CSP Grant Budgets 101- It’s the Magic Number DOE Grant Specialists Charlene Burke (850) 245-0897 charlene.burke@fldoe.org Bay Duval Escambia Hillsborough Lake Leon Orange Osceola Polk Santa Rosa Volusia Laura Pond Helen Giraitis (850) 245-5138 Interim laura.pond@fldoe.org (850) 245-9639 helen.giraitis@fldoe.org Broward Glades Lee Manatee Pinellas Sarasota St. Lucie Miami-Dade Allowable Expenditures Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the accomplishment of the project purpose, priorities, and expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance. Handout A General Reporting Tips To expedite the transition between phases and avoid time consuming errors: • Make sure you are using the appropriate forms (Charter School Use Only) • E-mail or fax DOE Forms to your Grant Specialist for review prior to submitting them to the Sponsor. • Make sure to give yourself plenty of time well BEFORE your project end date. http://www.floridaschoolchoice.org/information/charter_schools/charter_general_Info_and_forms.asp Timely Paperwork & Documentation Phase Form Documentation Planning (Phase 1) DOE 101—Revised Budget Board Member List Approved Charter Application Implementation 1* (Phase 2) DOE 150— needs 2 Original Signatures DOE 101 Itemized Expense Report * Schools that begin in Implementation 1 do not need to submit a DOE 150. Completed Board Training Signed Lease Required Polices (Conflict of Interest, Lottery, Procurement) Completed Itemized Expense Report for Planning Funds Objective Documentation (Attachment J) End of Phase 1 * Schools that begin in Implementation 1 must also submit the required Planning (Phase 1) documentation. Implementation 2 (Phase 3) DOE 150— needs 2 Original Signatures DOE 101 Itemized Expense Report Completed Itemized Expense Report for Imp 1 Funds Board Minutes with approval of revised policies Objective Documentation (Attachment J) End of Phase 2 Handout B Forms Checklist Correct Forms? Start of project phase – DOE 150, DOE 101 Project amendment – DOE 150, DOE 151 Charter School Forms? DOE 150 has “Charter School Use Only,” and two required signatures. Allowable Expenses? Check against Allowable/Unallowable table. Charter School Web Site www.floridaschoolchoice.org/Information/Charter_Schools/ Budget Narrative Items purchased must be included in the Budget Narrative Form Budget Narrative When completing the DOE 101/151 for budget narratives, be specific in Column (3) by including: • • • • • Category Use (grades, room, etc.) Description Quantity Price Per Unit (3) ACCOUNT TITLE AND NARRATIVE Equipment: These items will be used for classroom instruction, grades K-5 (one classroom per grade level). Smartboards (6 @ $2,000) Budget Narrative Additional tips for completing the budget narrative. What grades will be using the item? What room will the furniture or equipment be used in? What staff members will be attending the training? How many? What is the name of the software? What is the average cost per item? How many items do you wish to purchase? Budget Narrative Additional tips for completing the budget. Check your math: • Verify the quantity of items purchased in a line is correctly multiplied by the average cost per item and the total equals the Amount in column (5). • Make sure the total of all amounts equals the Total Approved Amount for the budget period. Item Categories Refer to the Red Book (Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools) http://www.fldoe.org/fefp/redtoc.asp Object Codes: Sections 4-3 to 4-10 Function Codes: 4-10 to 4-15 Inventory Management Item Categories Capital Outlays to purchase items expected to last more than one year that have 600- series object codes Includes classroom/library furniture, computer hardware and software, classroom equipment, library books, all audio-visual purchases, etc.) Materials and Supplies Includes all materials and supplies that support classroom and direct instruction. Budget Narrative Form: Mixed Coding - Item Categories NO!!! (4) FTE POSI TION (1) FUNCTION (2) OBJECT (3) ACCOUNT TITLE AND NARRATIVE (5) AMOUNT 5000 610 Library Supplies and Furnishings: 300 Library Books Approx $3.00 each/$900, 4 Tables @$250each, 14 Student Chairs @ $50 each, 1 Computer @ $250, 4 Bookshelves @$75each $3,150 5100 520 Textbooks and Curriculum: “Dynamic Learning” curriculum package $500, Curriculum Training for K-5 Teachers (8 participants) 100 Language Arts Textbooks K-5 @$45 each $5,000 Budget Narrative Form: Clear Descriptions, Proper Function/Object Codes-- Item Categories YES!!! (1) FUNCTION (2) OBJECT (3) ACCOUNT TITLE AND NARRATIVE 6200 610 Library Books: 300 Library Books Approx $3.00 each/$900 6200 641* Library Furnishings: 4 Tables@$250, 14 Student Chairs@$50, 4 Bookshelves@$75 6200 643 Library Computer 1 Computer, Dell PC @$250 5100 520 Textbooks: “Dynamic Learning” 100 Language Arts Textbooks K-5 @$45 each 6400 310 Curriculum Training: “Dynamic Learning” curriculum package $500, Curriculum Training for K-5 Teachers (8 participants) (4) FTE POSIT ION (5) AMOUNT $900 $2,000 $250 $4,500 $500 The school is the grant recipient. Build your own budget Budget Game Instructions 1) Build a budget for the Implementation 2 phase of the CSP Grant. 2) Choose the proper form to build your budget on. You will be applying for the Implementation 2 phase of the grant. (Use the Forms Chart for assistance). 3) In the envelope your team has been given, sort out the allowable and unallowable expenses. Hint: Use Handout A for assistance. 4) Tape the allowable expenses to the budget. 5) Check your math and make sure your budget adds up to $75,000. Multiple incorrect and Several Correct Answers. I. Start-up Costs (Three Months Prior to School Opening, One-Time): Category Facilities Maintenance Facilities Maintenance Facilities Maintenance Facilities Maintenance Insurance Rent Salaries Utilities Start-up Cost Description (Three Months Prior to School Opening, One-Time) Clean building in the three months prior to school opening. Change-out locks on all access areas prior to school opening. One-time pest-control service prior to school opening. Install safety-lighting prior to school opening to ensure lighting during power outages. Property, officers and directors liability, fidelity bond, commercial liability, and employee liability insurance prepaid for up to one year. Mortgage, lease, or rent payments are allowed up to three months prior to the school opening. · Essential staff only (Principal and one designated staff member). · Cannot fund once school starts (First Day of Classes). Phone, electric, trash disposal, and water. Documentation Planning* Implementation Invoice with vendor name, description of work performed, dates completed. Invoice with vendor name, description of work performed, dates completed. Invoice with vendor name, description of work performed, dates completed. Invoice with vendor name, description of work performed, dates completed. Insurance policy with clear effective date in the immediate three months prior to school opening. Clear lease contract with effective dates, rent, facility name and address. X Employee name, title, activities funded, length of time, percentage of time, salary, salary rate. Utility Statements: Billing periods 3 months prior to school opening. X X X X X X X * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A II. Allowable Planning and Implementation Expenses (Not tied to school opening): Category Classroom furniture Description Desks, chairs, tables, bookshelves, and portable room dividers for K-12 classrooms, computer laboratory, and library. Curriculum Software applications used in K-12 classrooms. Curriculum Textbooks, library books, and instructional software for K-12. Education Technology Computers, cameras, audio-visual equipment used in K-12 classrooms or library. Includes installation and hook-up of technology equipment. Does not include monthly service fees. TV’s, DVD players, instructional equipment (ex. Digital white boards, overhead projectors, computer projectors, laser pointers, laminators, etc.). Education Technology Equipment Classroom copiers (less than $300 each) or volume copier for centralized location. Evaluation Design or purchase parent satisfaction instruments, implement surveys (including mailing costs), analyze data, and report results. Standardized student evaluation testing instruments (paper or electronic). Evaluation Documentation Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Vendor, test instrument name(s), date(s) purchased, receipts/paid invoices, and test processing fees. Vendor, test instrument name(s), instrument, date(s) purchased, Planning * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A Implementation X X X X X X X X Category Description Instructional Supplements K-12 instructional supplements may include instructional aides, workbooks, periodicals, and audio/videotapes. Outreach Informational materials to educate community about the charter school mission, program, services, contacts, registration process, lottery (if used), and performance outcomes (after first year). Informational materials may include brochures, pamphlets, handbooks, etc. Radio, print and electronic media development and distribution costs to inform parents and community about school registration and educational program or to recruit leadership/instructional/professional personnel. Outreach Professional Fees Professional Media products may include direct mail brochures, pamphlets, web-sites, or newspaper/radio/television advertisements. Legal, Accounting, Auditing, & Consultants · One time reimbursement for professional fees as described in budget plan. · Organizational start-up expenses related to internal controls, accounting systems, organizational planning, outreach, and government board development. · Start-up legal costs may include negotiations and charter contract with sponsor and those associated with establishing the facility. · Fees related to state-required audits. Consulting fees to develop educational program (goals Documentation receipts/paid invoices. Document item by category, vendor name, cost, item description(s), date purchased, and receipts or paid invoices. Dates, locations, materials, consultant name (if used), and related costs (printing, professional fees, mailing, etc.). Planning X X Document item by media type, media product(s), media name, and publication dates (dates aired/published/or distributed). Paid invoices and media proof with school information, and date published. X X Professional invoices/contracts with vendor name, services provided, products delivered, date(s) completed, and cost for each product/service. X X* X X* X Products available for review. Professional invoices/contracts with * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A Implementation Category Fees Description and objectives, assessment tools, curriculum) or organization development (policies or business plan). Renovations Federal, state, and local requirements · Accessibility for ramps, bathrooms, and entrances (ADA). Training & Development In-service training for staff, administration, and governing board (not requiring travel). Training & Development Purchase of materials for staff training and development in-service training. Travel Travel, Lodging, and Registration Fees · Conferences. · Training/Professional development. · Governing board training. · Site visits to other charter schools within Florida. School must use most economical travel arrangements. When reporting mileage for travel reimbursements, do not submit requests for gasoline reimbursements. Documentation vendor name, services provided, products delivered, date(s) completed, and cost for each product/service. Products available for review. Document legal requirements. Vendor name, renovations completed, cost, completion date, receipts or paid invoices. Training agenda, provider name, date(s), participants, titles, training materials. Vendor name, curriculum name, training materials, date purchased, receipts, in-service training dates, participant names, staff member conducting training. Agenda or course syllabus. Registration confirmation or receipts with participant name(s) and position titles. Planning X X X X X X X Receipts for lodging, airfare/mileage, auto rental and gas, and taxis. Per diem for meals not provided during event (no receipt required, document with agenda). * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A Implementation III. Unallowable Expenses: Category Activities Apparel Association Fees Communications Construction Food Furniture Incentives Lobbying Playground Professional Fees Recruitment Recurring Recurring Recurring Renovations Salaries Signage/Flags Student Technology Travel CSPG Unallowable Expenses Field trips, athletic equipment, or athletic uniforms. Student or staff uniforms/apparel. Dues/fees for associations or memberships PA system, telephone, cell phone, walkie-talkie, PDA, or other communications devices/equipment. Construction for existing or new facility. Food or beverages. Cafeteria Furniture Gift certificates, food or alcoholic beverages, or awards (trophies, certificates, plaques, etc.). Lobbying or related expenses Structural playground equipment (fences, swing sets, playscapes or other permanent equipment) Accounting, auditing, and legal fees not related to organizational start-up and planning. Placement fees (employment advertising okay). Rent/leases after first ninety days of planning/operations or after first day of school (whichever occurs first). Operating expenses and utilities, equipment leases, telephone or cell phone/PDA or walkie-talkie contracts Insurance, payroll services, management company fees, service contracts, trash disposal, gas/electric/phone/water utilities Structural (roofing, wall repair, building of new rooms), room additions/renovations, security (fences, security alarms, cameras), painting, carpeting, landscaping No salaries or related fringe benefits beyond first three months of planning or first day of instruction (which comes first). Signs on school property including marquis, directional/safety signage, message boards, flags, or flag poles. Membership fees, subscriptions, conferences (including instructional) No electrical installation or modification to room dividers or existing walls except to install computer network cabling. No food or gasoline. Other Unallowable expenses (discussed by CSP team on 10/19/09) Renovations Federal, state, and local requirements Document legal requirements. X Vendor name, renovations completed, · Accessibility for ramps, bathrooms cost, completion date, receipts or paid (ADA). invoices. · Sprinkler systems (fire code). * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A · Renovations Renovations Stipends Stipends Training & Development Volunteer Training Stove or refrigerator (school lunch program). · Health and safety inspection fees and related costs (state and local). Minor renovations limited to compliance with code for the health and safety of children including heating/cooling, handicapped accessibility, electrical or lighting, plumbing, and safety alarms. Minor renovations of facilities to an existing building/facility including extension of utility lines, water, and electricity. Curriculum Development: Suggest Contract Work conducted during evenings, summers, weekends, or any other period staff member(s) not otherwise compensated. Teacher Training /Professional Development · Evenings, summers, weekends or any other period staff members not otherwise compensated. Tuition and textbook reimbursement for courses leading to endorsements (but not degree programs) directly related to improving classroom instruction to targeted student populations (ESE, ESL, and Gifted). Volunteer training. Document legal requirements. Vendor name, renovations completed, cost, completion date, receipts or paid invoices. X Document legal requirements. Vendor name, renovations completed, cost, completion date, receipts or paid invoices. Date(s) and time(s) worked, curriculum outline and supporting materials produced, bidding process if amount exceeds $5,000. X X X Training date(s), time(s), syllabus, and X regular instructional periods. X Provider name, dates, syllabus, participant names, registration, transcripts. X X Provider name, dates, syllabus, participant names, registration, transcripts. X X * If school skipped the planning grant phase, this cost may be considered for one-time reimbursement during implementation. Handout A