Swampscott Public Schools STEM Initiative STEM Consulting Teachers: Brandy Wilbur Sharon LaRosa Adam Scharfenberger June 6, 2012 What is ? Beyond Science, Technology, Engineering and Math STEM education attempts to transform the typical teacher-centered classroom by encouraging a curriculum that is driven by problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and requires students to actively engage a situation in order to find its solution. offers "Connections" "Performance" Create a project based environment where students are challenged to solve a situation using a multi-disciplinary approach. "Literacy" Students begin to understand and make connections between career pathways, core learning concepts and real world relevancy to 21st century learning skills. Apply the knowledge defined by the common core by providing students instructions to create an informational or argumentative product while using essential skills in reading and writing. "Real World Relevance" Create innovative hands-on ways for students to learn skills while relating to real world scenarios. 2011-2012 Superintendent Goals for STEM Initiative Expanding the existing K-12 STEM curriculum and new STEM clubs Implementing K-12 Professional Development on STEM Curriculum Modeling appropriate STEM lessons at each level Meeting regularly with the Gelfand organization and STEM teachers Initiative Overview Developed by District STEM Team District Administrative/Leadership Team STEM Consulting Teachers Technology/Robotics Teachers Gelfand Family Charitable Trust Created goals with objectives and implementation plan In support of Superintendent’s goals Goal 1: Provide opportunities for staff and students to foster 21st century skills 8th grade math calculations GIS in AP French SMART Boards K-12 Van de Graaff electricity 4th grade ROV construction -7th grade Trebuchets in Ancient World History Objective A: Integrate current technology in the classrooms ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL SMART Boards SMART Boards SMART Boards Brain Pop, Jr. Tech Ed tools Intelitek Curriculum Weather Stations TI - 84 Graphing Calculators Heart rate monitors – P.E. and Anatomy/Phys Portaportal Solar Panels Vernier Dataloggers Invention Convention Digital cameras Go Motion Electricity Unit: Plasma ball, electroscopes, Van de Graaff generator Video editing Solar Panel and Weather Station Computer applications TI and TI Inspire calculators Online educational tools Wiki/blogs Video editing Robotics shop tools Geographic Information System Objective B: STEM related Field trip opportunities for students ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Museum of Science Blue Hills Field Trip New England Aquarium Kindergarten Beach Walk Tsongas Industrial Center Field Trip Northeastern Marine Science Center Nature Walks New England Aquarium Boston Sea Rover Conference New England Aquarium Crane’s Beach Science Exploration Ten80 Student Racing Challenge Kick off Mass Audubon Society Ferry Beach Ecology Trip Objective C: Integrate STEM themed lessons in classrooms ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Invention Convention idea lesson Bridge Building GIS lesson AP French Grade 1-Solids, liquids: non fiction reading, Snow, Lab experiment Birdhouse Building Pascal’s Triangle – AP French Grade 1: Weather: Weather book, Activities by season Mousetrap Cars STEM Family Night activities (11) Grade 2 – Soils, composting, Scientific Method, Solids, Liquids, and Gases with Changes Electricity/Electromag ROV Construction in netic Forces/Polarity Marine Ecology Grade 3-Rocks and Minerals Sea Perch ROV Vex Robotics – Robotics Grade 4-Electricity: plasma ball, Van De Graff Generator, Build Electroscopes; Making Musical Instruments Project Trebuchets, Great Wall of China, Coliseum: Ancient World History Grade 4-King Arthur-Baking Bread Life Skills project Rocket Building Renaissance and Science - Art STC Kits Balloon Powered Cars Invention Convention Ms. Heather Carr Hadley Elementary In class and home project Smilebox Presentation http://to.ly/dH3Q Goal 2: Provide enrichment STEM activities outside of the traditional school day 5th grade student tests his program on an obstacle course Robo Soccer at STEM Family Night Cable Club – Auction Night Objective A: Offer after school clubs/events with STEM theme ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Know Atom Lego Mindstorm Robotics Club Robotics/FRC iPad “Classes” Night of Excellence Science League Legos Engineering Adventures Math Team Wicked Cool for Kids Math Club Cable Club Design Squad Jr. Sea Perch ROV Interact Architect Adventures Kavli Science Video Contest MA State Science Fair Math Team Math Team Computer Club STEM Family Night Science Fair Invention Convention Go Green Family Night Objective B: Encourage/enhance summer offering with STEM ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Swampscott Integrated Summer Program – Creatures Great and Small Swampscott Integrated Summer Program – STEM week Ivy Program – Rocket project Swampscott Integrated Summer Program – Make Your Own – Creative Projects & Hands-On Engineering STEM Brochure with local summer programs STEM postings to Guidance office Objective C: Promote Area STEM Programs ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Museum of Science Brochure featuring local STEM programs SciTech Girl Expo District STEM Website Women in Science and Engineering Workshop at Salem State University STEM articles for Guidance Gazette District STEM Website Massachusetts State Science Fair District STEM Website Robotics Club at SHS Mr. Richard Leonard FIRST Robotics : Jan – March competition 15 students participated 3rd place Rookie Team Goal 3: Create community partnerships that enhance STEM exposure to our students 7th grade gathered at Salem State University to videoconference with sister school from South Africa City Lab bus – Boston University Digits Program: Scientist visiting a 6th grade class Objective A: Recruit area business, organizations and schools to present to students ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL King Arthur Digits Program City Lab – Boston Univ. Discovery Museum STEM Career Day College visits Museum of Science Salem State University Science from Scientists Objective B: Establish partnerships with organizations to expand the offerings to the district ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL King Arthur Life Technologies, Inc. Life Technologies, Inc. The Bridge House and My Brothers’ Table Salem State University NEU Marine Science Center Life Technologies, Inc MIT Sea Grant Rotary Club Essex County Community Foundations – successful grant for Electricity and Literacy Project Essex County Community Foundations – successful grant for Apple Mobility Cart Essex County Community Foundations – successful grant for 3 SMART Boards for Social Studies Dept. PSAE – Clarke PTO Swampscott Education Foundation-successful grant for Garden Project Sea Perch Challenge Mr. Andrake and Mr. Butler ROV’s with 7th and 8th grade Partnership with MIT Sea Grant Goal 4: Provide professional development to Swampscott teachers to enhance their ability to integrate STEM into their curriculum Objective A: Participate in PD opportunities inter and intra district ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL MSSF Inquiry Workshop MSSF Inquiry Workshop MSSF Inquiry Workshop MAST MAST MAST Global Technology and Engineering Consortium Conference Global Technology and Engineering Consortium Conference Intelitek Training Mass DOE Service Learning Conference Systems Thinking Workshop Pre AP and AP training New England Technology 1:1 Summit MME Annual Woods Hole Conference STEM opportunities to staff NSTA STEM Expo STEM opportunities to staff System Thinking Workshop State STEM SUMMIT STEM opportunities to staff State STEM SUMMIT Science and Literacy Goal 5: Develop an assessment tool to evaluate the district STEM Initiative Kindergarten Beach Walk STEM Family Night at SHS 5th grade students on a field trip field trip to the Tsongas Industrial Center Engineering of musical instruments : 6th grade Objective A: Facilitate district wide STEM meetings to support the STEM Initiative. Monthly District STEM Team meetings Agenda and meeting notes Bi-weekly STEM Consulting Teacher meetings Building level STEM Committee meetings Objective B: Create a district wide survey of teachers on their use and understanding of STEM Elementary preliminary assessment survey End of the year summary of activities report Developing 2012-13 pre/post survey for district teachers Next Steps Expand upon existing STEM activities at all grade levels Integrate STEM concepts into the Common Core Evaluate the new Next Generation of Science Standards Increase access to technology at all levels Focus on cross-disciplinary lessons/projects Sustainability – Beyond Year 1 District Solar Project Middle Weather Stations All elementary schools and high school Equipment sharing Van and High School have panels de Graaff, robotics Professional development Sustainability – Beyond Year 1 Grant writing STEM teachers pursuing small grants for each school Meetings with Grant Sub-committee Community partnerships Life Technologies Organized parent involvement Parent groups, PTO’s Community garden Located at SHS, funded by SEF Questions? Brandy Wilbur: wilbur@swampscott.k12.ms.us Sharon LaRosa: larosa@swampscott.k12.ma.us Adam Scharfenberger: scharfenberger@swampscott.k12.ma.us