March Towards Your CAREER 30th March,2011 (Wednesday) 4:00pm – 5:15pm Guest Speakers Guest speaker Job Title Ms. Chang Hok Yin Vivien Radiographer, Hong Kong West cluster of the Hospital Authority Dr. Mark L. Gandolfi Clinical Psychologist, Executive Director, St. John’s Counselling Service Ms. Ho Sin Ting Alvina Customs Inspector, Customs and Excise Department Mr. Lee Yuen Hong Chairperson, Board of Director, Tsui Wah Group Ms. Leung Paggie Business Reporter, South China Morning Post Ms. Tsang Margaret Entertainment Standards Control Officer, Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority Ms. Chang Hok Yin Vivien Radiographer (放射治療師) Hong Kong West cluster of the Hospital Authority • Graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BSc Radiography. • has worked over 12 years in Diagnostic Radiology. • Mainly works in Mammography, Ultrasonography and Bone Densitometry. Dr. Mark L. Gandolfi Clinical Psychologist, Executive Director , St. John’s Counselling Service • has been a clinical psychologist and health care executive for over 26 years in the U.S. and Asia •Has clinical experience in working with children and teenagers in areas of grief, depression-anxiety disorder, family dynamics, substance abuse, addictive disorders, teenage sexuality, cutting and bullying. • has taught university and training courses in Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, China and the U.S. in areas of counselling and therapy, anger and stress management, rehabilitation, healthcare management, family and marriage, substance abuse, crisis management, family violence, child sex abuse and trauma, suicide, and action learning. • clinically supervises graduate students in psychology and social work from Monash University and University of New England (Australia), University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong at St. John’s Counselling Service • works closely with various Hong Kong international-local schools and colleges with teachers, administrators, parents and students on various mental health matters. Ms. Ho Sin Ting Alvina Customs Inspector Customs and Excise Department (海關) •Graduated from the University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts (Double Major in English and English Linguistics) •Joined the Customs and Excise Department as Customs Inspector in 2005 Main duties: - lead and participate in law enforcement activities relating to revenue protection and collection, anti-narcotics, anti-smuggling and intellectual property rights protection. - handle public complaints Mr. Lee Yuen Hong Chairperson, Board of Director, Tsui Wah Group •Founder of Tsui Wah Restaurant, one of the most well-known brand in the market, established since 1967. •Current Vice President of the “Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades”. • Recent Business Development: Expand from 1, to reaching 20 in both Hong Kong and China. Ms. Leung Paggie Business Reporter, South China Morning Post • Graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University - Bachelor of Social Sciences (English Journalism Major) • Has a Master degree of Science in Global Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science • Has five years of working experience in journalism with the South China Morning Post • Current Position: Business Reporter (covering housing and property news in Hong Kong and the mainland) • • Previous Positions: (i) News Reporter - covered mainly macro-economics and tourism news (ii) Cadet Reporter - rotated in different sections such as China Desk and Sports Desk Events covered: Policy Address, Budget, Beijing Olympic Games, Opening of Hong Kong Disneyland, etc Ms. Tsang Margaret Entertainment Standards Control Officer, Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority •has almost ten years’ experience as a censor who classified films which are screened in public places (e.g. cinema) in Hong Kong. •The films are classified into four categories Cat. I, Cat.IIA , Cat.IIB and Cat.III. •has the chance of watching movies from all over the world. •Entertainment Standards Control Officers are also responsible for regulatory jobs related with television and radio broadcasting. Each S5 student has to choose one talk. To facilitate sharing after the programme, in each class, there should be at least 5 students attending each talk. Please compromise before handing in the name list. Open to S3, S4 and S6 students (First come, first served) Deadline for application: 9 March 2011(Wednesday) Put a “ √ ” on the career that you would like to explore more. Hand in the name list to Eva Tse of S5A or Ms. Irene Law. For enquiries, please contact Eva Tse of S5A or Ms. Irene Law. Don’t miss the chance of interacting with guests from different careers! HKU School Talk Bachelor of Journalism programme Responsible teachers: Jeff Timmermans and Masato Kajimoto Student Sharing: TANG Wing Han Tracy (BJ 2010) Contents: 1. Curriculum structure 2. Internship 3. International Student Exchange 4. Career Opportunities 5. Current Student sharing 6. Q & A Date: 16 March 2011 (Wednesday) Time: 16.00 – 17.00 Venue: Lecture Room Target groups: S4 to F6 students Deadline: 9 March 2011 (Wednesday) For enquiries, please contact Woolly Ko of F6B or Ms. Irene Law. 合辦「成功之旅今日啟航」活動 就讀年級:中五、中六學生 學科成績:中五(校內成績優良);中六(會考成績優良) 品格 : 積極、外向、具愛心、有耐性及樂於服務、操行優 良 Students who are interested to join,please contact Ms. Irene Law latest by 9 March 2011 (Wednesday) 一. 研討會 日期:2011年3月26日(星期六) 時間:上午8時30分至下午6時(大會提供午膳) 地點:香港城市大學 活動:參加研討會及圓桌分享會、分組參觀校園,體驗大學生活 學生名額:每間學校約3-5位。 程序: 項目 時間 上午8:30 登記 上午9:00 香港城市大學校董會主席梁振英 GBS,太平紳士 香港城市大學校長郭位教授 嘉賓分享 – 講者待定 小休 中午12:15 學系介紹,分析行業出路 下午1:15 午膳 下午2:45 分組參觀香港城市大學校園 下午3:45 圓桌分享會 下午6:00 完結 二. 專訪城大名人舊生 (* 同學須參加最少一次探訪) 日期:2011年3至4月 活動將安排4至5次探訪城大名人舊生。他們來自不同行業 及階層,同學透過活動,可加深對各行業工作範疇的認識, 亦可藉此機會,了解行業運作、入行條件及前景,對將來選 科進修十分有幫助。 三. 體驗營 日期:2011年7月 同學須以2至5人為一組,提交一份以「香港未來發展」為 主題的報告 10組表現最突出的同學,可在暑假期間,參加於城大學校 宿舍舉行的體驗營,接受專業領袖訓練,了解自己的優勢和 缺點,從而訂立志向,規劃人生。 有關詳情將於2011年3月26日研討會當日公布。