And Other Materials
Banned Books!?!
List the following books in the order from most often
challenged/banned to least.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Dead Zone by Stephen King
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Goosebumps (Series) by R.L. Stine
Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling
Where's Waldo? by Martin Hanford
# of where it ranks on top 100 challenged/banned
list put out by the Library Association of America
• 5- Huck Finn
• 7- Harry Potter
• 16- Goosebumps
• 41- TKAM
• 57- Anarchist Cookbook
• 70- Lord of the Flies
• 83- Dead Zone
• 88- Waldo?
Double Entry Journal
• Using regular
• Keep track of this
notebook paper divide
journal as it will be
the page with a line
vital to helping you
down the center (topunderstand the novel
• And you will be
allowed to use it on
the reading check
Double Entry Journal
• At the top left of each
page write: Record
• At the top right of each
page write: React
• Here you will “record”
details about characters,
plot, ask questions,
record interesting or
important quotes, and a
brief summary of each
• Here you will “react” to
the characters, the plot,
the quotes you selected,
and write answers to your
Sample DE Journal Page
• Who/what are the
Ewells? p3
• Jem-brother, almost
13, Finch
• Atticus- father, lawyer,
distaste for criminal
• What is the narrator’s
• nothing in this chapter
on Ewells…
• One day, one chapter
Top 8 Food Allergies?
No PB&J! Kills about 100 each year!
Tree Nuts
almonds, pecans, chestnuts, macadamia…
pizza, mac and cheese
omelets, pie, cake, brownies
fish & chips, sushi, salmon
oysters, lobster, shrimp, squid, crab
Soy Sauce, Hamburger Buns, Many Types of Doughnuts
Cake, Chicken Fried Steak, Spaghetti
Census Activity
• Using the data packet answer the
questions about Monroe County, Alabama.
– You may work with a partner.
– Skip question 9.
The Great Depression?
Black Blizzard
Colorado, 1937
DEJ Reminder
• Double Entry Journals for Chapter 1
– due Thursday
• Practice Quiz
– Thursday
Practice Quiz: Chapter 1
1. How old are Scout, Jem and Dill?
2. One character is African-American.
Which one?
3. What is the name of the gossipy
neighbor that Jem gets the full story on
the Radley’s?
4. What character died in Chapter 1?
5. What does Dill dare Jem to do?
How old are Scout, Jem and Dill?
• pg. 3
– Jem- 13
– Scout(narrator) 9 “(Jem) was four years my
• pg. 6
– Jem- 10
– Scout- 6
• pg. 7
– Dill “nearly seven”
One character is African-American.
Which one?
• pg. 12
– “We looked at her in surprise, for Calpurnia
rarely commented on the ways of white
What is the name of the gossipy
• pg. 11
– “So Jem received most of his information from
Miss Stephanie Crawford, a neighborhood
scold, who said she knew the whole thing.”
– scold - someone (especially a woman) who
annoys people by constantly finding fault
What character died in Chapter 1?
• pg 12
– “Mr. Radley was dying.”
– “…and we stood watching from the front
porch when Mr. Radley made his final journey
past our house.”
What does Dill dare Jem to do?
• pg. 13
– “Jem said that if Dill wanted to get himself
killed, all he had to do was go up and knock
on the front door.”
– “In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare.”
• Quiz on Friday
• Review test every 5th unit
• HW for each unit:
– Completing the Sentence
– Choosing the Right Word
• Due day of the quiz
Due Tuesday?
• Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5
– Double Entry Journals
– Expect a quiz
Chapter 2 Quiz
1. What is Scout’s full name?
____________ ___________ Finch
2. Who taught Scout to read?
3. Who taught Scout to write (in cursive)?
4. Why doesn’t Walter Cunningham take
the $.25 Miss Fisher offers for his lunch?
Chapter 3 Quiz
1. What does Walter Cunningham do that
disgusts Scout so much?
2. Why does Miss Caroline want to send Burris
Ewell home?
3. Which character(s) other than the Ewell
children never attended school?
4. Atticus teaches Scout a trick to get along with
other people better. What is it?
5. Why does Atticus tell Scout not to tell Miss
Caroline that they’re continuing to read at
Chapter 3 Make-up Quiz
1. Who is Scout beating up at the beginning
of the chapter?
2. Which child at school drives Miss
Caroline to tears?
3. What does Atticus say Mr. Ewell spends
his relief checks on instead of food?
4. What compromise do Atticus and Scout
Chapter 4 Quiz
1. What were the first items Scout found in
the knothole?
2. What kind of coins do Scout & Jem find?
3. How does Scout end up nearly on the
front steps of the Radley place confused
and dizzy?
4. What sound did Scout hear coming from
inside the Radley place?
Alternate Chapter 4 Quiz
1. Atticus is a lawyer. What other job/position
does he have?
2. What does Jem tell Scout to do with the gum
she found in the Radley’s tree?
3. Scout takes a ride in a tire. Where does she
end up?
4. What is so special about the pennies that Jem
and Scout find?
5. What sound did Scout hear coming from
inside the Radley place?
Chapter 5 Quiz
1. Who asks to marry Scout?
2. What game do the kids have to stop
3. What do the kids offer Boo for coming
outside on the note?
4. How are the kids going to deliver the
note to Boo?
Chapters 2-5 Quiz
What is Scout’s full name? ____________ ___________
Why doesn’t Walter Cunningham take the $.25 Miss Fisher
offers for his lunch?
What does Walter Cunningham do that disgusts Scout so
Atticus teaches Scout a trick to get along with other people
better. What is it?
What kind of coins do Scout & Jem find in the knothole?
Atticus is a lawyer. What other job/position does he have?
At the end of chapter 4, Scout takes a ride in an old tire.
What sound did Scout hear coming from inside the Radley
place after her ride in the tire?
Who asks to marry Scout?
What do the kids offer Boo for coming outside on the note?
Chapter 6 Quiz
1. What are Dill and Jem planning on doing at the
Radley house?
2. How do the kids get the gate to stop
3. What weapon does Mr. Radley shoot at the
4. Jem gets caught in the “high wire fence” at the
Radley’s. How does he get free?
5. Bonus: How long was the shortest war ever?
+1 +/-2 days
Chapter 6 Alternate Quiz
1. What do the kids do to the Radley’s gate
and why?
2. Why does Jem take his pants off?
3. What reason do the boys give Atticus to
explain why Jem has no pants on?
4. What weapon does Mr. Radley fire?
5. Bonus: How long was the shortest war
ever? +1 +/-2 days
Chapter 7
1. What grade is Scout now in?
2. When Jem went back for his pants what did
he discover?
3. How long do Scout and Jem leave the ball of
twine in the knothole?
4. What 3 other things do Scout and Jem find in
the knothole?
5. What does Mr. Radley do to the tree w/ the
6. How does Jem react to #5?
Chapter 7 Quiz #2
1. What grade is Jem now in?
2. What is Jem studying that fascinates him so
3. With the new school year Jem and Scout start
finding things in the knothole again. What is
the first thing they find?
4. What is the last thing they find before the
knothole is filled with cement?
5. Who fills the knothole?
6. What reason does (answer to #5) give?
Chapter 8
What do Jem and Scout build?
Whose house burns down?
Who puts the blanket around Scout?
Who nearly gets stuck upstairs during
the fire?
5. Where does (answer to #2) think the fire
Chapter 9
Who is Scout ready to fight?
Why is she ready to fight (answer to #1)?
Who is Atticus defending?
Why do you think Atticus says he can’t win the court
case even before it has started?
Who stays with Atticus, Jem and Scout for a week
every Christmas?
Whose house do Atticus, Jem and Scout go to every
Christmas day?
What present do Jem and Scout get on Christmas?
Who does Scout fight at (answer to #6)?
8-9 Quiz
1. What do Jem and Scout build?
2. Whose house burns down?
3. Who puts the blanket around Scout?
1. Who is Atticus defending?
2. Why do you think Atticus says he can’t win the
court case even before it has started?
3. Whose house do Atticus, Jem and Scout go to
every Christmas day?
4. What present do Jem and Scout get on
Chapter 10
1. Why can’t Scout and Jem shoot
2. Why doesn’t Atticus play football for the
church(Methodist) team?
3. What is wrong with Tim Johnson?
4. What is the full name of the Sheriff?
5. Why does the Sheriff give Atticus a gun?
Chapter 11
1. Who is the crazy lady Scout and Jem pass to go
2. What “illness” is she suffering from according to
3. What does Jem buy for Scout with his birthday
4. What does Jem do with Scout’s (answer to #3) at
(answer to #1) on the way back from downtown?
5. What is Jem’s punishment for (answer to #4)?
6. Who dies in this chapter?
7. What does (answer to #1) give Jem at the end of the
Part 2, Chapter 12
Why doesn’t Dill come to visit?
Where does Atticus go every day for two weeks?
Where does Calpurnia take the children?
Who tries to stop Cal and the children entering
(answer to #3)?
5. Which two characters welcome the children to
(answer to #3)?
6. What crime is Tom Robinson accused of?
7. Who is sitting on the Finch’s front porch when Cal
and the children come home?
Chapter 13
1. Why does Scout feel it wouldn’t make much of
a difference if Uncle Jimmy had come with
Aunt Alexandra?
2. What best describes Aunt Alexandra’s
“figure”? A. diminutive B. formidable C. wispy
D. Maycomb
3. What had Cousin Joshua done that got him
locked up?
4. What does Atticus come to talk with the
children about that Scout feels he really
doesn’t want to talk about?
Chapter 14
1. Who does Jem discover under Scout’s
2. Why did Dill run away from home?
Chapter 13-14
Why does Scout feel it wouldn’t make much of a
difference if Uncle Jimmy had come with Aunt
What had Cousin Joshua done that got him locked up?
What does Atticus come to talk with the children about
that Scout feels he really doesn’t want to talk about?
Who does Jem discover under Scout’s bed?
Why did (answer to #1) run away from home?
Chapter 15
1. What does the first mob that visits Atticus
2. Who owns the local newspaper?
3. Where do Jem, Scout and Dill sneak off
to in the middle of the night?
4. What does the second mob want from
5. Who diffuses the situation with the
second mob?
Chapter 16
1. What does Jem say Mr. Dolphus
Raymond has in his brown paper bag?
2. Jem says something happened on Mr.
Raymond’s wedding night. What was it?
3. Where do Jem, Dill, and Scout sit in the
4. Who helps them find a seat?
Chapter 17
1. Who is the first witness on the stand?
2. According to (#1) who called him on
November 21st?
Chapter 17
Who is the first witness?
Who is the prosecuting attorney?
Who is the alleged victim?
Which side of (#3)’s face is bruised?
Who is the second witness?
Atticus asks (#5) if he can read and
write. Why?
Chapter 18
1. Who is the third witness called(1st in this
2. (#1) asks Tom Robinson into the house
to chop up a piece of furniture. What is
3. What is physically wrong with Tom
Robinson and what is the cause of that
Chapter 19
1. Who is the only witness called by
2. (#1) says it wasn’t rape. What does (#1)
say happened?
Chapter 20
1. What does Mr. Dolphus Raymond really have
in his brown paper bag?
2. What year does Atticus say it is?
3. What, according to Atticus, is the one way, the
one institution in which “a pauper is the equal
of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of
4. What does Atticus say at the very end of his
closing arguments that Scout couldn’t hear?
Chapters 18, 19, 20
Who is the third witness called(1st in chapter 18)?
(#1) asks Tom Robinson into the house to chop up a piece of
furniture. What is it?
What is physically wrong with Tom Robinson and what is the
cause of that problem?
Who is the only witness called by Atticus?
(#4) says it wasn’t rape. What does (#4) say happened?
What does Mr. Dolphus Raymond really have in his brown
paper bag?
7. What, according to Atticus, is the one way, the one institution
in which “a pauper is the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid
man the equal of Einstein”?
Bonus: What year does Atticus say it is?
Chapter 20, Alternate Quiz
1. What does Mr. Dolphus Raymond really have
in his brown paper bag?
2. What year is it?
3. What, according to Atticus, is the one
institution in which all citizens are truly equal?
4. What does Jem say Atticus said at the very
end of his closing arguments that Scout
couldn’t hear?
5. Who approaches Atticus at the end of the
chapter? Hint: Normally she wouldn’t be allowed on the
lower level of the courtroom.
Chapter 21
1. Why does Calpurnia want to pass a note to
2. What is Jem convinced the verdict will be?
3. Scout says that she can tell what the verdict
will be by watching the jury come in. What
does Scout notice with this jury that gives
away the verdict?
4. Why does everyone in the balcony stand after
the verdict is read?
Chapter 22
1. What is Jem doing at the beginning of
the chapter?
2. What do people send to Atticus?
3. Who, according to Miss Maudie, normally
was the court appointed defense
attorney because “he needed the
4. What did Mr. Ewell do to Atticus outside
the post office the morning after the trial?
Chapter 23
1. What reason does Atticus give Bob Ewell for
not fighting?
2. What will happen if Tom Robinson loses his
3. What reason does Atticus give to explain why
Miss Maudie couldn’t serve on a jury?
4. Why won’t Aunt Alexandra let Scout play with
Walter Cunningham?
5. What reason does Jem give for Boo Radley
staying inside his house all these years?
Chapter 24
1. What group is Aunt Alexandra hosting at
the house?
2. What happened to Tom Robinson?
3. Where do Calpurnia and Atticus go?
Chapter 23-24
1. What will happen if Tom Robinson loses his appeal?
2. What reason does Atticus give to explain why Miss
Maudie couldn’t serve on a jury?
3. Why won’t Aunt Alexandra let Scout play with Walter
4. What reason does Jem give for Boo Radley staying
inside his house all these years?
1. What group is Aunt Alexandra hosting at the house?
2. What happened to Tom Robinson?
3. Where do Calpurnia and Atticus go?
Chapter 25
1. In addition to Calpurnia, who else joins
Atticus on his trip out to Helen
Robinson’s house?
2. Mr. Underwood likens Tom Robinson’s
death to the “sensless slaughter of
Chapter 26 Quiz
1. What grade is Scout in?
2. What grade is Jem in?
3. What does Scout say she’s forced to do once
a week in class?
4. What dictator comes up in Scout’s class
during a discussion?
5. Why is Jem stuffing himself with food when
Scout comes home from school?
Chapter 27 Quiz
Scout says by October three things "out of the ordinary" happened to Maycomb
citizens. 1 pt for naming who was involved, 1 pt for what happened
1. What is the first? 2. What is the second? 3. What is the third?
4. According to Aunt Alexandra, why is Bob Ewell doing the bad things he's
5. What happened to Tutti and Frutti Barber's furniture on Halloween last year?
6. Halloween this year is planned a bit better with the high school gym opened
for a pageant and other activities. What is the prize for the best costume?
7. What is Scout's costume?
8. Who takes Scout to the pageant?
Bonus: Scout asks who killed the NRA. Atticus replies, "Nine old men." Who
are they?
Chapter 28
1. Who jumps out and scares Jem and Scout on
the way to the pageant?
2. What does Scout leave behind at the
3. As a result of the attack, what injuries does
Jem sustain?
4. Who is dead?
5. Who delivers the news that (answer to #4) is
6. How did (answer to #4) die?
Chapter 28-29
1. Who jumps out and scares Jem and Scout on the
way to the pageant?
2. What does Scout leave behind at the pageant?
3. As a result of the attack, what injuries does Jem
4. Who is dead?
5. Who delivers the news that (answer to #4) is dead?
6. How did (answer to #4) die?
Who killed Bob Ewell?
How did Scout’s costume save her life?
Bonus: What year was the first recorded instance of “skywriting”?
Chapter 29
1. Who killed Bob Ewell?
2. How did Scout’s costume save her life?
Bonus: What year was the first recorded
instance of “skywriting”?
Chapter 29 Alternate Quiz
1. Heck Tate says Bob Ewell’s “sleeves were
perforated with little holes.” What caused
those holes?
2. Why didn’t Atticus hear Scout and Jem shout
at Cecil Jacobs?
Bonus: Which letter in the English alphabet has
gone unchanged since the Phoenicians
invented it in about 1300 B.C.?
Chapter 29-30
Who does Atticus fear killed Bob Ewell?
Who actually killed Bob Ewell?
How did Scout’s costume save her life?
What is Heck Tate going to put in the police
report as the cause of death for Bob Ewell?
Bonus: Which letter in the English alphabet has
gone unchanged since the Phoenicians
invented it in about 1300 B.C.?
Chapter 30
What is Boo’s real full name?
Who does Atticus fear killed Bob Ewell?
Who actually killed Bob Ewell?
How did Scout’s costume save her life?
What is Heck Tate going to put in the police
report as the cause of death for Bob Ewell?
Bonus: What is the record depth in meters for a
free dive without supplemental
Chapter 31
1. Where do Scout and Boo walk to?
2. What makes Scout sad about Boo?
3. Why doesn’t Atticus want to read The
Gray Ghost to Scout at first?
4. How long does Atticus stay up with Jem
before going to bed himself?