2014-2015 Back to School Powerpoint

Welcome to Room 22
Ms. Irene Fong
925-803-4444 ext, 5867
My believes…..
I will always remember and recognize the
individual strengths and needs of my
students. I believe that every child
deserves the opportunity to succeed and it
is my responsibility to foster a classroom
environment conducive to learning, growing,
and sharing.
Talk to me!
To have a successful year, communication is
important between home and school. My
classroom door is always open. Please
don’t hesitate to drop by with questions
and constructive suggestions.
925-803-4444 ext. 5867
Important Information
• School begins:
8:25 a.m.
• Recess:
10:15 – 10:30 a.m.
• Lunch:
11:50 – 12:30 p.m.
• Dismissal:
Mon. & Tues. 2:00 p.m.
Wed. – Fri. 3:00 p.m.
Collaboration Weds. 2:00 p.m.
9:30 – 910:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Please wear appropriate clothing on P.E. days
9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Student Expectations
• Third grade is a time for your child to become more independent.
~Come to class and be on time
~Complete class work
~Do all your homework and bring it to school each day
*Daily math homework
*Weekly homework Packet
MOW – Math of the Week
WOW – Writing of the Week
ROW – Reading of the Week
SOW – Spelling of the Week
*Read 20 – 30 minutes each night
Student Expectations (cont.)
• Bring all necessary materials to class.
• Be an active learner & participate in class activities.
• Respect themselves and others.
Homework Policy
• Homework Responsibility Rubric
• L = Late
• I = Incomplete
• N = Needs to improve neatness
• Third Grade Homework Rubric*
• 4 Outstanding Quality: Shows high understanding of the task.
• 3 Good Quality Has few mistakes and shows good understanding of the task.
• 2 Average Quality: Has too many mistakes and shows some understanding of
the task.
• 1 Poor Quality: Has too many errors and shows little understanding of
the task.
Missing/ Incomplete Homework Form
Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________
Homework: Math _____Reading Response _____Spelling ____ Other __________
What Happened?
____I didn’t understand how to complete the assignment.
____I forgot
____ I didn’t have the correct materials. I needed __________________.
____ Other: ________________________________________________.
Parents: Please feel free to write any comments on the reverse side! 
Recess Teacher Initials _________
Parent Signature ____________________________________
The Goals:
•Improve Reading
•Accelerate growth in reading
•Foster a love of reading
•Enable daily or weekly
monitoring of reading progress.
The Facts:
•A software program
•Uses short quizzes to
check comprehension
of books
•Store data and
provides report on how
much and how well
students are reading
Accelerated Reader Program - AR
• Take AR quizzes at school
• Take at least one AR per
• Passing score: 80%
• Quizzes are meant to see
if the book was read
Read 100,000
words per
Read at least
300,000 words
by the end of 3rd
AR Reading Practice Quizzes
Choose the
Right Book
•Open the book to a
page in the middle
•Have your child
start reading
The Five
Finger Test
•If your child misses
5 words on that
page, the book is
probably too hard.
Common Core Standards
• National Learning Standards, newly adopted in
California (www.corestandards.org)
• Focus on depth of knowledge, rather than breadth
(less skills!) and Non-Fiction Reading and Writing
• Focus on real world application and hands-on
• Aim is to prepare all students for professional and
collegiate success
• New standards = New State Test (but not this year.)
• Proficiency with technology is very important.
• District-wide change in lesson planning, teaching,
and curriculum.
• https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/commoncore-state-standards-elementary-school
Common Core Standards
• What will the new testing look like?
Smarter Balance Practice Test
• How can we help our children to prepare?
Daily typing practice – Typing Club
Daily writing practice
Exposure to more non-fiction (Science and Social
Practice taking tests digitally
Digital Proficiency
Critical Thinking, multi-step Math problems
Field Trips and Volunteers
• New field trip policy
• Parent Survey/ Volunteer Sign-Up
• Birthdays – Please let me know a day or two beforehand. I
always celebrate at the end of the day, and any treats must be
store bought, and honor student allergies/ dietary restrictions.
(Right now: Nuts, Pork and Beef Products)
In lieu of birthday treats, how about donating a book in your child’s
• Allergies – Please let me know asap, and provide a stash of
appropriate snacks to store at school.
A little about ME…….
• I was born in Hong Kong.
• Immigrated to the US in
1972 and started attending
7th grade in Oakland, CA
• I received my bachelor
degree from UC Berkeley
While working on my Master at Cal. State Hayward, I
began teaching at Chinese Christian Schools. I taught…
for 16 years.
Music and…
For the next 8 years, I
worked as an administrator
and Music Director at
Oakland International School.
After 24 years of
teaching, I finally realized
I must really LOVE to
teach. I enrolled myself in
the credential program at
the University of San
Francisco and received my
Multiple Subject
Credential and a Master
Degree in Education in
Training and
Give people
To perform
Kids Formation
Dance Class
This year marks the beginning of my 36th year of
teaching. I am still as excited as I was walking into
my first classroom 36 years ago. Thank you for
giving me a group of children who are intelligent,
eager to learn, and hard working. I tell them we are
all teachers and we are all students. We teach each
other and we learn from each other. Together,
lets work to help them grow academically and
celebrate their successes.
Separate we are Unique. Together we are Perfect!
Thanks for your support!
Any questions?