our volunteers gets
assistance from a
very enthusiastic
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Celebrations & Activities
Special days and special
occasion are always
celebrated at Macpherson
Leisure & Lifestyle
coordinator Sonja always
ensure residents are
involved and included in
Birthday parties
St Patrick's Day
Australia Day
Melbourne Cup
Football especially Grand
Final Day
AND more
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Social Inclusion Community
Activities Program
Stawell Regional Health &
Macpherson Smith…..
Have formed a unified
Community connection partnership
and Social Inclusion Program for
Which will …..
 Continually seek
opportunities & access
 to appropriate social
community activities
 Encouragement
involvement for
 Greater social inclusion for
residents internally and
externally in the
Stawell Secondary College students &
staff discuss social inclusion activities
program with Macpherson Smith staff
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Increased Social Inclusion
Staff interacting with Residents…..Lifestyle & Leisure
Coordinator Sonja said she was able to take spontaneous
photos of staff member doing resident’s nails and putting on
polish. A feel good inclusion moment for resident and staff
member who thought about how good resident would feel with
this interaction.
Staff are talking to residents more about what is happening at
home, football…who is playing well, who is on top the ladder,
the weather and community happenings and community
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Our Volunteers
Volunteers at Macpherson
Smith are a vital part of the
continuing success of our
activities program
Sitting & reminiscing with
residents brings joy
Special outings for lunch
and afternoon tea down the
Walks around Cato Park and
fishing on a sunny day
Ballroom dancers drop in &
display their fancy footwork
Sing-a-longs & Crosswords,
Special occasion activities,
fish & chips night includes
all residents.
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Remembering Residents
 Memorial Services
for Residents
Macpherson Smith in
partnership with the Uniting
Church are now holding
Memorial Services for Residents
who have passed.
Held monthly, Memorial
Services give residents, staff &
volunteers the opportunity to
remember and join together
and quietly reflect.
For residents it may be the
answer to a question about a
friend they haven’t seen for a
"Count Us In'" Project Social
Inclusion Coordinator JMcC
Stawell Regional Health would like to thank the following for their
participation in the “Count Us In” Social Inclusion Project.
Social Inclusion Committee: Claire Letts–Director Clinical Services, Enid SmithDeputy Director Clinical Services, Robyn Leslie-NUM Macpherson Smith Nursing
Home, Jenny Priest-ANUM Macpherson Smith, Suzy McQueen-Administration
Macpherson Smith, Sonja Whelan –Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator & Joy McCrackenSocial Inclusion Coordinator, John Tiddy-Official Photographer.
All Macpherson Smith Staff members & Macpherson Smith Volunteers
Stawell Regional Health Hospital Auxiliary
Stawell Secondary College Staff & Students
Grampians Community Health, Stawell Mens Shed, Uniting Church of Stawell
Bennett Day Centre Staff
Our Community in Stawell
Stawell Historical Society
Residents & Relatives Committee & President David Rule
Family & Friends of Relatives at Macpherson Smith
Thank you everyone, for being interested and willing to listen and talk about the
“Count Us In” Project. You have all had an impact by being receptive and helping in
promote the benefits of social inclusion for Residents in our Community.
Stawell Regional Health & Macpherson Smith Nursing Home
Ph: Joy McCracken 5358 8502 or Claire Letts 5358 8500
"Count Us In'" Social Inclusion
Coordinator JMcCracken April 2010