Shannon Crissey, M.Ed. Erin Greager, M.Ed. Lisa Pitale, M.Ed, BCBA University of Washington Haring Center Experimental Education Unit Introduction Who are we? Shannon Crissey, M.Ed. – EEU Preschool Teacher Erin Greager, M.Ed. – EEU Project DATA teacher Lisa Pitale, M.Ed., BCBA – EEU Project DATA teacher Who are you? What population do you work with? How is inclusion addressed at your place of work? Why are we presenting today? We are presenting today because of our strong belief in inclusion and inclusive practices. Questions we strived to answer this school year as special education teachers: - Why inclusion? - How can we turn a lot of “talk” into some “action”? - Does this action actually work? And if not, how can we MAKE it work? Why inclusion? Arguments for inclusion: Research articles: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: The Successful Inclusion of a Child with Autism. By Janet Schmidt Inclusion in Play: A Case Study of a Child with Autism in an Inclusive Nursery. By Fani Theodorou and Melanie Nind Inclusion Means Everyone! The Role of the Early Childhood Educator when Including Young Children with Autism in the Classroom. By Shernavaz Vakil, Evonn Welton, Barbara O’Connor and Lynn S Kline. Promoting a Lifetime of Inclusion. By Adelle Rezaglia, Meagan Karvonen, Erik Drasgow and Craig C Stoxen. Inclusive Programming for Students with Autism. By Belinda W. Crisman Civil rights: “Disability need not be an obstacle to success … It is my hope that … this century will mark a turning point for inclusion of people with disabilities in the lives of their societies.” – Professor Stephen Hawking “We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought." - Franklin D. Roosevelt “Inclusive education means that children will be included, made to feel valued and provide others with the opportunity to appreciate those who are different from themselves.” – Jeffrey Rudski, Professor of Psychology, Muhlenberg College So what’s the challenge? Why is inclusion not happening on so many levels? Staffing Students’ behavior General education classroom too disruptive of an environment for child to learn in What are the challenges happening in your school? So what can we do about it? This is where our project comes in. We wanted to show that if students needed a self-contained environment in order to learn classroom skills they could then generalize those skills to a more natural environment. Purpose The purpose of our project was to determine whether students were able to generalize mastered objectives from the Project DATA classroom to the integrated pre-school classroom - but….why? Participants Students between the ages of 3-5 who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Students’ ability levels varied from mainly socialemotional delays to more global delays in communication, cognition, behavior, and social development. Setting: DATA Project Extended, Intensive Instruction Technical and Social Support for Families Integrated Early Childhood Experience Collaboration and Coordination Quality of Life Influenced Curriculum Extended, Intensive Instructional Time Instructional strategies are data-based and crossdisciplinary Children’s need for support is matched to the type of instruction Teaching procedures include discrete trials, naturalistic teaching techniques, response prompting strategies and visual supports One-on-one and small groups Technical and Social Support for Families Emphasis on family-child relationships Home based services offered Emphasis on building supportive communities for families “Families own the agenda” “Quality of Life” Curriculum in the following areas: Attending Imitation Communication Play Social interaction Matching Adaptive skills Focus on environment, child interest and motivation, and functional skills. Focus on children’s ability to access typical environments. Collaboration and Coordination Across Services Increase consistency across environments Appropriate expectations across environments Increase opportunities to practice skills Share information about motivation and progress Regular meetings among teachers Meetings, visits, and email with other related services Project DATA Schedule Time 8:45 - 8:50 8:50 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 – 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 Activity Arrival 2:1 Work Time Snack Small Group 2:1 Work Time Recess Lunch Circle Free Choice Setting – Integrated Preschool Integrated Preschool Classroom 8 children diagnosed with a disability 8 children who are typically developing Typically a 1:3 teacher/student ratio General education curriculum modified to meet the needs of diverse learners through adaptations, accommodations, embedded learning, and the use of peer models, along with other strategies. Setting – Preschool Schedule Time 12:30 – 12:40 12:40 – 12:55 12:55 – 1:15 1:15 – 1:35 1:35 – 1:55 1:55 – 2:30 2:30 – 2:45 Activity Arrival Opening Circle Small Group Recess Snack Free Choice Closing Circle Procedure – Initial Steps Objective initially taught in Project DATA classroom 1:2 teacher/student ratio Principles of applied behavior analysis Limited distractions Discrete trials or embedded learning with peer Procedure - Criterion Objective closed: 80% proficiency across 2 consecutive days Communication between Project DATA staff and integrated preschool team to discuss what each objective looked like and how it was to be tested within the integrated preschool setting. Procedure – Tested in preschool classroom Delivered in the context of the preschool classroom within naturally occurring activities. Testing was delivered by the researcher who lowered her body to the child’s level, gained eye contact, lessened distracters as much as possible, and delivered a clear, concise probe. Data Collection Criteria for chosen objectives Discreteness Extent to which they were natural preschool behaviors (ie: object imitation, following directions, etc.) Data Collection Objectives were tested for generalization during specified “generalization check” weeks after the objective closed in Project DATA. Data were collected using whatever data collection system was already established within the preschool classroom (clipboards, index cards attached to ring on teacher’s waist, etc). + for independently demonstrating behavior - for no response or incorrect response Each testing probe given five times; child scored either 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, or 100% per objective General timeline of project September: met with all preschool and Project DATA teachers to explain the project and determine who the “classroom facilitators” would be. Facilitators were classroom assistants who were in charge of administering generalization trials within their classrooms and collecting data on each child’s response. Timeline (con’t) October: First generalization check took place. Project DATA teachers recorded mastered objectives in classroom binders. Facilitators transferred objectives on to classroom data sheets and tested for generalization that week. December: Second generalization check took place Timeline (con’t) January: Researchers met with facilitators to discuss project thus far and correct any changes necessary. February: Third generalization check took place Timeline (con’t) Early March: Researchers met to discuss aspects of project that were successful vs. not successful and what possible reasons might be. Solutions discussed and changes made accordingly Late March: Fourth generalization check took place. Here’s what it looked like! Video of objective being taught in Project DATA classroom Video of objective being tested in preschool classroom Discussion What are elements that seem feasible in your classroom/center? Are there any elements that would not work? Why? How could you problem solve this? Now for the fun part… Student X Student W Student V Student U Student T Student S Student R Student Q Student P Student O Student N Student M Student L Student K Student J Student I Student H Student G Student F Student E Student D Student C Student B Student A Results Generalization Rates 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Percent Generalization 30% 20% 10% 0% Results – High Functioning Generalization Rates - High Functioning 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Percent Generalization 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student B D E F G H J K N R T X Results – Low Functioning Generalization Rates- Low Functioning 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Percent Generalization 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student A C I L M O P Q S U V W Results Discussion Data interpretation Students overall generalized at an average rate of 68% High-functioning students generalized at an average rate of 74% Low-functioning students generalized at an average rate of 61% Project Discussion What was successful about the project? Unforeseen challenges? Discussion (con’t) . External vs. natural settings should be as similar as possible (including how testing trials are delivered) Some students showed lower levels of generalization Children with more severe forms of ASD may not generalize as well Discussion (con’t) Problems: If buy-in is not there then generalization may not happen with consistency or fidelity. Discussion: How to promote buy-in for generalization and inclusion? How will this continue to inform our future practice? How does this relate to the current state of special education? Is it feasible? Thank you! Questions? Please email us with any additional questions! Shannon Crissey – Erin Greager – Lisa Pitale –