Bullying and Harassment Among Children & Youth Office of Civil Rights: September 7, 2007 Recent Attention to Bullying Since 1992, there have been decreases in most measures of school violence. But there has been a dramatic increase (post-Columbine) in the public’s attention to bullying. Bullying in the News (Lexis/Nexis Citations with bullying in headline and text, “schools” in text) 800 700 600 500 # citations 400 300 200 100 0 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 years Number of State Laws Related to Bullying 35 30 25 # statutes 20 15 10 5 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 years State Laws on Bullying = States with laws on bullying = States with no laws on bullying Research on Bullying PSYCHInfo Searches for “bully” or “bullying” 300 250 200 # articles 150 100 50 0 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '05 '06 years Has bullying increased since 1999? 25% 20% 15% % bullied 10% 5% 0% 1999 2001 years 2003 Bullying… Is aggressive behavior that intends to cause harm or distress. Usually is repeated over time. Occurs in a relationship where there is an imbalance of power or strength. Direct Bullying Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting Taunting, teasing, racial slurs, verbal harassment Threatening, obscene gestures Indirect Bullying Getting another person to bully someone for you Spreading rumors Deliberately excluding someone from a group or activity Cyberbullying Type of Bullying Experienced NCVS 2005 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 verbal rumors physical threatened social exclusion property destroyed Type of Bullying Key Findings About Bullying 1. Many children are involved in bullying situations, and most are quite concerned about it. Prevalence of Bullying Nansel et al. (2001): national sample of 15,600 students in grades 6-10 – 19% bullied others “sometimes” or more often 9% bullied others weekly – 17% were bullied “sometimes” or more often 8% were bullied weekly – 6% reported bullying and being bullied “sometimes” or more often Key Findings About Bullying 2. There are similarities and differences among boys and girls in their experiences of bullying. Gender & Bullying Similarities: – – Both boys and girls engage in frequent verbal bullying. Girls and boys engage in relational bullying. Differences: – – – – Most studies indicate that boys bully more than girls. Boys are more likely to be physically bullied. Girls are more likely to be bullied through social exclusion, rumor-spreading, cyber bullying, and sexual comments. Boys are bullied primarily by boys; girls are bullied by boys and girls. Frequency of Self-Reported Bullying Among Boys & Girls Nansel et al. study (2001) of 15,686 6th10th graders. Boys were 2x as likely as girls to report bullying others: – – “sometimes” or more. “once a week” or more often. 30 25 20 Sometimes or more Weekly 15 10 5 0 Boys Girls Key Findings About Bullying 3. Bullying is more common among elementary and middle school children than high school youth. Victimization Rates Nansel et al. (2001) 25 20 15 10 5 0 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Bullying Rates Nansel et al. (2001) 25 20 15 10 5 0 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Key Findings About Bullying 4. Cyber Bullying is a “new modality” for bullying that has some unique characteristics. Cyber Bullying How prevalent is it? Kowalski, Limber, & Agatston, in press) Survey of 3,767 middle school students – – 18% had been cyber bullied at least once in the last 2 months (girls 2x boys) 11% had cyber bullied others at least once (girls somewhat more) Method of Cyber Bully Victimization (Kowalski et al.) 70 60 50 IM Chat room Website E-mail Text msg Another way 40 30 20 10 0 Of students who had been cyber bullied Identity of “Cyber Bully” (Kowalski et al.) 60 50 40 Another student Stranger/DK Friend Sibling 30 20 10 0 Of those who had been cyber bullied What is cyber bullying Willful and repeated harm inflicted through medium of electronic text Using information and communication technologies with the intent to harass, humiliate, and intimidate another Text and images communicated via computer email, IM, S.N. websites, chat rooms) … or via cell phone (text messages, images) From A Girl Bully “It’s great! Over the internet you don’t really see the faces and they don’t see you. You don’t even have to look at their eyes and see their hurt.” The psychology of online behavior: disinhibition effect “You can’t see me” (invisible/anonymous) “I can’t see you” (no tangible feedback) Role playing (personas/avatars) Online social norms … revealing of personal information, freedom of speech, perception that it is not real (no one gets hurt) Popular Social Networking Sites myspace .com (30 million R.U.) friendster.com xanga.com facebook.com bebo.com tagworld.com ( 2 million members) Cyber – bullying types Some of the many forms (Willard): A threatening email (Harassment) Nasty instant messaging session (Flaming) Repeated notes sent to the cell phone (Harassment) A website set top to mock others (Denigration) “Borrowing” someone’s and pretending to be them while posting a message (Impersonation) Forwarding supposedly private messages pictures or video to others (Outing and Trickery) Intentionally leaving out of conversations (Exclusion) Differences between traditional bullying and cyber-bullying Cyber bullying: occurs more often at home Is more anonymous Involves a different power balance: may stem from proficiency, may be used by “lower social status” individual to retaliate Is just as likely to be done by girls May be more harmful: can happen anytime; information widely disseminated; lack of tangible feedback can increase intensity of harassment Similar to bullying: repeated, harmful, not reported! The digital divide 93% of parents say they have established internet safety rules 37% of students report being given no rules from parents on internet safety 95% of parents say they know “some” or “a lot” about where children go or what children do on the internet 41% of students do not share where they go or what they do on the internet with parents Text Messaging Students in Our Focus Groups Were Asked: “Do kids text message during the school day? Answer: “All day every day.” Cyber-bullying What to do? Tell someone, if it is school related; tell your school. All schools have bullying solutions. Never open, read or respond to messages from cyber bullies. Do not erase the messages. They may be needed to take action. If bullied through chat or IM, the bully can often be blocked. If you are threatened with harm, call the police. What Can Educators Do? Educate the school community Update bullying rules an d policies Monitor student’s use of computerssupervision! Use filtering and tracking software Investigate reports of cyber-bullying Model and promote positive behavior What Can Educators Do? Emphasize the importance of speaking out against bullying in all its forms. Establish and anonymous reporting box/system. Bullying prevention programs. Text Messaging and Instant Messaging Abbreviations LOL BFF DIKU BRB BWL PM CTN BU IHU URH SM URF PG11 ASL S LMAO MOS MYOB URU F2F PAL IPN Blog Case Example Warning: Offensive Profanity Key Findings About Bullying 5. Bullying can seriously effect children who are targeted. Myth: Bullying isn’t serious—it’s just a matter of “kids being kids.” Short-Term Effects of Bullying on Victims Lower self-esteem Higher anxiety and depression More suicidal ideation Higher rates of illness Health Consequences of Bullying (Fekkes et al., 2003) Headache Sleep problems Abdominal pain Feeling tense Anxiety Feeling unhappy Depression scale moderate indication strong indication Bullied 16% 42% 17% 20% 28% 23% Not bullied 6% 23% 9% 9% 10% 5% 49% 16% 16% 2% Impact of Bullying on School Engagement & Student Academic Achievement Bullied children are more likely to: – – – Want to avoid going to school (Kochenderfer & Ladd, 1996) Have higher absenteeism rates (Rigby, 1996; Smith et al, 2004) Say they dislike school; receive lower grades (Eisenberg et al., 2003) Buhs et al. (2006) Study of Peer Exclusion & Victimization and Academic Achievement Peer Rejection Peer Exclusion Peer Abuse Kindergarten Classroom Participation Achievement Decrease School Avoidance 5th Grade • Early peer rejection in kindergarten is associated with peer exclusion and peer abuse in grades K-5. • Peer exclusion leads to a decrease in classroom participation, which in turn leads to a decrease in achievement • Peer abuse leads to an increase in school avoidance (but not directly to decreases in achievement) GLBT teens hear anti-gay slurs about 26 times per day, or once every 14 minutes … (National Mental Health Association) Safe Places to Learn 7.5% of California students reported being harassed on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation They are more than 3X as likely: – – – – Carry a weapon to school Seriously consider suicide Make a plan for attempting suicide or Miss at least one of school in the last 30 days because they felt unsafe California Safe School Coalition Long-Term Effects of Bullying Lower self-esteem Higher rates of depression Chronic Peer Abuse: the rise of “bullycide” “Exposure to repeated insults and rejection by peers can generate deadly results such as suicide or homicide. Ongoing victimization can create or exacerbate adolescent and low self-esteem, raising the risk of a suicide attempt. “Bullied to Death,” JoLynn Carney and Adolescence, 2003 Bullying and Mental Health … problems later in life Boys who were frequent victims of bullying had elevated risks of anxiety disorders Boys who both bullied others and who were bullied by others appeared to the “worst off.” They had elevated risks of both and antisocial personality disorders as adults. Pediatrics, August 2007 Bullying and Mental Health … problems later in life At particular risk for later mental health problems are young men who were both involved in bullying – as a perpetrator and as one who was bullied. In the research these boys represented 3% of the study group and nearly all had some psychiatric problem at the age of 8. Dr. Andre Sourander Pediatrics, August 2007 Key Findings About Bullying 6. Children who bully are more likely to be engaged in other antisocial, violent, or troubling behavior. Bullying and Mental Health … problems later in life Boys who habitually bullied others were more likely than their peers to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorders as young men … resulting in less regard for the law, rights of other people, and are prone toward aggression and violence. Pediatrics, August 2007 Children Who Bully are More Likely to: Get into frequent fights Be injured in a fight Steal, vandalize property Drink alcohol Smoke Be truant, drop out of school Report poorer academic achievement Perceive a negative climate at school Carry a weapon Longitudinal Study of Children who Bullied Others (Olweus, 1993) 60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one conviction by age 24. 40% had three or more convictions. Bullies were 4 times as likely as peers to have multiple convictions. Key Findings About Bullying 7. Bullying can occur anywhere—even where adults are present. Locations of Bully Victimization NCVS 2005 80 70 60 50 Inside school Outside school On the bus Elsewhere 40 30 20 10 0 % of bullied children who were bullied in various locations Common Bullying Locations Classroom (with and w/o teacher present) Hallways/stairwells Playground/athletic fields Cafeteria Restrooms Gym/gym locker rooms Key Findings About Bullying 8. Many children don’t report bullying experiences to adults. Reporting of Bullying to School Staff Many do not report being bullied. Older children and boys are less likely to report victimization. Why don’t children report? – 2/3 of victims felt that staff responded poorly – 6% believed that staff responded very well. (Hoover et al., 1992) Key Findings About Bullying 9. Adults are not as responsive to bullying as they should be and as children want us to be. Adults’ Responsiveness to Bullying Adults overestimate their effectiveness in identifying bullying and intervening. – – 70% of teachers believed that adults intervene almost all the time 25% of students agreed (Charach et al., 1995) Students’ Perceptions of Adult Concerns About Bullying Study of 9th grade students (Harris et al., 2002): – – – 35% believed their teachers were interested in trying to stop bullying (25% for administrators) 44% did not know if their teachers were interested 21% felt teachers were NOT interested Key Findings About Bullying 10. Bullying is best understood as a group phenomenon in which children may play a variety of roles. The Bullying Circle: Students’ Reactions/Roles in a Bullying Situation (Olweus) A Start the bullying and take an active part Take an active part, but do not start the bullying Students who bully Victim B Followers Defenders of the bullied child G Dislike the bullying, helps or try to help the bullied child H The one who is exposed Support the bullying, but do not take an active part C Like the bullying, but do not display open support Supporters D Possible Defenders Passive Supporters Disengaged Onlookers F Dislike the bullying and think they ought to help, but don’t do it E Watches what happens. Doesn’t take a stand. © The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2004 Peer Attitudes Toward Bullying Most children have sympathy for bullied children. – 80% of middle school students “felt sorry” for victims of bullying (Unnever & Cornell, 2003) But, sympathy does not always translate into action. – 64% said that other students try to prevent bullying only “once in a while” or “never.” Kids Who Observe Bullying (Study by Melton et al., 1998) What do you usually do when you see a student being bullied? 38% Nothing, because it’s none of my business 27% I don’t do anything, but I think I should help 35% I try to help him or her Effects of Bullying on Bystanders Bystanders may feel: – – – – Afraid Powerless to change the situation Guilty for not acting Diminished empathy for victims over time Possible Legal Concerns •State Laws related to bullying/bullying prevention •Civil suits brought against schools/school systems •Risk management issues for schools Ultimately... It’s a question of rights. © The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2001 Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention #1 Focus on the School Environment What is required to reduce bullying in schools is nothing less than a change in the school climate and in norms for behavior. This requires a comprehensive, school-wide effort involving the entire school community. #2: Access Bullying at Your School Administer an anonymous survey to students Benefits of a survey: – – – Findings may help to motivate staff, parents to address issue Findings will help to target specific interventions Will provide important baseline data from which to measure improvement #3: Seek Out Support for Bullying Prevention Early and enthusiastic support from the principal is critical. Commitment from a majority of classroom teachers is important. – Teachers who are committed to bullying prevention are more likely to fully implement programs. – Include Parents in the process … early and often! #4: Form A Group To Coordinate Efforts Should be representative of the school community Principal Teacher from each grade Counselor Non-teaching staff (e.g. bus driver) School-based health professional Parent Community member #5; Train All Staff in Effective Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies Administrators All Teachers Health & mental health professionals Support Staff Custodians Bus drivers Luncheon Supervisors Playground aides #6: Establish & Enforce School Rules and Policies Many schools do not have explicit rules against bullying. Rules should guide the behavior of children who bully AND children who witness bullying. Follow-up with positive and negative consequences. #7: Increase Adult Supervision Focus on “hot spots” for bullying that are identified by students. All adults in a school community should be vigilant to stop bullying. #8: Intervene Consistently and Appropriately Are all adults prepared to intervene appropriately on-the-spot, whenever they observe bullying? Do we have plan for follow-up interventions with children who bully, children who are bullied by others, parents? #9: Focus Classroom Time on Bullying Prevention Set aside a small amount of time each week. Discuss bullying and peer relations. Videos, story books, role playing, artistic expression … Integrate bullying prevention throughout the curriculum. #10: Continue the Effort Over Time Bullying prevention should have no “end date.” Implement Comprehensive Bullying Prevention Programs in Schools and Community Centers StopBullyingNow.hrsa.gov (Campaign “HQ”) Every campaign product/activity housed here Specially designated youth and adult sections Updated every 60 days since launch in March, 2004 Employs latest Web technology and online communication tools Sitio Web en español – Web site content available in Spanish StopBullyingNow.hrsa.gov (Campaign “HQ”) Every campaign product/activity housed here Specially designated youth and adult sections Updated every 60 days since launch in March, 2004 Employs latest Web technology and online communication tools Sitio Web en español – Web site content available in Spanish For Adults: Facts and Figures “All About Bullying” – Definitions of bullying, prevalence of bullying, research, and more. “Additional Resources” – Links to books, research, and campaigns with more facts on bullying and bullying prevention. For Adults: Prevention & Intervention Tips “Tip Sheets and Resources” – – More than 40 tip sheets in PDF format, ready to be downloaded, viewed, and printed. Customized tip sheets available for parents and children, educators and school staff, and other professionals. www.clemson.edu/olweus Welcome to the U.S. website for the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. The Olweus [pronounced Ol-VEY-us] Bullying Prevention Program is a comprehensive, school-wide program designed for use in elementary, middle, or junior high schools. Its goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among children, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy. The Olweus Program has been implemented in more than one dozen countries around the world. For more information about the elements of the program, click here. For Program History, click here. For fact sheets about the program, click here. To check out the website for HRSA's National Bullying Prevention Campaign, "Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now.", click here. So Where Should I Start? If you are a parent, educators, or other concerned adult who may be interested in implementing the Olweus program, we suggest that you: Visit the page entitled, Program Content to learn about the basic elements of the program. Print out a fact sheet to review and share with others. Review the program's Evidence of Effectiveness, Suggested Timeline, Program Costs, and Program Materials. If you are interested in more in-depth information about the program, consider ordering a copy of the Blueprint or the book, Bullying at School (see Program Materials for ordering information). Review the Readiness Checklist to implement the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. If you are interested in possible training for members of your school, visit Training & Consultation. If you have questions that aren't answered on the web site, feel free to Contact Us. If you would like to learn about how you might become a certified trainer in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, click here.